
@[email protected]

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ArmokGoB ,

Same, except now I don't know how I'm gonna pay next month's rent. (I was spit out a while ago.)

ArmokGoB ,

That gave me a chuckle.

ArmokGoB ,

I thought about doing that, but I don't have the training or license to drive a boat. I'm in Hawaii, so it can get pretty rough out in the ocean. I'm also not sure how I would get money for food and stuff. I don't have massive savings or anything.

OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
ArmokGoB ,

Linking to Reddit kind of defeats the purpose of using Lemmy.

ArmokGoB ,

Yes. However, we shouldn't be sourcing content from Reddit at all.

ArmokGoB ,

It's not OC. If it was, OP wouldn't have had to link to Reddit to share it.

ArmokGoB ,

You don't get people with 5 years of experience if no one is willing to give you experience.

ArmokGoB ,

Guilt by association fallacy. Both of these things are bad. Not wanting to see an ancient monument be defaced does not make you a Tory.

ArmokGoB ,

They will because they're backed by the US.

ArmokGoB ,

You can only cut out so many people in so many industries before the economy collapses. I'd like to see what it would look like if like 30% of people lost their careers to AI. Maybe there would finally be a push for UBI and/or stronger tax laws for large corporations.

ArmokGoB ,

I love this script. I downloaded so many MIDIs for playing in Mordhau.

ArmokGoB ,

I am 100% sure this is sabre rattling.

ArmokGoB ,

You have more than one provider in your area?

ArmokGoB ,

The bill, passed by the state’s Senate last month and set for a vote from its general assembly in August, requires AI groups in California to guarantee to a newly created state body that they will not develop models with “a hazardous capability,” such as creating biological or nuclear weapons or aiding cyber security attacks.

I'll get right back to my AI-powered nuclear weapons program after I finish adding glue to my AI-developed pizza sauce.

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

ArmokGoB ,

Someone should present this to some progressive legislative body so that we can develop a safe haven for archiving games.

ArmokGoB ,

I've been keeping a close eye on it. He said something along the lines of "If you live in the US and the ToS of a piece of software said the publishers could come and shoot your dog, you'd have to prove that they broke some other law, like animal cruelty, to sue them successfully if they shot your dog." I'm curious to see how companies react if they get a mandate from the EU to preserve games.

ArmokGoB ,

I got a 14 day instance ban for calling a tankie a tankie on ML. Their authoritarian ideology is dangerous and it needs to be quarantined.

ArmokGoB ,

I blocked ML months ago. I'm still going to keep calling for large instances to defederate, because sticking my fingers in my ears doesn't make the problem go away.

ArmokGoB ,

When we played PF2e (for 2.5 years), the amount of times we used a hero point to reroll into a natural 1 was statistically unlikely.

Was this community banned on I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on what happend?

ArmokGoB ,

Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.

ArmokGoB ,

Most engineers think the tests will pass with flying colors.

Software engineer here. I run tests to work out where my code fails and to deduce why that is.

ArmokGoB ,

If things always worked, we wouldn't need tests. When something inevitably breaks because of some totally off the wall reason, we have tests to figure out why the code didn't work (or fail) in the way we wanted it to. I mostly work in game dev and HCI, and it feels like half the code I write for that owes its stability to hopes and dreams.

ArmokGoB ,

It's more like he knows liberals and young people have to vote for him or they'll get a fascist instead.

ArmokGoB ,

We'll find out


ArmokGoB ,

This is throwing a blanket over the problem. When the mods of a news community allow bait articles to stay up because they (presumably) further their views, it should be called out as a problem.

ArmokGoB ,

I'll be the first to say that Apple should burn in a fire, and that this update fiasco is something that they should pay dearly for. However, there is also a computer literacy issue here where people think that deleting files actually removes the data from the hard drive. You need specialized tools to scrub deleted data off of a hard drive, and it can take a long time, depending on the amount of space being scrubbed.

ArmokGoB ,

My mom showed me what Limewire was when I was a kid. She didn't know what piracy was.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

ArmokGoB ,

I have a MSc in Computational Media. I've had to read a lot of research on the dangers of social media, how harmful ideas spread online, and how people form unhealthy relationships with platforms. LW is still federated with LML, and I think my instance is still federated with Hexbear. So no, people don't give a quarter of a fuck what I have to say.

ArmokGoB ,

I've played 1,300 hours of Destiny 2. I basically wrote my graduate thesis on how it uses psychological tactics to exploit its playerbase and how contemporary business models in gaming are harmful to consumers. Anyways, I gotta grind out my red borders before TFS drops.

Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China ( )

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols....

ArmokGoB ,

I think this is what molotov cocktails were made for.

ArmokGoB ,

There is zero quality control here. I would rather see spam ads leading to shady websites than political grandstanding and ragebait at this point. At least this post isn't being intentionally divisive.

ArmokGoB ,

My ex was physically abusive and a pedophile, but I'm not more afraid of half the human population than I am of a grizzly bear because that would be fucking insane.

ArmokGoB ,

To be fair, so is League of Legends and every product made by Tencent and their subsidiaries. If they're going to go ahead with a ban, they should at least keep it consistent.

ArmokGoB ,

I want to avoid "everyone has free speech, but some have more free speech than others" from becoming precedent.

ArmokGoB ,

We don't talk about how they racked up hundreds of thousands of negative reviews in three days last week with their shitty business decisions.

ArmokGoB ,

No shit it got violent police reprisals. The students are just easy targets because they know that if they actually pick useful targets, they will get a police response. This entire thing is a show at the students' expense.

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