Doing the Lord’s work in the Devil’s basement

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Zos_Kia , avatar

Feels like i need to clarify a few things here.

  • the anti-american sentiment is not an arab thing. It's as French as frogs legs (doesn't make it ok).
  • the arabs who bullied you in grade school are not immigrants. Their grandparents immigrated in the 60s, but those kids were born in a French hospital with a French passport. Same goes with black people 99% of them were born in France or in one of our overseas colonies.
  • the people who are mysoginistic and homophobic are generally not the immigrants. Again, it's a marked thing mostly with 2nd/3rd gen. It's a thing in all religions worldwide, they are all veering towards hardcore conservatism especially among young people. I am not qualified to explain why that is but it's shit.

So essentially, i fail to see the point in "locking that shit down". You close the border tomorrow you don't solve any of the issues that are bothering racist people today. They will still have a radical mosque in their neighborhood and Mohammed will continue bullying the little american kid at school (doesn't make it ok).

You want some real talk about immigration ? 1 immigrant out of 3 is European. 1 out of 3 has a university diploma. In fact, migrants on average are slightly more educated, and have slightly higher income than native French. You close the border tomorrow that's who you are barring from the country. As usual with fascist policies - it's all damned lies.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Oh i didn't mean to correct your experience but rather the political take you extracted from it. Your personal experience in grade school doesn't represent a systemic problem. The population we're talking about here (north african young immigrants fresh off the boat who need remedial linguistic classes) is, what, a few thousand people a year ? You don't close a country's borders just because you can't handle a few thousand unruly adolescents.

My other point is that, while religious conservatism is a real danger to modern society, it is not driven by immigrants who have few resources and are primarily motivated by their own survival. It is driven by well established people who already have the French nationality and are comfortable enough to afford being "rebels" to the system. It's also not specific to islam - have you seen what Christians are up to these days ? Have you seen what Jews are up to ? Current news seem to indicate that the Abrahamic-minded are not taking kindly to the 3rd Millenium.

Also as a side note. 1 in 3 is not good enough. Most people are risk adverse, give them 33% odds of something positive and they’ll tell you to shove it.

That wasn't my point. My point is that the majority of immigrants come for study or work and they integrate with no issues.

The people the RN accuses of not integrating are French people with French passports and it is their fucking god-given right to not "integrate" with the culture around them. I was a nerdy vegan kid in a village of rugby players, hunters and delicatessen producers. I never fit in with that peasant culture - should my nationality be put into question ? No ? Then why is the standard different when it's a kid from arab descent ?

They are French citizens they don't owe any allegiance to any ideology or way of life and that's one of the pillars upon which this country was built. They wake up and go to work like me, they pay taxes like me, when they're caught speeding they get a ticket like me. They bring their kids to the same school where i bring mine. They complain about trains being late and the administration being incompetent. Let's leave them the fuck alone alright ? We're living together just fine.

Zos_Kia , avatar

I'm curious to know by which metric France has "become a shithole", and how that is related to immigration ?

Zos_Kia , avatar

To clarify : We're talking about differences in the codebase here. They are still exactly the same game, with some very minor disparities in certain mechanics.

The technical differences tend to disappear over time because they rely more and more on the datapack format, which is shared between the two codebases.

Zos_Kia , avatar

holy shit you're right i don't know where i got the idea that it was the same format

Zos_Kia , avatar

Oh boy. You're about to discover the wide world of male sex toys and it's gonna rock you.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Also their role system is badass. It's incredibly fine grained and makes it possible to manage large communities with plenty of different user levels.

Zos_Kia , avatar

I think the bitter lesson here is that there's a bunch of jobs where quality has zero importance.

If you take for example, content marketing, SEO, and ad copy writing... It's a lot of bullshit, and it's been filling the web with gpt-grade slop for 20 years now. If you can do the same for cheap I don't see a reason not to.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Yeah I'm not bashing anybody, my wife did that for a couple years I know how it is. There was a kind of golden period where it would even pay enough to let you do some quality stuff but when VC money stopped raining the market slumped almost immediately.

Zos_Kia , avatar

But we are talking about freelancers, not about SEO or content marketing, more like content filling

Most SEO is done by freelancers (at least in my industry). When i talk about content marketing i mean anybody who writes blog posts and LinkedIn posts for companies. It was already shit long before AI arrived.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Artists are perfectly able to use the fediverse, that is not what is stopping them.

They don't come because they need to be where their fans are. That is why Cara will only be a splash: their niche is artists who place more value on the anti-AI slant than on meeting their audience where it lives. By definition that is not conducive to a lot of organic growth.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Even without seeders, you can sometimes be lucky and resurrect old torrents that have been kept in cache by providers such as real debrid

Zos_Kia , avatar

You see that a lot in the guitar community. Anything new or that doesn't fit a traditional, pre-existing mold is dismissed as inferior. Anything non-traditional and obviously skillful tends to draw hate from those same people.

I don't see what could be qualified as non traditional in their music. It was run of the mill speed/power metal that was pretty common since the early 90s, or even the 80s if you stretch the definition a bit. Even from a technical standpoint they were fucking good but nothing ground breaking.

I always felt that the hate against them came from the fact that they became mainstream popular thanks to guitar hero while they were not particularly notable among their peers in the metal scene.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study ( )

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

Zos_Kia , avatar

Don't mean to victim blame but i don't understand why you would use ChatGPT for hard problems like optimization. And i say this as a heavy ChatGPT/Copilot user.

From my observation, the angle of LLMs on code is linked to the linguistic / syntactic aspects, not to the technical effects of it.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Agreed and i have the exact same approach. It's like having a colleague next to you who's not very good but who's super patient and always willing to help. It's like having a rubber duck on Adderall who has read all the documentation that exists.

It seems people are in such a hurry to reject this technology that they fall into the age old trap of forming completely unrealistic expectations then being disappointed when they don't pan out.

Zos_Kia , avatar

I don’t think that’s asking too much of it.

Apparently it was :D i mean the confines of the tool are very limited, despite what the cult would like to believe.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Honestly i started at a new job 2 weeks ago and i've been breezing through subjects (notably thanks to ChatGPT) at an alarming rate. I'm happy, the boss is happy, OpenAI get their 20 bucks a month. It's fascinating to read all the posts from people who claim it cannot generate any good code - sounds like a skill issue to me.

Zos_Kia , avatar

Yeah I found this kind of reductionist talk pushes people to overlook the emerging properties of the system, which is where the meat of the topic is. It's like looking at a living cell and saying "yeah well this is just chemistry".

Zos_Kia , avatar

I'm saddened to use this phrase but it is literally virtue signalling. They have no way of knowing lmao

Zos_Kia , avatar

That makes sense yes

Zos_Kia , avatar

Definitely not my experience. With a well structured code base it can be pretty uncanny. I think it's context is limited to files that are currently opened in the editor, so that may be your issue if you're coding with just one file open?

Zos_Kia , avatar

I'm confused, do people really use copilot to write the whole thing and ship it without re reading?

Zos_Kia , avatar

Guilty as charged, ten years into the job and I never learned to use a debugger lol.

Seriously though that's amazing to me I never met one of those... I guess 95% of them will churn out of the industry in less than five years...

What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say?

I have many conversations with people about Large Language Models like ChatGPT and Copilot. The idea that "it makes convincing sentences, but it doesn't know what it's talking about" is a difficult concept to convey or wrap your head around. Because the sentences are so convincing....

Zos_Kia , avatar

I think a flaw in this line of reasoning is that it assigns a magical property to the concept of knowing. Do humans know anything? Or do they just infer meaning from identifying patterns in words? Ultimately this question is a spiritual question and does not hold any water in a scientific conversation.

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