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Gork ,

I'd be curious to know what the Kremlin's actual spend is relative to what they promise to give for recruit contracts, considering that so many die on the front lines, their remains never get collected, and are listed as MIA to avoid having to pay.

Gork ,

Plan 9 from Bell Labs says hello.

Can't infect a filesystem if it's so fundamentally different from any others (including Unix) out there.

Gork ,

The least they can do is put googly eyes on it. C'mon, bare minimum effort lol.

Gork ,

Now they just need a Putin lookalike.


What if the real Putin dies and one of his doppelgangers takes his place? Could people even tell?

Gork ,

They should build a giant enclosure over the Kaaba so it can be air conditioned. Or at the very least put in those mister-fan combos all over the place that are in amusement parks.

Gork ,


Now drop and give me int(ceil(19.9))!

Prove you're not a Warforged ( )

Both of the guards have a handle. If the guard that always lies pulls his handle, then the minecart will divert to the second track. If both guards pull their handle, the prisoners will be released. One of the handles is covered by a wooden box, where half of the wooden planks of the original box have been replaced by new ones...

Gork ,

Do I include the square with the tiny portions of the feet or no?

Gork ,

Looks like a pretty benign Ukrainian website. An easy way to distinguish the Ukrainian language from Russian is to look for the letter i. It doesn't exist in Russian Cyrillic. If you see both i and ë somewhere in the same sentence it is Belarusian since that language has both letters. Russian has ë, but not i, instead they have и for that sound.

There are probably better ways to tell based on grammar and whatnot but this is how I as an ignorant person distinguishes them.

Gork ,

Submerge America under the ocean and terraform Greenland to be the shape of a maple leaf.

Gork ,

Yes I was born 1900-01-01 now let me in Steam.

Gork ,

Seriously. Elon Musk is power tripping to make all of us say his new branding.

And also an idiot for getting rid of the Twitter name and bird, which most companies would kill for to have that sort of household name recognition.

Gork ,

Octopuses own muskets for home defense

Gork ,

This is a difficult question these days to answer. There are a few categories where I always stick to established brand names, these are typically electronics or anything electrical like portable battery packs or wall chargers. Poorly made items in those categories can start fires. And when it comes to silicon, there's only a few to trust anyway since there are only a few major fabs out there.

I usually follow the search method but I've had to further filter my criteria by only looking in enthusiast subreddits instead of the bigger ones like /r/AskReddit.

It gets difficult though for general goods that don't really need well known brands and whose performance doesn't matter as much but it's hard to tell the quality online. Lawn chairs, pizza cutters, sushi kits, clothes hangers, rope, and shower curtain rods are good examples. These usually come down to luck of the draw.

Gork , (edited )

What if a hacker were to obtain the Master Key Certificate to the entire Internet? How much damage could be caused by that?

Gork ,

As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements for running Recall, with a minimum of 256GB of hard drive space and 50GB of available space. The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots. Users can adjust the allocation in their PC settings, with old snapshots being deleted once the allocated storage is full.

Oh no my computer doesn't meet the hardware requirements whatever shall I do

Gork ,

It's all well and good until an absolutely new item confuses it entirely.

Gork ,

Sky is my favorite voice. It'd be a shame if they took it away as her voice is by far the best one of the bunch. It sounds so natural and makes Siri, Cortana, and Alexa seem crude in comparison.

Gork ,

Haven't really assigned a name yet. I only just subscribed to it a few days ago to help me create cover letters to accompany my resume.

Gork ,

That's how I feel every time I have to mow the lawn even though I'm renting from them.

Free labor for them.

Gork ,

In my case yeah. Sucks but me mowing the lawn is still cheaper than hiring a company to do it.

So I pretend to be Hank Hill once a week.

"Who needs drugs when you could mow a lawn?"

Gork ,

Lemmy is good but very, very small in comparison to Reddit.

For example, /r/mildyinteresting has 286k subscribers. Lemmy has around 51k active users across the entire platform and all of it's communities. And /r/mildyinteresting is a misspelling of the even more popular /r/mildlyinteresting (23.4 million subscribers).

Even some of the niche gaming communities are larger on Reddit (/r/Kenshi, 145k; /r/factorio, 370k).

However, the small community feel is much more pronounced here on the federated Lemmy servers. You'll see the same names pop up so everyone isn't a complete stranger. Third party app support is miles ahead of Reddit's crappy app. And if you don't like your instance for any reason you can hop to another one easily.

You'll see certain trends on trending communities here. There's a lot more posts on Linux, Star Trek, and Tech news that isn't as pronounced on Reddit unless you subscribe specifically to them. The meme community is top notch though and doesn't have the incel and misogyny issues that plague Reddit.

Gork ,

The thing I find most perplexing about those communities is that although they themselves support marginalized communities, they also defend highly authoritarian regimes (Russia, China) that actively persecute said groups. It's very strange to see that horseshoe wrap-around effect where at times they have the same things in common with the right wing but for entirely different reasons.

Gork , (edited )

Just get an Apple Airtag and have him carry it around in his pocket (just make sure he doesn't leave in there it so it doesn't accidentally get washed). If you need to see if he's at home just check it's location with your phone. Place it on a keyring with a house key.

Gork ,

No thanks, I'll stick with my unpatched IE 6 instead.

Gork ,

Hmm why aren't RGB coffins a legit thing? These casket makers need to get with the times and understand their audience lol

Gork ,

I would have hoped that before putting this implant in the guy's brain that they had a plan for what to do in this situation. Like coming up with a method to potentially reseat the retreated "threads" it without invasive surgery. Especially if this it's a recurring issue.

Gork ,

Uh yeah this emperor was a creep.

The emperor's pursuit of immortality included engaging in sexual relations with young girls, of which he and Tao Zhongwen collected 960 for this purpose.

Gork ,


We would need some mathematicians to generalize this to the entire set though. Then we'd have the more elegantly named auto-Natons which is valid for any positive integer N.

Gork ,

Just do it the SimCity way. Rezone it to residential so the building can be torn down for free, then rezone as high-density commercial. Easy.

Gork ,

Measuring cup is still a cup 💁‍♂️🥤

Gork ,

Only He has the high ground, so it's over.

Gork ,

Oh good the Tryptophobia kitty has come to visit us

Gork ,

Shouldn't the other penny behind the front one be rotated a bit prior to punching so you can actually see the minted year without having to pull up the front penny?

It'll look a bit janky but at least it'll follow the intent of the post.

Gork ,

Ah yes the scanning motions of a Terminator.

Add in some flourishes for good effect.

"Biological lifeform detected."

"Scanners active. Servos engaged. All systems nominal."

"Defensive matrix online. Karate chop mode engaged."

Gork ,

Men on Reddit are still salty days later about women choosing to be with a bear rather than a random man in the forest. Even to the point of mansplaining their position and invalidating women's lived experiences.

Gork ,

How large do gametes have to be to be considered large?

Gork ,

Oh fuck I always lose the bottom halves when I do this and can never find them again

Gork ,

My mind is short circuiting when trying to read that sign.


Gork ,

You've been 360 no-scoped by xXx_Sir_H0pz_a_LoT_xXx

Gork ,

The Unicode Consortium needs to add more glyphs for stuff, I need my ASCII fix.

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