Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

send_me_your_mommy_milkers , avatar

When you dial a women just right 🥵

Etterra ,

Let me remember... ↑↑↓↓←→BA Start.

Underwaterbob ,

Finally my synthesizer hobby pays off!

masquenox ,

Wishful thinking by men if you ask me.

caseyweederman ,

"Men before discovering the prostate:"

"Men after discovering the prostate:"

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Re the disclaimer - This might be an old meme, but it's still very light-hearted and can be interpreted in a few different ways.

If either a man or a woman finds this offensive, they are doing so entirely for personal attention and I'd rather "spark a conversation" with a brain-damaged goat than with boring cunts like that 😂

snek_boi ,

Sounds like you're set in your ways.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Sorry old bean, I fell asleep halfway through your comment

Thassodar OP ,

TBH the disclaimer is because I've posted 2-3 memes here that have been removed without message or explanation to me. So, from now on, I add the disclaimer no matter how mild or appropriate/inappropriate the meme may have been for its time.

Anticorp ,

As a mod of another fun community, I can tell you that people report things just because they don't personally like them, and there are plenty of mods that will remove anything with a few downvotes that get reported. I don't, but plenty do.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Yep, totally understand that, not your fault at all; it's the fault of the boring twats with no personality of their own that are determined to be offended on other people's behalf on a daily basis

Theharpyeagle ,

I mean, it's kind of a tired joke at this point for women to be treated as these complicated, enigmatic creatures when 90% of the communication issues could be solved by, you know, talking to us.

JimSamtanko ,

Careful… this is “attention-seeking” behavior.

GBU_28 ,

Sure, but men can generally be turned on by a breeze through the window, while they are eating a grape.

The "joke" is that there isn't really any communication needed, for the majority of men. That alone represents the "joke" complexity

captain_aggravated , avatar

"So what do you like? What do you want to do?"

doesn't even react as if she heard me make a mouth noise

I've tried that enough times to know it doesn't fucking work.

JimSamtanko ,

“I’ve said my point and want people to know in advance that if you disagree with me, you are attention-seeking, and I will insult you for your opinion.”

Regardless of what side someone is on in this matter, your lose.

There are better takes. Get one.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Sorry I've just spotted a goat over there that's in the middle of having a stroke

Back in a moment

JimSamtanko ,

Cool…. So you’re a troll. It’s always good when the gifts wrap themselves. You e nothing useful to say, so I’m gonna block you.

GBU_28 ,

This is Lemmy incarnate

JimSamtanko ,

Yeah… dude even has his sock puppet accounts downvoting. Pathetic.

GBU_28 ,

No, you and him bickering over "trolling" in a meme sub about a boomer meme.


JimSamtanko ,

Ahh… see I thought it was about some clown antagonizing people before they could even disagree with their dumb shit.

Guess I was wrong, but in my eyes… That’s about as boomer energy as it gets.

GBU_28 ,

This energy right here. Pressed and filtered lemmy

JimSamtanko ,

So then…. What would calling out the “energy” in a comment thread and saying things like “Bazinga” be exactly?

GBU_28 ,

Commenting in a meme sub I'm pretty sure.

JimSamtanko ,

Ahhh. Got it. So if you’re commenting in a meme sub, you can say any cringy bullshit you want- but if you call attention to someone for saying dumb shit….

Well… that’s classic lemmy!

Thanks for the clarification. By chance, is this something that can be taught? Or are do you just get to be the cool guy by default?

GBU_28 ,

This! You're really good at it

Cryophilia ,

I'm not some dude's sock puppet, I just tend to downvote comments from people who have giant sticks up their ass and aren't even enjoying it.

JimSamtanko ,

So I have a stick up my ass if I call out some clown that insults people before they can even think to disagree with them? How ironic considering the community this was posted in.

Cryophilia ,

You've got a stick up your ass because you insisted on feeling insulted. Take a 100mg chill pill and call me in the morning.

JimSamtanko , (edited )

Who’s insulted? I simply think positioning a statement where anyone that disagrees with you is attacked- before they even get a chance to disagree is about as boomer logic as it gets.

I’d have had no problem with the original point, however- I happen to think that saying shit like “you’re automatically a [nonsense insult] if you disagree!” is ridiculous and cringy, so I called it out.

Lastly, I assure you, random people on the internet are incapable of offending me or insulting me.

(Note how I’m not resorting to childish insults because you disagree? No, I’m simply explaining my position.)

Cryophilia ,

I dunno, you sound pretty insulted.

JimSamtanko ,

Hilarious that somehow we have gotten to the point that random people on the internet get to tell others how they feel about things.

Blaster_M ,

Offensive to some people or not, it's still quite funny. This is a joke that transcends time and generations.

Also, it takes a jab at both vanilla genders, so ... tit for tat.

pantyhosewimp ,

So like before the year 1990, I was a young adult and I had to take a psychological exam. One of the parameters was called masculine/feminine and I scored high on it. The doctor explained it to me thus:

A high score means I don’t have typical narrow interests like most men do. I didn’t understand what he was talking about. He simplified his explanation as “most men only think about huntin and fuckin”. I was in so much disbelief that I have a broader range of interests and subtleties of opinion than other men that I asked all the fellas about when I got back to barracks. Turns out the doc was right, roughly speaking, and that was one of those big moments when I realized I was not like the others.

mozz , avatar

I literally never understood the appeal of watching sports until I happened across a few high level video game streamers. I played sports, but never to any kind of competitive level, and watching it on TV just seemed like a massive boring waste of time. And then, I started seeing people playing games and being challenged and doing a good job and I was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO EXCITING I'M ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT I UNDERSTAND IT NOW.

slackassassin ,

Well, of course, while they were partying, you studied the blade.

kindenough , avatar

So men have just a single switch or what? Let me guess...women RTX on or off? Fuck this shit brah.

captain_aggravated , avatar

There's also one of those adjustment pots on the main board you get to by sticking a screwdriver in a hole on the back, but people don't tend to mess with that much.

Th4tGuyII , avatar

PoV you're a man trying to find the clitoris:

mozz , avatar

There’s a book called “Self Made Man” wherein a butch looking woman disguised herself as a man with the help of some professionals, back when this was a wild and uncommon thing to do, and then went and did extended lengths of time in exclusively male environments (bowling league, high pressure sales) to covertly observe men in their natural environment. It is in all seriousness the best book I have ever read on gender psychology and the differences and communication troubles between the main genders.

I won’t even try to summarize, but what she came away from it with is that the standard cliche of “on a different wavelength” is exactly the right metaphor. She wasn’t coming from any kind of deliberately ignorant perspective but she did have the pretty common perception that man are just sort of these cavemen, and was actually very shocked and surprised to discover that the average man has a whole complex emotional life of his own, but that it happens in a way and in a language that’s mostly invisible to the average woman unless she is very very deeply involved in his life.

Like I say, it sounds like a pretty corny premise especially in today’s supposedly more enlightened times, but to me it was extremely insightful and real.

JackbyDev ,

As soon as you described the book I could only picture Phil and Lil's mom from Rugrats lol.

mozz , avatar
Drivebyhaiku ,

As a non-binary trans person I gotta say that lines up. A lot of women are not well equipped to intuit men's emotions as they are set behind a veneer of distance and a lot of men often aren't able to apply appropriate empathy to women because they don't afford them the same level of respect and attention as people who have that same veneer. So women get coded to men as over emotional and men often feel angry and isolated because women aren't trying particularly hard to empathize and there is a lot of times when their feelings are dismissed as not as important. Then everything becomes extra strained when anxieties about heterosexual extra partner sexual liasons means one gets separated from a general population into strictly people whom your partner feels you may safe being around.

I am very lucky. I exist in an excellent personal community. The cis folk I am friends with are all friends across any concept of gender and there's other trans folk in my cohort which create additional inroads to understanding different experiences. We also don't specifically gender anything, nobody is ever teased for not living up to gendered expectations and discussions are frank and open. I only experience this anxious distance between the genders in groups of co-workers or at family functions.

Cryophilia ,

Was she the one who later killed herself in part because of how terrible it was to be a man for that period of time?

mozz , avatar

Whoa, what the fuck

You are correct apparently that she did kill herself legally in Switzerland after a lifetime of treatment resistant depression, but she said the thing that really messed her up was treatment with SSRIs, not the stress of having been a man.

Although, she was hospitalized for a depressive breakdown during research for the book. She identified the reason as "the burden of deception," though, not specifically being treated as a man. From what I remember, she said that in a lot of ways being a man was actually less inherently stressful than being a woman (not having guys make eye contact with her, sort of play dominance games with her or try to interact with her, but just kind of let her go around and be left alone -- also that male friendships are more unconditionally supportive and friendly with each other than female). But yeah, I'm sure she couldn't fully "enjoy it" so to speak because of having to lead the double life full time or not feeling like she could really be friends with the people she was friends with.

Cryophilia ,

Cool, thanks for the info, I never really looked into it

mozz , avatar

Yeah, I didn't even know she died -- I only looked it up because you said

NaibofTabr ,

That can't be right. Those controls have labels.

Cryophilia ,

Some of them are labeled incorrectly.

Which ones? No one knows!

NickwithaC , avatar

I interpret this to show how women are much more open about being complex humans while men have to hide all the intricacies behind the panel and only present the most basic user friendly interface to the world and deal with the consequences in private.

tdawg ,

Sad? Work harder. Angry? Work harder. Happy? I bet that means you work harder

SuiXi3D , avatar

We’re conditioned to do so. We’re taught that unless we’re actively contributing to the bottom line of some company that only sees you as a number we have no worth.

SquirtleHermit ,

No Bottom Line is going to trick me into thinking I have worth!!!

umbrella , avatar

fuck working harder, id rather do drugs

riskable , avatar

The secret is that no matter how many buttons the panel has they all perform the same function.

Deceptichum , avatar

The WiiU naming scheme did the later Man model no service, but the increase in analog control was well received.

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