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funkless_eck ,

I scoped out reddit as a marketer for a few companies over the years. It's just a standard brand awareness piece. Unless their targeting has got better, I recall you had to dump a minimum of $10k/month and your ad just "got shown" to whomever

I assume they let you target by subreddit and user interest now, but it still can't be that accurate

funkless_eck ,

first one isn't free

second one you have to migrate posts using ctrl+c ctrl+v and then hand type the publish date

third one you have to already have built your own SQL database

funkless_eck ,

Charitable works, a life of pacifism, poverty and asceticism spent caring for the needy and an on going good-faith attempt to make good on mistakes that deviate from that.

OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
funkless_eck ,

Moses himself commands an army to genocide before and after Mt Sinai

funkless_eck ,

sucks we won't see it happen but also delightful they have a mansion they can't use

funkless_eck ,

or by people with more complex understandings of relationships and the social nature of humans.

it's like saying "eating an apple pie is better than pressing your face into the hot oven that baked the pie"

yeah. But that's not the only two options in life.

funkless_eck ,

Promotions haven't been worth it for 30 years. Most people stick around cuz it's a PITA getting a new job

I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity ( )

How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can't manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn't laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically...

funkless_eck , (edited )

Similarly, my current job (now ending as they want to end remote work and I don't want to move to a desert in a very red/religious area)- I guided them out of "block chain for supply chain" (lmao it's cringe to even say that now) into "AI for productivity automation"

I give it 3 years max before all mentions of AI are scrubbed from the home page

How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker...

funkless_eck ,

I dont know if I agree with the work life balance.

Shower, groom, dress and commute starting at 6.30am, work 8.30–5.30 and commute to 6.30/7

or work 8.45-5.15ish and maybe spend an extra hour or two coupla times a week?

Huge difference.

funkless_eck ,

As an actor who once spent an entire 14 hour day saying only "¡Vamos!", it's not always a sign that you're bad if you have to do a lot of takes.

funkless_eck ,

They shoot them with actor bullets, which are only pretending to he lethal, of course.

funkless_eck ,

she's incredibly funny?

funkless_eck , (edited )

I just saw a live comedy show this Saturday where the women used the ghosts of their aborted fetuses to attack the Supreme Court. It was very funny, in poor taste, well executed and didn't feel like it crossed a line.

You can do edgy humor, you just also have to make sure it's fun and actually funny to most people.

funkless_eck ,

you never dreamed of a car driving over some koi carp?

funkless_eck ,

I mean you CAN just get an evening marketing job, 8-5 engineering, half hour break, 5.30-1:30am writing marketing copy, designing campaigns, A/B testing, budget management, demand gen, lead gen, sales enablement, CRO/CPC/CAC management, Martech tool alignment, attribution tracking, SEO research, content marketing, press releases and 3P distribution tools, all of which matched against brand voice and targeting to ABM the specific ICP within each vertical.

There's literally nothing stopping you.

funkless_eck ,

ah yes, the famously bullshit-free career of software engineering

funkless_eck ,

I mean I'm kidding around, but really, most of the time we're making a product to sell, and then selling the product to make more of it (or a new/better version of it) so that we can sell it more... so we can make it more... to sell more...

Its just all part of the same cycle. The OP meme could equally be:

Sales/Marketing: I made this sale


Product: I made this sale.

its bullshit all the way down.

funkless_eck , (edited )
  • Hearthstone
  • Mario Run
  • Simon Tatham's Puzzles

and - not an app - because they make you pay, but it's free in a web browser:

funkless_eck ,

that is to illustrate the vastness of infinity not the efficacy of monkeys

assuming one infinite monkey:

sonnet 18 has 592 characters- or a chance of 4.3x10^-848

10 trillion is ^-13 for reference.

And the universe is not even 14 billion years old.

And the ^-848 was 14 lines, a onehundredth of a single percent of the complete works.

However, it's infinite monkeys, so the time it would take is effectively how every long it takes for one monkey to type that many lines. A few days? A week? In an infinite monkey cage it's done at the first attempt: that's the size of infinity.

All that to say, to replace that in power, if you converted all the mass in the universe to energy, and all the time until it's heat death and could combine them into one machine: probably not enough to clear Titus Andronicus.

funkless_eck ,

AI absolutely will not design machines.

It may be used within strict parameters to improve the speed of theoretically testing types of bearing or hinge or alloys or something to predict which ones would perform best under stress testing - prior to acutal testing to eliminate low-hanging fruit, but it will absolutely not generate a new idea for a machine because it can't generate new ideas.

funkless_eck ,

apples and oranges.

You're comparing two products with the same value prop: transporting people and goods more effectively than carrying/walking.

In terms of mining, a drilling machine is more effective than a pickaxe. But we're comparing current drilling machines to potential drilling machines, so the actual comparison would be:

  • is an AI-designed drilling machine likely to be more productive (for any given definition of productivity) than a human-designed one?

Well, we know from experience that when (loosely defined) "AI" is used in, for e.g. pharma research, it reaps some benefits - but does not replace wholesale the drug approval process and its still a tool used by - as I originally said - human beings that impose strict parameters on both input and output as part of a larger product and method.

Back to your example: could a series of algorithmic steps - without any human intervention - provide a better car than any modern car designers? As it stands, no, nor is it on the horizon. Can it be used to spin through 4 million slight variations in hood ornaments and return the top 250 in terms of wind resistance? Maybe, and only if a human operator sets up the experiment correctly.

funkless_eck ,



sure. But, like I said, those are subject to a lot of caveats - that humans have to set the experiments up to ask the right questions to get those answers.

funkless_eck ,

i would be extremely surprised if before 2100 we see AI that has no human operator and no data scientist team even at a 3rd party distributor - and those things are neither a lie, nor a weaselly marketing stunt ("technically the operators are contractors and not employed by the company" etc).

We invented the printing press 584 years ago, it still requires a team of human operators.

funkless_eck ,

the comment I originally replied to claimed AI will design the autonomous machines.

It will not. It will facilitate some of the research done by humans to aid in the designing of willfully human operated machinery.

To my knowledge the only autonomous machine that exists is a roomba, which moves blindly around until it physically strikes an object, rotates a random degree and continues in a new direction until it hits something else.

Even then, it is controlled with an app and on more expensive models, some boundary setting.

It is extremely generous to call that "autonomy."

funkless_eck ,

Fair, I thought they all got recalled but I guess they're back. but I'd also counter that Waymo is extremely limited about where it can operate - roughly 10 miles max - which, relevant to my original point was entirely hand-mapped and calibrated by human operators, and the rides are monitored and directed by a control center responding in real-time to the car's feedback.

Like my printing press example - it still takes a large human team to operate the "self" - driving car.

funkless_eck ,

as someone who joined the war on drugs on the side of drugs: test no one.

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

funkless_eck ,

when I heard people were buying without inspections during the property rush I was agog and I hadn't bought a house.

I just bought a house and the inspection was very useful as a first time buyer.

Some electrics needed upgrading, the attic insulation had worn thin, there was evidence of old squirrel nests up there too, the crawlspace needed a vapor barrier, some tree branches were close to a power line... nothing major but all stuff that needed fixing.

We came to a compromise with the sellers that we'd split the cost of everything that came back in the report 50/50.

It certainly gives peace of mind to know there's no sword of damocles waiting to fall

funkless_eck ,

because some jobs have to produce a bunch of bullshit text that no one will read quickly, or else parse a bunch of bullshit text for a single phrase in the midst of it all and put it in a report.

funkless_eck ,

Destiny the Game. SIVA SIVA SIVA see you in the crucible lil titan slugger Boi

funkless_eck ,

I myself slowed down around then (Nimbus' bulge was just too much).

Played a little bit but the underwater season and then the tarot card season were pretty dull and the game hasn't had anything exciting happen in years.

Might try and do the final shape just to close out the character arc for my character I've had since d1 launch but I don't have much patience with it.

I occasionally watch streams. they released a horde mode that takes place on crucible maps with a boss that teleports you to a pyramid ship - and some slight crucible variants (the zones now move)

But really, nothing big as yet.

funkless_eck ,

bro it's just one modal on the website bro please just one more calendar integration bro promise just this one more fix to the email subject lines and you can go back to your vacation honest

—my boss

funkless_eck ,

at last the trans agenda is revealed: to win a reasonably obscure pop music competition that barely, if at all, affects the pop music charts.

funkless_eck ,

7 million viewers across 25 countries isn't that big. On average 300k per country.

funkless_eck ,

brit living in America. It is astonishing the difference between news feeds

the BBC waivers and has its faults and biases, but even biases I loosely agree with are so partisan in the US it makes me feel a bit unwell.

funkless_eck ,

Do the army even want a bunch of nerds, theatre kids, goths and bisexual disasters - speaking as someone who was all of those as a teen - in the army? I thought the army liked people who shut up and ran around a field.

"Oh if you don't they put you in jail"

ok how is that good for society?

funkless_eck ,

why can't I decide what's best for me? ages 18-21 I worked for my local city in projects designed to get local young people at risk of offending into projects like (legal) graffiti, music, arts, sports and volunteering.

Surely that was a better benefit to society than learning how to walk in the same rhythm as a group of other people?

funkless_eck ,

even if they never see war and just do a bunch of calisthenics in a muddy field - it's still being yelled at rudely to do push-ups instead of... working a job? Being in education?

I have absolutely no issue with OP being in the army - a good friend of mine was in the Signals. I respect him, but also, it would've done most of the people I know no good at all.

funkless_eck ,

but we let these "kids" choose their degrees, or jobs and - indeed potentially train them for the military - at that age.

And who is to say the military is the right choice? If someone yells at me to do push ups in the mud - in any other context I am well within my rights to tell them to fuck off. Which is entirely normal behavior.

In general, yes, the majority of people are doing some kind of good for themselves, families and communities. People volunteer, raise kids, donate to charity, recycle, care for sick relatives, help their neighbors and friends...

funkless_eck ,

it's interesting to me that you see childhood obesity as "an absence of military training" and not such things as

  • lack of support for health education in schools
  • lack of health meal choices for school cafeterias
  • lack of free support materials for parents
  • subsidies and support for low income families to get access to fresh and healthy foods
  • tariffs on high fat and high sugar foods
  • regulation on grocery store prices
  • more free activities for young people
  • subsidized sports programs and facilities
  • etc etc

"oh that's expensive"

the us military spends $64,000 per second every second.

funkless_eck ,

I'm sorry, I mean coitus

funkless_eck ,

I've played every fallout including Tactics. I enjoy good drama. The lore blips don't really matter to me as drama is about people interacting based on their circumstances and relationships, not about whether a specific numbered year matches up to another specific numbered year in a fictional universe. For the purposes of what makes drama work I would say it was a 7/10. Maybe a 7.5 because it had cool fallout stuff in it.

funkless_eck ,

I wasnt specifically referring to yourself and no offense was meant.

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

funkless_eck ,

the f-slur can't be reclaimed for me, personally, I'm happy for those who do reclaim it but its just too painful as it's what I got called when I was badly hurt and was worried I would die as a 12 year old.

However, those who do reclaim it then use it around me, which just makes me think about what happened - involuntarily - and ruins my day (or part of it).

It's also tricky being a bi man in a het relationship in this regard, as if someone knows that it's hard to overcome their feelings that due to my partners existence, I now no longer have a say in these matters.

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