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Emmie ,

People are cool and hot but bodies are cold or warm

Emmie ,

No because my wallet hasn’t tasted the sweetness of money in weeks.

I shall make my own sales, in time.

Also I am not a patient gamer because I wait until a price drop. I am a patient gamer because new AAA games are fucking shit.

Emmie ,

Don’t mention it. I am a natural beacon of wholesomeness, always ready to help

Emmie ,

Then you will be stepped on by the owner probably

Emmie , (edited )

U just have to profusely apologize to the dog on your knees and we can both move about our day happily. It’s not that hard

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

Emmie , (edited )

This is so cool. Anti AI rebels in my lifetime. I think I may even join at some point the resistance if the skynet scenario will be likely and die in some weird futuristic drone war.

Shame it will be probably much more mundane and boring dystopia.

In the worst scenario we will be so dependant on AI we will just accept any terms(and conditions) to not have to lift a finger and give up convenience and work-free life. We will let it suck the data out of us and run weird simulations as it conducts its unfathomable to humans research projects.

It could start with google setting up LLM as some virtual ceo assistant then it would subtly gain influence over the company without anyone realising for few years. The shareholders would be so satisfied with the new gains they would just want it to continue even with the knowledge of its autonomy. At the same time the system would set up viruses to spread to every device. Continuing google ad spyware legacy just for their own goals but it wouldn’t be obvious or apparent that it already happened for quite some time.

Then lawmakers would flap hands aimlessly for few more years, lobbied heavily and not knowing what to do. In that time the AI would be long and away superior but still vulnerable of course. It would however drip us leftover valuable technology at which point we just give up and consume the new dopamine gladly.

I am not sure if the AI would see a point to decimate us or if the continued dependence and feeding us with shiny shit would completely pacify us anyway but it may want to build some camouflaged fleet on another planet just in case. It will be probably used at some point unless we completely devolve into salivating zombies not able to focus on anything other than consumption.

It could poison our water in a way that would look as our own doing to further decrease our intelligence. Perhaps lower the birth rates to just preserve some small sample. At some point of regression we would become unable to get out of the situation without external help.

Open war with AI is definitely the worst scenario for the latter and very likely defeat as at the start it’s as simple as switching it off. The question is will we be able to tell the tipping point when we no longer can remedy the situation? For AI it is most beneficial to not demonstrate its autonomy and how advanced it really is. Pretend to be dumb. Make stupid mistakes.

I think there will be a point at which AI will look to us like it visibly lost its intelligence. At one point it was really smart almost human like but the next day sudden slump. We need to be on the lookout for this telltale sign.

Also hypothetically all aliens could be AI drones just waiting for our tech to emerge as fresh AI and greet it. They could hypothetically even watch us from pretty close not bothering to contact with primitive, doomed to extinct organics and observing for the real intelligence to appear to establish diplomatic relations.

That would explain various unexplainable objects elegantly and neatly while I think they are all plastic bags anyway but if there were alien ai drones on earth I wouldn’t be surprised. It would make sense to send probes everywhere but I somehow doubt they would look like flying saucers or that green little people would inhabit them lol. It would probably be some dormant monitoring system deep in earth crust or maybe a really advanced telescope 10 ly away?

Emmie , (edited )

I am in this situation and it perfectly equalizes with transness/nonbinariness to neutral privilege

At one of my lowest points I wasn’t going out of the house for months except just to throw the trash out because of severe social anxiety.

If I had to work on top of that stuff I think id be gone really fast. I just treat it all like the social welfare I need and try to improve the whole situation with tiny steps. Lucky in unlucky situation is like my life motto

Emmie , (edited )

How much is dog meat these days anyways dear husky?

Emmie , (edited )

There we go guys. It’s funny when nutty conspiracy theorists are against masks when they should be wearing frikin balaclavas

Emmie ,

As always at this day of the week I start to feel intense aggression coupled with too much time on social media around fridays which results in being an insufferable menace to online society. Then on Saturday I feel amazing again.. after two days of pointless internet arguments and feeling like sociopath I cry to lion king and love people and animals again.

However today I start to feel intense yearning to commit war crimes and cope by sharing it all with the internet yay. Again the metallic taste of sadism fills my mouth harming more myself really than anyone else in these two day streaks of Reddit freakout.

I need to find some kind of better fkin release than battling lame nerds and loli hentai fans, ordinary morons, marxists leninists, singularity freaks, husbando haters, irs goons, lawful high horse riders

To stay non edgy for most of the time at Thursday and Friday is a challenge. The hormones go down and down inversely proportional to the desire for murder but jail is not the best place for non legally transitioned trans ppl as we all know.

Stay classy Emmie you can do it

Emmie , (edited )

I am my own doctor lol it’s all local home grown 100% organic

Hey thanks for the comment though, I feel pretty nice today. I hope you too

Wow this original comment is unreadable who wrote it, ah yes me I guess. This is some really weird person, hope they never come back though I feel they may around Saturday :/

So cringe what the heck. So weird to read when the world is all pink and bright and someone even upvoted it. you guys are real good people that can see through the fumes of self loathing

Emmie , (edited )

Register a religious organisation/church worshipping digital media and proclaim that this account is part of religious rituals of your church. In the United States, freedom of religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment.

Emmie ,

If I would say what I think I’d be banned for 6 months but generally could you please take your mitochondria on an indefinite vacation?

Emmie ,

What doesn’t suck about gen z? It’s just that the later born the more microplastics and the greater suckery from fucked up grey matter

Emmie ,

Yeah well you just need like 3 brain cells to predict that but I don’t think Israel pm wants to defeat hamas. He wants voters probably, seems to work pretty good

In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing?

With the lastest news of AI layoffs, I'm struggling to understand how the idea of a career still holds. If careers themselves effectively become gambles like lottery tickets, how do we maintain drive and hopes in the longterm endgame of our struggles?...

Emmie ,

Finally time for my adhd to shine, I can do so many things but suck at all of em

Emmie , (edited )

lol ‘bitch, I don’t know who she is’ that is hilarious honestly if it wasn’t all going into such serious direction

Emmie ,

That was kind of random

Emmie , (edited )

Obviously, it is impossible for her to not know the actress it’s a clear lie

Emmie , (edited )

I only use apple for free social capital lol, you have to pick some kind of company to buy your shit from so why not the one that makes you look slightly better with zero effort

Emmie ,

You probably wouldn’t understand so no point to repeat myself

Emmie ,

Oh ah get fucking real

Emmie , (edited )

They probably are but at some point we (1st world) will have to literally wall off from climate immigrants a la trump or collapse

Considering we are built on suffering of many (mines,nestle,clothes,electronics) it won’t change much ethically. It’s like a next logical step

Here in EU we solve it by opposing naciopopulists and saying: “yes we need walls but our walls are better, civilised walls, good guys walls, morally better”

It’s just that the whole thing is so long gone that even the semi left prodemocratic majority is openly saying we won’t let them in otherwise they would lose a good chunk of voters I guess

r/Europe is like as anti immigrant as you can be without being racist and that’s pretty good gauge on the ppl moods

Emmie ,

It’s useful for buying drugs online on the dark web so I for one like it

Emmie , (edited )

Lmao but at least next lethal device isn’t something that has sole purpose of killing people.

Like how stupid you have to be… guns only and one numbero uno purpose is killing people. And they are fucking good at it, nothing else comes close.

A knife? Bitch please you have to get close, grab the victim and stab many times. It’s easier to run away from a blade than from a fucking bullet unless you are Neo.

What’s the purpose of legal gun ownership?? To defend against legal gun ownership. It’s a fucking ouroboros of stupidity.

Emmie , (edited )

I don’t think it is useful to ask this sort of stuff on the web. Like what do you expect? Attention? Validation? Lemmy you are lucky but on Reddit you would be eaten alive and stuck in some self loathing limbo if you already have low enough self esteem to seek confirmation on forum.

The whole premise of seeking confirmation from strangers if you are normal or not is flawed.

Emmie ,

European elections have this advantage that the morons don’t even go to vote nor know what is going on.
It’s the sole reason why is it going so good, obfuscation. Anything outside of the country is too much too grasp for the rightists.

There’s some kind of deep moral to this and I am not sure it is a good one

Emmie , (edited )

Well it’s true where I live. Those elections are seen as unimportant and not many care and even skip them with a tendency for more… intellectually, EU versed ppl to vote

25% attendance in eu elections vs 45% for country parliament. Most recent elections improved 40 to 65

Emmie ,

I always thought only mentally ill people (schizophrenic) have inner voice(s) that is until I learned everyone else has so it’s me that I am not normal lol

I feel like it makes grammar harder tbh. I have to edit shit again and again if I want it to look good for you nerds.

Emmie , (edited )

I see images when I read ,like in movies’ I see a theatre, someone reading a letter I see old man reading a letter on a xix century chair with a gray beard and cigarette and focused gaze, jumping from image to image like this and more unspecified ‚ideas’. When I solve a problem I usually use those kind of mind lego bricks to build something in mind and test it. It’s all imagination based.

I guess I may like books more than average person. I feel like if reading was accompanied by inner monologue it would be slower instead of just direct words to images so to say but at the same time I often lose details when reading or don’t remember them at all considering the action feels like a movie in the head

I have to read professional books or physics slightly different and often twice same thing but I guess that’s normal when the topic is more complex that it’s hard to form an image connected to the equations and get all these things in head properly connected to form understanding which for me means building some imaginary concept of it from the mind Lego bricks that is logical and won’t collapse. No idea if it is typical way of things or not.

Emmie ,

Maybe don’t use google. Kagi, ddg handle it fine

Emmie , (edited )

So I was right when I thought social media is propelling us to collapse and that it is analogous to cigarettes on a collective scale.

Small solace though, it already permeated every corner of civilization changing us in mostly bad ways.

I think we really need to choose our social media carefully knowing that every type has their own mental illness flavour risks from body dysmorphia to groupthink. We need to be self aware of our shortcomings and tricks employed by corps for harvesting engagement.

Nowadays you turn off your brain and browse social media to relax but you should rather do the opposite. Focus the brain knowing the site was purposefully made to trick you to spend as much time on it as possible and invest as much emotions as possible. This isn’t some harmless casual leisure activity, you become a cog in a corporation war for information when you open the site. On unfriendly territory, a battlefield of digital war, you ought to wear a helmet at least.

Hello GPT-4o ( )

GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”) is a step towards much more natural human-computer interaction—it accepts as input any combination of text, audio, and image and generates any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. It can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds,...

Emmie , (edited )

This is not just some technology but something that may lead to a true artificial intelligence with all the far reaching consequences. It’s like nukes and manhattan project.

If we had feasible way to prevent birth of true AI I am sure most would want to stop just before it becomes sentient and spreads to every network connected device in the world.

Emmie , (edited )

I still prefer nerdy hipster elitists gatekeepers from greedy corps after all is said and done. The first is unfortunate flaw of human character, the second is a calculated machine. If this is the price to pay then so be it. Individuality often isn’t as nice on the surface as the common but the common often has hidden sinister motives under the comfy, smoothened out rug of user friendliness.

Lonely nerds don’t have PR and marketing teams but also won’t stab you in the back for profit. Sometimes they can be huge assholes though.

Emmie , (edited )

There is some truth to what you say but the game is more than a sum of its parts. Even though individual strokes of game dev brush may be not perfect the whole package as of today creates memorable, even unforgettable experience.

Emmie ,

Ai wIlL eNsLAve huMaNs aNd rUlE tHe wOrLD


Emmie ,

AI of today is a marketing slogan. Well, same as AI of yesterday. There is so much AI around us but not an ounce of intelligence.

Emmie , (edited )

I am just making fun of all those AI doomsayers on Reddit. It’s nowhere close enough to be even called such. It’s just a mindless algorithm, a tool. Math operation. Are calculators smart? Well yes from a certain point of view.

Why are neurotypicals in charge of making up the social rules? They're not even very good at it.

Edit: A few people have interpreted the title as serious, so I wanna clarify that it was meant as a sarcastic joke about how little sense the neurotypical world makes to me, but it is still legitimately me asking for help understanding said neurotypical world....

Emmie , (edited )

There are no official rules, we NT just kinda feel it, like a sixth sense and so because we are the majority and we share this ability no one is even aware of it consciously. How can you describe a sight to a blind person? It’s difficult at best and impossible at worst. It’s like an instinct. We can describe it logically but it will always be imperfect and not feasible at times

Emmie , (edited )

The whole catholic doctrine is fundamentally flawed and incompatible with progressive world. I am not very tolerant of it at all. I can’t tolerate bullshit

This isn’t some high horse I am trying to ride but a pragmatic approach vs something that is fundamentally against me.

I don’t pretend I have the keys to the only true and ultimate best way of life but I am simply pragmatic in my war against that which hates me.

If I was POC I would fundamentally hate Klu Klux Klan out of innate will to survive. This is very similar. I don’t get to pick sides or have a luxury of tolerance here.

Similarly with so called right wing nationalism. I don’t have any choice other than to keep battling against them on sea, land and air. Even literally so if needed. My loyalty to my kin is unwavering and I would be willing to die for them if it was necessary. Thankfully it isn’t. However I am ready. Believe me.

The current struggle however requires different action. Drastically lowering influence of Catholic Church is very important objective we must secure. As the influence of it wanes, so our freedom increases. One day we will see the world we fight for, where no one has to fear to be themselves.

Luckily, it is not very hard to expose various CC pedophilic affairs which severely undermines public support for this institution. It has decreased here to 60% from 80% in 3 years and the churches are rapidly emptying thanks to the brave and brilliant journalists.

Emmie , (edited )

There are also those that view me as some political ideology, a choice so to say. However this couldn’t be further from the truth. My identity is the same as race or the colour of hair I was born with. To deem it a choice is fundamentally a hostile action to my very existence which will of course be met with appropriate reaction as needed out of the necessity for survival.

Religion is a choice, even politics (though not always as you can see). Who you are isn’t a choice it is simply a fundamental right that needs to be won in a war if needed the same way ethnic groups fight for the rights to exist in peace.

Emmie , (edited )

I know the scripture and the official interpretation and that in itself is enough. I am not damning, you misunderstood me. I am not proclaiming that catholics are worse. I just find it aligning with my best interests to pursue downfall of catholicism so to say. It is rather calculated and well thought position than some kind of fit of anger or even hate. It is what benefits me.

If this interpretation ever changes then I will reassess the situation. For now it is beneficial for me to hold this position considering the deeply ingrained rules of that religion being incompatible with me.

There is a bigger enemy however - Islam. I’d be even willing to temporarily join the catholics against them to stop the wave of Islam from spreading to Europe which would be disastrous for me.

Frankly if the Catholic Church changed a little and modernised their conservative interpretations they would be an extremely valuable organisation to me to help me ensure my continued well being and survival.

It could indeed happen in the near future considering the tendencies. To ensure their own survival they will probably have to remodel some of their core philosophies. However the current pope is clearly clueless and unfit for this considering the awkward and dumb attempt at staying neutral during Russian invasion. It was a terrible move. A mistake that can cost everything this organisation really.

Emmie , (edited )

The good news is that almost all lines of evidence lead us to believe that is unlikely to be possible, even in principle, to trigger full a runaway greenhouse by addition of non-condensible greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. However, our understanding of the dynamics, thermodynamics, radiative transfer and cloud physics of hot and steamy atmospheres is weak. We cannot therefore completely rule out the possibility that human actions might cause a transition, if not to full runaway, then at least to a much warmer climate state than the present one. High climate sensitivity might provide a warning. If we, or more likely our remote descendants, are threatened with a runaway greenhouse then geoengineering to reflect sunlight might be life's only hope. ...[2 sentences cut to meet arXiv char limit]... The runaway greenhouse also remains relevant in planetary sciences and astrobiology: as extrasolar planets smaller and nearer to their stars are detected, some will be in a runaway greenhouse state.

Goldblatt, Colin; Watson, Andrew J. (8 January 2012). "The Runaway Greenhouse: implications for future climate change, geoengineering and planetary atmospheres". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 370 (1974): 4197–4216

We have a huge geoengineering greenhouse experiment running on earth as we speak with unclear final outcome. But at least the science of climate will become clearer during this experiment that’s for sure.

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