Looking for new Site Admins ( forms.gle )

Hey everyone,

The Fedihosting Foundation is looking for a new site-admin for Lemmy.World, to help our busy team. This moderator will help with reviewing and acting on reports, weighing in on user content, and helping foster our local communities while acting as a friendly neighbor to other fediverse instances.

You also DO NOT need to have an account on one of our FHF services but WILL have to create an account after joining. Users from other sites WELCOME!


  • You'll get to work with a great team of passionate kind, goofy individuals from all over the (lemmy) world!
  • We have weekly virtual hangouts where we brainstorm new ideas and catch up with each other. Community for us is not just a buzzword.
  • We can also provide work and personal references, as we are a registered legal non-profit.
  • While not a technical role, you will also gain exposure to best-in-class industry tooling and processes for large-scale hosted applications (aka modern DevOps).
  • We also run a small blog, that we'd love to have folks contribute to.
  • Join in on the editorial voice for our featured communities.
  • We also understand this is a hobby and that family and work come first
    • If you're having a hard time finding time or are busy, we will always do our best to help and support you.

Applicants should have the following qualities:

  • Experience moderating a diverse group of individuals from many geographic, religious, and LGBTQ+ backgrounds.
  • Able to commit to at least 5-10 hours a week.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and communication.
  • Solid background in conflict resolution.
  • Must be able to speak English.
  • Works well asynchronously with remote teams.
  • Grammar skills optional 😛

Bonus skills (which you will learn if you don't already)

  • SQL / Business Intelligence software skills.
  • N8N workflow automation
  • Web Design (Hugo + GitHub Pages).
  • Python scripting

Application process:

  • It goes without saying that we will only be considering applicants with a significant positive history of online posts and/or comments, no trolls, please.
  • Applicants must be okay with sitting for a video interview and must pass a basic background check.
  • While not strictly required, a CV with relevant work and volunteer history will help during the application process.
  • We are an international team that works from both North America EST time (-4) and Europe CEST (+2), so we would ask that candidates be flexible with their availability.

Please apply HERE

(Edit: Updated post, thanks Donuts!)

(Edit2: Thanks for all the feed back on this post, it's much appreciated 💗💗💗)

(Edit3: If you feel like you'd fit in, apply, the req's that we posted are more of a suggestion, then a hard yes or no)

SleezyDizasta ,

Serious question, why would anybody do this? These are the requirements of an actual job but without any of the pay. If someone is putting in this much effort, they might as well just apply for a real job and get paid for it.

I understand that you guys want to screen people first, but lmao are you guys going overboard. The people who view this as hobby aren't going to put themselves through such unnecessary and worthless hassle, and the people who want a job won't apply because there's no money involved. The only people who would qualify and want to do something like this are people who literally have no life. These are people who have no family, jobs, or a social life.

0110010001100010 ,
@0110010001100010@lemmy.world avatar

I take offense to some of that, but I applied to be an admin back in Q3 of last year. After the video interview I got ghosted. Thought I would give this a shot, had another video interview, and yeah I'm not expecting much. So yeah, I'm not even sure the process actually does anything other than waste time.

I do have a very well paying job, family, but you may have called me out on the "no life" thing... Though I do have a car that's become a bit of a project so I don't waste as much time on "IT" shit.

SleezyDizasta ,

Let me ask you this, as someone with a life, why did you even entertain the idea of wasting time on something this pointless in the first place? Do you find it fun? What's the thought process? Personally, after I finish working I want to spend my free time hanging out with my friends, family, go on a vacation, etc. If I really do have extra spare time on a consistent basis, I would much rather practice guitar, play ball, or doing things like you're doing now with your car. I see no benefit whatsoever from becoming a committed unpaid admin in general, let alone for an irrelevant site.

zeppo ,
@zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

Why are you taking the time to tell us about this? You should be off playing with your dog or whatever.

Dadifer ,

I would be willing, but I don't have any modding experience.

lawrence ,

I created a PHP website once. Where do I sign?

boatsnhos931 ,

Me me me! Ova here!!! Memememememe!

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar
vxx ,

Did I understand that correct that applicants would have to tell their real name?

RoyalEngineering ,

Yes, of course.

must pass a basic background check.

vxx ,

That's what made me wonder. Do they just assume applicants use their real name on social media, and when they don't find anything online the person seems sus?

Do they ask for a police record like companies here would do sometimes?

I'm not familiar with that term unless you work with critical infrastructure and such, so I assumed they might just want to see some online behaviour from the past years with some proof that applicants have experience as admins.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I offered my informal CV. Lemmy and the Fediverse the largest group I've ever offered any service to. My largest group is just over 1,800, but it's a relatively homogeneous group needing little mod activity. The commuinity is free to comment on my history, stupidity (lol) and bias. I figure it's fair considering he job app. I'll offer that I respect and enjoy (even if it's verbal sparring) the prospect of opposing reasonable views on Lemmy vs the bots, tropes, reposts, and crabs-in-a-bucket karma-whores on Reddit.

lwadmin OP Mod ,
@lwadmin@lemmy.world avatar


Doom ,


Rooki ,
@Rooki@lemmy.world avatar
Zealousideal_Fox900 ,

Admins over here wanting mid level job stuff then paying diddly fucking squat...

justaderp ,

The pay is the satisfaction of a job well done. It's like a family. We work hard and we play hard. Make sure to read the company policy on appropriate flair. Don't miss the meeting to decide how to form the committee for defining the best means of communication between committees for accounting, finance, and those troublemakers from the moderation committee.

lwadmin OP Mod ,
@lwadmin@lemmy.world avatar

Well, we cannot pay folks, but we can offer work references, some neat tech, and to be part of a team that's trying to make a difference online.
(Yes, I get the /s 🙄)

halcyoncmdr ,
@halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, Lemmy.World doesn't make enough money from their donations to cover much more than operating costs currently. Operating a site this size is not cheap. Would you prefer to see a ton of advertising and monetization like reddit?

Zealousideal_Fox900 ,

I have heavy doubts they could not afford to pay.

credo ,

Excellent interpersonal skills

Oh well.

lwadmin OP Mod ,
@lwadmin@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, as long as you don't put fish in the break room microwave, we're cool...

Rooki ,
@Rooki@lemmy.world avatar

Dont tell anyone but there is a possibility that i already did that /s

Tier1BuildABear , (edited )
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

I miss the piracy communities. The recent changes have pushed me back to reddit. Do with that what you will.

Edit: point taken, don't criticize instances or their moderators for anything they do unless you want to be crucified. They are above the law, their decisions to be made without criticism. Thanks for the lesson, assholes, you're really selling the return to reddit hard right now.

Shyfer ,

Why not just make an account on a different instance?

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, every time the mods get power hungry just migrate all your subscriptions. Super easy. Better hope the next instance isn't also blocking some of your communities.

dingus ,

Oh please. Power hungry? I have no problem with piracy, but you bet your ass I wouldn't want the legal liability of hosting a piracy community. Do you know that in many countries, mods/admins are risking jail time when they participate in stuff like that? God forbid, some people don't want to have to worry about going to jail. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other piracy communities all over the internet you can find on your own.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

I literally said it pushed me back to reddit? I'm just not going to do the manual work of migrating to a new instance every time the current one's mods get rid of a community I'm interested in, simple as that.

Ghostalmedia , (edited )
@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

This is like telling your neighbor that you like pie, and after work, and after the kids are put to bed, they spend the night baking you a pie using the apples that grow in their yard.

When they come over with the warm pie that they went out of their way to bake, you say that you prefer cherry pie, then complain about having to go to the same old bakery to get a cherry pie.

Just say thank you, take the pie, and give it to someone who will appreciate it. And if you want cherry pie, offer to help out when they bake next and bring some damn cherries.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, right now, using your analogy, it's a pie stand. Like a lemonade stand, but for free pie. The neighbors can come around if they want for free pie. As I'm walking by, they're asking the neighbors for help: too many people want free pie, they can't make pies fast enough. I like their pies, I like that they're free, but lately they just haven't been having what I'm looking for.

I say to one of their neighbors, "their pies tasted better when they were using real sugar, but they're scared the kids' mommies will be mad because their kids are up all night so they just took the sugar out. Didn't even replace it with anything. The Johnson's still use real sugar, they don't care."

I start to walk away to get a Johnson pie and now all the neighbors are angry with me that I prefer pie with sugar. They say I should be THANKFUL for the charity work from the neighbors I didn't fucking ask for. That, just because it's volunteer work, that makes them above criticism. Everyone else is happy with it, so I should be too.

I'm thankful for the mods and their volunteer work. I can still disagree with decisions they make. Really not hard to understand.

wccrawford ,

I say to one of their neighbors, “their pies tasted better when they were using real sugar, but they’re scared the kids’ mommies will be mad because their kids are up all night so they just took the sugar out. Didn’t even replace it with anything. The Johnson’s still use real sugar, they don’t care.”

Actually, I would say that unless it impacts you negatively, you shouldn't criticize what others are giving freely. If they ask for criticism, that's fine. But you shouldn't volunteer it.

That "free pie stand" didn't do you wrong. You dumped a heap of negativity on them for something they did out of the goodness of their heart, spending their time, energy and hand-earned money on. And you were negative about it, staining their memory of that event for your own selfish desires.

If they had asked you, "why don't you want this pie?" you could have answered, nicely. But they didn't ask you.

Instead, you should have just left and gone to the Johnston's pie stand instead.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar


All I did was voice my issues with this instance. Can someone not do that here without getting crucified?? Jesus

owatnext ,
@owatnext@lemmy.world avatar

Poor analogy.

simplejack ,
@simplejack@lemmy.world avatar

When instances get big, it gets really hard for volunteer admins to manage communities with controversial content. You end up having to deal with legal BS and lots of reports.

Admins and mods putting restrictions in place has more to do with keeping the community maintainable. Dealing with all of that stuff is tough when it’s after work and out of your own pocket.

I wish folks had a little bit more empathy for people volunteering their time and money to offer a free service. Lemmy.world’s head admin isn’t Zuck. He’s just a regular Joe Shmoe doing this in his free time.

lwadmin OP Mod ,
@lwadmin@lemmy.world avatar

We're all just a bunch of nerds, spending our free time, trying to build something neato.

Shyfer ,

Seems easier than going back to Reddit. Especially since the apps make it so easy to switch between accounts.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

Sure, once you've migrated all your subscriptions. Oh, you know, except for the ones that are blocked on whatever instance you're migrating to.

Shyfer ,

Ya that's why I don't like all the instances that like defederation 😩

dumblederp ,

Fuck livejournal, fuck facebook, fuck digg, fuck reddit and probably eventually fuck lemmy.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

Constant migration to combat enshitification

owatnext ,
@owatnext@lemmy.world avatar


It's been 84 years...

Blaze ,
@Blaze@reddthat.com avatar

It takes two clicks since version 0.19.3.

Lemm.ee would probably be a good fit for you. They made again their stance for defederation very clear "Why defederation is extremely rare on lemm.ee" https://lemm.ee/post/35472386

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

Oh really? I'll have to see if I can find how to do that so I can get off world

simplejack ,
@simplejack@lemmy.world avatar

These are volunteers, that have day jobs, that have to spend their own time and money to deal with the legal ramifications of that. These aren’t people with legal teams and millions to blow on risk mitigation. These are hobbyists doing this after work, after helping the kids with homework, after cooking dinner for the family, etc.

Good news is that other instances exist. This is just what one group of volunteers is offering to the world.

victorz ,

People are down voting you when you are just expressing a feeling. I don't think that's right, but I hope you stay for the other great content on Lemmy and only go to Reddit for the missing stuff.

Tier1BuildABear ,
@Tier1BuildABear@lemmy.world avatar

So far that's what I've been doing, but apparently that's the wrong move according to some people lol. I guess you can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't take reddit out of the redditor XD

ekZepp ,
@ekZepp@lemmy.world avatar
j4k3 , (edited )
@j4k3@lemmy.world avatar

I've been pushing positivity since the beginning before the first 1.5k joined this server. https://lemmy.world/post/36032

I would do it, and have the time, but I don't think you guys meet my requirements to make it manageable. I don't use proprietary software, and use a whitelist firewall with addresses I know and trust, like this server. While I can spin up a secondary network or even a Windows machine, I do not care to do so at all, and certainly not regularly. However, I'm basically at a computer all the time anyways.

What's up with the haters? Me, or something I said?

no_comment ,
Varven ,
@Varven@lemmy.world avatar

Are you doing yours?!

bloodfart ,

This is how you get infiltrated.

If .world won’t pay someone impeccably qualified to perform this job, some other group will.

I bet a sufficiently motivated asset could juggle several different intelligence agencies, ngos/lobbying organizations and criminal syndicates and turn this into a ~100k a year gig.

Lost_My_Mind ,

............yeah, because there's real profit in moderating all those linux memes.....

bloodfart ,

I don’t know if it’s profitable, but if reddit users break away and start using something different, developed by communists and friendly to non-western and anticapitalist ideas it would be easy for a person or group opposed to that to see it as a threat to be observed, controlled and infiltrated for the purposes of sabotage.

Lost_My_Mind ,

if reddit users break away and start using something different,

They remained fine after they took away 3rd party API. They remained fine after the IPO, and began implementing bots to do automodding. They remained fine when they announced they were selling all users data to google for AI training.

What sort of event, short of elon musk buying reddit, do you forsee that causes mass migration of platforms?

bloodfart ,

i don't. i don't see cpusa forming a vanguard party and leading the glorious american socialist peoples revolution either but that didn't stop em from getting eat up with feds.

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