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Muscar ,

For anyone who wants to know what it says:

"Dirty souls" (dirty like not clean, not like sexually) in Swedish.

Muscar ,

Many are, yes. But for some like me who play via cloud streaming where at least Nvidia stops that function, it's a great thing. It's also nice to have it all in one place, most people already use Steams screenshot function so having this too is just nice. This has been a commonly requested feature for a long time, it's only weird that it has taken so long for it to exist.

Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks ( )

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem....

Muscar ,

That isn't at the same time though... You kinda missed the whole thing with that.

Muscar ,

You somehow thinking that the word "lemmy" is from lemon...? That's a level of idiocy that shouldn't be possible. It's Lemmings, and the logo is a lemming, which is obvious. How the fuck is it even possible to miss any of this?

Muscar ,

Science! That feels like those extremely strong nicotine pouches, it's just too much of the good stuff crammed into one small thing.

Muscar ,

I get this almost daily, my whole family and several friends know I'm good at recommending things to them so they always go to me to ask what to watch. I've had to start looking up and writing down where each movie and show is available "normally". I have no issue saying I get everything via other means but whem it became a thing where people started asking "can you also look up where it's available" just because it's not always easy to figure that out and they knew I didn't know and generally find it quicker than them.

Muscar ,

"Mr. Puss"

That feels like such a degrading name.

Muscar ,

Ah, but you did not know if it was open or not.

Muscar ,

First night of what? And that cat doesn't seem well.

Muscar ,

You realize things aren't viewed the same all over the world right? Here in Sweden it's nothing bad or wrong, we generally have good sex education and parents that are fine with it as long as we keep it private and clean. And as adults it's completely normal, not that uncommon to talk about either. There was a monthly magazine for teens when I grew up that talked a lot about sex, sexual identity and stuff like that and the readers could send it questions to get answered by professionals or other readers. Very open and helped so many with things they didn't dare ask parents or others about and it was always a better source than the Internet when that came around. Pretty sure it's still a thing too.

So it's just seen as a thing everyone does and enjoys.

Muscar ,

As asked already, why do you feel the need for an account for this? It changes nothing. You've surely misunderstood something, you keeping an account has absolutely no relation to any of this.

Muscar ,

Everyone knows you get a red Ferrari tiara when you're saved by dog, how is this confusing for you?

Muscar ,

This is one of the best things I've ever seen. It's so simple yet so creative. 👌

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

Muscar ,

Use a NES Zapper converted to an actual gun, seems fitting.

Muscar ,

You might have missed the news, Affinity sold out to Canva. Really sucks, Affinity was the only truly good alternative but I put it in the mental "never touch" category immediately when that happened.

Muscar ,

I don't think it counts as a Darwin award if it was on purpose.

Muscar OP , (edited )

Damn, I was gonna write a whole thing about that and say FOSS etc. games are especially appreciated.

I use a couple of things to stop stuff like that, haven't found anything that works perfectly for everything but the most used ones I've had (to my knowledge) success with:

Adguard to block any Internet connection to an app. (Adguard website link)

Warden (gitlab link, latest release was 3 years ago but it still works for some apps)

Permission Manager X (f-droid link)

I'll update the post tomorrow with the part I meant to add! Just took my sleeping pills so it's goodbye working brain till then.

Again, sorry! I had this in mind from the start, just got so focused on getting links and formatting... No excuse, my bad.

Muscar OP ,

I've wanted to get a holder to join my phone and controller, but I haven't found one that works with any of the controllers I have :/ I'm a sucker for buttons on the underside of controllers and the "official" ones available (xbox elite and dualsense edge) are way too expensive... And those are the only ones that I find phone attachment thingys for.
I have a Gulikit KK3 and it's an absolutely amazing controller, only two small negatives are the lack of the above-mentioned and a headphone jack. Otherwise, it's easily the best normal style controller I've ever used (I have a deep love for the original steam controller, but mine died a while ago and it has some glaring issues that barely make up for all the greatness).

Muscar OP ,

Thought I'd chime in and also recommend GeForce Now and Shadow for cloud streaming on your phone, both work well for specific games. Nothing that needs super quick response times and frame-perfect inputs, but more games than I would have guessed work great!

Muscar OP ,

Oooh, I've tried those games, think I finished the first two but just forgot about them. Thanks for the reminder! Definitely picking up the rest.

Muscar OP ,

Oh yeah, been deep into minesweeper a couple of times through the years. Specifically love Minesweeper - The Clean One. Very well designed both in UI and UX.

Muscar OP ,

Gonna check it out! I have a LOT of hours in Minesweeper - The Clean One and they look very similar from just the screenshots. But animation and feel play a big part in minimalist stuff. Thanks for the recommendation!

Muscar OP ,

Yeah! Played that a lot a couple of years ago, and some of the variations. Ever tried Caves (roguelike)? Similar in a lot of ways but I like the design more.

Muscar OP ,

Geometry dash is special, I remember playing it in its first years back in 2013-2015. It was cool then but never super popular, but man have they worked on it and made one of the coolest and most powerful level editors ever. Haven't played it myself since back then but my younger half-brother and all his friends are crazy about it, and I keep up to date with the unbelievable levels people make. And the frame perfect world records.

Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica ( )

Tack "&udm=14" on to the end of a normal search, and you'll be booted into the clean 10 blue links interface. While Google might not let you set this as a default, if you have a way to automatically edit the Google search URL, you can create your own defaults.

Muscar ,

The idea of it is, but DDG isn't. I used it for a couple of years but rarely felt it was good enough, I kept having to go back to Google or even Bing or Yandex to get the results I needed. One of my major gripes was it not showing the dates on results, so I never knew if the information was up to date without clicking through to every result and checking it there. Then I kept seeing pretty bad news about it, the company doing stuff people, including me, didn't appreciate.

I know some will hate on me for this, but I've now used Kagi for about a year and it's by far the best I've ever used. If or when that goes bad I'll find something else, but right now nothing comes close to giving me both the right results and also giving me control over everything. Of course, there are negatives but that's the case with everything else too. None of the "bad" news about it has turned out to be even close to as bad as first reported, and the rest is just people hating on it because others say they like it.

Muscar ,

The last, as at the end of the list, or the latest?

I'm sure you mean the latest but failed basic grammar.

Muscar ,

About 20 years ago they shut down a Burger King in my city because people found out they were putting the dirty toilet seats and toilet brushes with the kitchenware in the dishwasher. Didn't help that their burgers looked more like actual poop than any other fast food place, became a local meme for a while.

Muscar ,

This is where I'd put*

If you'd let me*

Muscar ,

Kinda funny, but why is it over a photo of a cat? It's just dumb and doesn't add anything.

New Details on Valve's New Game 'Deadlock' - Insider Gaming ( )

As already leaked, the game is a 6v6 third-person hero-based shooter. Heroes include magicians, robots, creatures, humans, and more. There are currently 19 different heroes, each with different abilities and playstyles that you’d come to expect from a MOBA including ranged, healers, tanks, assassins, etc....

Muscar ,

You should take anything from the screenshots, and that should be obvious. It's in early alpha, nothing is finished. It's weird how anyone could not understand any of this.

Muscar ,

What? Do you think there have ever been only like 4 serial killers in all of history and you learn about all of them in school? There have been thousands all over the world in just the past few decades.

Muscar ,

*20 years of being an idiot and not using an adblocker.

Muscar ,

Onani in Swedish, which this image is from.

Muscar ,

Fertility rates aren't the same as people choosing something... How the fuck do you not understand this? I really hope this was a shitty troll attempt because the level of idiocy required for your comment shouldn't be possible.

Muscar ,

Because for many (including me) it's by far the best one. I get a system-wide adblocker and vpn on my phone and computer with really good apps. Nothing else has been both so good and easy so I'm more than happy to pay for it, it's also only $30 per year. I really like their telegram group too, they post news and articles both from them and others about anything related to privacy and so on. They recently wrote about Microsofts addition of ads in Windows and released an update that disabled those.

Muscar ,

He doesn't like negative attention and is too dumb to realise that was the only thing that would happen by buying such an obvious "I'm dumb and a dickhead" statement piece.

Muscar ,

He is different in the way that he used to be a rapist, now he's a rapist that's been caught but didn't get legal any consequences.

Hope ge gets social ones at least, everyone around him knowing what he is.

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