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realitista ,

It is fair to remember, however, that his biggest bombshells were from the Iraq war, which was a decidedly Republican endeavor. But I do agree that he looked more and more like a Russian asset as time went on.

realitista ,

This is just the feel good story I was looking for today.

realitista ,

Why in the world would you do this in the US?

realitista ,

I'm pretty sure the similar exists in other places too. You could host it in AWS in China or Bahrain and save yourself a bunch of risk.

US to send new $225 million military aid package to Ukraine, officials say ( )

The U.S. will send about $225 million in military aid to Ukraine, U.S. officials said Thursday, in a new package that includes ammunition Kyiv’s forces could use to strike threats inside Russia to defend the city of Kharkiv from a heavy Russian assault....

realitista ,

I think it's also about depleting Russia to the maximum extent possible.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing pivotal moment in long fight to stay out of US court [ BRIAN MELLEY | May 18, 2024 | Associated Press] ( )

“Julian has been indicted for receiving, possessing and communicating information to the public of evidence of war crimes committed by the U.S. government,” his wife, Stella Assange, said. “Reporting a crime is never a crime.”

realitista ,

Well, to be fair, his biggest leak was probably about the Iraq war, which was an RNC adventure. Though as time went on, it did seem that he started to align with Kremlin social media campaigns.

It's impossible to tell if this was because he always was working with them as sources or if he was driven to Russia as an out due to being hunted by the west.

realitista ,

The fact that you can even be indignant about not having the technology to travel to another solar system developed within a single lifetime is pretty amazing considering it took us billions of years to get here.

realitista ,

Not an issue if you aren't actually traversing the whole space but rather bending space to get you where you want to go.

realitista ,

I think it's a great idea. I'm really tempted by a phone with primarily productivity functionality and a qwerty keyboard.

streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago

I've been a good boy for 5 years or so but the seas call to me. Are streaming sites the way to go now or is torrenting still a better bet for mainstream movies and tv? I'd imagine all of my accounts have been deleted on those sites so I'd be starting over.

realitista ,

I find it easier to get 4k streaming than to download such large files.

realitista ,

I find 4k streaming to be absolutely good enough for general tv streaming. It's a bit better on some services than others. Amazon and Netflix do it the best, but it's generally pretty good on all of the,.

realitista ,

For movies I will go the extra mile and break out Kodi and go with the big file as I will usually watch it right away and then delete it. For TV, 4k streaming is plenty good enough.

realitista OP ,

There's no reason it should happen, but it's the most likely way that Ukraine will lose. The coalition will break down and countries will stop doing their part.

realitista OP ,

Exactly. Russia's ultra right wing candidates are poised to win all over Europe and potentially USA. Until we get better fighting against their influence campaigns and buying off of politicians, this is the way they will win.

realitista OP ,

It's happening... excruciatingly slowly

realitista , (edited )

I voted third party for 30 years straight. That all ended with Trump. If he wins, democracy is dead in the USA. There's no coming back from that. I was never a "lesser of two evils" guy, but faced with the option of living in a fascist dictatorship, you'd better believe I am now.

And as for Biden, he was my least favorite democratic candidate, but now that he's in office, I'd say he's been one of the most effective presidents we've had in decades. Student loan relief, fighting to reduce child poverty, and doing a half decent job of keeping WWIII at bay in Ukraine. I think a Cold War era president which will bend to the workers movement and social democracy is about as good as it's going to get.

I have no regrets voting for a major party candidate in this election whatsoever.

But if your friends are Trump supporters, by all means, be my guest.

realitista ,

Yes for local elections you need to investigate all the options and see which one is best. It usually doesn't divide cleanly upon party lines and not all 3rd party candidates are great. Wouldn't be something where you could have Lemmy sharing their favorites for all voting districts though, there are too many.

realitista ,

Geographic restrictions. I live in Czechia. I can afford to pay for content and generally do if I can, but there is quite a lot of content I want that is not available via any content service whatsoever here. For that I sail the high seas.

realitista OP ,

I think when a senior official like this says something, it's pretty close to being policy. It's kind of like a "soft launch" of the policy. He wouldn't have said it if the US didn't plan on going through with it.

realitista OP ,

You certainly have every right to being skeptical of the US pulling its finger out by this point in the war given the pace they've been going so far.

realitista OP ,

If it's a different person than you, then you have a different issue ;-).

realitista OP ,

I definitely have both. I can even visualize things with my eyes open. I switch back and forth between modes depending on the content I'm working on in my head.

realitista OP ,

Taste is an interesting one.

I can't say I can truly taste at will but I can remember the experience of tasting something well enough to be able to "visualize" what taste I am craving, sometimes by imagining different tastes one by one until I find the right one. I'm not really tasting them but sort of replaying the experience of tasting them which is enough for me to understand the taste.

But it's more like my brain describing it to me than actual taste. It's weird.

realitista OP ,

His thing sounds different. I do dream (often prolifically), and when I visualize with my eyes open it tends to be something I'm trying to visualize such as a new paint color, furniture placement. I'm pretty good at it, my visions usually work out pretty well when taken to action. I'm imagining them more than really seeing them, but I'm able to do it well enough to accomplish the tasks I need to visualize.

realitista OP ,

That sounds pretty similar to me. I have to really be focusing to do it, if I were looking at someone and trying to do it, there would be a lot of competing sensory information. I could do something but it would keep getting broken up by distraction. It definitely works best just in a nice quiet room.

realitista OP ,

I think if you'd have one, you'd know. There's zero confusion on my part whether it's there. It's definitely there talking to me any time I'm thinking of words.

realitista OP ,

It's just a voice inside your head that says what you're thinking. Like when I'm typing this out it says the words as I type them or as I think ahead as to what to type.

realitista OP ,

There are times that it is quiet. If I'm thinking about music or something visual then my inner voice isn't saying much. If I'm watching tv or listening to something it's quiet, unless I think of something I have to do, like "fuck I've gotta send that email". It's generally pretty quiet if I'm doing something like drawing, but I may make little comments to myself in my head like "oh I need some more stuff over here" or something like that. If I meditate, I can keep it mostly quiet.

realitista OP ,

Mines pretty positive. I tell myself how awesome I am a lot when I accomplish something. But I am pretty full of myself. Usually when it's being snarky it's about annoying situations or people.

realitista OP ,

Ooh, I don't really do that. I just tried it and it kind of works, but I think I'm much better with impressions in my real voice. I'd have to practice more.

realitista OP ,

I think if you think in words you have one. I also think in different modalities, not exclusively in words.

realitista ,

I think that people will start learning this the hard way about the cloud. Some things are too important to trust to store on someone else's computer.

Do you use the device you torrent on for personal things as well?

I'm just curious as I've permanently dedicated my laptop to torrenting. I've been too nervous to install anything but the VPN and Firefox on it. Now, I'm curious to mess around with Linux some more, which is what I use on it, but I can't fully test out what all I can do with it without signing into accounts....

realitista ,

I have a VM running as a seedbox with full time VPN on my synology NAS. I use that synology for lots of other stuff.

realitista ,

They were considered the 2nd military in the world by most before Ukraine. I hope we knock them out of the top 10.

realitista ,

The raids have somewhat throttled Russian gasoline production, but probably not enough to have an immediate impact on the economy—and thus on the long-term war effort. “These are spot strikes,” energy expert Hennadii Rіabtsev

I read that they had lost almost 20% of their refining capacity already, which sounds very significant to me.

realitista ,

Good point. It's a bit unlcear. This is from a month ago and I know it edged up since then:

"In terms of damage, the strikes have probably disrupted more than 10% of Russia's refinery capacity, maybe more than 15%. Depending on the extent of the damage, repairs could take considerable time," the official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

realitista ,

That's because you live in a place with single payer. In the US, a $35 flat rate can save a lot of lives for people who have no options.

realitista ,

You are reading about it in Popular Mechanics, so it's definitely a sensationalized headline, we know that at a minimum.

realitista ,

Sunflowers and rapeseed can be planted and harvested every year or even multiple times a year, palms cannot.

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