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theareciboincident ,

The LG flex had a flexible and self-healing screen in 2013

theareciboincident ,

I genuinely think shit like this is what promotes antisocial behavior in children. As in clinically antisocial, not just a synonym for introverted.

Children learn hundreds of new words and new things every week. That’s their entire purpose in life at that age.

Deliberately lying to them about how basic reality works for extended periods of time is likely what causes the neural short circuits of religion and conservatism.

theareciboincident ,

breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations

nooo they just look scary they’re so cuddly noooo you don’t understand

theareciboincident ,

The patient fully embraced the Elon propaganda and spouted his praises on the dozens of media interviews he agreed to.

No sympathy for someone who invited a leopard into their house to catch the mice

theareciboincident ,

The problem people have with your argument is not the existence of 5.1 surround sound.

Nor is it that the vast majority of households can’t afford a properly tuned surround sound setup instead of haphazardly throwing speakers around which arguably creates a worse experience than stereo.

It’s that the Dolby implementation requires publishers to license it and pay for an unstoppable ad that plays before every session, while benefitting only the petit bourgeois.

Notice how you reverted so quickly to your capitalist brainwashing. May be a good inspiration to see what other ideologies have been implanted into you.

theareciboincident ,

Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.

defending a right wing think tank

uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it

having no idea what Marxism is

Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.

I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?

Recommendations of what fabrics to wear?

I want to be more respecting of my own sensory needs, and notice certain fabrics are incredible uncomfortable, as opposed to others. I've also noticed loose clothing feels more comfortable for me, then tight clothes. Cotton feels good, polyester does not. I understand this may potentially vary for each person, but wanted to ask...

theareciboincident ,

Watch out on those Levi’s. Many of their product lines are a blend of denim and spandex, which makes them feel and fit great.

Unfortunately it also means their durability goes to shit because one of those materials is not elastic. Being blended means the fabric will just fall apart, you can’t repair them.

theareciboincident ,

Apologies, I am not familiar with Canadian regulations. However, your unruly neighbor to the south has a common issue.

American sunscreen doesn’t work. European and East Asian (Korean/Japanese specifically) sunscreens use a perfectly safe chemical that has long lasting power and incredible UV protection.

This chemical has been in widespread use for decades in these markets with no statistically significant health issues.

This compound is not used in the US because sunscreen is considered a health product in the US and must be tested on animals before human use.

Consider importing some from specialty sites or find a local Asian beauty shop.

theareciboincident ,

Also see Hawaiian slack-key for a super unique and culturally rich style

theareciboincident ,

I’m hearing a lot of OG Homeworld fans turned off by this one.

Instead of retaining unique charm, they spent a shitload of money on generic video game story #6 and generic wet-looking cutscene render #4.

Simultaneously, many core gameplay mechanics were dumbed down and made more palatable for the masses.

It’s a tough pivot to make, but what else are fans of the genre gonna play hahahah

theareciboincident ,

These .world comments are fucking wild. Really telling that the are the same people desperately trying to convince the LBGT vote while posting bigotry in the next breath.

theareciboincident ,

How quickly people forget how major metro hospitals in the US had rows of refrigerated semi trailers because there were too many bodies

How doctors and nurses were told to wash and reuse their N95s despite it being proven to compromise their effectiveness because supplies were so low

I hope this bird flu shit blows up even worse, maybe then these dumbasses will get the message

theareciboincident ,

“Was working illegally” as if they somehow forced an employer to pay them under the table instead of hiring a citizen. As if their income would even qualify for any significant tax revenue.

It takes two to tango, employers pay payroll and insurance tax as well.

But, I also agree. People who do not pay their fair share of taxes (even if that fair share is $0) should not benefit from the services those taxes enable.

Now you must agree billionaires and corporations should also stop receiving government subsidies because they are not paying their fair share, right?

Same thing goes for conservative regions that historically suck up funding while contributing none, right?

Anything else and you would just be a hypocrite lying about why lesser classes should be treated worse; that would be terrible!

Feeling lost and cut off at times and want someone to talk to about it.

II have thought about this off an on for a while, and decided I will talk more about it here since I haven't been able to find a more welcome place for someone who is considered spiritual and on the autistic spectrum. I'm not even sure what the right place is though as there are times I tend to feel lost in more ways than one...

theareciboincident ,

My brother in Christ I see the spark of a good and gentle person in you, so as a fellow neurodivergent individual, please at least give this a half thought:

What you are describing is something else other than your autism. These conditions often worsen over time if left untreated, and youth trauma does not help.

People just like you and me spend 10+ years of their lives studying and conducting science to create medications that help people like us.

Please consider looking into a referral for a psychiatrist to discuss these issues further.

theareciboincident ,

There are studies gaining traction that pretty conclusively prove it’s due to shit diets.

Eat more veggies, fiber, and bioavailable nutrients and the rates go way down.

Turns out when you feed kids apple-flavored sugar water and ultraprocessed pop tarts and Hostess donuts literally their entire lives, their health goes to shit

Let’s remember while lazy and incompetent parents have always existed, it’s never been this fucking bad. Households working 10+ hours a day struggle to live without kids as it is in the richest nation in the world.

When your back is broken, you can’t buy your kid a reliable used car let alone college, you will never retire, and you will never own a home, it turns out raising an iPad baby with a jar full of cookies happens easier than you think.

theareciboincident ,

They do, every year, at career fairs across the nations schools. It’s called divesting from the military industrial complex.

You just pretend not to see it.

This issue is brought up literally every time the Saudis are mentioned. However, your take is a fresh and interesting one that makes absolutely zero sense.

What are you doing?

Oh that’s right, nothing. Okay.

It’s not even a fucking meme in the tankiest Putin apologist communities to support Saudi Arabia.

Seriously where are you even getting this from?

theareciboincident ,

You MAGAts keep screaming about how if we don’t vote blue, fascism will gain even more power.

What exactly do you think is happening right now under Biden?

It’s incredibly telling of the liberal brain rot that you can listen to this entire song and your only argument is “but orange man bad”.

So, to quote the warrior-poet: “And fuck no, I’m not votin’ for you in the fall”

theareciboincident ,

An old buddy had a Trek e-bike that performed great, can second this.

With bikes you really don’t want the $200 Amazon KEKWING special…

And ESPECIALLY with e-bikes you do NOT want the $1200 OMEGAFORT special. These things pull some serious watts and it is not uncommon for the cheap ones to self ignite.

Seriously, if you’re going to put any amount of real daily use and dependence on it, you don’t want these

theareciboincident ,

As long as it’s for personal use I don’t think Microsoft gives a shit (beyond what is legally necessary)

They care more that you’re using their software and it stays the default productivity suite for workplaces

theareciboincident ,

The problem is for those of us who go out of our way to make women feel more comfortable and safe in male dominated environments, hearing women treat you with the same disdain as a sex pest just makes you stop giving a shit.

Which again, I’m sure has happened with other “women when x occurs” memes as well.

Overall very eye opening. I’ll hold my own doors and stop moderating conversations I guess. Just keeping to my own business.

This entire issue is clearly just another culture war wedge being pushed by right wing think tanks except the target audience absolutely ate this one up as well as the victims.

theareciboincident ,

Yeah either they’re unemployed, work from home, or have terrible IT practices where they work hahaha

theareciboincident ,

Mate are you seriously saying System of a Down is a non political music act

theareciboincident ,

I straight up see top comments calling for the death of all black people on front page subs lmao

theareciboincident ,

In hindsight it was pretty fucking obvious when TD was regularly inspiring terrorist attacks and was allowed to thrive while CTH got banned for saying slave owners deserve death

theareciboincident ,

A dogwhistle for what? Are you aware words have meanings, you can’t just repeat leftist talking points and pretend they support you lmao. That shit only works on fascists

theareciboincident ,

Looks like there is a syntax to set a custom rule to exclude a domain from a particular filter list. Honestly I couldn’t be arsed to figure it out at work and Google has been ruined by SEO but there is a way!!

theareciboincident ,

These kids are already being attacked by state security forces using more weaponry than the Jan 6 traitors were facing and your conclusion is we need more peace?

theareciboincident ,

It’s because it makes the kind of person who drives these shitty cars so fucking mad it’s hilarious

theareciboincident ,

It is anti-Christian lol, have you seen how most devout followers of Christ behave? Hate is Christian.

theareciboincident ,

Normies genuinely turn on their Smart TV, watch start menu ads, open the YouTube app, wait 90 seconds for the shitty cpu to load the web view, scroll through hundreds of Spider-Man Elsa brainwashing videos and thinly disguised ads, open a video, watch 3 minutes of ads, straight into a 3 minute sponsor segment. All before seeing any actual content.

And they see no problem with this at all, the thought that you can make ads go away literally does not even occur to them as a possibility.

Humanity deserves extinction, I’m gonna go release some refrigerant real quick

theareciboincident ,

In North Korea, the state security forces can just grab you and lock you up for no reason, beating you up, taking your wallet as civil forfeiture, making you lose your job, and dropping you off miles from home with no transportation.

Good thing that could never happen in the US!

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