Peddlephile ,

Welcome to the new era of enshittification where you'll eventually have to subscribe to access or make posts, and none of it will be searchable on any search engines.

rimjob_rainer ,

At least Reddit is searchable, while Discord is not. Not trying to defend Reddit though.

nossaquesapao ,

At least Reddit is searchable

How long until they restrict viewing the full contents of posts without logging in?

SnipingNinja , avatar

They recently had a deal with Google, so not soon I guess

rxin ,

They already did for mobile browsers.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

I think Facebook won't let me look at their videos without logging in

Hoomod ,

Commenting/making posts has always required an account of some sort, at least as far back as I can remember. Maybe the IRC days you just needed a name

rottingleaf ,

With guestbooks - not always. They were full of spam, of course

rottingleaf ,


Anyway, I think all this is a result of thieves in governments becoming conscious of how the Web works and breaking it with the means they have - helping corps and making litigation more and more likely for anything small and well-behaving, because of failing to remove something etc.

It just makes sense. In 2005 with all the problems with search engines of that time, and with having to use web directories and ask people, you had a lot of information at the tips of your fingers. You could read a lot of things about people who would prefer to do their stuff more confidentially, like mafia bosses and bureaucrats and politicians.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

And the shoe will probably drop at some point. Something like "communities must have nitro to access posts from more than 6 months ago".

mdd ,

Forums are alive and well when looking for car info. Whenever I get a different car I look for communities with the most activity and that is usually a forum.

The one exception I can think of (proving the post to be true) is the first generation Tundra (2000-2007). The FB group had more current news than the forums and I managed to get banned (first time ever).

BigBananaDealer , avatar

if anyone here used to go on kongregate a lot, go check it out now. it is depressing. they dont even have chat rooms anymore

mtchristo ,

We need help communities on Lemmy. That's what is going to make it rank in SEO and fly. Communities like software help (office, adobe creative products, etc), financial help and advice. And ask docs communities.

Memes won't help SEO rank.

newbeni ,

At this point I try to disregard anything that I can tell is SEO generated though, I wonder how many more feel like me.

TexMexBazooka ,

Not enough, unfortunately

HexesofVexes ,
  1. Make it too big to fail
  2. Wait for the fall while enshittifying
  3. Cash in on the bail out
  4. Go to 2
FlyingSquid , avatar

My favorite forum is still chugging along!

If you're a fan, you're most welcome.

If you're not a fan, you're still welcome, but you probably won't get a lot of our references.

If you're a dickweed- well, you probably won't last any longer than Tom Servo did as an Observer.

PlasticExistence ,

I wonder if there's beer on the Sun...

pirating ,

I see Rowsdower, I up vote Rowsdower!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Even many fans don't get this reference now, sadly. The DVD set it was on is long out-of-print and Tjardus Greidanus won't grant them the rights to re-release it. He also sends takedowns to anyone who uploads The Final Sacrifice to YouTube.

It really sucks when one of the best episodes of a TV show can't bee seen.

PlasticExistence , (edited )

Yeah, I've read about his refusal to let people enjoy it. That's a shame as it's one of my favorite MST3K episodes.

Keep circulating the tapes!

IzzyJ ,

Whos Tom Servo

FlyingSquid , avatar

He's the wind, baby!

Snowcano ,

Sorry, baby. No one rules the Tom Monster!

ocassionallyaduck ,

This is a beautiful thing. I love MST3K, I might just join it.

jamyang ,

Thanks for the recommendation.

Kolanaki , avatar

SomethingAwful is still around. As are a lot of niche forums like XDA. We also have Lemmy and other non-corporate ran social media.

iopq ,

Unfortunately, I don't have ten bucks

TexMexBazooka ,

Unfortunately here’s the reality: if you want something specific, you’ll probably have to pay for it

Crashumbc ,

You missed when the web KILLED BBSs!!!!

That was the end! We're already dead!!!

DannyMac , avatar

I think the thing to worry about is these corporations centrally controlling this data. With one fell swoop, they can do whatever they want with it. With forums, at least they weren't controlled by one company.

mr_robot2938 , avatar

I’m gonna keep posting on Lemmy and hope that helps. Our collective communities should not be in the hands of mega corporations.

kalpol ,

You should keep posting on Usenet too...rec.+

lemmyingly ,

I read many MBs on Usenet everyday 😉

barsquid ,

What is a good usenet server for reading MBs of discussion every day?

Machinist , avatar

Farm and eweka.

corsicanguppy ,

So much this.

But where? How?

Scrollone ,

Yes, we just have to collectively make Lemmy grow until it's a true and complete replacement for classical monolith websites such as Reddit and Facebook groups.

rwhitisissle ,

And both of those things SUUUUUCK.

4am ,

Hey guys not to be a downer but like…what DO we do when a federated instance goes down and takes all its content with it?

BarbecueCowboy ,

If you search back far enough on some lemmy instances that have defederated others, you'll find ghosts of old content from those defederated servers, but it's all local to whatever instance you're viewing it on. A large amount of the content from the server that went down should also exist on the servers that server was federated with.

These lemmy instances have got to start running out of storage though, I haven't heard of any kind of automated purging. I'd bet someone somewhere is already working on an archive lemmy.

KairuByte , avatar

Speaking explicitly of text, they can likely be compressed to an insane degree instead of purged, if someone wanted to. For comparison, the entirety of Wikipedia (text only) is ~22GB.

GreatAlbatross , avatar

Just for context, the full database of compresses down to about 4GB. I am not sure what's going to happen to the ghosts long term, but I don't think storage will be a huge issue.

Ibuthyr ,

So this pretty much happened with

The admin took off for a business trip and his backup forgot the password and locked himself out. Now the admin seems to have vanished and the server shit itself, making all previously posted pictures unavailable.

The solution is that a bunch of lemmings are forming a "Verein" (Kind of Like a club I suppose?) and will build an entirely new German instance.

So, it's not pretty.

tal , avatar

If someone hasn't written a software package to do so already, it's probably possible to write one to dump and clone all the comments and posts on a server.

Ibuthyr ,

The comments fortunately are still there, but the images are all gone. They had some trouble that was image-related which led to the server collapsing at some stage. I can't recall the specifics unfortunately.

4am ,

Are those posts/comments/images available on other instances?

If an instance just shuts down, we just lose all that content? Sounds like a pretty fatal flaw.

roserose56 , avatar

They are not disappearing, I still use forums like discogs, XDA, satellite forums, local forums country or city etc.
You just have to search and find.

anon_8675309 ,

Only thing on Reddit is AI bots.

AbidanYre ,

Have you been to Facebook lately? It's like 90% AI spam of "why don't pictures like this trend" with some body horror Jesus.

christophski ,

I've said this before, the thing I hate about reddit and discord is that you only get exposed to "current" threads or "top" threads. On old forums everything was just there and if someone commented on it, it came back to the top and re-ignited conversations.

I was a big user of the command and conquer forums and I definitely miss the community of it. But that may just be the scale of Internet then compared to now. Back then you saw the same users every day and we ended up chatting on msn and working on projects together. I couldn't tell you any users on my instance or elsewhere other than the admins of my instance.

Smokeless7048 ,

I just found that Runescape shut down its forums, replacing it with a discord.

Look, i love my clans discord, and my discord with friends, but one for a game like that is nearly unusable.

NOPper ,

Aww shit.

ryannathans ,

We have a forum at

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