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toothpaste_sandwich ,

That's interesting! May play it again, with this... Perhaps on my phone, not sure if I could muster the discipline to actually play on my PC.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Link to the past has some strong core memories connected to it, let me tell you

toothpaste_sandwich ,

It's never the managers who suffer first, is it?

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Laws like this truly are written in blood... And every new invention has the potential to add a little more of both.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

I'm partial to To make a prairie by Emily Dickinson:

To make a prairie it takes a clover 
      and one bee,
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.

I enjoy the simplicity. Also, there's a great choir setting by Rudolf Escher which I really enjoy.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Or better yet, start using the US-international keyboard layout. You press the accent you want (', `, ", ~, ...) and the letter you want it on, and boom. Writing normal versions of those symbols requires a space after writing them, but that's easy to get used to.

It's pretty much the default setting in the Netherlands.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

While I'm not a fan of Russia and its dealings in the world, I can't help but feel sorry for these guys, some of whom must surely just have been forcefully conscripted into this.

Don't forget the humans, I guess.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Right? It seems very easy to put the blame on all individual Russian soldiers, it's not as if they have much choice. Of course, there's a whole bunch of them acting like assholes in their role, but I'm sure there's a whole bunch more of them who don't particularly want to be there but are forced to.

Taiwan's outgoing president says boosting her country's military was the only way to defy China's threat - and that 'democratic countries need to support Ukraine' ( )

When Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan's President who soon leaves office after eight years and hands over to her successor William Lai, swept to power in 2016, she was dismissed as a dull bureaucrat. But she stood up to an increasingly authoritarian and aggressive China under Xi Jinping; she held on to a vital US alliance under Donald Trump...

toothpaste_sandwich ,

What an interesting read. Well-written, it really gives you a sense of some of yhe deeper currents underneath the opaque goings-on in this faraway bastion of democracy (as it seems).

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Yes, I was afraid of this being a gift to Russia... Reichstag fire situation here.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

And named after a Belgian cookie that was made because the Dutch hoarded the spices for true speculaas. Nice

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Strange, it's been very very reliable for many years, for me. Did you use OsmAnd?

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Uh, but...OsmAnd is a phone app. So you're saying you used the website on your phone's browser, then? I'm not sure if that has an offline function, though I never used it myself. Does it say it has that function? Otherwise I think you will have to install an app, first.

Maybe you downloaded the offline map files, but had nothing to open them with. Apps use their own versions of the map files, by the way, those files you download from the website are for other use-cases.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Shame, it's worked perfectly for me for many years. No idea what went wrong with you, of course, and it doesn't sound like you're up for troubleshooting. Oh well, hope you have a better time with Google or Apple stuff!

I created a board game alternative for evil people ( )

Guys, I have something to brag about. After almost a year of hard learning, I finally created my first mobile game! Storiado is a board game alternative that will make you wonder what's wrong with your friends. Play by answering simple questions, mix all the answers, and generate the most twisted story you've ever read. And then...

toothpaste_sandwich ,

I hope i can find people to play this with me sometime. Looks like it has potential, and my solo try was amusing.

Perhaps some kind of prompt to get the creativity flowing more would help, with the questions asked. "Who scared you lately?" "What interesting place did you learn about recently?" Idunno something like that?

toothpaste_sandwich ,

I think I missed this, what is being referred to here?

toothpaste_sandwich ,

I have been looking for a way to control my computer from the couch, using my phone... But this also isn't it. VNC just doesn't work yet with Wayland, unfortunately. And Rustdesk also didn't quite work, last time I tried it.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Thanks, I tried Sunshine and it seems to work better! Any chance you have experience with switching between monitors with the Android Moonlight client?

toothpaste_sandwich OP ,

Be the change you want to see, I say!

toothpaste_sandwich OP ,

While true, I have to say I enjoy guides like this for inspiration. You can only deviate from the norm once you have a concept of a 'norm' in the first place, after all!

toothpaste_sandwich ,

So do we need to download something from your link to make that work? Or is it already part of MPV?

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Now this is the kind of stuff I go on Lemmy for.

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