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lemmyvore ,
  • What does "authentication" mean if there's no server?
  • How do browsers behind NAT connect to each other?
  • How does it verify that the other chat partner is who they say they are?
  • Why use this and not Simplex?
lemmyvore ,

I wonder if it works with a joystick...

lemmyvore ,

SO gives you very specific, small examples. GenAI will happily generate entire projects, test suites etc. It's much easier to get caught into the fantasy that the latter creates.

lemmyvore ,

Oh, God, he's trying to use pointers again. He can never get them right. And they say I'm supposed to chase my tail...

lemmyvore ,

If you were 100% specific you would be effectively writing the code yourself. But you don't want that, so you're not 100% specific, so it makes up the difference. The result will include an unspecified percentage of code that does not fit what you wanted.

It's like code Yahtzee, you keep re-rolling this dice and that dice but never quite manage to get the exact combination you need.

There's an old saying about computers, they don't do what you want them to do, they do what you tell them to do. They can't do what you don't tell them to do.

lemmyvore ,

It's not the only free DNS service.

It's only a good registrar if you don't care about privacy and you're ok with their selection of TLDs (selected only from registries without privacy).

The free accounts do not benefit from DDoS protection. Re-read their terms of service, they're vague on purpose. If you were ever DDoS'ed (I don't know who would bother btw but that's another discussion) they'd just drop you.

You can establish the tunneling thing on your own with any VPS.

The problem with cloudflare is that we’re missing three other cloudflares to move to if they decide to pull evil shit.

You can and should diversify your services and spread them to different providers that are easy to switch. I've been with "all in one" providers before, they inevitably end up leveraging their convenience into all sorts of crap. But until you get burned a couple of times they look really good.

lemmyvore ,

Both your ISP and CF will drop you like a hot potato if you're ever under that kind of attack.

CF has other features that are nice like, like WAF, bot detection, geo blocking, caching etc. But it's only a taste.

All their real services are paid and the whole reason they offer a free tier is to upsell you to their paid services.

lemmyvore ,

There are tons of CDNs out there.

lemmyvore ,


I'm not seeing bunny.net on that list, it has a DNS service with API. They have a minimum account maintenance fee of $1/mo and when you load up your account you have to load a minimum of $10. So basically it's $1/mo for which you get a lot of DNS and CDN service included (20M DNS queries and 100GB transfer).

lemmyvore ,

Contact support and tell them how many you need and they'll try to accommodate you. There were a lot of people abusing the service and hosting hundreds of domains so now they're making everybody request them explicitly unfortunately. They've also had to suspend their .dedyn.io DDNS service indefinitely because of the abuse.

That's why we can't have nice things.

Please read up on DNSSEC because you will be required to turn it on for every domain you host with them.

lemmyvore ,

That's how Amazon works.

If you think all the stores in the internet now are PWA's you are sadly mistaken. MVC web apps are pretty well suited for things like shops and they never went away. There are entire languages and frameworks like PHP, Python, Java that actively support that style of app. It also lends itself really well to caching.

I wouldn't say it's completely JavaScript free though. Client side JS is still extremely useful and attempting to make a store with zero JS might be a bit tough.

Inside the tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets ( www.righto.com )

To use the Montreal subway (the Métro), you tap a paper ticket against the turnstile and it opens. The ticket works through a system called NFC, but what's happening internally? How does the ticket work without a battery? How does it communicate with the turnstile? And how can it be so cheap that you can throw the ticket away...

lemmyvore ,

I think it's more accurately to call it RFID rather than NFC. It operates on the range of frequencies that NFC also uses but this particular application (access ticket) doesn't require any NFC features. So I doubt they went and made the readers NFC and took the penalties (such as the greatly reduced reading distance) for no practical reason.

As a simple rule of thumb, if the ticket works from more than 5cm away it's most likely not NFC.

If you can use your smartphone instead of a ticket then it's NFC.

lemmyvore ,

I've yet to understand how the hell they get away with "I don't know how it works". Either figure out how it works or stop using it, shithead. It's software not magic beans.

There's lots of complicated fields out there, none of them get a pass for "I don't know how my drugs work" or "I don't know how my rockets work". That's absolutely ridiculous.

lemmyvore ,

It's true robots is not regulation but if it's proven they ignore it on purpose it will be a major point in future lawsuits. And those are the next step.

lemmyvore ,

If the models are random then we shouldn't be trusting them to do anything, let alone serious applications. If any other type of software told us that it's based on partially random results we'd say "get that shit out of here, I want my software to work first time, every time".

"Statistically good enough" works for some applications but not for others. If a LLM finds a formula that has an 80% chance to be the cure for cancer or a new magical fuel or some amazing new material that's cool, we're not going to look the gift horse in the mouth.

But using LLM to polute the web with advertising texts that are barely inteligible, and using it as a pretext to break copyright in the process, who does that help? So far the only readily available commercial application for LLMs has been to spit out semi-nonsense so that a bunch of bottom-crawling parasitic industries can be enabled to keep on pinching pennies and shitting up everything they touch.

Which, ironically, it will help them to hit bottom all the faster, so in a strange way it's a positive return, but the problem is they're going to take down a lot of useful things with them.

lemmyvore ,

LLMs don't generate information, they generate information shaped sentences

That is besides the point. A random number generator is more or less random but it still has applications.

The problem is not them being random, it's hiding that they are being random so they can be used for applications where randomness is not a feature.

lemmyvore ,

Get a certification?

lemmyvore ,


Next step, modify your resume to say you did networking at previous positions. Don't lie, just focus on the network stuff. I'm assuming you did that too.

lemmyvore ,

What do the Unbound logs say?

What upstream servers are you using?

not depend on Google/Adblock/Whatever upstream DNS server

I mean, you're gonna have to get your DNS information somewhere. You can choose and pick your upstream but you still need one. You can cache the DNS info but you will still need to refresh it eventually. You can use a DoT or DoH upstream server so your ISP cannot spy on your DNS traffic but, again, you still need an upstream.

lemmyvore , (edited )

polito.it may not be the best example because its A records point at private IPs (192.168.x.x). Such records are often filtered by ISP DNS servers because they are used in certain kinds of attacks.

Double check your results using DNSChecker.

Edit: also, using just dig will not resolve all possible records related to a domain. I use a script that asks dig explicitly for a variety of record types:

xargs -n1 dig +noall +answer +nocrypto "$@"|\
sort -u -k4
lemmyvore ,

"Nobody ever got fired for choosing IBM" - or something like that. It's still a great defense when things go bust and they probably knew they would.

lemmyvore ,

It's s great fit for people with goldfish memory span.

lemmyvore ,

If Discord would add wikis and improve its search it would freaking destroy everything else. It would be the place for everything a modern gaming community could want.

lemmyvore ,

People who use discord don't want to use it like a forum. They want instant interaction.

If you think about it a lot of forum banter is just that, just because it's slower and persistent doesn't guarantee a higher signal to noise ratio.

If Discord were to add wikis so people can add persistent FAQs and guides it would cover 99% of its user needs.

lemmyvore ,

Skyrim came with a built-in mod editor?

Are you perhaps thinking of the manager they added on Xbox?

lemmyvore ,

What do you do for 1k hours in Starfield?

lemmyvore ,

Some ISP don't rotate IPs so it can end up pinpointing your house very precisely.

lemmyvore ,

Fell off this passing truck that was carrying shows and movies!

lemmyvore ,

Lol. There are tons of security experts out there they could've hired. As Snowden said there's only one reason you hire from the NSA, to work with the NSA.

lemmyvore ,

there are a ton of security experts. But none of them are the former head of the NSA.

That doesn't make the point you think it makes. 🙂

Look at it this way. You can get the same expertise, in any branch you'd care to name, elsewhere. Hiring, security etc.

What this guy is uniquely positioned to do, what you can't get from anybody else, is oversight of integration with NSA surveillance. And that's where the smell comes from.

lemmyvore ,

I've always kinda assumed that government, surveillance and analytics would be OpenAI's main goals, and that consumer stuff is just for marketing and a good image. There's no money and no point in enabling Jimmy Random to use GPT to find out if Africa exists, and the commercial applications of the models they produce can be better leveraged differently (black boxed TPU hardware for example).

That's also what I assume Goggle's been doing with all the data they collect. The location data alone they collect from billions of phones is an analyst's wet dream.

If it turns out they are NOT selling all that data to be mined by evil overlords I'm gonna be disappointed.

lemmyvore ,

That's what the chip on the card does too. It's an embedded computer that generates one time codes just like the phone.

The main difference is that the phone typically has an extra security measure, like requiring the screen to be on to pay (but you can get a mesh wallet which prevents tap from working); or the phone needs to be unlocked, which is actually useful.

lemmyvore ,

Anything up to a certain amount. All the banks here have configurable limits for contactless payments (both in number of payments per day and in total amount). If you go over the limit they ask you to confirm in a way that requires the phone anyway. You can also block the cards remotely.

I'd say it's a decent mix of convenience and security, even if you use cards.

And sometimes you have to resort to using cards because some banks have been migrating from using the NFC directly to using Google Pay and I for one don't relish giving Google insight into my shopping.

lemmyvore ,

They ask for PIN too but that's a different limit ($20 by default but also configurable). The limits I mentioned block payments for the day if not confirmed.

never heard of banks using the NFC directly

Really? I've never heard of Garmin Pay. 😄 But that's the whole point of the NFC chip being open on Android, so apps can use it directly. On iPhone it's an artificial limitation imposed by Apple so they can take their cut from payments and have a processor monopoly. On Android any app can just do it — not only banking apps and not only payments, the NFC can be used for lots of things like opening doors etc. There are apps like meal tickets that can issue payments, gym apps and so on. Giving that up and going with Google is extremely narrow sighted.

lemmyvore ,

Threads is only federated in name. It's simply Meta's taking advantage of Twitter's downfall. It's as centralized and under Meta's thumb as they come.

lemmyvore ,

That was a solved problem 20 years ago lol. We made working systems for this in our lab at Uni, it was one of our course group projects. It used combinations of sensors and microcontrollers.

It's not really the kind of problem that requires AI. You can do it with AI and image recognition or live traffic data but that's more fitting for complex tasks like adjusting the entire grid live based on traffic conditions. It's massively overkill for dead time switches.

Even for grid optimization you shouldn't jump into AI head first. It's much better long term to analyze the underlying causes of grid congestion and come up with holistic solutions that address those problems, which often translate into low-tech or zero-tech solutions. I've seen intersections massively improved by a couple of signs, some markings and a handful of plastic poles.

Throwing AI at problems is sort of a "spray and pray" approach that often goes about as badly as you can expect.

lemmyvore ,

The IRC bots that run these sharing channels will crap themselves if hit with any kind of automation. Many/most have limited bandwidth and use a queueing system that only serves one or two downloads at a time and a small queue (it varies, some may have a 10 slot queue, some may have 50 or 100).

lemmyvore ,

They're nowhere close to something like Anna. They have nice collections but it's mostly English mainstream stuff.

lemmyvore ,

FWIW I don't recall ever finding anything obscure on there so I think it's mostly mainstream stuff.

Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important ( www.techdirt.com )

This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of...

lemmyvore , (edited )

That's a pretty big jump that the article makes... Here's what the decision is about:

The Court, sitting as the Full Court, holds that the general and indiscriminate retention of IP addresses does not necessarily constitute a serious interference with fundamental rights

They also said that, which is true:

EU law does not preclude national legislation authorising the competent public authority, for the sole purpose of identifying the person suspected of having committed a criminal offence, to access the civil identity data associated with an IP address

I should point out that copyright infringement is not a criminal offense, it's a civil matter.

None of this adds up to what the article claims.

Networking Gear Recommendations? (starting from scratch)

Hi, I hope its appropriate to ask this here, considering this is the most active community closest to this topic (Networking). I am moving places shortly and will need to start from scratch will all networking equipment. Including router and wifi-extenders. Am wondering what the general consencus is around networking gear, what...

lemmyvore ,

Isn't 500€ a bit much for just the router?

lemmyvore ,

Wow get a load of Miss Eskarina Smith over here. 🙄

I've decided to switch to Linux Mint, but i have a lot of pirated games. How to play them with all the cracks and stuff in linux?

I have decided to switch to Linux Mint from windows. I don't use computer for work that much. And for my personal use I'm switching to Linux Mint. I have heard a lot about it. So giving it a try. I know about emulating windows in linux to play window games. But how do you use cracks and stuff?? Does emulating also access my 100%...

lemmyvore , (edited )

Use "wine-ge" not "proton-ge" in this case. Anything with "proton" in its name is specifically made to work best with games on Steam. "Wine-ge" has all the patches from "proton-ge" so you're not missing out on anything, but it can work better with non Steam games.

lemmyvore ,

It feels like the AI bubble won't last another 6 months.

Anyone ever removed stock launcher with ADB before?

Hiya, am thinking about removing the stock android launcher on my Pixel 7a, due to a bug causing one of the three navigation buttons to randomly not work, more about the bug here; https://lemmy.world/post/10555733. So was wondering if anyone had any experience regarding this? I know how to remove it, just want to know what the...

lemmyvore ,

You can use Titanium on anything if you can get root in a normal fashion (standard superuser) and if it has a decent BusyBox installed.

But you might also be able to freeze (disable) an app from terminal, the command IIRC is pm disable-user + parameters.

lemmyvore , (edited )

If you have root than Titanium is still the best around for things like app backup and restore, and if you have Titanium you might as well freeze apps with it because it's very easy.

But what Titanium calls freeze is actually a native function of Android ("disabling" an app), it just takes more steps. Normally it's available in the app's system info screen but preinstalled apps will bitch about it and may ask you to uninstall updates before allowing you to disable them. Some preinstalled apps won't let you disable them at all and you have to resort to terminal commands. It's just easier to use Titanium.

I think there's other apps around that specialize in disabling stuff and may or may not require root. I don't know, I've always used Titanium and never looked back.

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