Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? ( )

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be removed soon with ios emulation and retro handhelds bringing so much attention to roms and these sites

BillionsMustSeed , (edited ) avatar

Any updates on this? I can't provide much, as Nintendo games are not something I'm interested in, but I guess I can allocate 800-1000GB or so for some time for this, if there's an archive torrent already made

Found a comment below, but after thinking about it we'd need something a bit more "official" and "centralized", like Vimm's was, otherwise we'd be spreading it too thin and would end up with many different un-searchable, un-findable torrents with few seeds for the same things

xnx OP , avatar
sleepybisexual , avatar

Its also some Sega games and a lot of other stuff that cit destroyed, ESA or something got involved

secret300 ,

This shit pisses me off so much. I need a gun

Muscar ,

Use a NES Zapper converted to an actual gun, seems fitting.

sleepybisexual , avatar

Why not a super scope ?

subscriber_bot ,

Esa? European space agency?

JoeBidet , avatar

Let's start mirroring and torrenting full ROMsets!

wuphysics87 , (edited )

A friend of mine and I put this together a few years ago. I hope yall find it helpful:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

    for ((i=$1; i<=$2; i++)); do
        cd "$HOME/retroarch"
        curl  -G -L "$i" -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0' -H 'Referer:' -O  -J

printf "\n============================================"
printf "\n NOTE: This Script has not been fully tested"
printf "\n       It may not work as expected"
printf "\n============================================\n"
printf "Download roms for which systems?
    1. NES
    2. SNES
    3. GameBoy
    4. N64
    5. GameCube
    6. Sega Genesis
    7. Playstation1-2
    8. Playstation Portable
    0. All\n : "

read -r system
    case $system in
        "1") download_roms 3      981    "NES";;
        "2") download_roms 983    1770   "SNES";;
        "3") download_roms 2955   5932   "GameBoy";;
        "4") download_roms 2465   2761   "N64";;
        "5") download_roms 7461   7634   "GameCube";;
        "6") download_roms 1771   2464   "Sega Genesis";;
        "7") download_roms 6071   9894   "Playstation1-2";;
        "9") download_roms 23991  23973  "Playstation Portabale";;
        "0") download_roms 1      100000 "All";;

mkdir -p "$HOME/retroarch"
Barzaria ,

Thank you for the awesomeness that is the script. If I might ask a question: why is the user agent Windows 10 if this is a bash script? I'm genuinely curious and I don't know why.I imagine this might be WSL. You did mention it was an old script so maybe it had something to do with that?

ReveredOxygen , avatar

It explicitly sets it to that to help disguise the fact that it's a script rather than a browser

wuphysics87 ,

That's a very good question. It was a few years ago, but it's running right now on my computer on Linux.

Codename_goose , (edited ) avatar

I can confirm that the script still works, but sadly the site owner of Vim has removed the file from the server. The script sees a file link but will download nothing. When testing the script with just NES, it will see a game, but will throw an error of “remote files name has no length”, so going forward you could test via a vpn and see if they adjusted their files to be available via a country that doesn’t care, or they just haven’t gotten around to cleaning up their file directory list post removal.

P.S. the script showed that 23 field failed to download so one can assume those files were the one Nintendo decided to have them remove.

wuphysics87 ,

There are some gaps in the numbers. That could be the case. Was it for all of the ones you tried to download?

Codename_goose , (edited ) avatar

Every section had missing downloads. But with some web inspection, I found some interesting obfuscation using what I think is JavaScript on the web pages that “used” to hold the download links, for the files that were requested to be removed. If we can figure out how to reverse the code to reveal the link again we could grab (assuming they are still on the server) the files manually.

If you want to chat about this I’m on matrix

WarmApplePieShrek ,

what is the use of saying that, if we don't know your matrix name?

Codename_goose , (edited ) avatar

My profile has my matrix name. I figured people have known that was a feature for lemmy profiles, but I guess that was my mistake.

dRLY , avatar

Not surprised, I think a lot of sites tend to start removing things as they are posting about being made to do so. As I imagine that having them still up after posting about the removals would likely cause a surge in downloads. Not sure what kinds of things the sites might have to (or be compelled to if formally sued) provide to lawyers/courts. Would (at least to my non-understanding of processes) be that many more "infractions" to add to a "damages" total. Even if none of my assumptions are an issue. It is just like any other data issue. The worst time to try and get copies for a backup is after shit happens/fails. Though I imagine that at least for 8-bit and 16-bit games, there are plenty of copies on plenty of sites and torrents.

princessnorah , avatar

The "user-agent" part of the script is the same as a browser's user agent. So it's trying to emulate a common user so the site doesn't know it's a script, and there's not a more common user than a Windows one, so it's lying about it.

Prunebutt , (edited )

Would it be feasible to have/create something similar on I2P?

WarmApplePieShrek ,

Yes. How good is the speed of I2P now during the DDoS?

Prunebutt , (edited )

What DDoS?

WarmApplePieShrek ,

I2P is being DDoSed

Prunebutt ,

Damn. Didn't know that happened or was even possible.

bier ,

As soon as I heard about the emulator stuff I grabbed some archive torrents to seed overall more then 5 tb.
All WII DS 3DS and SWITCH roms so they aren't gone if you have the space to join seeding pm me and I'll send you the magnet links because there are like only 5 seeder and a lot of leecher

sleepybisexual , avatar

Hai, I might be able to help. I also have some more retro systems if you want

secret300 ,

I got a VPS I'm not fully utilizing, I can seed a bit

WallEx ,

We need explicit legislation against this type of behavior.

uriel238 , avatar

The whole point of IP laws (according to the Constitution of the United States) is to develop a robust public domain. Every registered idea, multiplied by every limited rights extention is a violation of public interest and public rights.

By burying or failing to preserve content, they are in fact stealing from the public, since we won't be able to access it when it is our right.

ArmokGoB ,

Someone should present this to some progressive legislative body so that we can develop a safe haven for archiving games.

Macros ,

Well there is the Stop Killing Games initiative started by Ross Scott and supported by the Pirate Parties. If they succeed, companies selling games in recent years will be required to either keep supporting their game or to make it available in a way so that others can ensure its continued support.

When this is achieved the step to free older games is small.

If you live in Europe you have the chance to support the movement by vote in the upcoming elections.

ArmokGoB ,

I've been keeping a close eye on it. He said something along the lines of "If you live in the US and the ToS of a piece of software said the publishers could come and shoot your dog, you'd have to prove that they broke some other law, like animal cruelty, to sue them successfully if they shot your dog." I'm curious to see how companies react if they get a mandate from the EU to preserve games.

uriel238 , avatar

Here in the US, there are no progressive legislative bodies. The Democratic party treats its progressive members as the red-haired stepchildren who have to dine at their own table.

Audacious ,

It wouldn't be too hard to go through every archived game and determine if it's still available through corporate means or not. Those are the ones that are threatened to be erased forever if corpos get their way. The biggest problem is the money and means to fight against corporate goons and lawyers.

GiveMemes ,

Where are IP laws mentioned in the constitution?

uriel238 , avatar

Here.. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8.

[the United States Congress shall have power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Asafum ,

This is America, the only law that is enforced is ownership by means of a monetary transaction.

"Ownership" by public nature is laughed at.

C.R.E.A.M :(

brax ,

VIMM's Lair has been around for ages... If Nintendo really cared why didn't they do something around, say, 2002? 🤔

Why is there no statute of limitations on this kinda bullshit?

NeatNit ,

I don't think that's a good argument. In a more general case, if you didn't pursue your rights 10 years ago that doesn't mean you can't get your shit together and do it today. Maybe you've lost some of what you deserved but you still should get future benefits.

As for statue of limitations, if it keeps happening today then it doesn't matter when it started. They could only talk about things that happened in the past year - it's still being hosted and shared.

To be clear, I'm not taking Nintendo's side, all efforts to preserve these games are amazing and I love to see everyone keep it up :)

brax ,

It's more the fact that actual crimes can be nullified by a statute of limitations, but shit like this doesn't seem to have any expiration date

NeatNit , (edited )

If someone shared ROMs 20 years ago and stopped, Nintendo wouldn't be able to do anything about it today. The statute of limitations does apply.

But if someone started sharing ROMs 20 years ago, and continued doing it every day until today, then that means they shared ROMs yesterday. The "crime" still happened yesterday.

Edit: but they care a lot more about preventing it from happening tomorrow.

xKeaton ,

I recommend switching to Myrient! Has been my source for quite some time now, because Vimms was just to slow for me.

sleepybisexual , avatar

Issue with myrient is lack of box art and stuff, thing ibliked with vimm is the bonus ability to browse games

cupcakezealot , avatar
Appoxo , avatar

Please also post on the filehoarder subreddit.

xnx OP , avatar

[email protected]? Or is there one on another instance?

zaknenou , avatar

I guess he means the subreddit in reddit :

sleepybisexual , avatar

I have some sets for early systems. Find romsets on other sites. Store them and make your own torrents, working on one but its currently broken

Nyanix , avatar

Damn...Vimms Lair was my favorite, friggin Nintendo doing what it does best...

Appoxo , avatar

At least vimms lair still has xbox roms. Pretty hard to come by compared to nintendo roms.

cupcakezealot , avatar

vimms lair was where i first played seiken densetu 3 back in 2000 when it wasn't available anywhere

jjlinux ,

My kid has the first Nintendo Switch, he wanted the new one, but I told him "you're getting a Steam Deck, and we're smashing all Nintendo shit with a sledgehammer". Then I explained to him why it's wrong to support compaies that enshitify life, and now he is waiting for his Deck and has already pirated all the games he liked and has been testing a few emulators.

I'm proud of him.

TopRamenBinLaden ,

Thats some proper parenting right there. It sounds like you are raising an upstanding citizen.

jjlinux ,

I like his logic about this. We paid for the games, so nothing wrong with using them however we want. I just want my kids to know they have options and use them.

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