@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar


@[email protected]

“Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality.” -Bucky Fuller

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godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

BRB, loading my shotgun with birdshot.

Hm I need a shotgun.

Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA ( arstechnica.com )

Alejandro Otero, owner of the Naples, Florida, home struck by the debris, was not home when part of a battery pack from the International Space Station crashed through his home on March 8. His son Daniel, 19, was home but escaped injury. NASA has confirmed the 1.6-pound object, made of the metal alloy Inconel, was part of a...

godzilla_lives OP ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

From my understanding, it was in orbit for three years before reentering our the atmosphere in an uncontrolled descent, then it fell through dude's roof.

godzilla_lives OP ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Thanks for the detailed explanation! That helps me understand it better myself. So basically, anything we put in orbit ourselves is always going to degrade, which requires routine positioning (i.e., expend some energy to keep the balloon in the air)?

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Southern balcony gardener reporting in with mostly-positive results! Some of the plants I grew from seed are doing well, including my kale, micogreens, sunflowers, catnip, and even a few pumpkins! The kale and microgreens are looking great, though I need to harvest more to prevent crowding (right?), so I've actually started to add the microgreens into my lunches! I think I'll make a baby kale salad today as well.

Unfortunately, I've lost most of the pumpkin sprouts due to this heat and my own inexperience, but(!) I never had high hopes for container pumpkins on a balcony in the South. It's just a fun thing to try, and maybe the few I have will flower again and let me help pollinate.

That brings me to my real passion, peppers! My cayennes have been doing swimmingly, and I've been able to harvest enough for wife to make our own brand of hot sauce. It's pretty cool seeing a finished product this early in the summer! I'm excited for more to come in, especially my jalapenos and ghost peppers so we can make it kick a little harder. I actually found a hot dragon roll pepper that had ripened way sooner than expected, and Bees, I am happy to report that a glass of milk was almost necessary to help with the heat!

That's it for now :) here's a picture of a sunflower that I grew.


Much love to y'all <3

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( www.theatlantic.com )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

We have a box of old recipe cards from my grandmother that my wife cherishes. My parents gifted them to her because out of all their daughter-in-laws, she is the one that loves to cook and explore recipes the most. I just can't imagine someone wanting something like that in a sterile technological aspect like an "AI-powered" app.

"But Trev, what if you used an LLM to generate summaries-" no, fuck off (he said to the hypothetical techbro in his ear).

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

I have no doubts about that either, myself. Though even if such an abomination of a doppelganger were to exist, and it seems that these companies are hellbent on making it so, it would be worse for the reasons you described previously: prolonging and molesting the grieving process that human beings have evolved to go through. All in the name of a dollar. I apologize for being so bitter about this (this bitterness is not directed at you, frog), but this entire "AI' phenomenon fucking disgusts and repulses me so much I want to scream.

Court Allows K-Pop Group to Subpoena YouTuber's Identity from Google ( www.404media.co )

NewJeans filed an ex parte application in late March in the Northern District of California, where Google is headquartered, for an “order authorizing limited discovery” of the user’s data from the company “for use in a criminal matter in Korea,” the order granting the application states. The group alleges that the...

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

<3 all the good vibes to you and sweet little Ziggy. You are not useless.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

It's okay. Had another dream where my mom inexplicably comes back from the dead. She even joked about how we'd have to reevaluate how we think of the situation. It's wild how going back to sleep before my alarm can just ruin the rest of my week. There's a lump in my throat that just won't go away. I feel guilty writing these thoughts out, hell I'm tearing up now because I know so many other people have real problems and there's this fucking election, and my wife's work is so much more difficult than mine and I haven't a leg to complain upon.


I wish

to beat my fists against this desk

until they are bruised and bloody

for that is something

I may yet control

Thank you for allowing me to vent. Much love to you all.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

This really did help, thank you so much for your kindness. Your feelings are just as valid friend, and I hope you can take solace in hearing that from someone else, just as I did <3 We're gonna make it.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Thanks coy, I really do appreciate you taking the time to send some kindness my way. And that's true, it does get easier but it never really goes away, nor should it I guess. You're good people <3

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Thank you ❤ these comments are really helping me through a rough time, and I am so grateful.

Biden details a 3-phase hostage deal aimed at winding down the Israel-Hamas war ( apnews.com )

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza and could end the grinding, nearly 8-month-old Mideast war....

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

It's always a joy to see this thread posted :) I just got back inside from watering my little balcony garden, and I'm pleased to report that things are looking pretty good! Wife and I had to fasten some twine to the tomato plant to give it some support, because the maters are coming in big this year! Dinosaur kale is coming along nicely and the non-descript micro greens are right behind. My sunflowers are starting to bud too, and I'm so excited for when they bloom.

My catnip and pumpkins sprouts aren't doing as well as I'd hoped, but that's on me. I've lived in the South my whole life, and I was still so surprised it got so hot so quick. I was lucky that they more-or-less bounced back after being cared for, but let's just say I'm not planning to carve my own pumpkins this fall just yet. But as I've said before, this is just a fun little hobby (at least that's what I tell myself, I was very saddened to see them wilting in the sun). And hey, my peppers are looking great, especially the cayennes!

Have some pictures! Go easy on my poor little sprouts 😭


godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Thank you! That means a lot :) I took your advice from a few threads back and made sure they were getting more sunlight. In terms of protection, not much, just trying to keep their little starter trays damp in this heat. They dry out so quickly!

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

The square button second from the bottom mutes the audio. I've taken to carrying a marker in my car and writing "<--- MUTE" next to them. Alternatively, a small screwdriver between the speaker grating.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

I'd say it's going well! The sun decided to come back out, literally and figuratively, which is great for my new plane photography hobby lol. Mother's Day was alright, we went to my aunt and uncle's with my dad to barbecue. First Mother's Day without my mom, which was rough, but it's just a celebration to capitalism more than anything, so keeping that in mind helped when seeing all the cards and flower displays at the store. I did allow myself the opportunity to feel sad by walking up to the card section and picking out the one I know I'd have gotten her (it had butterflies, which she loved).

Thanks for letting me journal like this. It really does help to write it out, kind of like writing a letter and not sending it to anybody.

Anyway, have some pictures. I'm getting into photography again, and I'm excited to share :)




godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

That's a Peanut! Thank you so much, the 50mm and auto focus did all the work. I just saw the yawn!

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Basically this, for me. I want my devices to be more dedicated to a singular purpose, so I'm not tethered to my phone all day. Having a camera, an MP3 player, and a handheld makes my actions feel more purposeful. Building off that, having a "one-stop-shop" type of device or service or anything really imo makes the overall experience worse. Think Wal-mart versus a dedicated electronics store or something.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

Every time. Surprised they're still around tbh.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

For what it's worth, this Internet dude is very happy that you're making progress.

godzilla_lives ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

This week is going well so far. Bought a new camera so I've been really excited to try it out. I mostly take pictures of planes, and I'm trying to experiment more with shutter speeds and aperture and yadda. I live directly under a landing pattern for the local airport, so it's not hard for me to time a plane landing and get a decent shot.

Here's a Delta 717 coming in:


As a bonus, not only am I rediscovering my adolescent love for photography, I'm getting outside more. I've actually met some of my neighbors doing this. And I think the anticipatory aspect of waiting for a plane to come in gives me something to look forward to as well, so that's pretty cool.

Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps ( www.404media.co )

Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or...

godzilla_lives OP ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

I believe Tim means to say that the spread of misinformation can be linked to the rise of Flat Earthers. That if we can only trust what we see before us, and we see a flat horizon, we can directly interpret this visual to mean that the Earth is flat. Thus, if we cannot trust our own eyes and ears, how can future courtroom evidence be trusted?

"Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality." -Bucky Fuller

^ basically that

godzilla_lives OP ,
@godzilla_lives@beehaw.org avatar

That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much!

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