I left Reddit much too late. I guess some habits can be hard to break. Then I spent some time on kbin/mbin/fedia, but I’ll be staying here.

Btw I’m a non-binary trans person [they/she/he].

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solo OP ,


the Ronald Reagan administration banned transfers of cluster munitions to Israel for several years in the 1980s after it determined that Israel had used them on civilian targets during its invasion of Lebanon.

solo , (edited )

Gallant’s visit came as Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, repeated his claim that the Biden administration was presiding over a “dramatic drop” in arms shipments to Israel in recent months, a charge that has angered US officials, who have described it as “perplexing”.

What's that claim of “dramatic drop” in arms shipments?

In the following article I see a dramatic increase. In the budget at least.

U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts - Council on Foreign Relations

Since the start of Israel's war with Hamas on October 7, 2023, the United States has enacted legislation providing at least $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which includes $3.8 billion from a bill in March 2024 (in line with the current MOU) and $8.7 billion from a supplemental appropriations act in April 2024.

Am I missing something or Israel bluntly lying again?

[Edit: Within the link above there is another link and the section with the title "What's paused". It looks like Biden paused 1 shipment to my understanding]

solo , (edited )

Armenians know what genocide means.

So it looks that the State of Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 147 of the 193 member states of the United Nations. Hope I'm counting correctly and didn't leave out a country, cause it looks like the relevant wiki page [International recognition of the State of Palestine] has not yet been updated. Not even for Ireland's recognition of Palestine and that happened last month. Soon I hope.

For me the question remains. What could make the remaining white colonialists and Zionist settler colonialists change their minds and finally recognize Palestine, so that a 2-state solution is implemented.

solo ,

They also know what collaborating with the Nazis is like.

I haven't heard about this before, so I can't argue about it at this point.

Then you say:

So I don’t think Armenia’s decision will have much of an effect.

How you managed to draw this conclusion from your previous statement, is a mystery to me.

And since you mentioned Nazi collaborations, I'll say the following. I noticed that the sources you provided the one is Zionist and the other Polish, and both collaborated with Nazis for sure.

Zionist-Nazi Collaboration and the Holocaust-A Historical Aberration? Lenni Brenner Revisited - Edinburgh University Press

How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, in conversation with Tony Greenstein | EI Podcast

we speak with activist and blogger Tony Greenstein, a veteran of the Palestine solidarity movement in the UK, about his new book "Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation."

Collaboration in German-occupied Poland - wiki

solo ,

Cyprus was caught off guard by comments from Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday that the island could be a target if it permitted Israel to use its military facilities in the event of an attack on Lebanon.

So Cyprus was caught off guard because they were told "if we get attacked from your soil, you could be a target". This doesn't sound very complicated, why are they perplexed?

solo OP , (edited )

A two front war is never a good idea

Not too sure tho, how bombing and starving civilians including children on a strip of land for 8-9 months qualifies as war, now that I think about it.

solo OP ,

That’s always what this has been about.

I would add Zionist settler colonialism in the mix

solo OP ,

I think if they do a full-blown invasion, they’ll find out that Hezbollah (and quite possibly the regular Lebanese military) is a much bigger, experienced, and sophisticated (...)

Oh they know well. Israel has invaded Lebanon twice (at least?) and both times they failed in a humiliating way.

solo OP ,

Right now it’s just some tough talk from both sides

How do you know that? The Zionist settler colonialist side has been doing Genocide for the past 8-9 months, this is not as you say

Just another day in the Middle East.

And like Hitler, Netanyahu is unable to stop. And unlike Hitler he is not fighting and loosing battles. When Hitler started loosing in the front, part of his entourage tried to talk him out of it, without success. This is why, there was even an attempt to kill him from inside the Nazi party.

Netanyahu on the other hand, is not loosing battles since he is just bombing and starving people, while being supported in all possible ways by the US and most of the west. Why should he stop now? The Zionist plan of eliminating or displacing all Palestinians is working fine so far.

Netanyahu is so pumped up he could easily invade Lebanon. Also Israel has attacked Lebanon twice and got defeated twice in a humiliating way. Last time was in 2006, meaning not that long ago. This is why Netanyahu has such a beef with Hezbollah. I'm afraid that Netanyahu has been given so much support and leverage from the West, he's about to start an actual war with Lebanon.

solo OP ,

This article is based on a Guardian report and has some quotes. Is there something specific you find conspiratorial? Do you think for example it is unfair of them to say:

Smotrich has called for the destruction of Gaza, the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the strip, and its annexation as well.

solo OP ,

That does not answer my question but that's ok I suppose?

Anyways, this list does not include many Israeli lobbies, newspapers etc from what I see. Times of Israel is not there. Impressive.

I'll add a relevant comment I did earlier so I'll just copy-paste it:

Also, please keep in mind when using wiki links on anything (even loosely) related to Israel, that it has been edited by Zionists. This part of wiki doesn't work like the rest. See a 2 min video below from13 years ago.

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia - Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

solo OP ,

The way you ignore my input is so funny.

solo OP ,

Hahaha no, this one was addressed. I'm talking about the second comment, the one with the link of Zionist editing of wikipedia. I know, should have said "the way you keep ignoring my input is so funny"

solo OP ,

I wish reporting like this would bother to define what they mean when they say children.

I'm pretty sure that they define children like the rest of the planet does.

Also, please keep in mind when using wiki links on anything (even loosely) related to Israel, that it has been edited by Zionists. This part of wiki doesn't work like the rest. See a 2 min video below from13 years ago.

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia - Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

solo OP ,

Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know the Mises caucus, and they sound terrible. Actually, I only knew of Mises and some other dudes from the Austrian school of economics and thought it would be a legit institute. Looks like that's not the case.

solo ,

Please keep in mind when using wiki links on anything (even loosely) related to Israel, that it has been edited by Zionists. This part of wiki doesn't work like the rest. See a 2 min video below from 13 years ago.

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia - Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

solo , (edited )
solo ,

it sounds like they had their hand forced

This is how they try to portray it after their choice to comply. Fully.

They also said in the clarification thingy:

The identity and location of the activist was already known to the French authorities...

It's only by them I heard this claim.
Proton gave the IP address, person got arrested is the story I know and it's the one presented in the euronews article.

...(they had already been evicted once before for squatting, and the nature of squatting means that their location is known).

What a weird statement to make to justify giving up an IP address. Actually, I find it weird in all contexts.

So sure you do you. I totally don't trust them.

solo ,

Cmon… It’s a sentence linked to the next one. They are not using that as a way to justify anything, they just explained...

This is precisely the reason why I used both quotes. For me, their "explanation" is pure nonsense. Even more so due to their claim latter on in this same text, saying that:

we are activists, too.

On your question on which email provider I'm using, I could say that my activity does not demand precautions like VPN but there are some providers that I don't use. Proton is one of them, because they promised to users and delivered for police. And what did they have to say on their promises?

We will be making updates to our website to better clarify Proton Mail’s obligations in cases of criminal prosecution and we apologize if this was not clear.

This sounds to me like "sorry for making false promises, we just wanted our statement to sound cool enough to convince you to use our services".

solo ,

Promises were never false. They did not track ip and they don’t. They had to start for that specific user after the order…

That's the definition of a false promise.

solo ,

This was a very informative article, but I have to admit I don't agree with it's framing of the problem.

No doubt, migration has enforced ethnocentric tendencies, and this is reflected in elections. Migration is a problem created by capitalism in a two ways.

  1. People are fleeing their countries because of war, environmental catastrophies or to find a better job and life, among other reasons. Problems that have been created by capitalism.
  2. The most popular receiving countries in europe are former colonialist powers, so good-old racism comes back to the picture since it was not really addressed in the first place. Also in these countries neoliberalism has hijacked governments through legal lobbying, so relevant policies are being implemented that favor of the rich, definitely not the people, even less immigrants.

Briefly I could say, capitalism has destroyed democracy, or at least any reminiscence of democracy that representative democracy had, so the road has been cleared for quite some time now, for neo-fascist tendencies to be represented in local and EU parliaments.

I think talking about migration without mentioning capitalism or neoliberalism, gives a distorted picture of what's been happening in Europe, during the last decades.

solo ,

Global investment in clean energy will reach $2 trillion (€1.84 trillion) this year, twice the amount invested in fossil fuels, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

How is it still legal to invest in fossil fuels?

solo ,

You were right to mention

Ignore the fact that Tesla are involved.

I have to admit it's very hard for me to do so. It's a company that tries to portrait itself like it cares about the environment. This collaboration is clearly towards this direction.

On the other hand we have this article (and many more):

Tesla wants net-zero emissions, but its pollution grew in 2023

In 2023, Tesla was responsible for more than 50 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions compared to just under 42 million metric tons the year prior, a roughly 20 percent increase in pollution. Most of the additional pollution comes from Tesla’s supply chain.

So the conclusion for me is that I cannot see this collaboration out of context. It's one more company expanding, instead of focusing on the sustainability of their existing processes.

We know damn well, we have all the scientific solutions needed to invert climate change but big corporations like Telsa, care only for their public image and their (stockholders') profit. Nothing else. And these big corporations are actively lobbying and funding politicians to enforce legislation in their benefit. No wonder we don't see the political will to implement those solutions.

solo ,

...and yet I can’t articulate how.

It looks like we're on the same boat! Btw, I'm in this community because I like conversations in good faith and it looks like people participating here have these tendencies. In a way I need these interactions to expand the way I think, in order to hopefully participate in practical solutions.

we need governments to lay the foundation to make clean profitable

It seems to me this is what Big Money wants us to believe. This is the narrative of neolibelism. I think governments need to lay the foundation for companies to become sustainable, not profitable.

But I don't know how this systemic change can take place, since Big Money have abducted governments worldwide. I'm not suggesting not to vote in elections. Just saying that voting doesn't seem to put in power politicians that work for the people.

And your edit was so sweet, I can't get over it. Thank you.

solo ,

the number of cells ready for recycling will grow dramatically within a few decades, and there are expected to be 80 million tonnes of panels ready for recycling each year by 2050.

That sounds like it's a lot

The new work, rather than focusing on completely dissolving the materials used in constructing the panel, relies on a brief chemical treatment that largely severs the connections among the individual layers. While this results in some chemical byproducts, most of the material ends up intact and in a relatively pure form.

That sounds impressive. Hope the chemical byproducts are environmentally friendly or something.

solo ,

It seems pretty expensive. It has a 20 year life-spam, with costly maintenance in-between. And performance seems to decrease every year

At 10 years of life, blades and gearboxes are needing to be replaced already so it is unlikely they will make it another 10 years. The cost to teardown a single turbine is $200,000, not including any payback from selling or recycling valuable materials, ...

I honestly don't think this is a topic that cost should matter anyways. Just saying.

solo , (edited )

This could be solved if we

stopped applying economic theories to all human activities or the planet. Transparency and decentralization would be good starting points, not economics. At least, that's how I see things.

solo ,

Sorry, but economic theory and even more economic practise is how we solve the climate crisis.

I'm not denying that, this has been happening for many decades. This approach doesn't seem to go that well so far tho, does it?

solo ,

I suppose it depends on how one sees things.

Maybe among other things, we need to decolonize our solutions. Everything is not economics. And the means of productions have moved to another continent, so I can't even participate in ceasing them.

solo , (edited )

banning publicly traded companies would be a good start.

I'm all in for this. Why not ban inheritance as well? And put a cap for income of 1 to 6 for instance, between the lowest and highest income. It doesn't need to be 1 to 400 (not too sure of the actual current number). Also, we know that many people are in the same time CEOs of multiple companies, this sounds like a proof to me, it's practically a part-time job that is way over payed.

Having companies be family owned would create a natural limit on how mich growth CEOs feel they need.

I think I see your point. My only objection is that I don't trust the family model, due to personal experience but also in historical terms, I really don't like royal families in the colonial world.

For solutions on how companies can be managed so that they are not growing/polluting eternally, we don't even need to go outside the framework of capitalism to find viable solutions (btw I am not a capitalist). Keynesian economics for example have managed to lift the US from the 1929 market crash by implementing government policies to regulate the market. Some leftovers of those policies are still in place today in the US. Check out this great 2 min video for some details.

Our current problem is also related to the fact that all those in government positions work for the lobbists and big corp, not the people they are supposed to represent.

solo , (edited )

The main reason why I downvoted this video is due to a different perspective. To my understanding, it tries to present a "field" of solutions that have been overlooked so far.

In a way, it assumes that we keep capitalism as it is. It assumes that all the polluters are honest about the numbers they make public on their pollution. It assumes that politicians are mainly looking to do public good and not that they are lobbied and funded by the big corporations. At least, that's how it sounds to me.

It does not talk about the systemic changes needed. We run on a model that has eternal growth as a fundamental thing. This is not sustainable by definition. Solutions need to address that, unfortunately this video doesn't.

solo , (edited )

Well, this part is quite telling of its approach. And that's just from the very beginning. It says more or less:

As it turns out we don't need to replace all the fossil fuel we are burnig, just 1/3 of it.

Apart from that I didn't spot any systemic change implied (maybe I missed it, please point it out to me). Better managing energy waste is not what I had in mind for systemic change.

solo OP , (edited )

The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention:


Their statement, released on 29 April 2024 can be found here (5 pages)

Btw Raphael Lemkin is The Unsung Hero Who Coined the Term "Genocide"

It was he who coined the word “genocide.” He was also its victim. Forty-nine members of Lemkin’s family, including his mother and father, were rounded up in eastern Poland and gassed in Treblinka in 1943.

solo , (edited )

This article says:

“The Israelis have said this is a tragic mistake,” Kirby said, referring to the airstrike and fire in an area crowded with refugee tents that Gaza health authorities said killed at least 45 people on Sunday.

According to an AP article titled: Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a ‘tragic mishap’

Netanyahu did not elaborate on the error.

That's a blank statement. So what does Netanyahu consider as a mistake? Bombing too little?

solo , (edited )

I just want to say that the most disturbing part of this is not that she did this. It’s that this is the message and image that she has carefully decided will help her achieve her career and personal goals.

I just want to say that the most disturbing part of this is supporting Genocide.
The reasons why any individual would support a Genocide don't really matter, it's not a justifiable position anyways. But the act of supporting it, totally does matter and that's the problem.

Netanyahu says deadly Israeli strike in Rafah was the result of a 'tragic mistake' ( apnews.com )

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that a “tragic mistake” was made in an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah that set fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians and, according to local officials, killed at least 45 people....

solo ,

Netanyahu did not elaborate on the error.

Yeah, that tells a lot.

‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank ( www.bbc.com )

What followed was a wave of shooting and arson attacks across 11 Palestinian villages in which a dozen homes and more than 100 cars were torched, thousands of animals were slaughtered, four people were shot dead and scores of others were seriously wounded.

solo ,

What is a pogrom? Israeli mob attack has put a century-old word in the spotlight - The Conversation - March 6, 2023

From Russia to Israel

effectively puts Israel in the place of the Jews’ historic persecutors. This is a highly uncomfortable position for many Jewish people, particularly in Israel.

In today’s Israel, minority rights have been suppressed as well, particularly in the West Bank. Palestinians in the West Bank, unlike the Jewish settlers next to them, face violence and discrimination in nearly every aspect of their lives. In other words, Israeli Jews and Palestinians are today not equal partners in an ethnic rivalry.

historical records show far more rioters were arrested and punished by Russia in 1881 than in Huwara this week, where only eight of the 400 Jewish offenders were arrested, only to be quickly released.

solo ,

jordanlund I must admit that I do not see what was uncivil about my response. I will try and rephrase:

Come back when you actually know something

Please, civility.

forgive me if I don’t want to spend even more time researching every suggestion for your 9 day old Lemmy account.

As I mentioned above, this was left behind. My statement was clear about this: Ok, no link. I’ll go to another point. Also, I really don't see how the number of days I am on this platform is relevant to anything we are discussing here.

My argument and sources were clear.

Yes, clear and irrelevant to your point. They are about ISIS, not Hamas. Again, Hamas and ISIS are not interchangeable words.

Yes there will be cultural differences, and differences in dialect, but the meaning of this word isn’t one of them.

Because you say so? I'm sorry, you failed to provide evidence to support your claim.

Taking into consideration the above, I think it is obvious that I don't see any point continuing this interaction. I find the way you approached it, infantile.

solo ,

I just saw there is an explanation on how this community defines civil:

Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

My intentions were not to belittle anyone, I was just totally unimpressed by the level of immaturity this user showed in their replies, and wanted to point that out. And I hope this point was clear in my rephrasing. I take this comment removal as a motivation to use more words, so it is obvious what I mean.

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