TwitchingCheese , to Technology in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims

How about pass and enforce strong digital privacy protection laws you fucking cowards. When other countries spy on us it's scary and bad, but for US companies? Best we can do is ban porn and demand backdoors to stop E2EE messaging.

maxinstuff , avatar

Unfortunately they care more about spying on us themselves.

Sabata11792 , avatar

That would hurt the advertising, spam, blackmail, malware, and propaganda industries. We can't rip out the economic spine of big tech since they pay the best bribes.

Bertuccio ,

I'm pretty sure Temu is Chinese.

dan , avatar

California (and a few other states) are trying. The CCPA and CPRA are a good step in the right direction. If you're a California resident, you can request all the data a business has collected about you, tell them to stop sharing it with business partners, or tell them to completely delete it, similar to the GDPR in Europe.

TwitchingCheese ,

Oh don't worry, they're going to try and kill that too before it hurts them too much, and with the audacity of calling it the "American Privacy Rights Act".

dan , avatar

Ugh. I hate this so much.

RandomLegend , to Privacy in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims avatar

Surprised Pikachu-face

Salvo , avatar

From the report;

In other words, Grizzly Research didn’t do any research and are just making shit up.

Jayt34 ,

Yep, also Grizzly Research is a short seller, and this lawsuit was filed by an Arkansas attorney general. Arkansas makes really bad decisions like weakening child labor protection laws, don't trust anything that comes out of that state.

Salvo , to Privacy in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims avatar

If this report is true, it would reflect poorly on Apple and Google more than Temu.

iOS does have protections in place that prevent an App from modifying its own executable code; the current argument about Emulators in the EU is showing that Apple is very strict when it comes to this sort of thing.

Even if the App was able to reconfigure itself to access data it does not have permission to access, it still needs to ask for permission.

I assume Google have similar protections in Android.

huginn ,

Google does have similar permissions requirements and all apps run sandboxed on Android.

Blaster_M , to Privacy in Mac users served info-stealer malware through Google ads

Mac users: Macs don't get viruses because reasons

Me: points to this article

nehal3m ,

As a Mac user (among other things) I don’t get this type of virus because adblock. Also, fuck the CDN-style throw whatever at users and see what pays.

jqubed , avatar

I’ve worked for companies that used at least some Macs since 2013. Those Macs have always had antivirus software on them in addition to the base protection from the OS. I think the days of “Macs don’t get viruses” are long gone for anyone who pays attention, and was really probably never true.

Fades ,

Yes keep restating a PR ad from 2006, nearly TWENTY goddamn years ago. Are you aware Mac OS has changed significantly just like literally every other main OS?

Well, the company said it 18 years ago and it’s no longer true, they must be fucking liars

Treczoks , to Privacy in Mac users served info-stealer malware through Google ads

Even though I don't use Macs, this shows how important it is to block ads. They are not just "inconvenient", they are dangerous.

maxinstuff , to Technology in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims avatar

All I want to know is what do these Temu people think my life is like?

TheDarksteel94 ,

I mean, you're obviously a sexy military mechanic woman, who goes into battle with fantasy battle armor and goes fishing as a hobby! Duh.

Spacehooks ,

I was wondering what that blue thing was. I thought it was a weird personal tool....

RaoulDook ,

It looks like an archery release, used by compound bow shooters to pull the bow string back and release with a trigger or button

Silentiea , avatar

The bearings combined with the wrenches made me think, like, roboticist. So maybe they make fishing robots that double as sexbots?

beejboytyson ,

Trust me, fish dont need to be robots to be fucked....

towerful ,

Any good RPG has a solid fishing mini game tbh

Stupidmanager ,

Clearly you use adbloker or something cause temu just got excited when you opened up the link.

djsaskdja ,

Your life looks pretty sick to me!

thermal_shock ,

he's batman

dutchkimble ,



No, you don't get it.

These massive Batman pecs need support.

uis , avatar


MigratingtoLemmy ,


brlemworld ,

Are you a busty outdoorswoman?

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre ,

Weaponized fishing for covert military operations.

Raiderkev ,

On a skateboard... with tits!

sramder , avatar

Code Name: Go Fish!

Zink , (edited )

It just thinks you’re a garden variety redneck.

Mr_Wobble ,

Apparently you're big into cranking.

FlyingSquid , to Technology in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims

Yesterday, I saw a Temu ad for something and I just wanted to open it to read the info and there were so many popups and "spin the wheel for a prize" and "enter your email here" and so on that I gave up and just looked for the info elsewhere. Never clicking on a Temu link again.

thermal_shock ,

one of the best decisions you'll ever make, next to dns level blocking it on your network.

pantyhosewimp ,

Same, but a year ago.

Also, Temu has tried to take all the shopping search results from Bing/DDG. So those results are trash now.

MehBlah ,

I get their CAPTCHA where I have to slide the puzzle piece over to look at one of their ads. More than half the time I will do this and it will fail saying I didn't do it right. So yeah temu has become a trash site.

Raiderkev ,
dan , avatar

That CAPTCHA isn't specific to Temu.

Appoxo , to Technology in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims avatar

Like a worse AliExpress

demonsword , to Technology in Mac users served info-stealer malware through Google ads | Full-service Poseidon info stealer pushed by "advertiser identity verified by Google." avatar

Google Ads takes no responsibility for any damage that may result from these oversights

...and there it is, the root of the problem. If this kind of thing did any damage to Google's bottom line, I doubt it would happen frequently

jqubed , to Privacy in Mac users served info-stealer malware through Google ads avatar

The ad doesn’t actually deliver the malware, just directs people to a malicious download that mimics the Arc Browser. Users then have to follow onscreen instructions to install the malicious application in a non-standard way that allows it to bypass built-in protections in macOS to make it harder to install unsigned apps.

I’m curious how successful this campaign would be. It requires a lot of bad behavior by the victim to succeed. First, they’d have to decide to download a new web browser just from one banner ad, without doing any research on the browser; just click the link in the ad to go directly to the malicious download and install it directly from there. Second, they’d have to convince the user to right-click and select “Open” instead of simply double-clicking the installer or dragging it to the Applications folder like every other Mac application; otherwise the OS blocks it. I’m sure there are users dumb enough to do either step, but the subset of users dumb enough to do both steps and be on macOS and see this ad, I’m thinking they might only nab a few hundred victims tops, if that. I suspect this might be a proof of concept more than anything; probably most of the downloads were security researchers or potential customers testing it out. It sounds like the security researchers were following the malware seller, then found the ad, not the other way around. And of course, the ad has been taken down by Google now.

Like most other large advertising networks, Google Ads regularly serves malicious content that isn’t taken down until third parties have notified the company. Google Ads takes no responsibility for any damage that may result from these oversights. The company said in an email it removes malicious ads once it learns of them and suspends the advertiser and has done so in this case.

Earlier in the article they said Google had “vetted” the company that bought the ad. It seems their process sucks and this policy is a cop-out, and all of that just to net Google, what, a couple bucks on this short-lived fraudulent campaign?

sic_semper_tyrannis , to Privacy in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims

Temu is also abusing human rights

psvrh , to Linux in Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines avatar

How much of this is decline at the expense of Windows 11, due to Steam lowering barriers to entry, fatigue with Windows' hard selling, and/or extending the useful like of hardware that W11 abandoned.

Telodzrum ,

Nearly zero. Gamers make up less than a rounding error of desktop installs.

onlinepersona ,

Wut? It's an industry bigger than football and TV and film combined! Somebody's getting all those games and they have to be played on something too.

Anti Commercial-AI license

woelkchen , avatar
CraigeryTheKid ,

I know it technically counts and all, but it bothers me that "mobile" is included in "video games". Mobile "games" are clickbaits and doomscrolls and it seems weird to compare them in the same graph as Nintendo/PC etc.

HOWEVER - in terms of REVENUE there is no denying how much money they make on mobile games! Probably due in part to the clickbait/doomscroll nature of them.

woelkchen , avatar

I know it technically counts and all, but it bothers me that “mobile” is included in “video games”. Mobile “games” are clickbaits and doomscrolls and it seems weird to compare them in the same graph as Nintendo/PC etc.

I didn't post this graphic for the mobile and console games. I posted it because of the claim that PC games are "an industry bigger than football and TV and film combined!" USD 45Bn is big but not bigger than football and TV and film combined. The combined PC games revenue is about half of Disney's yearly revenue.

Telodzrum ,

Gamers do, the vast majority of which are mobile gamers. Followed by console gamers and then PC gaming which makes up less 15% of industry revenue.

dustyData ,

Is less than

Percentages are the easiest statistical figure to bullshit. Just like it happens with "Linux desktop is only 4%". We are then talking about over a hundred million PCs. PC gaming is 15% means that PC gamers are several hundred millions of devices. Sure, it is less than mobile gaming. But less doesn't mean irrelevant, and much less a rounding error. You don't call a fifth of the market that expends almost a quarter of the revenue a rounding error.

iopq ,

Steam surveys would like to have a word

Telodzrum ,

With you, maybe.

iopq ,

They consistently show that several percent of gamers are using Steam on Linux

homesweethomeMrL ,

Attaboy gamers. Figure it out! You can do it!

NutWrench , avatar

Yup. Gaming was one of the few things that kept me from switching to Linux. Then, I found out about Proton on Steam.

NutWrench , avatar

Copilot / Recall was the last straw for me. My only relationship with Microsoft for the last 10 years has been, "how much more of Microsoft's sh*t am I willing to put up with?"

flop_leash_973 ,

The fuckery Microsoft has been doing with trying to outright trick people into signing in to the OS with a Microsoft account and using things like OneDrive combined with just how good Proton has gotten pushed me to make the switch full time a year or so ago for my personal usage.

Baggie ,

Little bit of everything I think. I personally have been getting tired of Microsoft pulling their shit, but without Valve making compatibility so simple for their launcher it would make it a much harder sell.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

I 100% put money on the fact that linuxes surge in popularity and usability is 100% because Valve, a multi-billion dollar company, stepped in and started dragging it forward in ways that the fractuous nature of the community never could.

Windows 11 being a spytastic invasive dogpile was just extra fuel on the fire.

JoMiran , to Linux in Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines avatar

Music and graphic art software is the only advantage I can find for MacOS over Linux at this point. I love the Apple silicon but I don't see that being a long term advantage.

blindbunny ,

This isn't going to be the standard much longer. Gimp, Krita, and inkscape are extremely well developed and maintained.

Ardour is almost a full replacement for logic and the gap from it and protools is closing quick.

anonymoose , avatar

Stability and UI/UX are still lightyears ahead in Mac, and to some extent Windows. Don't get me wrong, they suck for lots of reasons, but I think Linux has a lot of catching up to do to be as usable as Mac/Windows for the ordinary user.

I think standardizing package formats, and more mature desktop managers and proprietary drivers will go a long way to fixing that though.

Diplomjodler3 ,

People find Windows easier to use because they are used to the quirks. Of course you shouldn't let a beginner try Arch, but there are plenty of beginner friendly distros. The complications often come from installing Linux in the first place but the average user will have just as much trouble installing Windows.

mesamunefire OP ,

I think most users dont install windows period. It just comes with the computer. And if it breaks, they get a new one. Thats it.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Yes, that's my point. If people could buy Linux PCs at Best Buy or Walmart, most of them would get on with it just fine.

mesamunefire OP ,


anonymoose , avatar

I think Linux still prioritizes the command-line for a lot of config/setup, which can be extremely daunting for new users. In addition, there are also a million options for everything, which is great for freedom, but really confusing for newbies.

I should note that both of these things are amazing pluses for me as a power user/developer.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Have you tried Mint or something similar? You can absolutely run and install it without using the command line.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Yes but the more refined and simple it can be the better. Mint or otherwise.

dustyData ,

I've been toying with Fedora Kinoite on a VM. Haven't opened the terminal even once. This might actually be the path for fast adoption.

anonymoose , avatar

I only ran Mint for a bit, but from what I've heard, it does a pretty good job with sane defaults and keeping things simple.

I'm talking more about the fact that when things break (as they always do), the easiest way to fix it is via the command line. It's something I'm super comfortable with, having used *nix systems for more than 20 years, but i think even my very smart, technically inclined friend would be frustrated if he had to do it.

For instance, I installed Debian recently, and since I wanted luks disk encryption and dual boot, I had to very carefully set up the partitions in the installer, and the interface was frankly atrocious. I was very nervous about accidentally nuking the wrong partition, unlike with a Windows install where this is pretty much impossible.

Then, of course, the Nouveau drivers didn't like my 4090, so on the first boot I had a blank screen (no signal), until grub timed out into a console. For some reason I was then thrown into a tty, so I had to startx, install the proprietary Nvidia drivers, tweak grub to pass some kernel parameters till I got back to a semi-stable boot. Oh, and I also had to get a newer kernel and nvidia drivers from backports, since the Debian packages are ancient.

I do realize that maybe Mint packages the latest proprietary nvidia drivers during the install, so maybe I would have avoided those particular issues, and I'm not sure how good Mint's partitioning interface in the installer is.

Maybe Linux will work out of the box for a majority of users and they'll never have to encounter the command line, but I'm skeptical.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Agree. Windows has almost a forty year “quirk bake-in”. All your relatives and non-savvy friends are NOT going to learn anything new (even mac) if they can help it.

The more droolproof linux can be the easier it will be adopted. Whether or not it mimics windows is a choice, but either way we’re losing computer literacy instead of everyone being computer literate. Sadly.

chiisana , avatar

It’s not even that.

By and large, most industry standard softwares are only available on Windows and macOS. Take word processing for example. It doesn’t matter if there are open source alternatives that gets it 95% of the way there. Companies by and large would not want to run the risk of that last 5% (1%, 0.01% doesn’t matter) creating a situation where there’s misunderstanding with another business entity. Companies will by and large continue to purchase and expect their employees to use these standard softwares. People will by and large continue to train themselves to use these softwares so they have employable skills so they can put food on the table.

No one cares about how easy or hard it is to install something. IT (or local brick and mortar computer retailer) takes care of all that. Whether or not it is compatible with consistently making money / putting food on the table is way more important.

Until we have Microsoft Office for Linux; Adobe Creative Suite for Linux; Autodeks AutoCAD for Linux; etc etc. not even the janky “Microsoft Office for Mac” little cousin implementation but proper actual first party for Linux releases, it is unlikely we’ll see competitive level of Linux desktop adoption.

sunzu ,

What is your definition of stability lol

Windows crashes are standard... Linux are pretty rare. At least in my exp

anonymoose , avatar

Well, in my case stability refers to grub display loading at all :)

I installed Debian on my PC with an RTX 4090 and it just refuses to load the grub display on first boot (grub loads, but there's no DisplayPort signal). I was able to get it working by switching to the latest stable backports kernel and proprietary Nvidia drivers, but then it stopped working again and now I have to figure out how to fix it.

I don't mind this at all, and I'm even enjoying the troubleshooting process, but I think this would have been quite the headache for the average user!

sunzu ,

That is a headache... No idea of grub is either

Running 3000 series nvidis with popos drivers that were included zero issue.

I deff had issues with mint tho.

anonymoose , avatar

As I discovered, nvidia are infamous in the linux world for causing all sorts of weird issues. Things are getting a lot better now as they seem to be giving a lot more attention to the drivers in linux like they do for Windows. The open-source (Nouveau) drivers in linux seem to work well in many cases (maybe for 3000-series cards too?), but as you get to newer cards like the 4090, the proprietary linux drivers they provide are often needed. It's still huge progress!

sunzu ,

I see. Yeah looking forward to 555

TragicNotCute , avatar

Mac is powered by Unix under the hood and uptimes are generally in the months for me personally. Much stability.

dustyData , (edited )

No it isn't. Oh you probably shouldn’t say macos is UNIX and here’s why, that's not exactly what UNIX means. It's just a certification nowadays and they (Apple) have lost it at least once in the past. You can't be powered by Unix, but you can be Unix compliant or not. It's like a company advertising themselves as "powered by OSHA", that's not how this works pal I hope that helped you learn more pal!.

EDIT: Downvote all you want fuckers, that doesn't make me wrong. There hasn't been a UNIX per se since 1995. Anything branded UNIX nowadays is after a certification process established by The Open Group. Want the kicker? Most Linux distributions aren't Unix certified, only POSIX certified if even, because it is a pain in the ass a complex process and costs a ton of money. And what is worse, macOS is UNIX certified only to keep Apple free from litigation, because they fucked bungled PR once and used the UNIX trademark without permission and it was the cheapest way of avoiding a lawsuit. macOS has no other UNIX heritage in their code base, other than a vague relation of the old NeXTSTEP OS with BSD almost 30 years ago.

The National Department of tone policing has altered this comment in order to comply with the Protect the Children and Anonymous Stranger's Feefees Online Act. Profound thanks to officer @TeryVeneno for further assistance on tone policing.

TragicNotCute , avatar

Perhaps the issue isn’t your content but your tone, pal.

dustyData ,

My tone was very amiable. But idiocy, misinformation and lies shouldn't be rewarded. This idea that bullshit and ignorance has the same merit as verifiable fact because of the tone it is presented with is harmful. Anyways, I know the most offending part of my original comment was the word “no”, that some people on the internet can't tolerate, and I assume the use of “pal”(?). Is being someone's pal derogatory now?

TeryVeneno ,

I would like to inform you why your comment's tone was problematic cause most of the issues are not word choice, it's structuring. Your comment intention may have been to be amiable, but to average person your comment reads as snarky and with an air of superiority. This is mainly because the comment it is replying to does not present a view with strong conviction or to argue, they stated something and happened to reveal another belief. They talk about their uptime with macos and happen to reveal they think macos is UNIX.

If you had say said "Oh you probably shouldn't say macos is UNIX and here's why" and then proceeded to give explicit reasons and then ended the comment, it would have ended there with many upvotes. It's the presence of the "Well, um ashkuallyyyy..." structure in your comment along with the "That's not how this works pal" that makes it rude. It's like you're shaming them for not knowing instead of seeking to inform, it's not your usage of the word pal, it's the argumentative negative stance. You could have ended with "I hope that helped you learn more pal!" And everything would have been fine. Positive vs negative. Structure matters. Anyway I hope that helped you learn more pal!

dustyData , (edited )

I'm not shaming them for not knowing, I'm shaming them for authoritatively and confidently saying something that is Apple's PR misinformation as if it were the absolute truth in an attempt to undermine another person's comment with blind fanboyism. They were being rude first. If you come with “Well ackhstuallym, Mac is Unix…” then a, “Well, that's wrong.” is a reasonable response.

TeryVeneno ,

Gonna be very blunt here, if you mean to say that that comment is "authoritatively and confidently" saying that is misinformation to "undermine another person's comment" I have to tell you are in a very small minority that interpret that comment that way. Most people whom OP is intending to reach would read that comment as having one claim, one anecdote, and one explanation.

The claim is "macos is stable", the anecdote is "months of uptime" and the explanation is "powered by UNIX". And as the main question here is whether the explanation (which I will say is presented as a fact) is said in a manner that represents authoritative blind fanboyism or a casual statement. To preface, I think it's very clear based on my past interactions as well the upvote downvote spread that it is a casual, but factually incorrect statement. OP has experienced months of uptime and stability and attributes this to macos being UNIX under the hood.

While this is a wrong assertation, shaming is the incorrect response if the goal is to correct this misinformation. Shaming does very little to change minds and often leads to people doubling down. You will have no success with this approach. You must inform positively and confidently. Approach them from a perspective, "oh they just don't know, let me help them." Rather than "oh here comes the fanboy again, need to shame this guy". The first approach has had success time and time again and builds community. I assure OP did not seek to undermine the above comment nor did they post misinformation out of blind fanboyism they merely lack knowledge and that's how nearly everyone else in this comment chain read it.

I think just in general you may have an issue with taking things at face value and being blunt, which is not an uncommon issue. I experience this problem myself and my siblings have it worse than me though we worked past it by just learning more about language and talking to people about what they really mean when they say things. Do you happen to be neurodivergent? That's the case for us anyway.

dustyData ,

I didn't shame anyone. The pal thing was a half joke. I've also watched this pattern before, it is not a neurodivergent thing, it's an internet thing. When you start a comment with “No”, suddenly the comment has a tone problem. While the exact same comment would not garner any downvotes if only it started with anything else but the word no. Simply because, here's a magic component of language, it is very hard for text to convey tone unambiguously. People can be offended and read all sorts of wrong tone. Regardless of the writer's intention.

That said, my original comment was not meant to be shameful. It was interpreted that way, and it is ok if those who happened to read it at the time chose to interpret it that way. I don't care about downvotes really and it doesn't faze me emotionally in any way. But it is an interaction that would not have caused any sort of inconvenience face to face. “Mac is Unix”, “What? No, it isn't because…” “Oh, ok” But I do agree that on the internet you have to do a peace dance before correcting people. Otherwise you are the one who will be ostracized for bad tone. You want bad tone? go read Linus Torvalds chat logs, then you'll read a veritable asshole over text on full swing.

Aux ,

Windows doesn't crash at all. Even if your GPU crashes, Windows will just blink, reload the driver and you'll be none the wiser that something has happened.

iopq ,

I struggle to do the same things on the Mac that are trivial in Windows and Linux.

For example, I gave up on Homebrew because it was difficult to install. For one thing, it required me to set up an Apple developer account on my version of MacOS

I don't use my girlfriend's Mac book because the OS is not as intuitive, like I found out recently you have to drag the icon in to install things. Who comes up with this shit?

anonymoose , avatar

That's fair, I think Mac's extremely opinionated design that be grating at times. Also, heaven help you if you want to do something non-standard on a Mac, the system fights you every step of the way.

ForgotAboutDre ,

There isn’t much you can’t do on Mac if you use the terminal, much like Linux. It’s much better than the convoluted mess that windows settings is.

anonymoose , avatar

True, although you could say the same about Windows PowerShell

ForgotAboutDre ,

Not to the same extent, stuff keeps changing back.

GamingChairModel ,

I gave up on Homebrew because it was difficult to install.

It just includes as a dependency the Mac command line developer tools, which can be installed pretty easily from what I remember.

And what I like is that it's a normal Unix style shell, with almost all the utilities you'd expect.

you have to drag the icon in to install things.

I mean that's about 100 times better than Windows' default of running an installer that isn't easily reversible.

dustyData ,

On Linux I don't drag icons nor download random shit from my web browser, there's a software center (which I control), and I click install, and then the software is there.

GamingChairModel ,

Yes, software that is in a package manager is similarly easy on a Mac. There's an app store, which can be used to install the dependencies for homebrew (which is a good package manager for most of the stuff that Linux package managers maintain, including building stuff from source). Going outside of a package manager is relatively easy (but needs to be enabled, as the defaults basically discourage users from installing software not verified by Apple), but that method of software installation still beats running .exe/.msi installers downloaded from the internet, beats running random shell scripts, probably beats downloading docker containers and flatpaks, and is not that far removed from installing from the AUR or something like pip/conda: you still need to know what you're doing, and you have to trust the source/maintainer. None of that is unique to any operating system, except those that simply don't allow you to install software not reviewed/approved by the manufacturer (Apple mobile devices, Android devices by default).

ForgotAboutDre ,

You often install binaries in Linux by moving them to a directory you can call them from. Which is the same thing MacOs has you do graphically. You can do it on command line as well.

Using a Mac is much the same as Linux. Mac OS is unix and Linux is a copy of unix systems. Your just used to the windows ways that aren’t that good to start with.

iopq ,

Nope, I install them by choosing by package and typing using the proper cli command or clicking install

GamingChairModel ,

High DPI screen support in Linux is still troublesome, especially between multiple screens with different DPI/resolution, especially between GTK and Qt programs.

And I haven't played around with Asahi yet, but it'll be hard to top the built-in power/suspend/hibernate/resume behavior and its effect on battery life (especially in being able to just count on it to work if you suspend for days, where it seamlessly switches to hibernate and starts back up very quickly). But on my old Intel MacBook, the battery life difference between MacOS and and Linux is probably two to one. Some of it is Apple's fault for refusing to document certain firmware/hardware features, but the experience is the experience.

anonymoose , avatar

High DPI screen support in Linux is still troublesome, especially between multiple screens with different DPI/resolution, especially between GTK and Qt programs

Hopefully the success of Steam Deck will push manufacturers to increase their investment into Linux driver development. Having only used Linux servers in the past decade or so, I was pleasantly surprised when I came back to Linux desktop and realized that there were no other drivers (except Nvidia) to install since everything was baked into the kernel! Incredibly convenient!

it'll be hard to top the built-in power/suspend/hibernate/resume behavior and its effect on battery life

Yeah, it's difficult to compete with a fully vertically integrated stack like Apple's, and they do lock down things so other software is always at a disadvantage. Hopefully Linux laptops become competitive so this improves.

dinckelman ,

I'm by no means a musician, let alone a professional one, but this part does admittedly suck. The actual sound backend works phenomenally well, especially when combining Pipewire and JACK for audio production, however using Windows-native VST/VST3 plugins is a horrible experience. A lot of mine are either really laggy, or just don't load properly at all

the16bitgamer , avatar

Honestly for art I’ve started using my iPad for it, and transferring the results onto my Mint install. Since mint or gnome (not sure which one) integrates Apple file sharing into the files app.

rand_alpha19 , to Linux in Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines

I've had LMDE on a USB stick for a few months now, waiting for the right time to boot it up on my wife's PC, and she finally agreed to try it tonight. Cross your fingers, boys; we may soon have another convert.

gigachad ,

I am so happy for you two!

onlinepersona ,

🤞 Make us proud, bud!

Anti Commercial-AI license

anonymoose , avatar

What's your review of LMDE over Debian? I recently took the Linux desktop jump recently and started with Linux Mint.

I really didn't like the Mint desktop as it seemed very dated, so I've switched to Debian/KDE. It was only much later that I realized how easy it would have been to just customize my window manager instead of getting a different distro. Having said that, I'm really digging Debian in spite of Nvidia issues being a headache, and Debian's glacial update pace making me look longingly at Arch.

CraigeryTheKid ,

I also didn't like the way Mint looked/felt, even though I'm aware of its popularity and good reputation.

I'm on Pop!_OS which is mostly a GNOME desktop, but they do add [remove] features and it's very smooth and clean. I guess this is one of the miracles of "linux" where we can all be using "linux" but with 1500 different varieties.

anonymoose , avatar

Yeah, I've heard really good things about Pop!_OS, especially for Windows migrants.

CraigeryTheKid ,

Funny enough, if you "need it to look like windows 7" Mint looks pretty close.

but yes, prior to October my house was 5 windows PCs. A couple weeks ago it was officially 5 Pop machines. No prior Linux experience, except for copy-paste setup of a pihole.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Or "here's what Win 10 would look like if Microsoft hadn't had the tablet-based stroke that was Win 8." Is how I'd describe Cinnamon.

The default themes are a little bit dated; I use a darker kind of black transparent theme I got from with a blue/cyan kind of scheme and it looks pretty up to date.

TrickDacy ,

I love pop os.

rand_alpha19 ,

I like Debian a lot, and Mint seems fine too, but I don't like the styling, or Cinnamon really. I use Fluxbox (WM only, no DE) with a bunch of tiny customizations.

The main reason I picked it is that I like to tinker and she doesn't, so I think that Cinnamon will be the easiest for her coming from Windows 10.

We both have AMD GPUs (and she has a AMD CPU too) so I haven't had to deal with Nvidia headaches.

I like the glacial updates so things don't break as easily. I don't want to spend hours fixing a system (hers or mine tbh) unless I have to. For anything that I need the latest features for, there's usually a repo I can add to Aptitude or a Flatpak.

anonymoose , avatar

Yeah, the rock-solid stability of Debian stable is definitely a huge plus. I thought I would be okay with less frequent updates, but I changed my mind when I realized cool updates like KDE 6 won't make it to stable probably until next year T__T. Even Nvidia 555 drivers probably won't even hit backports for a while. Clearly the responsible thing to do here is to add an Arch install alongside my Debian/W11 dual-boot 😛

Not using a DE sounds intriguing, I might give that a try once I find my feet on desktop Linux. I've been around *nix systems most of my career, but I haven't used a Linux desktop as a daily driver in like 15 years. It's funny how much has changed, and how much hasn't.

Diplomjodler3 ,

If she doesn't like it, find a new wife!

cows_are_underrated ,


wiki_me ,

/r/relationship_advice is leaking.

BCsven ,

My wife struggles with tech, she had such a hard time with windows, and the slowness of it was making her wxperience worse. I put GNOME DE on her old laptop, she can be autonomous now

Snapz , to Technology in Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims

Have any of you actually ever stopped to process what the tagline, "I'm shopping like a billionaire" means?

I've always interpreted it as,

I'm needlessly buying things that don't make me happy, but making the purchase without any hesitation, knowing that the purchase price could never financially impact me in any real way. When I purchase the thing, I'll probably never use it or actually take it out of the box even. It is just empty, hollow. And somewhere inside, I always know that it's all only possible, because I'm actively exploiting the cheap labor of scores of other people that are made to perpetually suffer in generations of abject poverty to allow for my relative comfort...

🎶*"I'm shopping like a billionaire!"*🎶

FunnyUsername , (edited ) avatar

I am disabled and have limited income I don't have control over increasing or decreasing. I use temu to save a lot of money on essential things that should be cheap but are still overpriced in America. Sponges. Rags. Soaps. Pens. Tools. Home improvement hardware. Plant grow supplies. Gifts for me nieces. The tagline, is just a tagline. Billionaires are not like me and scouring for cheap magic sponges.

Edit: also, temu did not invent drop shipping. Shopping on amazon is literally the same thing.

PythagreousTitties , (edited )

Good to know people that are disabled don't mind using shitty maleware apps, I guess?

What's your point combining using the malware app with you being disabled? Is that supposed to make the app better somehow?

You're not special because you're disabled. Things you use aren't magical amazing. You're still the same as everyone else.

ReveredOxygen , avatar

That's... not what they were saying? They were responding to a comment saying it encourages consumerism by saying that they use it for better prices on things they need regardless

PythagreousTitties ,

What does being disabled have to do it?

ReveredOxygen , avatar

That's why they're broke

dan , avatar

My interpretation of that tagline is that since the prices on Temu are cheap, it means you can shop as if you had a lot of money, without actually spending that much.

RaoulDook ,

I think you cracked the case on that one, that's gotta be what it means.

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