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A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Weird thing is, for me on Sync, tapping the third spoiler removes the symbols from the first two lines before removing the one I'm tapping on.

This is me tapping the third line three times, and then tapping the first line...

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Same. Guess I won't bother looking into it if it's impossible 🤷‍♀️

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

What do you mean by real

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

We've been able to do this for years, way before the fill tool utilized AI. I don't see why it should be slapped with a label that makes it sound like the whole image was generated by AI.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

You're a god amongst men around these parts.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Is that a blind kitty? Either way, dang, those pupils!

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

My story but with anime. Japan has some really annoying laws requiring their shows to be blurred and dimmed during fast-paced scenes and it absolutely butchers the height of good animations.

The Blu-ray releases don't have this issue, but guess what releases aren't available for purchase/streaming for English audiences. 🫠 I want to give them money so bad, but 🤷‍♀️

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Why the hell wasn't it opt-in from the beginning?

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Abrahamic religions make a lot more sense if God isn't omniscient and he's using our reality to understand suffering in a way that an all-powerful being can't

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

My family thinks it's weird that I brush my teeth in the dark in the morning. The light coming from under the door is more than enough for me

A_Very_Big_Fan , (edited )

I think I can speak for most non-drama kids when I say, we wish we had your energy

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

a lot of people thought their music was fake

I never understood this. This is the same argument people used to hate on electronic music in the early 00's. But like... if it sounds good then who cares?

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( futurism.com )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Honestly, they could probably solve the majority of it by blacklisting Reddit from fulfilling the queries.

But I heard they paid for that data so I guess we're stuck with it for the foreseeable future.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I think delusion might be a better word. You can hallucinate and know it's not real

A_Very_Big_Fan ,
A_Very_Big_Fan ,

You posted on a device made from unethically mined precious metals

A_Very_Big_Fan , (edited )

So you do agree with the premise of the image? Because that's what I meant when I said it's useful lol

Edit: nevermind, I see where I went wrong. I remembered the comic as the girl talking about an iPhone, and imo having a phone is pretty necessary to participate in modern society at all. But yeah, headphones, not so much.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

Thanks for the honesty lol 😅

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

I suppose so. I've never been very big on them tbh, but maybe that's because I haven't found the good ones. Some of the Saw movies were pretty good though.

What I find really compelling, though, is knowing it's the real world I'm seeing. Maybe it comes from growing up so sheltered. Like maybe subconsciously I want to get a feel of how cruel the world can be and what I may have to deal with if I'm unlucky.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

That's why murder shows are so popular

That's a good point. I suppose what I'm interested in is the same thing, just in a less mainstream format.

I've been thinking about getting a therapist for unrelated reasons, and I agree it's probably a good idea to bring it up just in case.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

FWIW it's far from my main interest or anything. It's just a mood I get into every so often. I doubt it's something that really shows in my personality, but whenever it comes up I definitely am more interested in tragic news than anyone I know.

I just remembered something that makes me think it runs in my family. My dumbass step brother shot himself through the hand while playing with a gun, and when my mom was telling me about it she excitedly said "you wanna see the bullet hole? :D" and I was like "fuck yeah I do" lmao. It's not exactly tragic but kinda still morbid to some degree

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

I do have ADHD lol. Most of the time I have these sorts of thoughts, it's while daydreaming or spacing out

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

I guess maybe I'd view your desire as those kids on Tiktok that were mimicking/cosplaying mental illness, autism, & Tourettes syndrome

I don't use TikTok but when I was in grade school I'd see other kids do this, and yeah it's pretty cringe worthy. I think we're on the same page there.

And I definitely don't want PTSD. Sorry if it came across that way. But I think I see what you're saying, and maybe I'm overestimating my mental fortitude. I guess I figured I'd be able to adequately process it if I realized afterwards that none of it was real.

It really stems from curiosity about the facts. But when that curiosity turns to morbid curiosity, a lot of my questions can't be answered, so it seems to me that the only way to satiate that curiosity is to artificially experience the event first hand through something akin to Rick and Morty's Roy game. But obviously that's impossible, so all I have is my imagination.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

Thanks for the recommendations ;3

The Roy thing is maybe pushing a little into weird.

That's good to know lol. And tbf it is probably a shortsighted desire considering the potential psychological damage.

It's just that the nightmares I've had where I'm facing inevitable death have been super interesting to me in retrospect, so I figure something akin to Roy would just be that but I have full control over my mind and body.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

I don't get enjoyment from a tragic event occurring. And I disagree with your definition of morbid curiosity.

If you actually read what I wrote, you'll see that I'm saying I enjoy being scared, not watching people die. The whole point of the "Roy" thing is that nobody is ever actually in danger. What I'm wanting is an artificial way to experience things like that, which would satiate my curiosity, morbid and otherwise, and gives me the nightmare experience at the same time.

A_Very_Big_Fan OP ,

I love this. I've never heard of or seen it before, but now I want to

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I may not know why this beef started but I sure am enjoying it

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

"Being a grownup, I spend no time thinking about media or hobbies. Real adults watch paint dry and mow the lawn 🤓☝️"

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Now that that's out of the way, bread is bad for ducks!

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I have infinite respect for anyone that professionally works with assembly. That shit is wizardry compared to today's higher level languages.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

people who gladly feed on stolen labor and exploitation of the global south for their slop generator to work

What is this even supposed to refer to

A_Very_Big_Fan , (edited )

of the global south

I meant this part specifically.

I already know y'all think storing the .01% of data derived from the images is theft. What's the labor specifically being stolen from "the global south"??

Edit: my bad for skimming the whole comment lol, I see now

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

They're not mutually exclusive. The real problem is that with FPTP, we're just going to keep voting these assholes into office.

Right now, the left doesn't really have a choice other than settling for less genocide. Voting any other way in this system is voting for more

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Whether you like it or not, refusing to vote for "less genocide" under FPTP is a step towards "more genocide".

I get the sentiment, nobody likes what FPTP has done for our options when voting, but refusing to play the system isn't the grand stand you think it is.

A_Very_Big_Fan , (edited )

The pro-"more genocide" party appreciates your unwillingness to push back

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

but I won't sign my name to a genocide.

Taking away a vote for "less genocide" is equal to voting for more.

You seem to care more about shortsighted moral grandstanding than actually giving a fuck about the body count.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

Choosing the path that makes more death more likely while claiming to want no death...yeah, that's moral grandstanding.

I get that it's a real-life "trolley problem" situation, but it really isn't that complicated. It sucks that the lever only goes two ways because of FPTP, but you're not a more moral person for refusing to touch it.

If you actually care about people being killed, then join the movement against the FPTP system so that in the future "no genocide" will be an option, and in the meantime exercise your ability to save lives.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I think you're confusing me for the other guy.

I was, but you're running defense for him so I think the point still stands.

Believing claims on the grounds that they haven't been disproven is just bad epistemology, and it certainly isn't good science. Hence the elephants.

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