MrsDoyle ,

I know a couple of blokes like this. Great stories, but pleeeease I have things to do. I wouldn't mind so much if it was a conversation but it's a monologue, with barely room for a "good grief" or "oh gosh". One of my friends now just says "I'm off, bye" and walks out, in the middle of a story about crocodiles in the Zambezi or whatever.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

In that case, perhaps the right response is "bruh" instead of any of the above.

GoofSchmoofer , avatar

I've been on both sides of this meme

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I hope it has helped you become a better person.

Nobody ,


slaps knee

Zink ,

At the end you have to throw in “I told you that bitch crazy!”

I don’t know if it’s my favorite Chris Rock line, but it’s definitely the one I quote the most.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Except if there wasn't a woman in the story, the jig is up.

Zink ,

Sure, with that attitude!

It can be even more fun to say it about a guy.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Upon further consideration, I must conclude that you are indeed right.

Anticorp ,

My brother-in-law will go on like this with a story that seems like it's going somewhere, but then the stories never reach any meaningful conclusion. I'm not saying he keeps talking indefinitely, I'm saying he'll finish the story and there will have been no point. There's no big climax, there's no exciting or interesting conclusion at the end, he just tells you about some random, uninteresting part of his life as if it were a cool story to tell. He's the only person I've ever met who does this. It's really odd, and even after 20 years idk how to respond when he finishes.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Have you tried pointing that out, or maybe asking him relevant questions about it?

You realize he's trying to share a part of his life with you, and the goal is likely to create some sort of connection. Perhaps he's not very good at it and maybe his life really is very boring, but the reason he does it is likely because he's looking for someone take an interest in him.

Anticorp ,

His life is far from boring. He's awesome! He's a badass graphics designer with his own business and an art degree from a prestigious university. He's a bodybuilder with a successful YouTube fitness channel. He's a really good break dancer. He's a competitive BMX racer. And he's a hunter and outdoorsman. He's just really bad at telling stories for some reason, and always chooses pointless or boring experiences to share. We get along great, I just never know how to respond to his weird, pointless stories. Usually I'll wait to see if there's more, or if he's done, and I'll be like "haha... Cool.".

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Maybe try giving him some feedback on how he could make his stories more interesting?

Anticorp ,

I suppose I could do that. Maybe he doesn't learn very well from observation.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Speaking from my own experience, yes, it can in fact be very difficult to learn from your mistakes if others only keep watching you repeat them and never tell you what you’re doing wrong.

I know there’s this school of though that says “if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing it all”, but in the long run, it doesn’t really help anyone grow if you always withhold the truth from them. Just try to be diplomatic about it and offer help if at all possible.

Swedneck , avatar

i don't even bother with anything that interactive, i just go "mhmm" and "hmm" and yet still people don't realize i'm starting to dissociate from boredom

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Just two social maladapts, steadfastly ignoring each other's needs.

JCreazy ,

I will just walk away without saying a word. I don't have patience for people that are completely oblivious that they are annoying or wasting my time.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Lemmy server domain checks out.

neo ,

To me, all of these (except for the "yup") sound as if you are very interested. Depending on the intonation of course.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

At the risk of explaining the obvious, that's the point. It's how people feign interest in others in order to maintain a socially acceptable level of friendship. The point of the meme isn't the words being used but their frequency. Basically, if you get THIS many dangs and yups in a row without a single actual question, that's a pretty clear hint the other person isn't actually THAT interested in your story but doesn't want to risk offending you by forcefully cutting you off.

Someone who's actually interested will ask you relevant questions. Dangs and yups are just encouragement to help you unburden yourself of your thoughts without them needing to take ownership for them.

Konstant ,


MacNCheezus OP , avatar


neo ,

Nonono, they are just stun by my amazing story telling! Just like that one time when I met that senior at Walmart and he like told me the story of a friends wedding and that was actually on a sunny Saturday, which by the way is my favourite day, since I was like in eighth grade. Man that was a wild time...

In all seriousness, thank you for explaining a side of the meme that wasn't obvious to me.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

You’re welcome. Honestly, that’s a lesson that took me a really long time to learn, so I hope you do get some good mileage out of it. Godspeed!

Kusimulkku ,

Makes me think of the earlier posts about "thought ending clichés".

Some people just don't stop lmao

MeDuViNoX , avatar

I saw that and thought, "They're probably bad if you use them by yourself, but I need those to make it through work so people will stop talking to me."

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I mean yes, and that’s why I’d hesitate to call those a bad thing per se. Left on its own, the mind will simply continue to ruminate on everything that’s ever happened to you on this earth, and it will spin story after story explaining how you got to this particular point in your life. And there’s probably some value to it, because if you suppress this indefinitely, you WILL become a psychopath, but if don’t put a stop to it from time to time in order to take action, those stories will also never ever change.

So while they mighty be clichés, and certainly present opportunities for abuse, those thought ending statements can also have a productive use because without them you’ll simply get stuck in a Groundhog Day scenario based on your own life.

Assman , avatar

This is how midwesterners say goodbye to eachother

MeDuViNoX , avatar
Assman , avatar

Exactly the video I had in mind haha

littlebluespark , (edited ) avatar

I can honestly say that I've yet to've seen a more beautiful and personally targeted use of this meme. The game is afoot, sir/madam.

p.s. You don't walk on water, heal wounds, call down plagues, or wake the dead, right? Just checking.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Not sure what you're insinuating, but if I did any of these things I wouldn't tell you, because that would be casting pearls before swine.

littlebluespark , avatar

Oh, so "edgelord". Gotcha. 🙇🏽‍♂️

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I'm not sure if you've ever read the gospels or not, but the people who sought Jesus's help generally didn't start out by offending him. The ones who did do that were always the scribes and the Pharisees, and the types of answers they received in return I suppose could be described in that way.

littlebluespark , avatar

FWIW, I used to compete in "Bible Quiz" on my church's team and made it to regionals before the elders realized they were training a group of teens to be able to argue their points and win. Besides, Cheezus ain't no Joshua. Stay in your lane, ya blue box biproduct. 🤌🏽

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Well, then I'm sure you must be familiar with Matthew 12:33-37, as well as 5:21-26, so why don't you stop being obtuse and tell me straight up what beef you have with me?

Because I can tell you from my own experience that these words are definitely true, and you will end up paying a price for your insolence.

littlebluespark , avatar

Christ on a pogo stick. 🤦🏽‍♂️ You're one of them? Ew.

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

Romans 14:11, my friend. Whether you'll come to realize it standing in church or lying in a ditch, or on a hospital bed breathing your last, there's ultimately no escape from it. You'll see.

A_Very_Big_Fan ,

I may not know why this beef started but I sure am enjoying it

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

I honestly don't know either because I still haven't been able to make sense of their initial comment.

Perhaps we've butted heads before in the past but I've long ago given up holding grudges because they just end up weighing you down. Glad you're feeling entertained, however. Username checks out I guess :)

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