NuXCOM_90Percent ,

As someone who very much "grew up" on vbulletins and irc for better or for worse, I miss this.

But also... I am not sure if them going away is a bad thing. Small message boards only really worked when people, generally, did not care about moderation. Specifically moderation of hate and the like. Because when you are "a small group of friends', it is a lot easier to ignore the guy with "weird vibes". Same with the people who went out of their way to "keep women out" by insisting on making their signature images so horny that even a diehard Fairy Tail fan would blush.

But, as many of us saw, as those boards get larger? Now you need real moderators. Just having the guy who hosts it in his parents' basement delete the worst stuff no longer works and now they are asking their friends to be mods. And you basically get the same problem people still complain about on discord where you get very cliquey communities and incredibly biased moderation.

And it inevitably leads to boards either becoming a cesspool of hatred, selling the board to an internet company, or just saying "Fuck all y'all" and shutting it down overnight.

And even stuff like legacy tech support or technical knowledge? Those are already a mess of the top result being some greybeard asshole talking about how OP is a jerk and this is a common problem and they should search for it. Or we have the stack overflow problem where the accepted answer is actually wrong.

But also? For living software, bugs change over time. And plenty of times I have found exactly my symptoms/behavior and... it is for something that was fixed three years ago. So I am now looking at a different bug with the exact same symptoms and basically every search engine is worthless.

And... going back to the moderation aspect: One of the biggest Looking Glass Games or Unreal fansites in existence was still MAYBE a hundred or so people who knew it existed and a couple dozen who cared enough to hang out at the forums. Now? The fansite for a mod for the latest Microprose game is one google search away and might get name dropped by an influencer and have thousands of people swarm overnight. Let alone anyone who gets targeted by the latest hate campaign. There are no "small" communities that aren't private and spun out of larger ones.

So... I dunno. I very much miss the good old days. But I also increasingly understand those weren't all that "good". And communities are so ephemeral that they map well to a discord or even a reddit that people rage delete a few months later.

0x0 ,

Small message boards only really worked when people, generally, did not care about moderation.

Or had ticker skins and just /ignored assholes.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Don't worry, the US government is hard at work banning social media. Wouldn't want people to expressing ideas.

BearOfaTime ,

Don't worry, the US government is all governments are hard at work banning social media. Wouldn't want people to expressing ideas.


afraid_of_zombies ,

The US is breaking Tik Tok and Saudia Arabia broke Twitter. I wonder who will take down reddit?

Blackout , avatar

I wouldn't blame those 2. Forums have been dying since Myspace and Facebook. The specialized ones like the machinist and woodworking ones I belong to are going strong. So are the firearm related ones.

CaptainPedantic ,

Reddit does shitty stuff, but at least I'm able to find stuff on there. Why Discord took off as a medium to replace forums is beyond me. It's not easily searchable, and search engines can't index it. If people aren't fastidious about replying to messages they're responding to, it's just a nonsense stream of consciousness from dozens of people.

That being said, I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy's comment nesting is excellent. It's very easy to follow conversations.

Tippon ,

That being said, I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy's comment nesting is excellent. It's very easy to follow conversations.

You could set that up on a lot of forums, you just had to select threaded view in the settings 👍

joyjoy ,

discourse does this well. While not exactly reply chain based, it's still fairly easy to follow imo.

discourse > discord

DJDarren , avatar

I use Opencore Legacy Patcher to run unsupported macOS on my older Macs. They used to have an excellent Reddit group that was easily searchable and rammed full of really good advice on how to fix common issues.

A couple of years ago they shuttered the group and moved everything over to Discord, and it’s been hell ever since trying to figure out how to fix something if it goes wrong.

You search for your issue, find someone talking about it, then have to pick through the dozens of replies either side to try and figure out if there’s anything useful. There are dedicated support threads now, but hardly anyone uses them, so they’re not helpful.

I really, really hate Discord as a support medium, and can’t for the life of me work out why the OCLP mods chose it over Reddit.

axsyse ,

I've used OCLP, and I didn't even realize they largely switched to Discord. That explains why finding some info was such a PITA when I was playing around with it.

I will never understand why people choose to use Discord as a forum replacement. It's just such an awful platform for that.

Scrollone ,

Discord is awful for everything that's not live audio chatting. And even in that case, I think Telegram groups work better.

DJDarren , avatar

Oh, and to add something that’s just occurred to me…

If you had a problem and couldn’t find a solution while the support was on Reddit, you could easily start a new thread that might bring you the help you needed. Now, with Discord, you have to hope that someone who knows how to help just happens to be browsing the feed at that moment, otherwise your post is getting lost in the ether, because who the fuck is searching for problems in order to offer assistance?

Buttons , avatar

It's like if a bunch of people were gathered in person talking about something, with many of the same pros and cons.

BarbecueCowboy ,

The transience and non-indexability is a feature, it's easier to manage a community if any problem can be solved by just ignoring it for a few days. Just have to hope the issue stays within Discord, sure you could search within discord, but no one is going to and on any large discord the results are likely to be so numerous that it's worthless. Worst case you lock down a chat channel, mark it as private due to 'spam' and create a new one to serve the same purpose as the old to cover it up the rest of the way.

MentorKitten ,

Discord didn't replace forums imo, it replaced teamspeak, raidcall, mumble and Skype

aStonedSanta ,

Tell that to the people replacing their forums with a discord lol

fiercekitten ,

I don't hate those people but I do want to slap them and tell them NO.

mox ,

I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy’s comment nesting is excellent.

The funny thing about this is that it's just plain old threading, which has been around since the 1980s or earlier, with the slight variation of showing message contents directly in the thread tree instead of beside it (thanks to today's high-res displays).

Usenet readers did threading. Email apps could do it if the developers wanted to; the required information is there. I'll bet there's forum software that can do it if an admin enables it.

For some reason, most corporations seem to have decided that classic message threading has no place in their interfaces. They resort to piling things into stacks or serializing them into seemingly endless scrolls. It fails to represent the structure of group discussions, and sadly, has been going on for so long that many people might not have ever seen the better alternative outside of reddit.

The_v ,

Forums were awesome until the ads took over. Then apps like Tapatalk made reading them easier. Then Tapatalk went to shit and power users migrated to reddit (mainly for the easy to use wepage and awesome independent apps.).

Then reddit shit the bed so now Lemmy is filling the gaps.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

Why Discord took off as a medium to replace forums is beyond me

My theory is that it was used as the primary form of informal communication by groups doing something, then it felt like a community.
And since everyone was there...Why not put the documentation there? Sure, it's not indexable, but the group is open-sign-up, right? Right?

Then a few years down the line, someone suggests switching to another primary storage location...Then faces huge amounts of push-back from people comfy sitting on discord.

Badeendje , avatar

I don't understand why discord is so popular for communities. There is 0 permanence, and google does not index it so not even organic growth.

Discord is a black hole of knowledge except for the ai training companies.

lemmyvore ,

It's s great fit for people with goldfish memory span.

TexMexBazooka ,

Sooooooo… anyone born before 2005

admin , avatar

Your goldfish lived for 20 years?!

SorteKanin , avatar

It attracts a different audience, so in aggregate it seems like your community is suddenly bigger because 1+1=2 right? What you don't realize is that you've divided your community into two separate groups with possibly different wants, needs and cultures.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

Or that 50% of the users on the discord only went there to find one thing, and probably won't ever interact again.
So it looks like a bigger community, while losing accessibility.

xnx , avatar

Because its very easy to use and does stuff no other platform does (make it extremely easy to voice/video chat with multiple people streaming screen and essentially make a forum in 2 clicks)

Zos_Kia , avatar

Also their role system is badass. It's incredibly fine grained and makes it possible to manage large communities with plenty of different user levels.

RaoulDook ,

That's all good but those features are not what makes a good discussion forum. This, what we're typing on, is an example of a good forum.

MentorKitten ,

Because it shouldn't be used as a discussion forum. It's more similar to an irc and teamspeak

aStonedSanta ,

You can actually make forums inside of channels now if you are a community discord. But search is still shit lol

lemmyvore ,

People who use discord don't want to use it like a forum. They want instant interaction.

If you think about it a lot of forum banter is just that, just because it's slower and persistent doesn't guarantee a higher signal to noise ratio.

If Discord were to add wikis so people can add persistent FAQs and guides it would cover 99% of its user needs.

Alk ,

Some communities don't need a good discussion forum, they need voice chat with a little text chat. Originally, discord was for gaming groups and it worked amazingly for that. Now, more communities are on it than should be, but its still a good feature set for gaming groups.

lemmyvore ,

If Discord would add wikis and improve its search it would freaking destroy everything else. It would be the place for everything a modern gaming community could want.

disguy_ovahea ,

It has a terrible privacy policy.

This is Lemmy’s for comparison.

TexMexBazooka ,

Whoa, that’s a really fucking cool website, thank you for sharing with us

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

No problem! I’m a big fan.

recklessengagement ,

Stopped using Discord a few months ago. Not for any specific reason, just felt like I wasn't using my time effectively. Anyone important added me on Signal, and then I deleted the apps from my phone and computer.

I can't put words to how much better my mental health has gotten.

This doesn't really relate to your comment, I guess, but just thought I would mention it in case anyone else is considering taking a break from the platform.

Carnelian ,

What did you do on the platform out of curiosity? I felt similarly when I left other social medias.

Discord I mainly use to keep an eye on early access games and dev updates, and occasionally ask or answer questions. Although I did get into it after deleting other social media so I may be subconsciously avoiding the more toxic parts of the experience

The_Picard_Maneuver , avatar

There was a story recently about a depressing number of web domains disappearing. Everybody just gravitates to the big corporate sites now, and it makes the internet ecosystem boring and less diverse.

It's the equivalent of Walmarts running every mom & pop store out of town.

perviouslyiner ,

That, and hosting & domains got expensive. It used to be a trivial cost to have a website, now the prices are all "introductory offers" with asterisks.

SorteKanin , avatar

I'd say yes but it also really depends where you go. I used to host at DigitalOcean, it was expensive af for like no hardware at all. Now I use Hetzner instead and it feels reasonable, especially their server auction.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I'm just renewing a domain I don't want used for something else at this point. I'm not even paying for hosting.

PlasticExistence ,

Oh so YOU'RE the owner of

I'm flattered!

iopq ,

Really? I'm paying $2 a month for hosting. Maybe you have bigger needs then

I use a free subdomain because I don't have professional needs

RobotZap10000 ,

$2?! I hope that you're paying for a server as well. My domain only charges me €8 a year!

iopq ,

It's for the server, I don't have a domain, I use a free subdomain

dhork ,

I'm particularly concerned about companies who have effectively outsourced their tech support to Social Media.

I am a Google Fi subscriber, and their customer support is so abysmal that a Google employee started up a "Reddit Request" system for Redditors to use to escalate support requests.

When I quit Reddit in a huff over the APIcalypse, the main thing that led me to not delete my account was the notion that if I ever had issues with Fi, and didn't have an active Reddit account with sufficient karma to be believed, my issue may never get enough attention to be fixed.

DJDarren , avatar

Like many others who no longer use Twitter or Facebook, one of the biggest impacts to me is suddenly not having a reasonably proactive way to contact companies for support. It’s amazing how many companies have offloaded their support staff to half a dozen overworked social media operators. Try phoning and you’ll get “busier than usual” phone lines, and if you can even find an email address it’ll auto-reply to say that it’s no longer monitored.

It’s a shit show.

stealth_cookies ,

Seriously, I had an issue with Uber awhile ago and their support was completely unhelpful until I contacted them on Twitter and an employee finally looked at my issue and confirmed I was right instead of giving me bullshit answers.

This is literally the only reason I haven't deleted my account there is for situations like that.

AbidanYre ,

At a certain point that "unusual call volume" is just the standard call volume. They just don't want to hire more support folks.

Aeri , avatar

I got banned for something really stupid and they denied my appeal so now I'm kinda just fucked for a lot of stuff, that is too much power for one site to have.

FWIW All I said was "I should be allowed to punch nazis" and I've seen way worse things than that said and not actioned on by reddit. (Even when reported)

There are entire communities that "glorify violence" that they do nothing about.

helenslunch , avatar

I used to think it was great that I could find forums for so many different things in one place. Now I regret it.

paraphrand ,

That’s how they git ya.

SorteKanin , avatar

Unless that "one place" is an open, federated standard that allows anyone to participate with their own self-hosted server - i.e. "one place" = the fediverse, then it's fine!

_number8_ ,

it seemed truly cozy and community-based for the first decade or so. you could buy gold to directly pay for servers and that was it, no greedy monetization or shittification. then awards came out with the same transparency, and it was fun to reward people for good posts (i gave gold partially to bookmark excellent comments for myself, as well). then spez got into coke (probably, i dunno, or hit his head very hard on something) and we have modern day reddit, a trash heap. i like how they deleted all the old awards and gold records, pure spit in the face to anyone that still believed in anything they were doing.

AmidFuror ,

I wish there were alternatives to Reddit. If anyone has a recommendation, let me know.

ConstipatedWatson ,

I almost feel like there's an answer there for you, but I can't put my finger on it.

However, last night I had a vision about th singer of Motorhead. I think it means something...

AmidFuror ,

I'm struggling to see the connection with Lemmy "Kbin" Kilmister.

Pips ,

Didn't he tour with Mastodon?

Blackout , avatar

ICQ recently is about to shut down so I got nothing for ya

supercargo , avatar

ICQ recently is about to shut down so I got nothing for ya

Uh-oh 😏

AnalogyAddict ,

We could always go back to html chats. Hotelchat, Webmaze....

irreticent , avatar

Habbo Hotel

fuggadihere ,

Damn, really?

webjukebox , avatar

IIRC there is an open source project for forums communities.

It's called SMF I think.

SorteKanin , avatar

Nice avatar lol

ILikeBoobies ,

Simple machine forums (smf)



paid - ipboards, vBulletin

But that’s all software to run on your own server

BobaFett26 , avatar

Lemmy think on it and get back to you.

CynicRaven ,
cRazi_man , avatar


samus12345 , avatar
rwhitisissle ,

How do you feel about Linux and leftist infighting?

paraphrand ,

Sail the high seas.

samus12345 , avatar

leftist infighting

There's a place that doesn't happen?

TheLowestStone , avatar

Sure but they are mostly Nazi bars and Klan rallies.

TheRealKuni ,

Nobody hates leftists like slightly different leftists.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

You take that back 👊 💥

iopq ,

Truth social

TexMexBazooka ,


It’s funny because Lemmygrad, .ml and hexbear are almost indistinguishable from truth social of outside of plain text

Archer ,

Love Linux, but why be redundant about leftists?

yukichigai , avatar

Damn Leftists. They ruined Leftism!

Aceticon ,

The wrong kind of Leftist ruined Leftism, not the right kind.

/s (because this one really needs it)

Akasazh , avatar

I feel like the tankie brand of leftism shouldn't be called that. Their embracing of technocrat totalitarians kind of puts them out of the left field.

rwhitisissle ,

You know, for all the complaints I see of tankies, I have encountered 10x more people who incessantly complain about them.

Akasazh , avatar

I don't incessantly complain, but my Lemmy experience had improved massively by banning the most notorious instances.

Aceticon ,

The problem is that a lot of people, specially Americans, have interiorized "red scare" propaganda notions, even when they see themselves as Lefties.

If you don't just mentally go "uuh, commies" at the mere wiff of communal solutions it's a lot easier to actually look at certain ideas and judge them on their actual pros and cons, as is spotting authoritarianism for what it is (whether it claims to want to implement leftwing notions or rightwing ones) and tribalism (of the kind that supports Fascism whilst claiming to be leftwing, and I include both Putin supporting "communists" and Zionism supporting "liberals")

AFC1886VCC ,

Give me leftist infighting over Nazi content any day of the week!

MilitantAtheist ,


i_have_no_enemies OP ,

what is that?

MilitantAtheist ,

Not sure if serious. 😑

Anyway, before forums, there was a network of servers hosting discussions and to some extent file sharing.

The modern version of Usenet is pretty focused on file sharing and mostly so on paid servers.,which%20is%20potentially%20widely%20distributed.

ILikeBoobies ,

Individual websites for niches instead of amalgamation websites

cheese_greater ,

Besides Lemmy, HackerNews is decent altho way less subject/community driven

whotookkarl , avatar is pretty active too for tech focused topics

jamyang ,

But getting membership is next to impossible. I tried maling them and contacting them on their IRC channel, but to no avail.

enleeten ,

Love hackernews but if it gained huge traction outside of the programmer community, it'd be corpinated and enshittified in the blink of an eye by a team of MBAs.

WldFyre , (edited )

Hackernews is just chock full of techbros who think that since they know how to code, that automatically makes them rational and more authoritative on a subject than most people. Every time I go there I'm surprised by how crappy it is lol

Edit: somehow misspelled "techbros" lol

dumpsterlid ,

Hacker News might be the most insufferable and childishly naive place on the internet.

Pacmanlives ,

I have been hearing really good things about this new service called X. Very small and friendly community. You just need to register an account and do 12 easy installments of 420.69 yearly

i_have_no_enemies OP ,

if you have a thread you like, make sure to or it

ch00f ,

You can also request all of your posts on Reddit in a neat little csv. Takes about a month to get though.

RustyWizard ,

And then you can go through and delete all your comments, lessening the value of Reddit as a platform.

nondescripthandle ,

You can also edit all your high scoring comments with bizarre misinformation so the next AI scrape gets dumber.

LostXOR ,

Even better, use an AI to generate the misinformation to save you time (and get even dumber misinformation).

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