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UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter ( )

The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The move drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to...

Alsephina OP ,

Rogue state

Alsephina OP ,

Liberals also don't seem to realize Hamas's strategies of taking hostages, using tunnels and guerilla warfare etc are identical to the Viet Cong's, and so are their goals of driving out the occupation to reunite their country.

Also, "israel" has had — and continues to have — thousands of Palestinians hostage in its prisons for the entire 75 years that this colony has existed.

The native people have every right to use whatever means necessary to resist an occupation. Decolonization is violent; if you don't like it, don't colonize in the first place.

Alsephina ,

Considering it's the US, the fact that it produced anything at all could be considered more than than expected

Alsephina ,

I mean yeah this is what settler colonialism looks like

Alsephina ,

Tankies will see this and literally go "Hell yeah"

Hell yeah!

Alsephina ,

With the USSR overthrown, virtually all mainstream media now is capitalist propaganda. And the capitalist class obviously would not want the working class to prefer a system where workers are in power.

Alsephina ,

Oh my god that's real what the fuck lmao

Alsephina ,

I mean yeah, any successful socialist revolution will naturally seek good relations with the most powerful socialist state of all. Doesn't really answer their question though.

Alsephina OP , (edited )

Vocal participation in a genocidal system is endorsement of it. You can't tell people to vote for one of the parties of Capital one year and then suddenly tell people that actually it needs to be overthrown and think that's going to happen 5 years later.

At some point you have to commit to it being "broken" (actually working as intended of course) and organize based entirely on the fact that it is and can not be supported in any way whatsoever. We're long past that point with the "lesser evil" party currently committing genocide.

Successful revolutions in the past have used elections primarily as a way to show the size of the movement, never by endorsing a party of Capital.

Organize. Endorsing a genocidal party won't stop them from committing genocide.

Alsephina OP ,

As always, liberals' "support" for national liberation movements only extends to words, if even that.

They'll gladly support genocide in practice while capitalism gradually decays into fascism, as they've let happen in Europe in the past.

“The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative.”
- Malcolm X

Alsephina ,

Even more reason to ditch Unity!

Alsephina ,

Crimeans overwhelming support Russia against the post-2014 fascist coup gov in Ukraine

People in Donbass too as you'd expect. They welcomed the Russian army as liberators in 2022 from the current fascist Ukraine gov

Alsephina ,

That's mostly been libs in my experience

Alsephina ,

Hexbear is a leftist-unity instance of mostly socialists, communists, and anarchists.

Most people on Reddit are liberals (just look at how pro-israel Reddit is right now), so naturally alot of people migrating from Reddit didn't like it.

Alsephina ,

Socialist instance bringing up socialism 🤯

Alsephina ,

Conservatives are liberals too, i.e they support private property and capitalism, even if western conservatives like calling anyone not far-right liberals.

The liberals that don't support israel are left-leaning radlibs, and those are clearly not the majority of Reddit users as the last few months have made clear.

Alsephina ,

Conservatives are conservatives because they're completely politically illiterate lol; of course they won't use terms like "liberals" and "socialists" correctly.

Alsephina ,

deleted comments are complaining about pronouns

Hexbear being based as always

Alsephina , (edited )

Which just means "tolerating" the capitalist exploitation of workers.

It's why liberals always passively "tolerate" the decay of capitalism into fascism as is what happened in Germany and Italy, and seems to be happening in the US. They oppose socialist revolution against the capitalist state, because fascism does not harm Capital.

"...the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ ”

Alsephina , (edited )

If not they really should start supporting the DPR and LPR against the post-2014 coup's fascist government

Alsephina ,

Br*tish control over Hong Kong is finally over, what are you talking about?

Alsephina ,

Given that Ansarallah governs over 80% of the Yemeni population with popular support from the people, yeah ig?

Alsephina ,
Alsephina , (edited )

Liberals always passively let capitalism decay into fascism, because fascism doesn't harm the capitalist class. When forced to make a choice between organizing to overthrow the capitalist state and letting it decay into fascism, they will always choose fascism.

The Freikorps in Germany for example that hunted down communists, socialists, and trade unionists were already being trained and funded by the government even before the Nazis had ever come into power.

Alsephina OP ,

Hopefully this means a pivot to the Global South and away from the West, which is a trend we've been seeing for Turkey on occasion. Though I doubt that'll happen with Erdogan in power.

Alsephina ,

You can thank the US deindustrialization in the 60s and 70s they did to crush working class movements for that. They're currently cannibalizing Europe to make up for that.

Alsephina OP ,
Alsephina OP , (edited )

The comment said "I condemn Hamas" aka the group fighting back against an occupying force and an ongoing genocide. Also said some shitty things about Gaddafi.

Alsephina OP , (edited )

Zionism is a racist colonial ideology, merely using religion as a tool. Theodor Herzl, founder of zionism, said so himself

“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” Source [II]

Alsephina OP ,

China didn't colonize the world like western Europe and Japan did, then make neocolonial institutions like the IMF and World Bank to preserve those colonial relations.

They've mostly escaped colonialism and become the manufacturing hub of the world now, but wealth isn't being extracted from the Global South / "former" colonies to China like they are being transferred to the imperial Core.

Alsephina OP ,

The politics of the global hegemon affects the entire world, as much as we hate it. Specially when it's regarding a country they're currently committing genocide in.

Alsephina OP ,
Alsephina OP ,

Democracy amirite

Alsephina OP ,

Thanks for being the occupation's little lapdog

Alsephina OP ,
Alsephina OP ,

Both-siding with an occupation and their victims just means passively supporting their genocide. My statement remains unchanged.

Alsephina OP ,

Yeah that'll happen by magic and not violent resistance, just like with Vietnam

Alsephina OP ,

Yup, it has to be properly organized and planned obviously

Alsephina ,

“…a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”

Alsephina ,


Alsephina ,

It's because of China's sheer size. US sanctions on the DPRK, and — in the past — those on Vietnam and Zimbabwe have successfully kept those countries impoverished since they're much smaller.

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