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TheRealKuni ,

There’s a great episode of The Dollop about the Segway guy. 565 - Dean Kamen and It.

TheRealKuni ,

An LLM can essentially reproduce a work, and the whole point is to generate derivative works. So by its very nature, it runs into copyright issues.

Derivative works are not copyright infringement. If LLMs are spitting out exact copies, or near-enough-to-exact copies, that’s one thing. But as you said, the whole point is to generate derivative works.

TheRealKuni ,

This video on YouTube plagiarism can’t be that long…

TheRealKuni ,

Oh I love that shit. See also every video by channel Shaun (the skull with glasses).

TheRealKuni ,

I didn’t realize Lemmy was so restrictive. 🙄

TheRealKuni ,

The government does actually censor broadcast television and radio. I can’t remember why they’re allowed to.

TheRealKuni ,


I wish people knew this wasn't a word.

Literally all words are made up. There isn’t some cosmic rule that says words have to be a certain way.

This means that as usage changes, new words are born.

Dictionaries recognize this better than the people who worship them. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive. Their job is to help people understand one another. Which is why the word “podium” in many dictionaries has a North American added definition for “see lectern.” Because when people in North America say “podium,” the usually mean a lectern. So now the word podium also means lectern.

So if enough people use “everytime” with sufficient frequency, it will enter dictionaries. Just like “anytime” did after people started using it in the 1800s. Same with “everyday.”

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t recommend using non-standard vocabulary in a formal setting, like an article or a paper or some technical document. But Lemmy posts are informal.

Edit: Also, for what it’s worth, I frequently offer corrections for spelling and syntax. Just…this type of vocab isn’t worth correcting (in my mind anyway).

TheRealKuni ,

That’s a shame. I love my PHEV because it’s an EV for driving around the city, but I can still use gas stations on road trips. I plug it in everywhere I can.

TheRealKuni ,

This could be the first good thing Josh Gad had ever done...I guess

How dare you. Book of Mormon wouldn’t have been the same without Elder Cunningham.

TheRealKuni ,

Nobody hates leftists like slightly different leftists.

TheRealKuni ,

Taxes are not direct payments and taxes would be collected regardless of the existence of libraries.

I dunno about where you live, but where I live libraries are funded by millage. We vote to fund the libraries specifically with a tax. So if we didn’t have the libraries, we wouldn’t pay that millage.

Taxes would still be collected, but not THAT tax.

TheRealKuni ,

Again, where I live, yes. If we, as voters, decided not to approve the library millage, we would no longer pay that specific tax which funds the library.

The library would coast for a bit, but would eventually shut down unless we voted to start paying that tax again.

I know this is true because it literally happened a few towns over where a bunch of dipshits voted to stop funding their library over LGBTQ books. Fortunately the library was kept afloat by donations until a millage was eventually approved to keep it funded.

TheRealKuni ,

Well, sure, but that’s not the point. I’m just saying the tax money that I pay to fund the library is something I specifically pay to fund the library. If we didn’t have the library, my taxes would be lower by the amount of my taxes that goes towards the library.

(Obviously, libraries are a fantastic use of tax money and I would never vote not to pay the meager amount I do to fund them.)

TheRealKuni ,

Somewhere on my original Xbox I have a save file where Vivec is stored in a soulstone.

TheRealKuni ,

You can run adblockers and other privacy extensions in Safari. Unfortunately Firefox on iOS doesn’t support extensions, because it still uses Safari to display the pages (iOS is dumb that way).

TheRealKuni ,

I dunno about you, but my ass is on the seat, and the package generally stays above my legs relative to the seat.

TheRealKuni ,

I dunno, I figured it was a response to seeing the “do you have any questions FOR the opposite gender” thread. And it seemed an appropriate response. THAT question might be considered stereotypical Reddit drivel. This one is more interesting, simply because it’s a step removed.

TheRealKuni ,

Is there a difference between white and caucasian?

“Caucasian,” the classification from when we thought race was biological rather than social, referred broadly to people from Europe, and some from Northern Africa, and parts of the Middle East and West Asia. Caucasoid was one of three, alongside Mongoloid and Negroid.

Now in North American English “Caucasian” refers to people who are generally white and from European descent. It is sometimes seen as having a more polite or scientific connotation than “white.”

It can also refer to people from the Caucasus region.

I keep having to login to Lemmy on any iPhone browser every time I navigate to a new page. Is there a way to keep me logged in?

The title really. I tried Firefox, Safari and Chrome, they all behave the same way: I have to re-enter my credentials almost every time I refresh the page or navigate to a new link within Lemmy. Especially on iPhone this is very annoying (since accessing your saved passwords requires entering a code). Is there a way to extend...

TheRealKuni ,

Voyager is really nice. Definitely modeled after Apollo. You can find it in the App Store, or you can use the web app version at if you prefer.

TheRealKuni ,

Yuuup. Muskrat decided LiDAR was too expensive to include in every vehicle and scrapped it. Even disabled the sensors on the cars that have it.

My vacuum has LiDAR. That man is a cheap idiot.

TheRealKuni ,

13, and it just wasn't worth it. They weren't selling well enough to justify the manufacturing cost.

I do love the iPhone Mini though. My sister has one, and every time I see it I’m delighted by how tiny it is compared to my Pro Max.

TheRealKuni , (edited )

There are more than you might think, just not the loud ones that give everyone else a bad name.

Edit: Note that this is true for almost every group. The stereotypes from people outside the group will almost always represent the worst of that group, because humans have a tendency to overemphasize and overrepresent negativity.

A completely benign example: convincing my friend to watch Doctor Who was difficult because his perception of the fan base was that they were obnoxious and obsessed with how hot David Tennant is. Which…I mean, look at the man. But also, no, the loudest part of the fan base isn’t representative of the show.

TheRealKuni ,

Was Antennagate fixed? Or did people just learn not to hold it in the wrong place?

I thought it was about physical placement of the antenna, I’d be surprised if a software update fixed it.

TheRealKuni ,

I’m a big fan of their shaken oatmilk espresso drinks.

I realized at a certain point that I could buy a bottle of syrup, a cheap espresso machine, espresso ground coffee, and oatmilk, and this would all pay for itself within a relatively small number of drinks. Like, I dunno, 30-40 drinks depending on the oatmilk and the syrup.

I’ve gotten pretty good at making my own Starbucks-esque drinks, and it means I can control the sugar better.

TheRealKuni ,

My most recent recipe:

3 shots espresso
1 pump Torani English Toffee
2 pumps Torani Puremade Almond
A decent amount of ice (I don’t measure this, I eyeball it)

Shake well, then pour into a cup/glass

Shake up your carton of oatmilk and fill the rest of the glass. It gets a nice foamy top and the oatmilk spreads beautifully down the glass.

I use Oatly Full-Fat oatmilk (the Barista Edition is just too expensive and you don’t need it unless you’re doing hot drinks), but any other brand’s creamiest oatmilk will also work.

Honestly pretty much any syrups that sound appealing to you will probably work well in this type of recipe.

The one I was most proud of involved taro powder (for boba drinks) instead of syrup, and a pump of chai syrup, but it has a LOT of sugar.

As far as suggestions for a cheap espresso machine…I haven’t had amazing luck, because you get what you pay for. I’m on my second and at some point will probably replace it with a more expensive one. But they last long enough to pay for themselves. Also the cheap ones are good for beginners, pressurized portafilters make it really easy to get right.

TheRealKuni ,

I wouldn’t bother getting a grinder, honestly, until you know it’s something you really want to do. Because to get a burr grinder that does espresso consistently you have to pay quite a bit.

Instead, just get your coffee from a shop and ask them to grind it for espresso for you. I’ve never found a shop that won’t grind it for free if you’re buying the beans from them. Even at Starbucks, you can bring a bag of the whole bean version of their espresso blend to the counter and ask them to grind it fine for espresso, and they will (though honestly, at Starbucks I ask for Turkish grind because I’ve had mixed results with their espresso grind).

(I actually mostly use Starbucks coffee, but that’s because they’re the only shop within reasonable walking distance of my house. And it’s fine.)

Obviously this will result in some loss of flavor, since you aren’t grinding it when you use it, but if you’re putting syrup and oatmilk in it I don’t think it makes much difference.

TheRealKuni ,

There are plenty of cheap machines that don’t have the grinder. My current one is a De’Longhi. It’s a pain in the ass to get the grounds out of the portafilter, but it works. Had a Gevi that worked pretty well but I destroyed it on accident (long story). Anything around the $100 mark if you don’t want to spend a lot. And like I said, these cheaper machines are good for beginners because many have pressurized portafilters that produce crema regardless of how well tamped or ground the coffee is.

At some point I will probably upgrade to something better, but honestly the cheap ones work fine for what I need them to do.

TheRealKuni ,

😂 I don’t really know, so I googled it.

TheRealKuni ,

I thought the Apple commercial was really clever. Squeezing all of the stuff into one device. I don’t really understand why people decided that it was about the death of creativity, there’s plenty of creative shit you can do on a tablet. And it’s not like the existence of the iPad precludes using instruments and paint.

Shit, 98% of what my wife does on her iPad is piano and vocal sheet music related.

TheRealKuni ,

Do you know why they call it the Xbox 360?

Cause when you see it you turn 360° degrees and walk away! GOTTEM.

TheRealKuni ,

Honestly race is a social construct formed initially out of ethnicity in a very similar way to gender being a social construct formed initially out of sex. I don’t think most people would be offended by someone whose cultural behavior matched that of a race not normally associated with their ethnicity, as long as it was genuine and not done simply to appropriate another culture.

Like, if a white kid is raised around a lot of Jamaican immigrants, falls in love with reggae, and becomes a Canadian reggae sensation, we aren’t gonna say that he’s black (because he isn’t), but we also aren’t gonna say that Snow is appropriating Jamaican culture.

I guess it could be an interesting question for a more open future society, whether “trans-racial” identity could eventually be something we could identify and accept.

But of course TERFy bitch J.K. Rowling isn’t asking this question in good faith, she’s trying to be edgy and punch down, like she’s constantly doing these days. So, no J.K. Rowling. Fuck off.

TheRealKuni ,

Just. Shut. Up. Already.

I’m not sure why you’re angry at me. I never accused anyone of cultural appropriation, merely described a situation where no rational person would. I also generally think the concept is overly policed on the internet and often bullshit. I have argued for years that culture is meant to be shared. I’m a singer, and I do not hesitate to sing songs from cultures outside my own, and indeed I try to find the right way to express that song as much like the other cultures would as I can.

Like everything else in life, though, this is not black and white. There is such a thing as cultural appropriation, and it is when cultures are belittled and not treated with respect. Participating in a culture is fine. Making your team mascot “Chief Wahoo” is not.

No, it's not. There are such things as different races and ancestries.

I recommend you look into this more. Here is just one example from a quick Google search. What we mean when we talk about race is not nearly as black-and-white (pun intended) as we think, genetically speaking, and is largely something we decide as a society. Thus, a social construct. Like gender. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have meaning or value, just that it isn’t something unchanging. Like, for example, how Irish and Italians weren’t considered “White” and now are. Or how complicated things can get within some Hispanic communities with regard to skin color.

And yes, you calling jk Rowling a terf bitch shows that you're not writing this is good faith, you're just trying to be edgy and punch down.

I’m not sure it’s possible for me to punch down at a billionaire, least of all by calling out her blatant transphobia. I’m also not sure how taking swings at her means I’m not writing in good faith. I suspect you’re just upset and I’m not entirely sure why. Take a deep breath, my friend.

TheRealKuni ,

I get that. White people carry so much guilt that we sort of knee-jerk about racial stuff.

I remember in high school I was talking about one of my co-workers, whom I described as “Mexican.” I was told by some of my well-meaning but extremely white classmates, “Don’t call him that, that’s offensive. You should say Hispanic. You don’t know where he’s from.”

I said, “Yes I do. His name is Juan, he’s from Mexico, and he’s Mexican. I know that because I talk to him. He was a police officer there, and decided to get out when he was shot three times. He came to the US and he works in a kitchen here.”

There is an episode of 30 Rock where Tina Fey’s character asks Selma Hayek’s character (the character is Puerto Rican) what she should call her. She says, “A Puerto Rican.”

Tina Fey’s character says, “I know you can say that, but what do I say?”


“That does not sound right…”

TheRealKuni ,

Like I said in my reply to phoenixz, the term is overused and over-policed on the internet. Culture is meant to be shared.

But there is such a thing as cultural appropriation. Participating or celebrating a culture is fine. Naming your mascot “Chief Wahoo” is not.

TheRealKuni ,

America has an Oppositional Defiant Disorder problem, it seems.

TheRealKuni ,

Extension cables: If you have a desktop or tv, you can just grab some USB, hdmi or audio extensions and swap things using that instead of leaning behind the device.

This is what my receiver is for, with regard to the TV. But yeah, even in that case I have a spare HDMI that hangs out near the front of the TV for laptops.


Lots of Americans have ones that sit on the stove. I have one that plugs in.

Part of the issue is that most outlets in American houses only provide 120v power, only special outlets provide 240v. So even though an electric kettle will boil faster than one on the stove, it’s not significantly faster like it is in other places.

USA Lemmies: Where do you live?

I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:...

TheRealKuni ,

West Michigan, helping turn a previously red district purple.

I actually kind of love Michigan. It’s a beautiful state and the people are generally kind and friendly. But it does have some bullshit, especially when you get outside the cities. Though I suppose that’s true everywhere.

iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air ( )

On raw performance might, the M4 really does live up to Apple’s promises, should deliver. Single core is up about 20% compared to all M3 chips and more than 40% compared to M2. The generational computational leap from the previous M2 iPad Pro is at least a 42% jump on single-core and multi-core.

TheRealKuni ,

I have a friend who said on his M2 MacBook, even before the Apple Silicon build of Factorio released, the game ran better in x86 emulation than on his previous machine. And much cooler.

The battery life and thermals that come out of these powerful ARM chips are amazing, and anything that can be multithreaded is going to perform brilliantly on these chips.

Obviously for stuff where thermals and power consumption aren’t as important the gains aren’t as large, but I can’t remember the last time I worked on an actual desktop machine rather than a laptop with or without a docking station.

TheRealKuni ,

Personally I love my iPad as a larger browsing/watching device, for creative uses like vector image work, photo editing, and drawing, occasionally for CAD work (which is remarkably simple with Shapr3D), and of course streaming from my Xbox or PS5 to play remotely. Also it can run Stable Diffusion, which can be fun to play around with.

But the primary reason I originally bought it was for sheet music. 😅

I don’t really need the pro performance, but it’s nice to have for some of the creative stuff. And learning to redo workflows with the pencil and touch inputs can be frustrating and slow at first but I find once I get the hang of them it can be really intuitive and quick. I recently designed a T-shirt design for my dad in a vector app that I had never used before, took me only an hour or so to feel proficient enough to be satisfied with the work and further practice will only make it better.

Obviously it isn’t for everyone, I’m not trying to be an iPad evangelist. But even though I don’t use mine for my primary job I really enjoy working with it when I get to.

TheRealKuni ,

Sure, definitely not a perfect benchmark. I’m not saying it’s going to outperform a current x86 machine in general. But if it can perform as well as or better than a relatively powerful x86 machine from a few years prior, while emulating, that’s impressive.

But I don’t know, I don’t have a MacBook.

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

TheRealKuni ,

Counter-counter-point, “Devil’s 🥑,” games have cost $60 ($70 with the most recent generation) since, what, 2006? 2007?

$60 in 2006 is over $90 today.

So we’re paying less upfront for games now than we were in 2006. Yet costs to develop AAA games have gone up significantly.

I’m not saying ads in games is a good idea, I fucking hate ads. I also hate microtransactions. But every time prices go up people get angry. Remember the backlash when Xbox Series X and PS5 prices were standardized at $70?

I don’t know the solution. But the current trends are unsustainable. Just like everything else in late-stage capitalism.

TheRealKuni ,

That M4 and OLED screen is gonna display the SHIT out of some sheet music for me.

TheRealKuni , (edited )

isn't that exactly what E-Paper tablets are really good at?

I would love to use an e-Ink screen, because they play much better with stage lighting.

However, I’ve yet to see one that can do what I want the iPad to do, sheet-music-wise. I don’t only want to see it, I want to be able to make markings, scan scores, act as a pitch pipe and metronome, have an onscreen keyboard to plunk out the part I’m singing if I’m struggling to read it, etc.

Edit: Realistically, I could use my phone for the scanning, pitch, metronome, and keyboard. But I want to be able to quickly make markings and the iPad shines at this, especially with the app forScore.

(That also isn’t the only thing I use my iPad for, just the main excuse I have for owning one. I actually probably will buy the M4 Pro, but mainly because I already have a buyer for my current iPad and because it’s so much lighter.)

TheRealKuni ,

Can you recommend some? I’m intrigued!

TheRealKuni ,

We even have Android eink phones now.

Sure, but I don’t really want to read sheet music off a phone. I need to be able to see the score and the conductor AND look like everyone else in the chorus, so I have to be able to hold it a good distance from my face.

Edit: Same reason I never bothered to try using my Kindle. 😂

TheRealKuni ,

Thanks! I remember I didn’t like the Kindle Scribe (though I don’t really remember why). I’ll have to look through the others.

TheRealKuni ,

Man, if I didn’t already use an iPad, and weren’t responsible for creating forScore setlists for several other chorus members, I’d probably get something like that.

TheRealKuni ,

I still get paid for lunch, because I eat at my desk while I work. 😅

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