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Showroom7561 ,

That's a YOU problem, WestJet. Pay your mechanics what they deserve, and treat them like people.

Showroom7561 ,

In the RC car world, I've heard of people having their workshop go into flames from batteries that were simply in storage... not charging or anything.

I keep mine (RC car batteries) in a special, fireproof box when they are not in use, and also charge them in that box (as it's designed to be).

Not an easy way to do with this larger, e-bike batteries, especially when those batteries are built into the frame of the vehicle (some e-bikes and pretty much all e-scooters).

I guess anything is possible, but you are right that most of the time, there is a reason.

Realistically, the EV/e-bike industries will destroy themselves if they can't come up with safer battery tech that won't kill your entire family.

At some point, everyone will have multiple e-vehicles in their home, office, or parked in an underground/above ground parking garage.

If something isn't done fast, these cases of fires will be so common that people will accept them as "normal".

Showroom7561 ,

Lights at night.

I completely agree, but this still doesn't fix the problem of motorists "not seeing you" when they are looking down at their phone.

I've nearly been hit a few times by turning cars... while wearing high-viz and reflective clothing... riding a bike that's high-viz... riding on tires that have reflective sidewalls... while using a flashing front light, a solid front light... equipped with a flashing rear light... and riding in a slow, predictable way.

Being visible only works on those who are paying attention around you, and these days that means fewer and fewer people.

Showroom7561 ,

For sure. I'm only saying that the advantage we all seek really only applies when others are paying attention.

When I'm driving or cycling, I can see cyclists that are hundreds of meters away. Yet, a cyclist less than 10m from a motorist at an intersection is suddenly unseeable? No, someone was distracted or impaired while at the wheel.

Showroom7561 ,

The maximum range is stated as 50 kilometers, although this can only be achieved under optimal conditions.

"Long range" has different meanings to everyone.

Showroom7561 ,

That's great for climate goals, but can someone tell me how we're supposed to heat our homes? Electricity?

Showroom7561 ,

Heat pumps sounds like a good way forward. I haven't looked into the cost to replace a heater in a home, but I guess new homes could just have them installed by default.

What about natural gas use in home cooking/restaurants? Surely, you can't just replace that easily.

EDIT: And what about heating water? I mean, natural gas is used for more than heating the space in a home.

Showroom7561 ,

Since when? This article, last reviewed this month, pretty much says the same thing as their last published position statement.

Showroom7561 ,

It's not that they no longer support the idea of a plant-based diet, it's more likely that plant-based diets are so overwhelmingly supported by the evidence that they no longer have to keep saying it out loud.

Especially since their recent articles seem to echo what their position paper on vegetarian diets already said years ago. To them, it's like common knowledge.

That said, they are one of dozens of dietetic and health authorities around the world who have made it clear that a plant-based diet can not only be appropriate for all life stages, but it can be used to reverse certain diseases (i.e heart disease and T2 diabetes) when other diets simply can't compare.

Showroom7561 ,

They did not retract or change their position, though.

And they still publish information based on the same wording and conclusions they had when they did publish a position.

I'm not sure what's so confusing about this. They did not change their position on plant-based diets, and I believe because it would be redundant to keep saying what the science has confirmed year after year.

Is there any position they continually confirm year after year? If so, I'd be really surprised, unless the science isn't supporting their position, so they have to give their reasons for still having them.

The only article I linked was reviewed by their people just a few weeks ago, so it's as current as you could expect.

Showroom7561 ,

Why do they continue to publish articles literally stating the same facts, word for word, from those old, published position statements?

The science hasn't changed. In fact, it's only supported plant-based diets over the years.

If you talk to a registered dietitian today, they will say the same thing. At least, that's been my experience through working with several over the years.

Either way, it doesn't particularly matter to me. I've been vegan for over two decades and my doctor is quite happy with my health.

Showroom7561 ,

Hilariously so! What a fun read!

I'm not sure if I'll be riding that Pinus, but I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind hopping on the black one.

Showroom7561 ,

I was going to blame it on cheap motors from unknown manufacturers, but this is Bosch. They have the most expensive, "premium" motors around.

That's pretty bad if they can't even handle being outdoors... on bikes designed for outdoors.

Showroom7561 ,

Yeah, my son was riding a Ninebot (e-scooter) through all kinds of weather, heavy rain, salted roads, summer heat, (Canadian winter cold) and that thing had at least 8000 km on it without any fail. Not to say that Ninebot are some unknown manufacturer, but I wouldn't have considered them better than Bosch.

Showroom7561 ,

From the article:

"He says some of the first-generation motors had experienced problems caused by water, but later models had been enhanced with improved seals and bearings."

I wonder if these owners simply kept getting gen 1 motors, or whether Bosch is just lying. LOL

Showroom7561 ,


I wonder if the same strategy can be applied to the industries just east of the Whitby Harbour, directly north of the waterfront trail. Because at some times of the day, one of those companies is either burning tires or releasing some other toxic shit into the air, which makes it impossible to use the trail without being poisoned in some way.

Showroom7561 ,

A diet promoting plant-based protein to help the environment now has a more human argument: It may lower your risk of dying from several major diseases.

We've known this for decades, and modern research is only strengthening this position.

The question is: what will it take for people to change their diet?

Showroom7561 ,

Not really true. If you exclude those other factors, plant-based diets still come out on top. You should check out studies on the Seventh-Day Adventists like this one, as it's fascinating stuff!

There are simply too many harmful compounds in animal flesh which aren't compatible with health in humans.

But overall, plant-based is just better in every way: cost, land use, water use, climate change, health, longevity, chronic disease risk/prevention, food security, etc., etc., etc.

Showroom7561 ,

There are loads of other benefits that come along with eating plants, but regarding protein source:

"Conclusions Higher intake of total protein was associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality, and intake of plant protein was associated with a lower risk of all cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. Replacement of foods high in animal protein with plant protein sources could be associated with longevity." SOURCE

"Conclusions and relevance: High animal protein intake was positively associated with cardiovascular mortality and high plant protein intake was inversely associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, especially among individuals with at least 1 lifestyle risk factor. Substitution of plant protein for animal protein, especially that from processed red meat, was associated with lower mortality, suggesting the importance of protein source." SOURCE

Showroom7561 ,

Even a world moto-tourist doesn't have a need for 450 miles at a time.

Who benefits from having the extra bulk and weight (and price) for such an extreme range figure?

Showroom7561 ,

But they need to actually sell them. Electric motorcycles were a thing before they weren't. The market didn't accept them, and I don't think unrealistic range is going to be a major selling feature.

Showroom7561 ,

That must be some crushing range anxiety! I don't think most motorcyclists would even want to sit on their bike for 10 hours at highway speeds for an entire day.

Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs ( )

If you don't want a part of your body to get sore, then that part shouldn't be pushing against something that doesn't move along with it. That's the thinking behind the vabsRider bicycle saddle, the two sides of which pivot in time with your pedaling.

Showroom7561 ,

Anything that makes cycling more comfortable for me people is always a win in my books.

I've always felt that if a saddle needs the rider to wear padded short, it's not the right saddle.

I recently switched to a Selle SMP saddle, and suddenly my hand pains went away, and I'm more comfortable without padded shorts.

But the issue for me, isn't so much pain from sitting, but chaffing/rubbing by ordinary underwear and bottoms. Cycling shorts are just designed to exclude seams where you don't want them.

I wonder if this saddle addresses clothing rub.

Side note, it bothers me immensely that many of the riders in the demo video are rocking side to side. Their bike isn't nearly set up right if they are forced to do that. Like the saddle is too high.

Showroom7561 ,

I use it when wearing padded shorts, but I really shouldn't need to wear padded shorts. I may need to get different underwear, so the fabric doesn't bunch up or crease, but that's about it.

When I was riding with a Brooks C15, I pretty much had to wear padded shorts or it felt like I was sitting on a wooden plank. I endured it for thousands of KM until I realized that there are so many better options out there.

Showroom7561 ,

I don't! The underwear are for when I use regular shorts or jeans. Some have seams that just tear into skin under friction.

That said, some shorts, specially those with loose liners, are also really bad when riding long distances.

Showroom7561 ,

Not only social services. The Ford government also underspent during the pandemic, when doctors and nurses were begging for more resources.

Let's not forget underspending on education, too.

You know where there's a "spare no expense" attitude, though? When it comes to spending paying off his business partners buddies.

But it's ok, guys. Let's keep voting for a conservative premier, and we'll just blame Trudeau for all the failings that come as a result. /s

Showroom7561 ,

Costco has never been low-cost from my experience. At least not for the food I buy.

Showroom7561 ,

I wish this report could explain how a company like Loblaws can continue to consistently post hundreds of millions of dollars in profit per year, because the report makes it seem like pricing is out of their control.

Showroom7561 ,

. These proposed changes to how capital gains are taxed would only require the richest 0.13 per cent of Canadians to pay more

Are these 0.13% of Canadian the ones hoarding 99% of the wealth?

Because if so, any excess income above a few million should be returned to the rest of the population.

There's no benefit to the country or society to have a handful of people keep money they will never be able to put back into the economy.

Showroom7561 ,

Why is Doug so obsessed with the alcohol industry? From the "buck-a-beer" gimmick to ramming booze in ordinary stores, something tells me he's got a lot of money in private investments and favours from his buddies in the industry.

Showroom7561 ,

Floccus is what I use for bookmarks.

Works across pretty much any browser and on Android (maybe iOS, I'm not sure). I've got it set up on my Synology NAS through webdav, and it's been reliable.

I do also use Linkwarden, but that's more to collect web pages, and not just bookmark them. The archive feature is great, since it doesn't rely on the page still being live to work.

Linkwarden and Floccus are very different, IMO.

Showroom7561 , (edited )

I've used a few e-scooters, and have put probably 10,000km on them between the two.

I do not own an e-bike, but ride regular bikes (probably more than 10,000km by now.

If I had to choose one, it would be an e-bike. Just because they offer greater flexibility, reliability, longevity, utility, and would work better on bad roads and trails (common in Ontario, and I can imagine so in BC).

The biggest advantage with an e-scooter is portability, and probably cost. If those factors are the top priority, go with an e-scooter.

The only downside is no swappable battery which you get with most e-bikes.

Well, if your e-scooter dies for whatever reason (happened to me), you'll be pushing it to your destination. An e-bike can still be pedalled.

Plus the ones I’m looking at have a supposed range or 60+ Km’s but even if I only got half that It would be good.

Ok, range claims on e-scooters tend to be greatly exaggerated. My Ninebot Max has a claimed range of 65km, and even at 150lbs, there's no way I'd get more than 45km. In colder months, the range tanks.

The exception was my Emove Cruiser, which had a claimed range of 100km, and I was able to get that much going about 18km/h on average. That was an awesome experience, but I've had to push that one due to a faulty battery once, then a flat that my tire sealant wasn't able to plug.

Good luck with whatever option you go with. I'm on team folding bike, so that's another option, with or without electric assist.

EDIT: There's a guy on YouTube called "Nic Laporte", who I believe lives in Vancouver. He covers a lot about e-scooters and micromobility, and there may be some good content there for you to help make a decision. Here's one "why I ride an electric scooter" that brings up some pros and cons.

Like to bike? Your knees will thank you and you may live longer, too ( )

New research shows lifelong bikers have healthier knees, less pain and a longer lifespan, compared to people who've never biked. This adds to the evidence that cycling promotes healthy aging.

Showroom7561 ,

As someone who suffers from chronic, unspecified joint pains, I can say without a doubt that cycling not only helps to get rid of the pain (while on the bike), but the effects last days after my ride.

Jogging, on the other hand, increases my body pain like 300% for a week. LOL

Showroom7561 ,

Been using this for a few weeks on my synology nas. Absolutely love it!

Showroom7561 ,

This wasn't caused by a lack of training, though.

He sped through an intersection with an oversized stop signs at it, which featuring a flashing light, without even trying to stop. (Source)

Showroom7561 ,

I agree that the truck industry needs to change (I know a few career truck drivers who have shared their experiences), but this was not a case of improper training, or even fatigue.

There were so many warnings for the driver leading up to the intersection. He didn't even try to stop.

Only he knows what happened, but the court documents have listed perfect driving conditions, ample warnings, and squarely puts blame on the driver.

This was beyond tragic and completely avoidable.

Showroom7561 ,

I ordered a pair of Pedaling innovations Catalyst flat pedals - they are very long and designed so the pedal axel is in the middle of your foot. I haven't used them yet, but I've found a LOT of foot relief by riding with my mid-foot, even on flat pedals that aren't large enough to do that optimally.

Generally speaking, most flat pedals work for me, but on very long 100km+ rides, I get hot foot, general foot pain, and don't enjoy it as much as I should. I'm hoping the Catalyst pedals solve this problem.

Showroom7561 ,

Hey, FWIW, I also ordered a Rockbros wide pedal, which I took for a spin on a 120km ride today.

Based on the platform measurement, it's just a tiny bit shorter than the Catalyst, but for $55 Canadian, so this will go on my other bike when the Catalyst pedals arrive.

With the Rockbros wide pedal, I experienced absolutely zero foot discomfort and my feet feel great after the ride, too. I'm completely blown away.

Mid foot cycling should be taken more seriously. I'm sure some people give up on cycling due to various pains, and they only move to smaller and more restrictive pedals because that's what they've been told are "the best".

I'm so excited to get the Catalysts!

Showroom7561 ,

You’ll definitely like the catalysts. Even the bearings in them are top notch.

The fact that rebuilt kits are available already makes me love them. LOL

Showroom7561 ,

Prior to the Liberals coming to power Ottawa was responsible for about seven per cent of the money spent on reducing homelessness, a number that rose only to 14 per cent with all the new money. Most of the money spent on reducing homelessness was spent by provincial and municipal governments.

This is the most important take away.

The Liberal government doubled their funding, but it's the provinces and municipalities who are responsible for spending it in ways that help the homeless.

Any failings are on them, and the headline makes it seem like Liberals are at fault.

Showroom7561 ,

Those are some great concepts!

I guess at some point, if these become more popular, lawmakers will need to decide if cities will require additional types of paths: one for cars and bikes, one for bikes and pedestrians, and one for bike cars.

Their size makes them awkward to use on both bike lanes and regular multiuse paths, so something will need to be thought of to accommodate them.

I will say that I met someone with a velocar, and it was a bit of a PITA to manoeuvre on standard bike infrastructure. It was also a PITA to fix anything on it.

Looking for advice on turning a mountain bike into a cargo bike

I've been riding the same Gary Fisher Hoo Koo E Koo Mountain Bike since my uncle found it in a sandpit and gave it to me to ride while away on my first internship. It was in somewhat rough shape back then, and it's kind of the bicycle of Thesius at this point as parts failed and I found ways to replace them....

Showroom7561 ,

I can only give you advice, based on my experience with an older MTB that has hauled over 130lbs worth of groceries at a time.

I'm a fan of keeping the bike modular, so it can be ridden with no extra bulk (except for front and rear racks), but I can increase its capacity with a combination of baskets, panniers, or a cargo trailer.

My standard haul configuration is usually the trailer with rear panniers (25L Arkel Shopper bags x 2 + the Wike City Cargo Trailer with 100lbs capacity). It typically looks like this, although I don't usually bring the trunk bag on grocery hauls, and will instead (if needed) mount a large steel basket, which is secured by voile straps.

If I'm picking up a really large/bulky grocery haul, I will bring two front panniers and a handlebar basket (Wald).

But.... most errands and smaller hauls will either see me with a Burley Travoy trailer, which converts into a handcart for taking into stores, or just the rear panniers.

As I said, I like to keep things modular with the option of just having a "naked" bike to ride around with.

Showroom7561 ,

does the handlebar basket just latch on to the rack?

Ok, so Wald makes several types of front baskets. The one that I have has a bracket that gets mounted to the handlebars permanently (you can remove them, but they aren't means to be removed like their quick release mount), and then the basket latches onto it.

Here is what it looked like after I installed the Wald mount:

It was a challenge to make sure that I could still have a functioning headlight and camera with the basket installed, so I also installed a handlebar extender to lift those up, and a bike light mount on the front rack. Since then, I've learned that you can get a clip-on mount for baskets that will hold the light, but I'm not sure if they use the same Garmin quarter-turn mount as my light, so...

But... I found that the Wald mount interfered with my regular handlebar bags (Arkel Signature BB and BB packet), so I've strapped some horizontal tubing to the Wald mount, so those handlebar bags can mount better without excess rubbing. I can remove the tubes very easily for when I need the front basket.

This particular bike is pretty busy, but it's an AMAZING utility bike! I've also added a frame bag for added carrying capacity (mostly for extra straps and tools), a top tube bag, and it now has double feed bags attached behind the handlebars for quick access to snacks, my powerbank, compact camera, etc.

If I had only one wish, it would be that I wish I went with a front rack that has a platform. My front rack is a low-rider, which is great for stability, I won't lie, but I would have made use of a platform.

One final mention. When I strap a basket to my rear rack, I tend to add a cut piece of 2x4 under it to give it a few inches of lift off the rack. This makes it easier to get the Arkel panniers off (and back on). It's not necessary that I do that if I plan to use only the rear basket.

Let me know if you have any other questions, and I'd be happy to help!

Showroom7561 ,

I figure I’ll start small, see if this is useful, and add capacity as I go.

That's what I've done! I'm lucky that the used MTB I linked is a 26"er, and so was my older one. I built up my older MTB with a bunch of gear, and they all ported over without issues. Then I just added more as I saw fit.

Good luck with your build!

Showroom7561 ,

I guess just bury me in a ditch, or just leave me there if burying is too expensive. 😮‍💨

Showroom7561 OP ,

The problem with "other solutions" is that they aren't designed for use on a moving bike, so they don't have the structure to actually work well. Apparently, Da Brim works in 30mph winds.

I'm fine with paying money for something that works well, especially when comfort and safety are a priority. But I appreciate you looking at alternatives... I was looking too, and found nothing that was the same (for cycling).

Showroom7561 OP ,

@classic and @realbadat

FYI, I'm in Canada and have been using La Roche ANTHELIOS XL, which contains Mexoryl XL and is SPF 60.

Been using it for years after my dermatologist recommended it.

Showroom7561 ,

I got a confirmation that payment was on the way... Unfortunately, "all class members who made valid claims will receive a payment of $7.86", which is hardly worth the time spent filling the application.

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