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fiercekitten ,

Talking about lyrics specifically?; they probably didn't. That's no reason to not make things more accessible to people with disabilities though. It's about quality of life and making sure people with disabilities have equitable access.

If having the lyrics available is an essential part of being able to enjoy the music, it should be as equally accessible as the music is.

fiercekitten ,

I agree with you completely but I am also one of those weirdos who just never stopped using Pandora so I have no room to talk, but 90% of my music listening is via my own music collection. IMO it's such a better experience than anything else.

fiercekitten ,

I don't think Microsoft (or Apple) want people to have personal computers anymore in the way that PCs have historically existed. That is to say, they don't want your computer capable of running arbitrary code of your choosing. They don't want your computer to have the potential to do everything, to run everything, to make anything.

They want to control and lock down all aspects of your machine and what it can do, retain ownership of hardware via software licenses, and monetize every click and keystroke.

Microsoft doesn't want you to have a functional computer anymore, they want you to have a dummy terminal that runs Office 365 and Copilot.

fiercekitten ,

What about eliminating nazis?

fiercekitten ,

And if you're on a highway, and if that highway has left-lane exits or turns.

fiercekitten ,

If you are advocating for people to uproot their lives from their communities, friends, family, and every other connection they have to where they live -- for political reasons -- I would argue that's a very bad idea. I think it would ruin society.

fiercekitten ,

I don't hate those people but I do want to slap them and tell them NO.

fiercekitten ,

I would love an android version of this and I will give you feedback on it and donate.

fiercekitten ,

Do you worry about UV exposure from welding?

fiercekitten ,

I am a woman with a small forehead (low hairline) and it always looks like I'm wearing a wig. I hate it. I yearn for a normal-sized forehead.

fiercekitten ,

Yeah I have a Bosch ebike battery. Of course it's certified and such, it only gets charged when I'm awake, and it's on a 4-hour outlet shut-off timer.

I think everyone needs to understand and respect the power of these batteries.

There also needs to be a standardized system to easily and safely dispose of end-of-life ebike batteries. I think the bike shops should have deals in place with the manufacturers to send EoL batteries back to them.

fiercekitten ,

A school shouldn't make kids pay to call their legal guardian. Make phone calls free.

fiercekitten , (edited )

“How do you sleep on your stomach with your breasts?”

Natural breast tissue moves to the side so it's often not an issue, however for women with larger breasts or for women with dense breast tissue, it can still be painful or uncomfortable.

For women with breast implants over the pectoral muscle, the implants don't slide to the side and so it would be quite uncomfortable for them to lie or sleep on their stomach.

fiercekitten ,

Were they actually being dishonest about it, or were they not disclosing it? There are a lot of things people don't disclose before meeting up. Outside of a romantic relationship context, cis people tend to be more accepting of trans people in general if the cis people don't know right away that the person is trans and find out later.

But for sexual/romantic relationships it's different because most people want to know the genitals of their potential partners up front. This makes it difficult for trans people, who are stuck deciding at what point they should disclose the state of their genitals, in a way that is considered honest, keeps them safe, and maintains some privacy.

fiercekitten ,

After a few months of dating and holding them in, those farts and all future ones earn their freedom. My boyfriend now blames the cats when he smells something, which is very nice of him.

fiercekitten ,

Oh, so it was you who walked past me last week downtown and was trying to get me to high-five you while shouting "HEY" at me repeatedly while I was trying to unlock my bicycle.

fiercekitten , (edited )

Fun story:

Tonight I pirated the PC version of Firmament (made by Cyan Worlds). I backed the game well over two years ago but the game was delayed, and then when it finally released a year ago, Cyan only released the PC version, and the PS4/5 version —the version I elected to receive — still hasn’t come out yet. I don’t know if it ever will and I’m tired of waiting.

So I pirated a game I bought for a different platform because it never released for the platform I bought it for.

fiercekitten , (edited )

I think IR lights on glasses can blind cameras, and there are also infrared-blocking glasses that also reflect IR light from cameras back at them. So yes, adding lights or reflectors can be effective.

But we shouldn't even have to consider these workarounds to maintain our privacy and security. And even if we start wearing these glasses or fooling the systems, governments will outlaw the use of such circumventing tech.

Our reaction to this needs to be "we will not allow this tech to be used against us, period." Ban it for law enforcement, ban it for commerce, ban it in airports and schools.

fiercekitten ,

Well in that case, one brand of such glasses is Reflectacles 😎

fiercekitten ,

I don't why either, but to be fair I also accidentally the whole thing.

What song should I play for my bathroom neighbors?

The work bathroom is currently a warzone, on their phone speakers people like to play music, play games at full blast, and one guy likes to chill to ambient rainforest. What song can I play to passive aggressively make it known that I don't want to listen to their tik tok feeds while I work out my demons?

fiercekitten ,

DRM-free versions are [almost] always available somewhere. If it's DRM-free, I will buy it if I like it. If the DRM-free version isn't for sale or I can't easily circumvent the DRM, it just means it came from the high seas instead of a local media store.

And don't even get me started on how often TV shows aren't even released on DVD/Blu-ray/4K. Again, I can't pay for it if no one is offering to sell it to me.

fiercekitten ,

I’ve played enough Animal Crossing to know that you have to pester two tanukis twice a day about the current going rate for your produce, and absolutely DO NOT keep them for longer than a week!

fiercekitten ,

That is horrifying

fiercekitten ,

Yeah, I knew that some planes still use it. I have had a full year or so now of being horrified by that too.

I wonder if we're still going to be selling PFAS 50 years from now too.

fiercekitten ,

"I tried to go through the correct channels, I was denied twice. The second time I went, I had a letter of medical necessity. I was still denied. I wasn’t given a reason for the denial," Hudson said.

That’s terrible. I really hope she wins.

I don’t understand how the city sees this woman, sees her letter of medical necessity, knows she’s been in a terrible accident with serious injury and is trying to get out and enjoy life the ways that she can, and still they refuse to let her ride. I would really like to hear their reasoning.

iPhones And Androids Can Now Warn You of 'Secret Trackers' ( )

In a collaborative effort, Apple and Google have developed an industry-standard detection feature called "Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers" (DULT) for Bluetooth trackers. This standard allows users on iOS and Android devices to be alerted if an unknown Bluetooth tracker is monitoring their location.

fiercekitten ,

Of course Google is implementing the feature via Google Play Services. I get why, but man is it frustrating for everyone who doesn't use or want Google Play Services on their phones. Hopefully other OSes can build this functionality in.

fiercekitten ,

I'm turning into a red panda, forgetting all about the president, and living my best life: eating fruit, lazing about, getting tons of cuddles for being cute and smart 🙂

fiercekitten ,

Because pitbulls can be raised in a loving environment with great humans and you can do everything right and the pitbull can still be set off or triggered by something many years into its peaceful life and suddenly start attacking people. They can have a moment where they simply snap, and given their strength and determination, that's dangerous and horrifying.

They’re fast. Pedestrians are furious: ‘fat’ ebikes divide Australian beach suburbs ( )

Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians

fiercekitten ,

The police walk around and issue tickets to cyclists not wearing a helmet?

…What a waste of time and energy, and a violation of personal liberty.

fiercekitten ,

I agree with you completely. I just want to add that automobiles also hit and kill pedestrians in pedestrian zones daily, and I’m not talking about crosswalks. We should be outraged by this as well, and our cities and governments have the power to fix this if they wanted to.

fiercekitten ,

I’m on board with all these regulations except the mandatory insurance; active mobility (walking, bicycling, kick scooters, skateboarding, etc) should not require insurance.

fiercekitten ,

Regulations would show that the bike manufacturers would be doing their part to increase safety.

Regulations would show that the bicycle owners would have to purposefully go out of their way to make their bikes faster.

Regulations allow us to hold people accountable when the rules are broken or when negligent accidents happen.

fiercekitten ,

You are absolutely correct that these types of bicycle riders do exist and are negligent and selfish. That said, the altitudes and actions of a minority of cyclists are not representative of the attitudes and actions of the majority. For instance, I ride a bike and I complain about cars parking in the bike lane because it’s a safety hazard for everyone involved. I also would never speed through a pedestrian area for the same exact reason.

Side story: I was cycling on a multiuse trail the other day and came upon a guy jogging. Before I attempted to pass him, i rang my bell to signal my presence. Unfortunately he had earbuds in and didn’t hear me, and he walked right into my path without looking behind him first because he was moving across the trail to get to a bench on the other side. It’s my responsibility to yield to pedestrians and avoid accidents , so I braked really hard and stopped like a foot short of hitting him. My brakes squealed a bit, I yelled out, yet the guy still never heard me and never turned around.

I guess my point is that most of us are trying to do the right thing.

fiercekitten , (edited )

Is it whataboutism though? My intent wasn’t to distract from the topic but to add to it. I’m also not criticizing or discrediting what was said.

EDIT: I concede that your criticism is fair. I could have worded my comment in a more constructive way.

fiercekitten ,

Because it became misused enough from the actual meaning of "mother" that it stuck, and the old "boomer" humor attitude of "haha I hate my spouse but I'm stuck with them" helped it stick.

fiercekitten ,

That's fascinating! I can remember snippets from hundreds, if not thousands of my dreams, but it takes me at least 60-90 minutes to fall asleep each night.

fiercekitten ,

I have something similar I think, but yours sounds way cooler! Over the years I have essentially recreated a whole section of Denver Colorado in my dreams. My brain keeps adding things over time and many of the new stuff sticks; dream Denver now has a whole ocean north of downtown, and a boat ferry that goes to an island out there.

Crazy stuff.

fiercekitten ,

Yeah I lived there for three years during a stressful period of my life. It's a lot of fun to dream about though, as I look forward to what's going to be added next!

fiercekitten ,

It doesn't seem fair! I think I'd rather have the extra sleep than the dream memories; the sleep seems more valuable.

E-Bikes Should Not Require Pedaling, Proposes U.K. Government, Diverging From E.U. ( )

E-bikes could get faster, more powerful and not require pedaling, in a move announced today by UKGOV. Cycling organizations are opposed to the plans.

fiercekitten ,

Class 1 is 15 mph pedal assisted, class two is 20 mph pedal assisted

This is incorrect. Class 1 is pedal-assisted only, up to 20mph. Class 2 ebikes have a throttle that can power the bikes up to 20 mph without pedaling.

fiercekitten ,

You bring up a key factor here: mass. A traditional bicycle weighing 10kg, going 20kph has far less force/momentum than a 35kg ebike going the same speed, and when using the throttle, the acceleration rate from 0 to 20kph increases dramatically as well.

Currently in the US we have people riding class 3 ebikes (and particularly cargo bikes) that can have base weights of 70 or 80 lbs, plus the weight of the cargo, all going at 28mph with a throttle. That's too much momentum to be safe around pedestrians and other bicyclists on multi-use trails.

IMO once ebikes start getting up to 750+ watt motors with a base weight of over 65 lbs, they should probably require some kind of licensing to operate, and perhaps insurance as well.

fiercekitten ,

I'm not shitting on half the population, I'm highlighting the reality of men reacting violently at women to being rejected or ignored. It's every day. It's constant. Walk a mile in a young woman's shoes and you'll get to experience it firsthand.

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