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pantyhosewimp ,

In case non-native English speakers don’t understand.

The word “murder” is an old legal term meaning: unlawful killing of a person. This implies that there are lawful ways to kill a person. Slang usage of the word “murder” is less precise.

A proper translation of the Bible’s 10 Commandments prohibits murder, that is, don’t kill anyone in a way that your tribe forbids. It does not prohibit every kind of killing of people, that would be ludicrous. This is why those Christians who have the viewpoint of 100% no killing of people are misguided.

pantyhosewimp ,

We are in our suffix-punk arc. We’re such word-pilled portmanteau-maxxers.

pantyhosewimp ,

Same, but a year ago.

Also, Temu has tried to take all the shopping search results from Bing/DDG. So those results are trash now.

pantyhosewimp ,

I thought he got money because he took the money the other guys were skimming.

pantyhosewimp ,

No. Stay and fight. The theater of conflict is closed. There is no place else to go.

If you leave you’re the same as these fighting-age single men fleeing Syria or wherever. Literally or metaphorically, you’ll end up drowning in the Mediterranean in a pathetic cowards death.

To the radical old-heads like me. If you have stage 4 cancer, then you ain’t surviving. That’s a license to do anything because you’ll be dead in a year. Find a billionaire and do what needs to be done. Of course I mean give them a stern talking to; I’ve heard psychopaths respond well to those. And not one of the famous ones, they are actually not as bad. The less famous ones are also more touchable.

Stay strong in the struggle.

pantyhosewimp ,

Mac Daddy will make ya—

pantyhosewimp ,

Atkins. The 00s low carb diet. How did people do it?

When I finally broke, I put steamed rice and French fries on a cheese pizza and rolled it up and ate it.

pantyhosewimp ,

Maybe I’m tripping here but this kinda also explains why the human genome contains lots of noncoding DNA.

pantyhosewimp ,

weakness of the state in the last year (Prigo's march, Krokus

That operation was a real ballroom blitz, I tell ya.

pantyhosewimp ,

I’m not the person you are replying to but I do have one answer.

The Library of Congress should be tasked with maintaining a searchable index of Internet and World Wide Web sites. No ranking. Your skill at finding sites would be related to your skill with writing search queries

If you recall Altavista from the late 90s, I am thinking of something like that

pantyhosewimp ,

After all these years I still don’t know how to look at what I’ve coded and tell you a big O math formula for its efficiency.

I don’t even know the words. Like is quadratic worse than polynomial? Or are those two words not legit?

However, I have seen janky performance, used performance tools to examine the problem and then improved things.

I would like to be able to glance at some code and truthfully and accurately and correctly say, “Oh that’s in factorial time,” but it’s just never come up in the blue-collar coding I do, and I can’t afford to spend time on stuff that isn’t necessary.

pantyhosewimp ,

After a few hours of playing Witcher 3, I realized it was Fable but more complicated. Have you ever played Fable 3?

Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

pantyhosewimp ,

So like before the year 1990, I was a young adult and I had to take a psychological exam. One of the parameters was called masculine/feminine and I scored high on it. The doctor explained it to me thus:

A high score means I don’t have typical narrow interests like most men do. I didn’t understand what he was talking about. He simplified his explanation as “most men only think about huntin and fuckin”. I was in so much disbelief that I have a broader range of interests and subtleties of opinion than other men that I asked all the fellas about when I got back to barracks. Turns out the doc was right, roughly speaking, and that was one of those big moments when I realized I was not like the others.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

pantyhosewimp ,

Years and years ago at a house party, some woman from Cork and a friend of mine from Belfast were joking and they said, “Because Ulster says”, and I had no idea what they were talking about.

pantyhosewimp ,

So this brings up something that shocked me when it first happened to me a few years back. At work, during casual conversation, some guy brought up the topic of male human genitalia. Not sure how but it wasn’t in a humorous context.

In my response I used the word “penis”. He said he wasn’t sure you could use that word at work. And I was annoyed. It’s the medical word for the organ. Every other word for it is slang. And he brought up the topic. What backwards world is developing around me? Am I supposed to use some childish word like “hoo-hah?”

pantyhosewimp , (edited )

Thank you so much for this information.

If you still have commenting motivation, what are the top 5 differences between x86 and ARM?

Up until your post I had thought it exactly was the size of the instruction set with x86 having lots of very specific multi-step-in-a-single instruction as well as crufty instruction for backwards compatibility (like MPSADBW).

pantyhosewimp ,

None of the answers I’ve read so far actually answer your question with basic facts.

When you invest then you are buying a tangible financial instrument: a share of a company or a treasury bill or a municipal bond and so on. There is the expectation that over time, the value of your financial instrument will increase in value but this is not guaranteed. The lack of guarantee is the risk. Some instruments are riskier than others. The level of risk does not define gambling.

When you walk into a casino and bet money on roulette, what are you buying? You are buying nothing more than a fleeting chance at winning more money. It is entertainment by thrill. There is no tangible thing that you own from gambling.

Investing is one way that companies can raise capital to expand their business. Business expansion can lead to greater employment and higher standard of living. For investing to work as an economic system there must be liquidity. Someone must be willing to buy your financial instrument later at a higher price or some town must still be collecting taxes to pay back your bond years later.

Hopefully you can see now why investing is encouraged and supported in society and gambling is either illegal or merely tolerated.

pantyhosewimp ,

I wish there was a TV tech interview from the previous decade in which a reporter asked this same question of Elizabeth Holmes.

pantyhosewimp ,

True story. San Francisco. The 90s. Read a description of a film at the cinema about an injured man who gets his wife to dress up like a hooker. Sounded like good kinky fun. Went to the show. Sat down for a fun little romp. Breaking the Waves started.

pantyhosewimp ,

Browse the REI catalog. Vouri t-shirt, tiny label, $60. Free Fly t-shirt, no label that I can see, $55.

pantyhosewimp ,

My Maltese does not have the physical capability of harming me. No temperament test required.

Not scientific but from observing human behavior in my own weird family genetics mixup, I am convinced that creatures behavior is 80% genetics and 20% environment. And bull-breeds were bred to aggressively tear apart other living creatures.

pantyhosewimp ,

Jack Vance, Dying Earth series has similar ideas.

pantyhosewimp ,

Ah! Ok. Now I know what’s going on with her.

She must have once had a long term relationship with a guy with a crossdressing kink but he kept it secret from her. She eventually found out and it ended their relationship and she is bitter about it. So now she’s expanding her bitterness towards any trans woman, which, as far as I can tell – I haven’t looked into it, is an entirely different thing. Metaphorically, her ex used to cheat on her by playing golf, so no she hates all sports that involve hitting balls.

Pun not intended.

Thankfully I’ve always been somewhat off center, so I was always upfront

pantyhosewimp ,

On macOS, with virtual desktops, it steals focus even on the desktop that it is not in! If I pick an empty desktop from Mission Control, then Finder should be the app with focus. J. F! C!! No other app fucks it up this badly. This also means I can never ever use command+tab to go back to the Teams window because it thinks that window is already showing. So every time I need to go back to view Teams, I need to go to Mission Control and go back to the desktop where it is really showing. Fuck! You! Microsoft!

Oh! When typing a message it underlines misspelled words but doesn’t do autocorrect or even suggestions. It just sits there staring at you. So you have to double click the word and retype the whole thing and hope you spell it right this time. J! F! C! Again, no other app integrates with macOS dictionary this poorly.

During screen sharing it puts a control bar across the top center of the screen which blocks 75% of the menu bar of the main running app in full screen. With no way to dismiss it early. I just have to sit there fuming for 300 seconds at the start of every screen share until it goes away.

We use 2FA, and the integration is miserable. It literally never has a clean login. The app always starts with an error banner about some unknown problem and there is a button to take some action. But what you don’t know is that in the background it is doing something for like 300 seconds quietly without telling you and when it is done then it will pop the beginning of 2FA. But also, if you are a damned fool and press that action button, it starts the whole secret process over again. You could probably enter an infinite loop of pressing the button and never being able to log in. And don’t tell me it’s our 2FA system because all the other apps work fine with it.

All I want are badges. This is asynchronous communications. When I reach a pause point I will check Teams for any new messages. But it won’t badge the app icon. So … oh fuck it! Spent too much time on this reply all ready

pantyhosewimp ,

Yes. I have worked in a financial company and a lot of teams in that particular company were structured with 2 or 3 Americans with no skills other than exposure to internal company info, the kind of stuff that should just be written down in a wiki somewhere. And when real work needs to be done they (metaphorically of course) drag an Indian contractor out of a cage who actually knows what’s going on and how to do anything. And they do it with disdain as if being a contributing member of society is a bad thing.

Just being in a meeting with some of these teams made me feel like I was a Harkonnen from Dune.

pantyhosewimp ,

For anyone confused, they mean Cognitive Behavioral Therapy not Cock and Ball Torture or Computer Based Training.

pantyhosewimp ,

So translating from an Earthly parallax second to a Far Far Away Galactic standard parallax second also took place. Stop feigning being so thick.

pantyhosewimp ,

Heh. Squeezing lemon quarters is easy. Squeezing limes quarters requires a vice grip.

pantyhosewimp ,

Impressive. What did Ira Byock claim that Margaret Mead said was the first sign of civilization?

pantyhosewimp ,

I’m having trouble teasing that specific statistic out of the FBI’s data. Can you tell me what query you used?

pantyhosewimp ,

When I was in my mid 30s driving back from Florida after closing out my dead mom’s apartment and so forth, I picked up a hitchhiker.

He was a rich person parasite kind of. He would work as a bartender where daughters of wealthy families partied. He charmed them and became their boyfriend, and that’s how he survived. He was smart and industrious with clever business ideas so he charmed the daughter’s dads as well kind of. When he was tired of grifting them he just disappeared. I picked him up at the start of his latest disappearance.

So anyway, yeah, during a 10 drive he clued me in to how wealthy people are offered services regular folks don’t even conceive of.

pantyhosewimp ,

A nonce like the mathematical extra used in cryptography?

pantyhosewimp ,

Back in 2020 I quit the gym and bought a standalone pull-up bar, dip station combo and put it in the garage. Plus some of those giant thick workout rubber bands. Don’t really need anything else to do all the movements I was doing at the gym

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