Russian soldier puts a washing machine drum on his head when he sees an FPV drone. ( )

The Russians have a new EW system for individual protection - the bucket.

It was the bucket that one of the Katsaps put on his head when the Ronin launched your drone at them🔪
It didn't help.

UPD: they write that it is not a bucket. And part of the washing machine😂

Maggoty ,

Same kind of reaction as when a grenade gets thrown into a room. We just have video footage of it now. It's a fucked way to go, but they could have avoided it...

Dayroom7485 ,

In 1945, my grandfather was due for being drafted into the Wehrmacht as part of one last, „glorious“ attempt to defend Germany against the Allies. All men his age, he was 17 at that time, got recruited into the Wehrmacht with soldiers roaming the streets and forcibly recruiting them.

Grandpa hid himself in the fucking basement for several months to not get drafted. Because he did not want to get killed by the decisions of some braindead fascist maniacs. He risked his life doing so, survived, and lived a fulfilled life afterwards, helping to rebuild then-destroyed Germany.

Mr. Washing Machine had a similar choice. He decided to help attack another country and got gored in the process, having a washing machine drum over his head. Fuck that guy.

CanadaPlus ,

Grandpa is/was an OG.

reddwarf , avatar

People in this thread talking about how these are humans and we need to have some compassion?
How about you reserve that compassion for the Ukrainians killed by those same bastards?

You walk into a country not yours and start shooting, killing people that live there? I could not care less if you get shot or blown to pieces when you do that. It really is that simple.

Pilferjinx ,

It's worse than that. They rape and torture them before kidnapping the kids.

CanadaPlus ,

Why not both? A responsible military thinker just treats it as a trolley problem.

deft ,

Fuck commenters saying this is cruel. Fuck these buffoons.

Bomb your CO. Don't support fascism or we'll laugh at your death.

ThrowawayPermanente ,

Can't fascism and conscripts being thrown into a meat grinder both be bad? Isn't one just a consequence of the other?

downpunxx , avatar

"conscripts" are still people with the power to choose what they will and what they will not do, if you choose to engage in a war of genocide for vladimir putin, pick up a gun, and shoot ukrainians protecting their out country, you're fucking foreit as a going concern in my book. you don't get to use the "well, they made me" excuse, you always have the choice in what you are willing to do, and what you are not

e_t_wright , avatar

@downpunxx @LaFinlandia @deft @ThrowawayPermanente I dunno. They are told that if they say no, they will be shot. If they turn back, they will be shot. If they desert, they will be shot. Doesn't sound like a lot of choice there to me.

downpunxx , avatar

still a choice to get shot or shoot other people, there is always a fucking choice, always

intensely_human ,

From the fact that you’re here, should we assume your choice was to kill people?

deft ,

That's unfortunate but you're not forcing me to kill anyone I don't understand how you could force anyone to.

It is a choice fuck em hope grenades blow all the teeth out of their skull and their hands are blown off.

fuckingkangaroos ,

So if someone hands you a gun and says "go kill people or I'll shoot you" you'd choose to go murder people?

dependencyinjection ,

I don’t know how I’d act. That’s the point.

We can’t sit here all high and mighty saying we would or wouldn’t do something when we have no bloody idea.

Dayroom7485 ,

From that perspective, the fascists (Putin & co) have agency and the ability to decide their actions (attack another country), but the conscripts don’t, they’re passively „being thrown“. I strongly disagree with that point of view.

These conscripts at least partially decide to throw themselves into a meatgrinder, hoping for glory and money at the expense of the Ukrainian people. Fuck them.

intensely_human ,

Pretty sure a conscript’s motivations are avoiding prison or corporal punishment.

Meansalladknifehands ,

I don't understand people watching or sharing gore/snuff videos.

Dayroom7485 ,

It‘s propaganda. You show it to your people to reassure them that the enemy is getting mamed and punished to appeal to their need for revenge.

And you hope this stuff gets spread within circles of the enemy to show them they will be killed, crippled and gored if they oppose you.

Meansalladknifehands ,

Yeah, I guess that is true. But somehow I feel more disgusted by music being added to to it, and I guess it's a turn off for a lot people to see death celebrated in this manner. This soldier was just born on the wrong side, he's a victim of his circumstances.

Dayroom7485 ,

I agree, those 30s clips that show a person getting blown into pieces are dehumanizing. So is war in general.

But remember who is on the right side of history in this. I am convinced the Ukrainian that edited this clip would rather do something different with their life. Their country got attacked though, and propaganda videos like this one are one way of defending it.

Meansalladknifehands ,

I think I agree to some extent, but I also think that we're entering the territory of human psychology. Stuff like this can have the reverse effect, we can look at the effect of ISIS and their gore/snuff video campaigns which made the whole world turn against them, and had a moral bolstering effect of the opposition. Sure in the beginning people were afraid of ISIS, but then it transformed into another feeling, a feeling of revenge/justice for the murdered.

I just want to say, this isn't random Ukrainian editing this, the camera is on the drone, it's obviously military propaganda. The Russians do the same, so I'm not calling out Ukraine in anyway.

Dayroom7485 ,

I think I get your thinking, the options would be a) to produce these clips, or b) not to. I‘m not an expert in military propaganda, maybe @LaFinlandia can explain: How would the war evolve if let‘s say only Russia produced these videos, but Ukraine didn’t? I imagine Ukraine would look weak to the outside observer, is that correct? What other effects do you obtain from producing these?

Meansalladknifehands ,

I don't know, I think it's still possible for Ukrainain military to release videos, but cut the ISIS style music videos and the horrible way of killing a person. To me personally, it gives the essence of seeing human life as being nothing more than sick joke. That's probably how Russians can do horrible things to Ukrainains or other people, and I don't think dehumanizing human beings is healthy for anyone or any society. And I do have a higher standard for our allies, to not become the evil they're fighting.

geography082 ,

This is not funny at all

glitch1985 ,

I don't think it's supposed to be funny. It's war.

lurch ,

so that's why they stole all the washing machines

Diplomjodler3 ,

This looks like a scene from looney tunes. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Oh, you wanted detergent! I thought you said detonation. My bad.

DaddleDew ,

By standing in the open like this, he just killed all of his buddies.

Nougat ,

He’ll ultimately invent the Joo Janta 2000 Peril Sensitive Sunglasses.

JoMiran , avatar

Ok, but did it work?

downpunxx , avatar

when that video went to static, it means it blew up, and it was hovering right over his tub head, so i'm guessing it got his neck, shoulders, chest, sternum, and belly. i'm guessing his head was still in one piece though, so "worked" is difficult to define

FrostyTrichs , avatar

The colors bled out in the wash.

JoMiran , avatar
No_Eponym , avatar

The wash was followed by a tumble-die?

tiredofsametab ,

Taking brainwashing to a new level

toothpaste_sandwich ,

While I'm not a fan of Russia and its dealings in the world, I can't help but feel sorry for these guys, some of whom must surely just have been forcefully conscripted into this.

Don't forget the humans, I guess.

dependencyinjection ,


There was a blood lust on Reddit and anybody with any compassion at all would be downvoted to hell. There are no winners here and just death and misery.

deft ,

Nope anyone who willingly kills for a state like this forfeits their life

They do not have to. It IS a choice.

Kill your CO, run away, refuse to fight.

Why would it ever be okay to kill innocents so you can be safe? That's some coward shit.

dependencyinjection ,

Easy to say this say in your armchair brother.

So you kill your CO, fight off the rest of your battalion, make your way across to the other side, hope they don’t kill your first aye. Seems super simple that mate.

Do I believe there are some people that thrive of it. Sure. Do I think every Russian soldier deserves to die. Nope.

I am a vocal and staunch supporter of Palestine and their struggle against apartheid, but I still don’t think every Israeli soldier deserves death. The leaders however.

deft ,

Who are you to tell me I wouldn't?

Personally I think it is easy. It is much harder to make me kill someone or cause harm than for me to say fuck you no.

fuckingkangaroos ,

Yep. There's no excuse for what they're doing, they're in control of their bodies, pulling the trigger, torturing, destroying lives.

deft ,

Seriously! I don't understand people saying anything else. Like these are your muscles.

You're gonna have to kill me before you make me kill anyone else. Especially considering I'm probably going to die anyway in war like what the fuck is anyone trying to justify this shit for?

fuckingkangaroos ,

I have no blood lust, but I'm glad to see them die so they can't keep killing Ukrainians. They came to someone else's home and started killing and torturing people.

I'd prefer to see them turn around and go back to Russia, and I recognize that many are brainwashed and come from difficult circumstances, but as long as they're in Ukraine it's best if they get taken out as soon as possible.

JohnDClay ,

What Putin is doing is horrible to both sides. He's killing a whole generation.

But also, defecting is an option. So I didn't need to feel too bad for Russian soldiers being killed since they should have surrendered or refused to fight in Putins war.

chonglibloodsport ,

Entire Russian units have been wiped out by their own side for trying to surrender. Defecting is an incredibly risky move.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Right? It seems very easy to put the blame on all individual Russian soldiers, it's not as if they have much choice. Of course, there's a whole bunch of them acting like assholes in their role, but I'm sure there's a whole bunch more of them who don't particularly want to be there but are forced to.

downpunxx , avatar

ok. then you take your chances getting deaded by a drone with a washing machine tub on your head, in the dark, seeing nothing but metal

JohnDClay ,

Better to die than to kill wrongly. But I have seen lots of videos of Russians successfully surrendering, so it's definitely an option.

intensely_human ,

Better to die than to kill wrongly.

Bold words from someone who’s never been faced with that choice.

JohnDClay ,

I agree it'd be hard. But it'd still be the right thing to do to avoid murdering people. I don't see how I need to have been in that situation to say that moral statement. I hope I'd be able to follow though.

downpunxx , avatar


woelkchen , avatar

I can’t help but feel sorry for these guys, some of whom must surely just have been forcefully conscripted into this.

Once they get a gun, they decide where to point it!

Don’t forget the humans, I guess.

Don't forget who the fascist, murderous aggressors are!

downpunxx , avatar

that man chose to follow orders, to go along, and invade a foreign nation to kill it's citizens instead of saying no, it's wrong, i won't do that under any circumstances, so he got blown up with a washing machine tub on his head before he could kill any more ukrainians. you can feel badly for him if you like, i won't be.

JokerProof , (edited )

Don't forget the consequences of the Russian occupation: deportation, murder, torture, rape.

Many come to commit these crimes, others for money. We are two years into the war, they know what they are signing up for.

And let's not forget that Putin hasn't fired a single bullet in Ukraine, these "poor guys" are the ones doing the dirty work, they are the ones making the war possible.

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