
@[email protected]

Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

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afraid_of_zombies ,

Interesting. How about a counter-offer? Russia gets the fuck off the Ukraine, pays reparations, and maybe in a decade or so of being nice the rest of the world starts trading with them.

Ukraine has/had an imperfect government, that doesn't mean they deserve to be invaded. My government is far far from perfect that doesn't mean I should be punished with bombs going off on my block and my children kidnapped.

Fuck Putin and fuck his supporters and fuck anyone who both sides this crap. Russia could have sat there and broken their own people forever and no one would have raised a finger to stop it they invaded a neighbor that was zero threat to them. For what? So an elderly despot could enjoy his fantasies of restoring a dead empire.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Enjoy your shitstain. He is your problem now.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Might have to do with him interfering with an election because Russia told him to.

afraid_of_zombies ,

A proud moment for the leftwing everywhere. Downplaying rape to defend a russian spy.

afraid_of_zombies ,

It's with the aim and yahoo messenger in the clouds now. Good bye Trillian profile I had back in the late 90s, you were too beautiful for this world.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Were you going to even watch the Olympics on NBC anyhow? Last time it played I tried to watch a few events and it was nothing but ads and profiles of people I don't care about.

Like I get you are upset but I don't know why. For me it's like hearing some Austrian version of Ticketmaster are being assholes. Ok, I don't live in Austria and if I did I still probably wouldn't use whatever version of Ticketmaster they might have there.

Why is it so important to hear Al Micheals tell you about what you just saw? Do you even have a cable TV subscription?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Does that include throwing paint on Stonehedge and blocking ambulances?

afraid_of_zombies ,

Major problem in South East Asia. It's a small world my last trip out there ended up on the plane sitting next to a gastro doctor who was fighting it at his hospital.

I kinda want to start a company that does automatic water tower sampling that can be retrofitted easily.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Worst. Neighbor. Ever

afraid_of_zombies ,

Well on the brightside I would rather they be doing this instead of shooting at each other

afraid_of_zombies ,

I feel like when I run into an old friend and they tell me my ex is in rehab.

afraid_of_zombies ,

To be fair mods did try to take action against that and they did have tools. How well they worked is not something I will pretend to even guess at.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Yeah sure but it's the scale and sincerity.

Me telling you my opinion on something is just that. I am just some guy. I don't have access, or even want access, to a billion bots spamming my opinion.

Also my opinion even if applied really doesn't mean much practically. Generally speaking I am pro infrastructure so if somehow the government spent more money on infrastructure that only translates, at best, to a small raise on my part. Not the same as say a major corp.

You see a community board where people can put up ads. What you expect to see are piano lessons, apartment for rent, tutoring etc. little things that really only matter to one person. You don't expect some megacorp to rip every sign down and turn it into a billboard that blasts from speakers each time someone walks past.

Basically it's a question of degree not of kind. It might be that it is all the same kind but the degree is so vastly different.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I design process control equipment for a living and you are 100% correct. When the controller/PLC dies or the power goes out everything goes to a safe state that protects the human. Big part of the design decisions.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I designed a quencher system that failed closed, no water flowing, during outages once. Granted I was an intern but still not my proudest moment.

It's weird now as my employer is slowing moving into motion control tech for waste. Seeing the changes like having to really think about hardwired limit switches and safety relays. Chemical world I feel is easier.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Imagine there is a process that makes a gas that is too hot. The solution is to spray the gas outlet with water. That's a quencher. The PLC controls the amount the water valve is open or rather how much to close it. If the PLC dies the valve should open up as much as possible and blast water. It is better to waste water instead of risking hot gas going through ducting systems that can't handle it.

My mistake was putting failed closed valves in the system. If there was a power outage or a dead PLC no water would have cooled the gas. And presumably the ducting would have melted and there would have been fires.

Like I said my most embarrassing mistake. At least we caught it before shipment.

afraid_of_zombies ,

The dude never existed but had he existed he wouldn't have said that and has he said that he wouldn't have meant it the way you think he did.

The Roman state religion worshipped the emperor. His face was on the currency. Monotheistic people are obviously going to take issue with this. About 2/3rds of the population there thought it was fine, just using money not worshipping a human, 1/3rd thought it was totally not fine and you couldn't use the currency. However, everyone agreed that in the temple you had to change the coins.

Ok so Paul's followers were running his fund raising stuff and this controversy was still lingering when the author of Mark came on the scene, despite the temple being burned down. Mark needed the fundraising to continue and needed people to think Paul was the best shit ever. So he made Jesus weight in on the issue and weight in in such a way that would apply to the modern times with no temple around.

No analogy is perfect but imagine if Ted Cruz claimed to have found a secret document that George Washington wrote saying that the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to abortion. That was roughly what was going on.

Even if there were a historical Jesus and he historically took this side on this issue that doesn't mean he was taking a side on a related issue that hadnt happened yet.

afraid_of_zombies ,

If your name is Slutsky you should just give up on life

afraid_of_zombies ,

It sounds like a porn star name of a Russian actress. Da my name is Slut-sky and I really need help with my plumbing.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Because it isn't real. Unlike the very real humans who died doing this and the very real humans running Saudia Arabia who allowed this to happen.

afraid_of_zombies ,

The Supreme Court and you know how they will rule.

afraid_of_zombies ,

No. That would involve the general public maintaining a consistent position.

I want knowledge to be free. That means free. That means governments, businesses, NGOs, your local church sewing circle, AIs/LLMs, refugees living in tents, convicts, children, and any other humans or human organizations or anything humans built.

I am willing to accept a LIMITED duration copyright and patent and private science publication system if it could be reformed such that it the brains behind it were paid and couldn't legally sign away their compensation. Given that we as a society aren't willing to build this the best course of action is to actively work to break copyright

I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity ( )

How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can't manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn't laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically...

afraid_of_zombies , (edited )

Pretty much me. I am using it everywhere but usually not interested in mentioning it to some internet trolls.

You can check my profile if you want, or not. 7 months ago I baked my first loaf of bread. I got the recipe from chatgpt. Over 7 months I have been going over with it on recipes and techniques, and as of this month I now have a part time gig job making artisan breads for a restaurant.

There is no way I could have progressed this fast without that tool. Keep in mind I have a family and a career in engineering, not exactly an abundance of time to take classes.

I mentioned this once on lemmy and some boomer shit starting screaming how learning how to bake with the help of an AI didn't count and I need to buy baking books.

Edit: spelling

afraid_of_zombies ,

You would have to be the laziest dumbest motherfucker who has ever lived to not be able to get a job in recycling or renewable energy sector right now if you want one.

afraid_of_zombies ,

that container ships, factories, manufacturing facilities, cruise ships, private jets, etc. belch more pollutants into the atmosphere by so many orders of magnitude that anything we can do as individuals is completely and utterly inconsequential in comparison.

In my area they were talking about building a natural gas plant. We have some of the strictest laws on earth about air pollution. People protested against it. The planet got moved to a different state, one with less regulations.

I mentioned this to one of the people organizing the protest. I point out exactly what was going to happen and my prediction was correct. If the decision is already being made to do the wrong thing I want it done by the best person I can find, because they will do it in the least offensive way that they can.

It's shit like this. It's not being able to look at the whole picture that is the most devastating.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Because most protests are about making the lives of normal people miserable until they’re pissed enough to hold someone to task.

And how is that working for you? How is diet-terrorism panning out?

afraid_of_zombies ,

They won't do that. That would involve being killed. There is a reason why Peta throws red paint on old ladies wearing fur and not on biker gangs wearing leather.

The very worst thing the UK government is going to do is throw them in jail for a few months, maybe a small fine.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Spent the whole day doing things about it at my job.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Yes exactly. Everyone on earth that doesn't like the idea of paint being sprayed on it is also pushing for a motorway to be built right through it. No exceptions, no questions, no quarter

afraid_of_zombies ,

Do you really think any deniers are now convinced?

Over a century of data pouring in but this act will be what convinces them?

afraid_of_zombies ,

This is for the deniers

You made a claim.

US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China ( )

A bipartisan United States congressional delegation met with the Dalai Lama Wednesday at his residence in India’s Dharamshala, sparking anger from China which views the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist. ...

afraid_of_zombies ,

Umm so they did have a major one and didn't tell anyone.

afraid_of_zombies ,

This is never not going to be weird to me.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Including buying karma

Aligns with their religion:

The boss of all the gods in heaven is lectured by the Buddha who states that giving stuff to his monks results in more merit than any god.

To be clear this was kinda a big deal for those polytheists. Giving a sacrifice to a god was a transactional act. I burn this incense or leave this bowl of food out for you, you make sure my kid doesn't die from this illness. When Buddhist pushed people to instead view the Sangha as the place for donations they weren't simply asking people to switch which shaman they were going to, they were asking them to shoulder on another one.

Tibetan Buddhism is the Catholic Church of Buddhism, far off the track, festooned with rituals and beliefs, all the same failures that accompany a religion as opposed to a practice.

I don't often see people gatekeeping a religion as open-ended as Buddhism but here we are.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Credulous as well. Conspiracy theory and aliens magazines used to have tons of ads for scams.

afraid_of_zombies ,

No, that would involve telling people to use a cellphone in a running car. Massive liability

afraid_of_zombies ,

has the power to bring such amazing change

Everyone where told me it was fake marketing hype.

I love how the enemy is all powerful and easily defeatable at the same time. LLMs are singularity creating AIs, useless, hallucinating, job destroyers, potentially do everything, all at once.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Sure. It's all an opinion. That makes sense. Thank you for explaining how it isn't based on logic, data, or really any methodology at all. Just people arguing chocolate or vanilla or strawberry ice cream.

afraid_of_zombies ,

No. Everything is not an opinion. There is the real universe.

afraid_of_zombies ,

There is no objective truth.

Hmm is this a true statement no matter what people think of it?

afraid_of_zombies ,

You know I am good with just getting my ass out of the car and walking a short distance to get my 4000 calorie meal. I am fine without implementing an entire protocol

afraid_of_zombies ,

Hmm is this a true statement no matter what people think of it?

afraid_of_zombies ,

I see. So you say that any prediction about the future is subjective, except of course this prediction that you are making now? Every rule has en exception, except this rule, but if it doesn't it does and if it does than it doesnt.

Not to date you too badly but 2500 years ago is when we figured out that everythinf is subjective leads to contradictions.

afraid_of_zombies ,

So you are saying I was wrong before?

afraid_of_zombies ,

This is like Saul Goodman levels of bullshit

afraid_of_zombies ,

Sorry, you should ask for your money back grandpa.

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