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McDonald’s Gives Up On ‘AI’ After Comedy Of Errors, Including Putting Bacon On Ice Cream ( )

LLMs certainly hold potential, but as we’ve seen time and time again in tech over the last fifteen years, the hype and greed of unethical pitchmen has gotten way out ahead of the actual locomotive. A lot of people in “tech” are interested in money, not tech. And they’re increasingly making decisions based on how to drum...

AnalogyAddict ,

The thing most companies are missing is to design the AI experience. What happens when it fails? Are we making options available for those who want a standard experience? Do we even have an elegant feedback loop to mark when it fails? Are we accounting for different pitches and accents? How about speech impediments?

I'm a designer focusing on AI, but a lot of companies haven't even realized they need a designer for this. It's like we're the conscience of tech, and listened to about as often.

AnalogyAddict ,

I don't lie, so I'll say, "well, you know..." and if they are friends, they know, if they aren't, that's a clue that they don't want to.

AnalogyAddict ,

I've always loved self-enhancing humor. Maybe this is why I've been told I was never a child. Lol.

AnalogyAddict ,

No, self-enhancing. It was in the article.

AnalogyAddict ,

Just so you know, these guys are invasive and do their best to kill native species of birds.

AnalogyAddict ,

We could always go back to html chats. Hotelchat, Webmaze....

How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker...

AnalogyAddict ,

I hope to never go back to office. Remote has been a life changer. I have time to keep weeds out of my garden. The flexibility to have workers at my house whenever they are available. The freedom to set up my desk how I like it. Time to eat breakfast. I don't get headaches every day any more from the lighting. I get to go outside during breaks for some sunshine time. I'm here when the kids come home.

My work is more focused. No more road stress. I may be able to move to a place I can tolerate. No more wearing makeup that is bad for my skin. No more having to pack a lunch. My life is infinitely better without having to commute.

AnalogyAddict , (edited )

I remember the day I finally realized I was being left alone. It has been glorious. Best part of getting older. It's so nice to simply exist in my own space.

AnalogyAddict ,

"Forever Alone" is a carrot, not a stick, my man.

AnalogyAddict , (edited )

That's not even close to true. Don't believe what Hollywood and Disney are trying to sell. Having a partner doesn't grant meaning or satisfaction with life, nor does not having one bar you from either.

The kind of people who are happy with someone tend to also be the kind of people who are happy single.

AnalogyAddict ,

Reproducing doesn't grant meaning. Sheesh.

AnalogyAddict ,

This is my favorite comment so far this week. /unexpectedShakespeare

AnalogyAddict ,

I've blocked half of the ones you list. Lol.

AnalogyAddict ,

I think that's one of my earliest blocks. Lol.

AnalogyAddict ,

I love alternative vamps.

I once played a post-Atlantean vampire who lived in the PNW, taught ancient history (night classes,) and liked to draw. She also didn't believe in killing any more. She had a lot of back story and a bad accent in every language. She also had a cracked sense of humor and was only mostly sane.

AnalogyAddict ,

Haha. Marriage is just the beginning. Not anywhere close to actualization. And if you have kids, you'll realize you're still at the beginning.

AnalogyAddict ,

Because when it comes to survival until procreation, you don't need more than two sets.

Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?

I'm thinking the animals would easily defeat us, since trying to get all 8 billion+ humans to agree on a plan of attack would be a near-impossible task. By the time we'd be done trying to coordinate a plan, I figure the lions and cheetahs would have already devoured us, not to mention the larger animals like the elephants....

AnalogyAddict ,

It's not like bees pollinate for our benefit.

There's a reason animals run away from the monkeys with pointy sticks. We eliminated the ones that don't until we got comfortable enough that we had the luxury of turning them into various forms of entertainment, and therefore had a reason to preserve some.

AnalogyAddict ,

Communist West Germany? You mean East Germany?

Because I lived there when the Wall came down, and I can tell you based on the huge influx of Eastern Germans who had floorboards you could see through that quality was not a priority.

AnalogyAddict ,

When I stared into my husband's eyes as he calculated the consequences of beating me in front of our 2yo.

Followed closely by being ordered by a judge to allow him at the birth of my second child that he had claimed wasn't his fifteen minutes previously.

AnalogyAddict ,

Next time your age comes up, just say, "you really believed I was 25?! Haha, that's great!"

How can you be in your 40s and this avoidant?

AnalogyAddict ,

I can't tell you how often I've had to say, "I picked my words very precisely."

AnalogyAddict ,

This is your take, from someone who defines themselves as militant? Lol.

It's absolutely a religion. One of the definitions of religion is "a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance." The examples you mention are much less narrowly defined. And if they started persecuting people who don't join their specific method, then yes, they would be, too.

I mean, here you are proselytizing with poorly thought out memes. What's more religious than that?

AnalogyAddict ,

Milk is not typically fortified with B12. Plant based milk is more likely to be B12 fortified.

AnalogyAddict , (edited )

Then it is. Not all doctors do, but ones who do would certainly fall under that category.

You see doctors educating, not badly trying to shame people to, for example, not participate in sports.

AnalogyAddict ,

Vegans who actually believe what they preach spend more time on education and less on shaming or meaningless memes.

This is just posturing.

AnalogyAddict ,

Your behavior disinclines me to learn more, tbh.

AnalogyAddict ,

Yes. Education works much better than mockery. Mocking people is for people who need to stroke their own egos. I'm confident in what I believe.

AnalogyAddict , (edited )

I can tell you what has led me towards veganism: Friends who knew how to make amazing vegan food. Knowing how to do it economically. Understanding the nutrition concerns and how to work around them. Access to good ingredients. Ways to slowly eat more vegan without rigidly jumping into it. Seeing the environmental impact. Seeing how animals are typically raised and slaughtered. Growing my own veggies and/ or participating in community gardens, etc.

I said I didn't want to learn more about OP or their perspective. Personally, I already know quite a bit about how to eat vegan... which isn't, by the way, the same thing as veganism.

Calling this activism is a stretch at best.

AnalogyAddict ,

If the posts were this pointless and unthinking, yes.

AnalogyAddict ,

If you're going to troll, at least try to put some cleverness into it.

AnalogyAddict ,

If being a doofus is having respect for people whose beliefs don't match my own, then I'm happy to be one. I wish more people were doofuses. Maybe we could actually solve a few problems.

AnalogyAddict ,

You don't even know my diet. Lol. You're assuming what I eat just because I don't agree with your methods.

I never used the word dogma. I just agreed with another commenter that veganism is a religion. I don't happen to see a problem with religion, so don't see that as an insult. I'm just labeling it what it is. Veganism is a religion. Eating vegan isn't necessarily.

But you are right in an oblique kind of way. I have respect for other people's beliefs. Not necessarily their behavior. And yours and OP's is ineffective at actually trying to convince anyone of anything. If I were you, and really believed what I claimed to believe, I'd want to know that.

AnalogyAddict ,

That's not how any of this works. Did you never take reproductive anatomy?

AnalogyAddict ,

In school. But I'm sure you could gather the essentials from the internet.

AnalogyAddict ,

Let me put it this way, with an imperfect analogy. If you poison the water supply, it doesn't matter how many people drink from it. They all die.

AnalogyAddict ,

Wilbur was the pig. Babe is a different movie.

AnalogyAddict ,

Well, duh.

Here's a thing: so are sports.

AnalogyAddict ,

That's a false comparison. You can't lead anything without, to a point, manipulating people. You can manipulate them transparently and for their benefit, or you are manipulating them for your own. The people who lead and run sports leagues are definitely not doing it out of a sense of charity.

Plenty of churchgoers and even pastors are in it to serve people with no real personal benefit. The same can't be said of professional sports players.

AnalogyAddict ,


People use sources of power for their own benefit. I'm not arguing otherwise. What I'm saying is there's a chance a churchgoer or a pastor is doing it for selfless reasons, where that is never the case for sports.

And your use of superlatives only displays your own ignorance. I've met people in power from several denominations, and many just want to help people. Plenty of denominations teach servant leadership. No doubt many people exploit religion. But at least religion generally tries to teach otherwise.

You really should expose yourself to more real people before just parroting what you hear from loudmouths on the internet. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.

AnalogyAddict ,

That's cute that you think sports aren't about manipulation.

Growing up in a single denomination is hardly a varied experience.

AnalogyAddict ,

Hey, my kids both have them. I put them up as the night sky when they were born, so all the constellations are more or less in the right place.

AnalogyAddict ,

Throw pepperoni on there, and it's mine, too.

AnalogyAddict ,

Because—and I'll say this slowly for you—in this scenario, women are the victims.

Would you demand that the victim of a mugging do their part to stop the mugger from mugging?

AnalogyAddict ,

Yes. That is why I said "in this scenario." Apparently, I didn't say it slowly enough.

AnalogyAddict ,

Only for people with an inability to comprehend rudimentary semantics.

AnalogyAddict ,

Okay, Sam. Lol.

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