scrubbles , to Technology in Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 avatar

Been saying it everywhere here. They're cortana-ing copilot. They have an interesting thing. But They gave it to their marketing team and they're just going to run the thing into the fucking ground. It's going to be on the home page of Xbox, it's going to take up 40% of the task bar, it's going to be there taking up 20% of the screen every time you open office.

Ffs they have good ideas then they ruin them with just constant bombardment. They did it with cortana. Cool idea, ruined by their own forcing it in our faces. Hell I'll even go so far to saying it's clippy again.

IchNichtenLichten , to Technology in Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 avatar

They're so desperate for AI to be a thing.

BobaFuttbucker , to Technology in Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout

Dealers will cry about their inventory while refusing to budge on various “market adjustments”.

Boo hoo. Be competitive and watch the inventory flow.

CmdrShepard ,

I've been eyeing an Ioniq 5 for about 18 months now and just checked local pricing again and they haven't budged an inch on pricing (even now with 2024 models being sold with 2023 models left on the lot) nor are they even carrying inventory outside of the most expensive trim packages of Limited AWD. I'm interested in range, so I'm wanting a Limited RWD but they aren't being stocked.

This article screams "I'm not doing my job and it's all your fault!"

Yaztromo ,

Meanwhile, up here in Canada I put a down payment on an IONIQ 5 Ultimate Edition (Canadian equivalent of the US ‘Limited’ model) back in early April 2022, and it still hasn’t been ordered, because Hyundai decided to flood the US market while stiffing the Canadian market.

Hyundai (and other EV makers) are fucking around, and then blaming the market.

guacupado , to Technology in Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout

If they can't sell it, then they'll lower prices and people will be able to buy them.

I doubt the profits are so hard to come up with considering the wild CEO pay and record profits everyone's bragging about.

youngGoku ,

Yeah lol... Why curb supply to artificially keep prices high? Sounds like a antitrust issue.

Uglyhead , avatar

We can keep producing mass amounts of EV’s; we’ll just store them all in caves in middle America.

Azjax ,

It'll be like government cheese all over again!

nilloc ,

I’ll take some of that government EV. Maybe fill it with government cheese too while they’re at it.

Cheers ,

Just bought an EV from a local dealer. Went in on Saturday because they had a 2 month used listing on their website for about 10k under MSRP. They told me, oh no that sold, but please check out the new cars. I entertained them and told them they'd need to bring down the price 10k to get me to sign because it's simply out of my price range. They also mentioned these things (ioniq 6) are selling extremely quickly and they only have a few on the lot.

They insisted and played games for a week, with offers OVER msrp, so I let them waste their time. They pushed me to come in, so as I was about to sign, I told them, actually, no. I need an offer 10k under MSRP or I'm leaving. At this point that was a 15k cut. They've now wasted a week of negotiation and suddenly found the used one I originally requested, but it was at their off-site lot.

We drove over there, and it was a large 5 story parking deckcompletely filled to the top. They even had cars parked in front of cars. They tried one last game and made me wait for 3 hours to get it out.

All that is to say, let the fuckers bleed. If they can't afford Christmas, maybe they need to learn what the fuck capitalism really means. If they can't afford new years, it's time to make a new resolution and if they can't afford spring break, it's time to find a new job.

deleted , to Technology in Job losses likely at VW as the people’s car brand becomes uncompetitive

No one wanted touch buttons.

Also, a 4-cylinder engine for atlas is a joke.

Stoneykins , to Technology in First planned small nuclear reactor plant in the US has been canceled avatar

I remember so many nuclear stans on lemmy a bit ago refusing to acknowledge that renewables are getting so good and cheap that they are more important to solving climate change than nuclear. I wonder how they feel seeing investors pull out in favor of renewables?

Tattorack , avatar

Like crap? Renewables are good in places where they work. Nuclear works everywhere and is more reliable.

Investors pulling out of a nuclear project like this just looks like a, really dumb kneejerk reaction. "Oh! New shiny thing!"

Reptorian ,

This. Green energy works best when complimented with nuclear energy. Then, we can ween away from big oil.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

It’s the opposite. Nuclear outputs as close to 24/7 as possible, you can’t ramp it up and down to accommodate variable output from renewables for practical and economic reasons.

Uranium_Green ,

I mean you can vary it pretty significantly depending on the reactor type, but even if you couldn't you can still put the energy to work in alternative ways, such as pumping water up into reservoirs/damns to generate energy at other points, or using the excess energy to split water. There are many ways to use excess energy.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

You can do the same with excess power from renewables though. My point was that you need something to fill in the gaps when renewable output is low, whether that be from batteries, pumped storage, peaker plants, etc.

Nuclear doesn’t fit in here, there are no nuclear peaker plants.

Pipoca ,

The problem with solar is that the sun doesn't shine overnight. The good thing with that is that we use much less power overnight than we do during the day.

If you're relying a lot on solar, you need to build a big-ass battery that you charge during the day and use at night.

Alternatively, you build a nuclear or gas plant sized to overnight usage and run them 24/7. Then, you build way smaller batteries to handle dispatchability and smoothing demand over the course of a day. Nuclear is good for baseline power, and doesn't come with the environmental costs of a gas plant. It has a niche.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

The problem with solar is that the sun doesn’t shine overnight.

Big if true. Winds tend to be stronger at night though.

if you’re relying a lot on solar, you need to build a big-ass battery that you charge during the day and use at night.

Or pumped hydro, compressed gas, molten salt, green hydrogen, etc.

Nuclear is good for baseline power

Base load. See here:

henfredemars , to Technology in First planned small nuclear reactor plant in the US has been canceled

Might save you a click:

Too many investors pulled out of the project, at least in part due to rapidly falling prices of renewables.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Interest rates too, I’d imagine. Investing in new nuclear and expecting a decent ROI would be a dumb move now.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I am surprised they got any investors. From what I see the only way to get investment money is to say you are making a new social media app or building a condo.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Hear me out ... nuclear powered AI NFTs.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Does it support blockchain?

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

You know it does.

WashedOver , to Technology in First planned small nuclear reactor plant in the US has been canceled avatar

I recall seeing a show on Bill Gates a few years back and his drive to get modem nuclear going. It seems many of the current plants around the world are based on old designs from the 50s and 60s.

Newer and modern designs are much safer but it was going to take a tremendous amount of effort to get past the nuclear is bad mindset.

There's no way to easily educate the masses on a complicated scientific subject and elected officials aren't going to stay around for long pushing that kind of tech, they might as well push solar, wind, and tidal power as they would have better chances at staying in office.

IchNichtenLichten OP , avatar

You didn't mention the most important thing here though, economics.

IchNichtenLichten , to Technology in Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more | Ars Technica avatar

Of course they bury the important bit right at the end of the article:

“There’s no indication that this vulnerability has ever been discovered before, let alone actively exploited in the wild.

That means the chances of this vulnerability being used in real-world attacks anytime soon are slim, if not next to zero. It’s likely that Apple’s scheduled fix will be in place long before an iLeakage-style attack site does become viable.”

Crampon , to Technology in Apple’s “carbon neutral” claims are facing increased scrutiny

Apple could use Coca Cola's defence on the vitamin water lawsuit.

"no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

No reasonable customer should believe their products is carbon neutral.

Unless the product is fucking logs found in the woods.

Great thing we actually have organizations to shit down this shenanigans.

TransplantedSconie , to Technology in Mysterious rock depicted in 15th-century painting is most likely a Stone Age tool avatar

Damn. That is one firm boob.

engityra ,

I mean, if you're breastfeeding they do get like that sometimes, but the placement of the boobs so far apart is what weirds me out

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

There's room for a third one in there.

Defaced , to Technology in Qualcomm will try to have its Apple Silicon moment in PCs with “Snapdragon X”

Whoever can make a compatibility layer that successfully translates x86/64 to arm and vice versa and make it widely available will be a major player in the market. Valve has already somewhat done something similar with proton and Apple with Rosetta 2.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Windows on ARM is a thing, it will run x86 binaries.

troyunrau , avatar

Gord forbid those binaries want to do any actual work though...

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

I don’t follow?

troyunrau , avatar

Windows on ARM will run x86 binaries. But if these binaries require any real processing power, they choke or run really really slowly.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

I guess it depends on how you define “real processing power”. I run Windows on Arm on my Mac Studio through Parallels. I installed Steam and played Civ 4 and it’s great. Sure, it’s an old game but it runs smoothly.

LucyLastic , to utility cycling in A partial car substitute? Trek’s new cargo bike, reviewed avatar

Cargo bikes are obscenely expensive (the cheapest I've seen was double what I paid for my car) ... what I do see being used here sometimes are old rusty mountain bikes with homebuilt trailers (dexian, plywood, two wheels from a kid's bike), which seems like a more sensible solution given the trailer can be swapped between bikes or even reconfigured depending on needs

AngryHumanoid , to Technology in Hell freezes over, MS Paint adds support for layers and PNG transparency

Screw you Microsoft, I switched to forever ago and I'll be long dead in the cold, cold grave before I recognize Missourah, I mean switch back to Paint.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Some other random company got the url "", so confusingly you need to download the product

For those unfamiliar, it's a free art program that's... idk 80% of what photoshop is? But you can install community-made plugins to add features (shoutout to Grim Color Reaper).

Also on their download page, you want this one:

If you do the microsoft link, you'll have to pay microsoft. For a free product. That microsoft doesn't own. Dafuq.

The paid version from the microsoft store helps to support the product; however I suspect the devs will get more bang-per-buck if you DL the free version and make a direct donation at

LetterboxPancake , to Technology in Hell freezes over, MS Paint adds support for layers and PNG transparency

Better hold on to your pants, Photoshop. Here's the new contender!

Death_Equity ,

As GIMP cries in the corner.

3laws ,

GIMP 3.0 stomps door with sexy moustache

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