
@[email protected]

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Let's say, hypothetically, you thought Plex/emby share were fantastic, and you wanted to let people know a discord link to a couple, but you were concerned about unsavory characters trying to horn in

...on the good things and ruin it for everyone. How would one go about letting people know, in a responsible manner....

aldalire ,

Sucks that clearnet IPFS gateways (ahem cloudflare) censor pirated books tho

aldalire ,

Funny how Web3 promised a more decentralized internet but shits themselves when pirated books are shared. Like, do you want freedom of information or not. It confirms that web3 is just another big tech buzzword.

aldalire ,

Mentally translating this as: Competition from the free market unfairly prosecuted by a tyrannical state that enforces the monopoly of “intellectual property” of corporations

This is insane. This does not warrant a 48 year sentence; some actual rapists and murderers get off for less time. The “justice” system is a joke and doesn’t prosecute criminals. It prosecutes those that threaten the system.

aldalire ,

Thanks for the clarification. Hope they get the greasiest lawyer they can find outta this.

aldalire ,

8% of 50 is 50% of 8

aldalire ,
aldalire ,

A way to remember it is to remember why that’s the case

8% of 50 = (0.01 • 8) • 50 = 8 • (0.01 • 50) = 50% of 8

It all just boils down to the fact that multiplication is associative and commutative (aka u can multiply numbers in any order you want)

Ask me if you have any questions (im a math tutor i love teaching math) 😊

aldalire ,

Yeah in my experience watching youtube videos passively is a waste of time. Time is better spent struggling with math practice problems and guiding him theough it when he’s stuck :-)

aldalire ,

I put $1000 in bitcoin in 2012

Then i wake up from my dream and calibrate temperature sensors on medical refrigerators

aldalire ,

Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment is doublespeak at its finest. Bravo

In praise of libgen

Let's just all stop and appreciate that libgen is a thing in the internet. It has saved me so much money with very overpriced math textbooks during college when my family was low-income. It contains virtually all the books, and even obscure ones. It provides low barriers to entry for knowledge for people wanting to advance their...

aldalire OP ,

Code a terminal application that downloads from libgen from a c tutorial book you downloaded from libgen


aldalire ,

I don’t think they’re talking about the Somalian kind of pirate here boys…

aldalire OP ,

Haha your welcome :3 Thank the dl-librescore devs!

aldalire OP ,

Ok, i’ll edit my post to include that too, as it seems it’s a more general solution :)

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

aldalire ,

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

fuck nintendo

[US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options?

I have everything pretty much ready to launch full time. Time, skills, customers, support from family. But I'd leave my current job behind and with it my family's health insurance for the foreseeable future. I can't afford any of the options I've seen. It's the one thing holding me back. Any ideas for affordable health insurance...

How does harddrive failure work when there's multiple partitions?

My laptop's HDD is failing, it shows a bunch of signs such as slow file manipulation and clicking sounds. The Linux btrfs partition keeps going into read-only mode to prevent further damage, makes sense, but the windows partition is working fine (for now)....

aldalire ,

At this point we have to commit guerrilla warfare against the oversized, homicidal cars

In europe there was a movement to slash the tires of oversized SUVs. Wish that movement would extend to America

aldalire ,

Does anyone have a mirror of the repository?? I want to self host it

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

aldalire OP ,

YES. My gf made the point that when our kids are young, when their frontal lobe hasn’t developed yet, we will teach them black and white morality. But that’s only half the truth, since stealing from walmart or a big chain has a different moral flavor than stealing some random person’s things. In a way, I acknowledge that piracy isn’t stealing, and carries with it enormous societal benefits, like the freedom of information, but it’s still illegal, and I don’t want them to be OK doing illegal things.

Maybe the perfect solution is to leave out the inconvenient fact that piracy is illegal when teaching them how to pirate. LOL

aldalire OP ,

Wise men say true words

aldalire ,

The defense adds that the similarity between defendant’s social media handle, ‘anarchivist’, and Anna’s Archive is insufficient to support the claims. The same applies to other facts, including her previous occupation as a catalog librarian.

They’re grasping at straws. Viva Anna’s Archive.

Pirate Site FMovies Rivals Major Streaming Platforms in U.S. Web Traffic ( )

Every month, many millions of Americans visit pirate streaming site FMovies to bypass paid subscription services and watch movies and TV series for free. The platform is a thorn in the side of the movie industry and a prime exhibit in the quest for local site-blocking measures. According to SimilarWeb's Top 10 chart of U.S....

aldalire ,

Let the free market run its course and let pirate sites compete with streaming services to improve their services.

There should be a way to give directly to the developers

I realize that, after all this time, I have never payed for my all-time favorite games I grew up playing (Fallout 3 & Skyrim). I can pay for it, but I really do not want to pay the money to the Bethesda’s marketing team, CEO, and whoever bullshit middle man who wants a cut of that. I want to give directly to the team that made...

aldalire ,

Creepy! Don’t let them get away with this. I have t-mobile, do they do this?

aldalire OP ,

Definitely not a stable strategy if everyone adopts it! Just be safe out there in the oceans matey.

although, you do bring up a theoretical point that's interesting: how can we make pirating both the nash equilibrium and the best-case scenario? How can we restructure the system in a way where software and media is free for all to take without impunity.

aldalire OP ,

Then yerr a pirate matey!

The world can handle a stable population of pirates. And you’re one of them, and also me. But what if we grow? What if more people pirate? We will feel the effects in terms of regulation, either through dns blocking indexer sites or more copyright trolls, regardless if we harm corporations profits or not. I say we need to prepare for that, decentralize as much as we can, and be more resilient so that when that time comes we’ll be prepared

aldalire ,

Yeah dude let’s just federate with an instance maintained by a corporation that has undoubtedly caused a genocide in Myanmar by turning a blind eye to a far-right hate speech group that caused an entire fucking minority to flee into another country.

I don’t get why people are supporting and saying “oh it must be up to the user” like bro this is the company we’re dealing with. Fuck that fuck threads fuck zuckerberg i don’t want his shit cancer near something that’s going well so far.

aldalire ,

I’m not sure if federating will help meta so much as it will definitely (most probably) hurt the lemmy/mastodon network.

Here’s a similar case that happened before, with the XMPP protocol being coopted by google but eventually killing it in favor of their own proprietary solution:

Big tech isn’t on our side, and we have to handle outside corporate influence with heavy skepticism.

aldalire ,

me too ^_^

aldalire ,

grabs popcorn

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