@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev cover

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

I was about to mention this example. It's everything you love about mythbusters (doing crazy science experiments), without everything you hate about mythbusters and what made me stop watching. No more constant hopping over between the different myths per episode, or tons of recaps.

Just myths, one at a time, no bullshit.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

At least this is opt-in, and Firefox still allows for manifest v3 extensions, and, on the whole, isn't using a engine funded by a billion dollar company that's doing everything in it's power to spy on you.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Ah, yes, I do.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

As someone who worked on a couple of video encoding / streaming services, this was an amazingly interesting read. Some personal highlights:

  • Custom encoding settings offer shows, per episode, and even per scene.
  • They created a short film specifically to cater to hard-to-encode scenes.
admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

If you're more worried about your kid at school getting shot than them getting distracted during their education, You might be the one living in a shit hole country.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

How it's handled in countries such as Norway or The Netherlands is that those kinds of classes are exempt from the ban. It's not a hard issue to solve.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Check out OP defending Apple in every comment in this thread. It would be funny if it weren't so... yeah.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Eh, I'd much rather vote for a party that aligns with my values but might not get a seat, in hopes it will inspire more people to do so next time around.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Thanks for being part of the self-fulfilling prophecy, I guess.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

I'm more surprised they hadn't yet, to be honest.

Over here regular banks have been doing that for years 😥

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

We should rather stop allowing sign ups without an application. The captchas are not good enough.

That's near impossible to enforce, due to the federated nature. Server admins could whitelist which instances they trust, but I don't think that'll do much good from a community point of view.

Perhaps a sticky to find better moderator/timezone coverage could help. (And for that matter, I wouldn't mind stricter moderation on post relevance - not all news about tech companies or events that just happen to take place online is tech news, imho)

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

I'm no federation expert, but I think if you could convince your own instance admin, or the one hosting this community (lemmy.world), to do so, you'd be good. But that would potentially affect a lot more users than just the ones in this community, so they might take some effort.

Also, I'm not aware of any tools that could automate this for you.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

For that matter - I'm okay with filtering out people who think it's too much effort. Quality over quantity.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

For over 15 years, I oversaw the technical aspect of the biggest weblog in my country. I took great professional pride in making sure that every time we migrated to a new cms, links would keep on working, even when the external pages they linked to were since long dead.

A couple of years ago I left. Last year they changed cms once more. Now all the links are dead, and can best be found through through archive. The content was ported to the new cms, but the links weren't. So even though the content is in the database, it's just inaccessible by its old url.

Such a shame.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( futurism.com )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)

If you need these kind of tips, on behalf of the gene pool, please don't procreate, and eat as much glue as you can.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

It also works great for book or movie recommendations, and I think a lot of gpu resources are spent on text roleplay.

Or you could, you know, ask it if gasoline is useful for food recipes and then make a clickbait article about how useless LLMs are.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

It should not be used to replace programmers. But it can be very useful when used by programmers who know what they're doing. ("do you see any flaws in this code?" / "what could be useful approaches to tackle X, given constraints A, B and C?"). At worst, it can be used as rubber duck debugging that sometimes gives useful advice or when no coworker is available.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Yeah, I saw. But when I'm stuck on a programming issue, I have a couple of options:

  • ask an LLM that I can explain the issue to, correct my prompt a couple of times when it's getting things wrong, and then press retry a couple of times to get something useful.
  • ask online and wait. Hoping that some day, somebody will come along that has the knowledge and the time to answer.

Sure, LLMs may not be perfect, but not having them as an option is worse, and way slower.

In my experience - even when the code it generates is wrong, it will still send you in the right direction concerning the approach. And if it keeps spewing out nonsense, that's usually an indication that what you want is not possible.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

That's what I meant by saying you shouldn't use it to replace programmers, but to complement them. You should still have code reviews, but if it can pick up issues before it gets to that stage, it will save time for all involved.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

I agree it's being overused, just for the sake of it. On the other hand, I think right now we're in the discovery phase - we'll find out out pretty soon what it's good at, and what it isn't, and correct for that. The things that it IS good at will all benefit from it.

Articles like these, cherry picked examples where it gives terribly wrong answers, are great for entertainment, and as a reminder that generated content should not be relied on without critical thinking. But it's not the whole picture, and should not be used to write off the technology itself.

(as a side note, I do have issues with how training data is gathered without consent of its creators, but that's a separate concern from its application)

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

They answered this further down - they never tried it themselves.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

The scary thing is, even when there is a button "only required" right next to it, it's scary how many people automatically click "accept all". Even among tech-savy people.

The conditioning is frightening.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

I checked the report, but it seems at no point it seems to clarify what they consider "bot traffic". Is it measured in api calls, page views, or bytes? Generally the term traffic is meant as raw data transported, but in that context those numbers make no sense.

For example, one of the biggest traffic consumers in the Internet is video streaming. There's no way in hell that half, or even a tenth, of that data is fake - it would simply cost too much to waste it on bots. Both for the bot owners as well as the streaming providers.

This level of vagueness and lack of transparency (what do the numbers mean, and where do they come from) does not fill me with confidence on this report.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

And then they started putting ads for subscriptions in the os.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Without datamining and that works out of the box? Please let us know when you find out.

admin , (edited )
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Counterpoint: we don't get much articles about human drivers crashing, because we're so used to it. That doesn't make it a good metric to consider their safety.

Edit: Having said that, this wasn't even an article. Just an unsourced headline with a photo. One should strongly consider the possibility of a selection bias at work here.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar
  • "AI means there will be fewer people required to do the same amount of work"

  • "this does not mean higher unemployment"

I think you left out a steep off reasoning there. At least, I don't follow.

admin , (edited )
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

But the amount of workers will only stay the same if demand grows at the same rate as the production output.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Only in the last case there is a chance that the amount of jobs will remain the same, the other cases will lead to lost jobs.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Because lawsuits are expensive, even when you're not guilty.

I don't think they'd be stupid enough to lie about hiring a voice actress for a voice model when they didn't.

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

Wow, time goes that fast where you live? I'm posting this 15 minutes after you, so that's like 2 weeks for you.

Got any stock tips?

admin ,
@admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

TLDR: "AI" is not always right, and does not fulfil all dreams you may have of it.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • admin , (edited )
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    The only thing this has to do with technology is that a fraction of the things in the article are said online.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Just doing a public service reminder.

    Are you? Or did you just think the weird "digital" in the title justifies it being posted here.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Agreed. Would have worked better if it said "tangled up". This is too much of a stretch.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Nah, there's tons of features that slack has over irc. To start with inline media (images, audio, video), but most importantly lots of out of the box external integrations and webhooks.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Customers own their own Customer Data.

    Okay, that's good.

    Immediately after that:

    Slack [...] will never identify any of our customers or individuals as the source of any of these improvements to any third party, other than to Slack’s affiliates or sub-processors.

    You'd hope the owner would get a say in that.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    I think creating a lora for your character would help in that case. Not really easy to do as of yet, but technically possible, so it's mostly a ux problem.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    I'm not a lawyer. But isn't the reason they had to go to reddit to get permission is because users hand over over ownership to reddit the moment you post. And since there's no such clause on Lemmy, they'd have to ask the actual authors of the comments for permission instead?

    Mind you, I understand there's no technical limitation that prevents bots from harvesting the data, I'm talking about the legality. After all, public does not equate public domain.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Not through the API.

    admin ,
    @admin@lemmy.my-box.dev avatar

    Thanks for that clarification. I was afraid it would be that murky.

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