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Track_Shovel ,

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), which was responsible for purchasing and delivering Covid PPE, said it was unable to provide a statement due to the pre-election period


Hindsight is 20/20 and they couldn't have known how long the pandemic was going to last, but yeesh what a waste.

Track_Shovel ,

Then you end up with Ed Stelmach as leader.

Runoff elections seem the best from my view point

Track_Shovel ,

I don't like the idea of having to vote multiple times, but it's better than ranked choice, as with ranked you can get a person in that the majority of people didn't vote for. If you have multiple rounds of just one vote cast, at least you're picking the person you want each time, rather than 'i guess this person is better than person X, but i really don't want him in.

As I alluded to, this is what happened in Alberta politics - we had 3 candidates for conservative leadership: two were very polar, and one guy was in the middle, and thus the guy in the middle won, but no one really wanted him to win. Conversely, if they had just voted regularly, the guy that won would have been kicked out since voting for him wasn't an option. Then you could run the thing again, and get a better split between the polar candidates.

Track_Shovel ,

I explain my rationale in a response to the guy that I responded to. I realize it's a thin distinction, but I think it's an important one.

Track_Shovel ,

Yes, we're talking about different things, it seems (also thanks for being civil in your reply). My apologies - your definition seems better than what my understanding was.

Track_Shovel ,

Again, see the chain, but my understanding was wrong. I was thinking ranked was you got multiple votes (1st preference, 2nd preference). That system sucks.

Track_Shovel ,

That's really wild about the Wolbachia spp

Track_Shovel ,

Cool, let's convert them into housing for homeless people. No I won't think about the landlords

Track_Shovel ,

Moderna and Phizer stocks with every cent I could muster

Quit my shitty job I had then

Active closure of the Victor Diamond Mine, James Bay Lowlands, ON ( )

Pretty good restoration, given that closure construction just finished last year. They still have a ways to go before they can walk away, but the main things (pit filling, capping of dumps) have been completed, and there's no more yellow iron rumbling across the site to close things up.

Track_Shovel ,

Protect the children, they cry, while permitting flavoured tobacco or something else as terrible

B.C. coal mining company fined for more than 400 violations ( )

A B.C. coal mining company in northeastern B.C. has been fined more than $45,000 for repeated violations of the province's environmental protection rules, including the failure to monitor mine waste into fish-bearing water and failure to limit particulate being put into the air....

Track_Shovel , (edited )

They are being very lenient here, but these fines are probably the first of many. They may well lose their permit to operate, as it is within the Director's right to do so.

The 406 instances of not monitoring effluent sounds like they shut down their water monitoring program periodically (winter?). Not controlling mine effluent is a big no-no. A major mine company got fined 60 million for selenium issues. Also, you risk getting DFO involved, since their purview covers all fish-bearing water, and bad things happen pretty quickly once the feds are involved.

It will be interesting to see what happens. Cool article.

Track_Shovel ,

As I say elsewhere, this is probably just the starting point. Right now they are being fined for not monitoring and as a result are being made to see if there was an impact on water and fish. If those results come back as showing a negative impact on these receptors, the big fines will follow.

Track_Shovel ,

There's some good advice below. I'm not a programmer (vastly different field), but the most important things you can do are to:

  • get to know your technical people; their skills, and their personalities

  • trust your technical people when they say something is difficult to do.

These two steps will help you get a lot of 'good will' from your team and make them feel like you've got their back.

Track_Shovel ,

I'm painfully out of the loop with most pop culture. I blame the isopods I live with under this rock; they only like to watch live stream gaming which bores me to tears. Because of this, I'm unaware of the Seinfeld crying like a pansy bit you reference. Mind filling me in a bit? Even if it's just enough to give me bits to search, that would be great.

Track_Shovel ,

Similar to what others have said, comedy is a form of communication (or artform if you're reading the other comments; I'm riffing on this motif though).

If you can't convey your message (joke) properly, your audience is going to be pissed. There is a difference in saying 'carrots are a plague on humanity" and 'i just don't like carrots'. As tastes and sensitivities change, so too must the writer. literature, for instance, evolved in its composition. Earlier works from even the mid-20th century are wildly different in their writing style than modern stuff from the end of the 20th century; all due to reader preferences.

The same happens with comedy.

Track_Shovel ,

Oh hey, remember how terrible we are to animals?

Imagine some jackass coming up and blasting your bestie with a .45-70. RIP, Bob.

Track_Shovel ,

Right, I forgot about the children huddling in a hospital in Gaza as bombs drop around them...

Humans were a mistake.

Track_Shovel ,

Before curbing commercial investment, price speculation, or otherwise interfering with the hen that lays the golden eggs.

Track_Shovel ,

Still, voters deserve to know who's a turncoat and who isn't.

Yes it tips off the countries that are spying on us, but at the same time they likely already know who is at risk. Further, slamming their dicks in the door will still cause them to scramble to try and recreate the network they had going.

Track_Shovel ,

The Public Safety Minister insisted that federal law prevents the government from releasing further information about the people at the centre of those allegations, and he urged party leaders to instead get their own classified briefings and said Canadians should have confidence that police can investigate and lay charges when warranted

Just trust us, bro

Track_Shovel ,

Is there a list of those implicated?

Track_Shovel ,

That's a bunch of horseshit. I'm no fascist, but if liberal members were involved, they should be exposed. Same goes for Conservatives or NDP. They are covering their asses due to elections and yet we risk re-electing them.

I'm writing my MP.

Edit: I actually did exactly that (wrote my MP) last night. While my MP is a conservative fuckweasel, I kept my political leaning out of it.

I urge you all to do the same, and send an email.

Track_Shovel ,

Same stance here.

Idgaf what party you are with. You need to politically hang by your heels in Milan for this.

Track_Shovel ,

It's what you do with fascists; just ask Mussolini.

Not that there is necessarily a connection between the two (traitors/Mussolini), but I like to descriptive.

I'm also not condoning actual violence, but scathing accountability. Pretty light in my opinion, considering the horrific things that were done to spy and the like a mere century or two ago.

On Tone Policing

I'd like to draw everyone's attention to one of our first philosophical documents- the core principles document, "What is (and isn't) Beehaw". I'm going to zero in on a small portion in the middle of the first part here, because a recent discussion in the LGBTQ+ space got charged and, in a way, where a larger educational or...

Track_Shovel ,

That was a long read, GW, but I particularly like your strategies for comment/post responses. There are several in there that my (professional) mentors have taught me and they serve me well; particularly the write a response but don't send it.

While the strategy you mention below wasn't one I was taught, I think it's a big one:

Ask yourself whether you are the right person to be responding here. Are you a part of the privileged group that you perceive is being attacked? If you are not a part of the privileged group, do you have any context on the plight being described? If not, you should probably start by educating yourself. If you are educated on the topic, are you giving them the benefit of the doubt?

Because we are the protagonists of our own stories, it's hyper easy to think we know it all, must stand up for others, condemn every transgression, or have all the context to make our comments valid. The internet makes everything seem personal, and it is human nature to try and simply things down to black and white thinking.

Chances are, we don't know it all, have the necessary context, or necessarily need to address every issue or injustice. Despite my shitposting tendencies, I would much rather make fewer, more defensible comments than a litany of comments at the edge of my experience/expertise, or those were I fully understand what's happening (ask questions! has entered the chat).

Take a step back, baes. Take a breath. Then respond

‘We will be your human shields’: Why unions are showing up in force to support the U of T pro-Palestinian protest encampment ( )

Track_Shovel ,

It was just an accident, bro! We were aiming for that hospital full of children

Track_Shovel ,

The year is 1325. Some Aztecs see a snake getting eaten by an eagle out on an island of a vast lake. They take this as a sign from the gods that they should build their city here.

2025: this once vast lake is now a metropolis with routine water shortages

Track_Shovel ,

Shattered pixel dungeon. So fucking addictive and good

Track_Shovel ,

I was trying to send you down a rabbit hole and you just pulled the 'no u' card.


Track_Shovel ,

Right there with you in stocks and Bitcoin. Computers and coding not far behind. I sound like a luddite but I have no reason to be interested in this stuff.

I also don't get a shit about pop culture icons or influencers.

It's nice under this rock, where I live. Nematodes are great company

Track_Shovel ,

Honestly, I'm a large proponent of conversation and environmentalism. Hell, I sit on a land trust board, and have a very strong technical background in checks notes environmental science.

The thing I keep rolling my eyes at with Greenpeace is their seemingly complete lack of regard for science, like you point out. How can anyone take these guys seriously when most of what they do are stunts.

I doubt anyone would listen even if they did have the technical expertise they need, because support for environmental issues is paltry to begin with. However, it would give them a leg to stand on.

Track_Shovel ,

Very well written and thoughtful response. This is a point I was going to make but was too tired to.

They can't compromise, and that shoots the entire movement in the foot

Track_Shovel ,

Yeah, man, you can't monetize biodiversity! What are we fucking thinking? This is what it should look like! /S

Look at all that shareholder value!

BC's plan is a great one, and they have some of the most beautiful ecosystems in the world. They could easily achieve this given how rugged the province is.

Track_Shovel Mod ,

Sorry I've been asleep at the wheel for this community.

Anyway, there is a lot of good info here in the advice you already got.

Coffee grounds aren't acidic, and their pHs are typically 6-7 which is fine. pH usually doesn't start becoming an issue until it approaches 5.

Further, grounds have a great C:N ratio, which means they will decompose relatively fast in the soil, and won't tie up N like other amendments do.

Philanthropist who gave $30M to U Manitoba condemns 'hateful' valedictory speech, university for allowing it ( )

The philanthropist behind the University of Manitoba's largest-ever personal donation — $30 million — has denounced a speech made by a valedictorian for medicine grads and admonished the university for letting it happen....

Track_Shovel ,

You're either massacring civilians with us, or you're against us!

Track_Shovel ,

What did Bach say when he got punched in the face?

I think you Baroque my nose

Track_Shovel ,

Or you can go the complete other way and plant knapweed lmao

Track_Shovel ,

what do you mean by 'mess with digital footprint'

Track_Shovel ,

For my next trick, I'll make this pickle disappear!

Track_Shovel OP ,

This post brought to you by Bear Slashing

Track_Shovel OP Mod ,

Good god, that's a deep dive for making a comment on an old post!

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