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Tippon ,

Just to check, can't you remote into it instead? I use NoMachine, but there are lots of alternatives that might suit you better 🙂

Tippon ,

Fair enough. I'm usually using my computer when I remember that I should have done something on my server a few days before 🙈

Tippon ,

That being said, I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy's comment nesting is excellent. It's very easy to follow conversations.

You could set that up on a lot of forums, you just had to select threaded view in the settings 👍

Tippon , (edited )

Just in case there are malicious clones of it out there, the official site is 👍

Tippon ,

I haven't had a reason to use it properly yet, just testing, but it looks great. It's not perfect though. I asked it for a way to check what programs I have installed on Windows because I want to switch to Linux, and its answer was that I should make a list of the installed programs >.<

Tippon ,

Be careful with MediaMonkey, it can incorrectly change your files.

I've got dozens, if not hundreds of songs where it's changed the track number to the play count, and I've got a load where it's decreased the volume by a significant amount, presumably as part of the volume leveling function.

I don't use anything else to play or manage my music, and nothing has permission to affect it this way.

Tippon ,

Definitely not Roman wine. Last time we drank that, I got hammered!

Tippon ,

I can believe that.

I hadn't bought a bike for years, and a few years ago managed to pick up a cheap second hand bike for £60. It wasn't a bad bike, but obviously nothing special. After the lockdowns, when every man and his dog seemed to take up cycling, I looked at getting a cheap new bike. The cheapest ones I could find were a few hundred pounds.

I looked at ebikes earlier this year, and the magazines and websites reviewing the cheap bikes were setting a minimum price of £1500 to avoid the cheaply made junk. Even second hand bikes were going for £800+

To put this in perspective, I can get a second hand motorbike for the same price range, and a car for around £1000. Obviously these are not going to be the best motorbikes or cars on the road, but they run, and will last for at least a few years.

Tippon ,

I wish things like that were more popular here. It's rare to hear about any sort of co-op, and they tend to be in the cities rather than out in the sticks where I am.

Tippon ,

He's an out of shape baker, and he bought himself a 10k e-ountain bike.

You could say he had too much dough :D

I'll get my coat...

Tippon ,

I wonder how much your age has to do with it?

I'm in my mid 40s, and didn't have a mobile until I was about 19 or 20, and smart phones didn't become popular until I was probably in my mid 20s. They just weren't a part of my formative years.

Tippon ,

There are card providers like Curve who let you add multiple bank, credit, and store cards to one card, and select which one you want to use through an app. I don't know whether you can use them through your phone separately though, as I only ever tried it through the Google Pay system.

Curve changed their terms a few years ago so that you can only have one payment card without paying a monthly fee though, so I haven't used them for a while. On top of that, changing the selected card through the app was too slow for when I was in a queue and wanted to use a store card and then a payment card.

Light hypersensitivity: Has anyone tried "migraine" or colored glasses for it?

If you have, how well has it helped? Did different colors, such as those driving yellow tinted ones, help more? I have some transitions glasses, but that only helps outside. I saw on at least one site rose colored migraine glasses and am thinking about getting a pair.

Tippon ,

Before you spend a lot of money on a pair of medical glasses, try your local hardware store and see if they sell the same coloured glasses as safety glasses. I got a pair of yellow safety glasses, with yellow supposedly being good for astigmatism and car headlights, but only paid about £3 for them. 'Medical' glasses, which were the same colour but in nicer frames, were a lot more expensive.

I've also recently bought a pair of red glasses for about £5. They're not the prettiest glasses I've ever seen, but they work to let me know whether red glasses work for me or not :)

Tippon ,

I need prescription glasses now too, but what I've tried just to see if the colours work, is just putting the coloured glasses on over my existing glasses. Obviously it's not ideal, but it's at least letting me know if the coloured glasses are likely to work, before I spend a lot of money on a pair.

As an aside, you've just reminded me that I need prescription sunglasses and I've forgotten to ring the optician again 🙈

Tippon ,

Plus, part of unlocking is setting up a Mi account, accepting third party cookies, and syncing your data to their servers. Xiaomi are a shitshow

Tippon ,

My boring choices would be Chinese takeaway and fresh KFC. The Chinese takeaway near me is delicious, and does great portions, but you're looking at at least £10 to £15 per person if you're not sharing. It's not a massive amount of money, but if you want to try a few dishes, it quickly racks up the cost.

The KFC is bog standard, but it's just far enough away that the food cools down by the time it gets to my house. This is more of a more money equals more time situation, so I'd have more time to go to the restaurant and eat it right there while it's hot.

A few people mentioned beef jerky. I'd like to try some of the different types and flavours. I've only really seen the one brand here, and they sell Teriyaki and spicy. Spicy just means that they've dumped enough spice on it to mask any other taste. I'd like to see what the other options are like.

Same with some of the other suggestions here, like swordfish. I'd love to try some of the more unusual foods, without going down the gimmicky route and eating things like rotten fish, or live octopus.

Tippon ,

Make sure that it does what you want in your country. What I mean is, some countries have restrictions on ebikes that can be glossed over online.

I'm in the UK, and recently bought an ebike. I bought it because I'm disabled and struggled to get up the hills that surround my house. Everything I read led me to believe that I could use the throttle on the hills, and pedal on the flat, and slowly get back into shape.

I didn't find out until afterwards that we can't have throttles, and the top speed is limited to 15mph. Most people on sites like this are in the US, and a lot of enthusiasts tweak their bikes.

Make a list of what you're expecting, and make sure that ebikes in your region can do it all.

Tippon ,

I disagree. When I was a teenager, I loved Green Day, Nirvana, The Offspring, and The Sex Pistols. I went through a heavy phase in my early 20s.

While I still like those artists and songs, there are other bands and songs that I like more now. (The Rumjacks are a great band if anyone's looking for something new).

The music I listened to when I was in my teens and early 20s will always be special to me, and shaped my tastes, but now that I'm in my 40s, my life is vastly different to how it was back then, and other songs speak to me more now than those songs do.

Tippon ,

Yeah, there's no denying that it's a fantastic album :)

Tippon ,

Holy crap, that’s not Green Day

That's kind of the point ;)

Tippon OP ,

That looks like it could be really good, thanks :)

I'll have a play with the demo and see how it works.

Tippon OP ,

It looks great, thanks :)

It looks like it covers everything I should need and more. I'll have to see if it will connect to my bank, or if only some banks use the protocol, but it looks promising.

Unwarranted advice is welcome too :)

I haven't had much luck with journaling, as I usually don't like the act of writing things down. If it can be done digitally though, it's worth another look, thanks

Tippon OP ,

They look good, thanks :)

I like the fact that InvoiceNinja can be self hosted too

Tippon OP ,

That looks fantastic, thanks :)

There's definitely more than I'll need for now, but that looks like it could manage most situations.

Tippon OP ,

It does look good, thanks :)

Tippon OP ,

Thanks :)

Tippon OP ,

That looks like it could be good, thanks :)

Tippon OP ,

Thanks for replying :)

It looks good, but possibly a bit complicated. I do want to learn Python, but I'm nowhere near competent enough to trust my finances to it yet :)

Tippon OP ,

That's a good point, I hadn't thought about how I would get the information to an account yet. I need to look into how that would work for whichever software I use. Thanks for the heads up :)

Tippon ,

You might want to delete this, then reupload it after you've cropped your name out 👍

Tippon ,

I had it this week on my Mint laptop, with the bundled Firefox. I hadn't used the laptop for a few weeks, so I knew it needed updates, but I needed to get something done straight away.

I opened something in a new tab, and it opened as the restart to update tab. As well as breaking my train of thought, it restarted without opening the new link, but also warned me that it wouldn't reopen any private browsing tabs and another type of tab that I can't remember.

However they justify it, that's bad design.

Tippon ,

I didn't say that it forced me to update. This set of replies is about apps that force close and don't let you do anything.

My Firefox updated in the background, because that's how I set my system up, but instead of letting me keep working and updating on the next app start, it forced me to stop what I was doing and update there and then, while telling me that it wouldn't be restoring any private tabs that I had open.

As a contrast, I was also running Chrome. That also updated, but waited for an app close before completing the update. It didn't interrupt me, and it didn't lose any of my open tabs.

Firefox has it wrong in this case.

Tippon ,


You're lucky that you live close enough, or that you're not popping in on your dinner break, or on your way between jobs, and don't have time to nip home to pick up your ID.

Your lucky that you're not elderly or disabled and struggling to get to the polling station at all, never mind having the opportunity to get there and back easily.

Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time?

I'm sick of random capitalisations mid sentence. I'm sick of common words being replaced by less common ones or even downright nonsense. I'm sick of it taking three attempts to successfully get the word I want. I swear it's been like this for five years or more. Can we have a better version yet, or at least the old one back?

Tippon ,

Strongly disagree. I'm using SwiftKey, and the prediction has been awful for the last year or so. It constantly tries to force sentences on me and gives me multiple repeated words.

As an example, typing that last sentence, every time I started a word with 'm', it suggested 'more' and 'more than'. If I long press and tell it not to suggest 'more than', then select 'more', the next suggested word is 'than'.

I find that it often repeats the selected word too. Earlier I typed something like 'I did it last year' and the next suggestions were 'year' and 'year ago'.

Microsoft have shoehorned a predictive AI into SwiftKey, and it doesn't work properly.

Tippon ,

I imagine you already know, but be sure that you're saying that the street sign doesn't exist, and not the street itself 👍

Tippon ,

Where does the training data come from to create indecent images of children?

Tippon ,

The Realme photo looks fake. You just don't get that much light at night from a 30 second shot without a lot of post processing. You'd probably get blurry stars too, depending on your location.

It's great if you want to take photos of your friends at night, but if you're trying to get genuine photos of the stars, I wouldn't trust it.

Please help: What's your take on woman drinking guy's beer without asking after he starts dancing with her?

Please be kind with me as I am new to this platform. I was at a club when a very handsome guy, totally my type, started dancing with me. I don't know what gave me the courage to take the half finished beer from his hand and take a sip of it without asking. I then gave his beer back to him, and he said he had to go but will be...

Tippon ,

I'm in the UK, and have been with my wife for about 20 years, so the context might be different, but when I was young and single, that was a big red flag.

I know it's not the way you meant it, but back then, the girls who did that were generally hard work. There was probably an 80 / 20 chance that they expected you to buy them drinks all night, and were just doing it for the free drinks. If you didn't buy them, they'd grab the next guy who looked daft enough to fall for it.

Unfortunately once you've been caught out by a few people like that, you tend to be suspicious of the genuine people too.

Probably the best thing you could have done afterwards was to buy him a drink and say something like, sorry, I didn't mean any offence, and leave him alone. Let him make the next move if there is one.

Tippon ,

I know they're not getting drunk off a sip, and didn't say that the sip was the free drink.

They'd do this to young single guys, the type who looked naive, and flirtily take a sip from the guy's drink, making it clear that they wanted a drink of their own. The guy, usually being drunk and stupid, would fall for it and buy them drinks for as long as they kept flirting. At the end of the night, the girls would drop the act and just walk away.

Obviously, nobody owes anyone else anything, and this clearly isn't what OP was doing but if you've been burned by someone taking advantage in the past, you're more likely to think that's what's happening again.

Tippon ,

OP asked for opinions on why the guy walked away. I offered an opinion based on my experience from my many years running a nightclub. Absolutely nobody has suggested that anyone should be obligated to sleep with anyone else. In fact, the last sentence of my last post said exactly the opposite.

As I've repeatedly said, OP was clearly not doing this. I suggested that maybe the guy that OP was flirting with has been burned by someone else doing that to him in the past, and that's why he reacted in that way.

@appledinosaurcat I'm not always great at getting my point across, so if I have implied that you did anything wrong, please know that it was not my intention, and I apologise.

Tippon ,

Was he angry, scared off, or just thought I was easy?

OP asked for possible reasons for why the man acted the way he did. It's right there in the post that you apparently didn't read. I offered one possible explanation based on experience.

I've repeatedly said that nobody owes anything to anyone else. You are the person who keeps suggesting that I said different. You seem like you're trying to paint me into a corner to try and get me to say something that I didn't. You're either arguing in bad faith, or are incapable of understanding someone else's point of view.

To clarify, yet again, the girls who would pull this trick would act as if they were interested in the guy that they chose, and were interested in sleeping with them. They were not interested in sleeping with them, they just wanted free drinks. The guys would find out at the end of the night that these girls were pretending to be interested just to get drinks, and would be annoyed that they had been tricked. At no point did anyone owe anything to anyone else.

A guy who had been tricked like this in the past might avoid anyone that he thinks might be trying it in the future.

Again, OP was clearly not doing this. I only offered this as a possible reason for the way that the guy in OP's post had acted. It was based on my own experiences from running a nightclub for several years, and seeing people act the same way.

I resent the fact that you're trying to twist my words to make it sound like I think that people owe other people sex, and I'm done with you. Go troll someone else.

Tippon ,

If someone lies to you, especially if it's to trick you into giving them something, it's ok to feel upset.

The only person who is constantly saying anything about people being owed sex is you. Seek help.

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