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Snapz ,

This whole night was so many layers of exhausting, but probably not for the reasons you think... No rational, serious person was expecting Biden to Willy Wonka front somersault into this debate? it was going to be what this was, the only true surprise was probably the volume of his voice (which they chalk up to a cold, okay fine, I guess) and actually how well he did quickly processing and responding to trump's gish gallop and unchecked stream of consciousness mistruth firehose with little help from the impotent moderators for the majority of the night.

The people in this country, in their immediate reaction to this debate, demonstrate that they just fundamentally lack the focus, empathv and frankly basic intelligence to process the substance of this or any debate. On average, we respond solely to voice pitch, tonality, body language and facial expressions, like a still developing toddler... Or a dog.

Snapz ,

Other poster said it basically, but If Lemmy as a platform isn't disciplined enough to have a Megathead where a given major topic like this is discussed, then I'll form my original thought, and copy and paste it across the wallet disjointed conversations to get my point across to the relevant audience.

Uh huh, "receipts" man, you liked the pirates... You TOTALLY got me... truth to power, bud. Maybe just move on with your life next time?

Anything substantive to say about the actual point of the post or did you just need to be heard today?

Snapz ,

Have any of you actually ever stopped to process what the tagline, "I'm shopping like a billionaire" means?

I've always interpreted it as,

I'm needlessly buying things that don't make me happy, but making the purchase without any hesitation, knowing that the purchase price could never financially impact me in any real way. When I purchase the thing, I'll probably never use it or actually take it out of the box even. It is just empty, hollow. And somewhere inside, I always know that it's all only possible, because I'm actively exploiting the cheap labor of scores of other people that are made to perpetually suffer in generations of abject poverty to allow for my relative comfort...

🎶*"I'm shopping like a billionaire!"*🎶

Snapz ,

Why won't you do my obvious scam? are you an old?

Snapz ,



Snapz ,

"Think about it guys... If we just grab ALL the dicks, and then hide them inside our bodies, they'll be NONE left for the gay people!!! Ultimate straight win 2024!!!"

Snapz ,

Except AI doesn't say "Is this it?"

It says, "This is it."

Without hesitation and while showing you a picture of a dog labeled cat.

Snapz ,

Uh, this post is a bummer and I don't even know if I actually believe the premise... Whatever I guess, lett's all actually just get out of here and go get some Sprite® brand family products, you guys.

Snapz ,

This happening in Portland screams that it was a performance by a dipshit conservative, like the trump sycophant that spray painted his own garage door worth something like "ANTEEFAH RULZZ" and eventually got caught.

Snapz ,

A video game where you and a rotating groups of strangers each pretend you're cars that are playing soccer.

Snapz , (edited )

Nobody gives a shit, you're not doing enough to punish trump for his obvious, literally filmed and recorded crimes.

This is the equivalent of the cops celebrating after beating peaceful college protesters while pissing their pants and freezing while the uvalde kids were slaughtered and psychologically tortured.

You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

Snapz ,

This guy GETS it.

Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

Snapz ,

Using free users to train the paid version and then flipping the switch on enshitification of the "free" tier to force need for premium.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Snapz ,

Don't forget red hats, no more red hats without automatic suspicion... If they have white block text, amplify suspicion by 10,000

Snapz , (edited )

"Okay... You win. We heard you loud and clear on pricing, so the new AFFORDABLE (I mean as far as we know - what's a gallon of milk cost these days anyways? Like $27?) Apple iPod VR is only $2000!! Wow. What a real savings. You're welcome. Brave. Also, minor thing, it doesn't come with internal or external screens. But of course, you can purchase an additional subscription to unlock the ability to consume the audio of select limited content at 50% audio volume compared to original model!"

Made your daddy proud... Proud.

Snapz , (edited )

Yeah, I mean, what kind of monster doesn't take the time to tune in and just listen to their vacation home's maintenance staff when they drone on and on about meaningless bullshit like that? I'm a man of the people. I get it.

Snapz ,

BUT THE SHAREHOLDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snapz ,


Officer, I'm moving towards sobriety while driving.

Snapz ,

I will say, had a chuckle when I saw these two posts in succession in your post feed

So to your own point, as long as there is at least one person with a credit card ready to go, probably no tipping point.

Snapz , (edited )

"EVs won't last nearly forever."

Snapz ,

It actually won't, it will incorrectly attempt to identify and exclude people, but it won't work, because this is all snake oil horseshit perpetrated by attention seeking grifters.

Snapz ,

They'll always play right on or just over the line to see when/how people push back. They knew what they were doing, they started at a 9 intentionally so that people push back to and live with a 7

Snapz ,

OpenAI's new safety team... Is only focused on keeping endless growth safe.

Snapz ,

The attack on the few remaining services that the "every person" openly benefits from is so disheartening.

Not the save structure for org, but this feeling made be remember The Consumerist in it's heyday and when it was bought and silenced effectively... you know kids, the internet used to be a thing that actually helped and supported us without the ready acceptance of 51% "hallucinations" in information. It was actual people, in small, quiet corners, that didn't demand subscriptions and micro transactions at every turn. It wasn't that long ago.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Snapz ,

So crazy that humanity has so far allowed the idea of "hallucinations", even just the term, to be normalized and acceptable to any level into a product that's being forced into every layer of our daily existence.

Stop just going with it. Call out hallucinations on their face.

Snapz ,

Middle school dropout clinging to a gun and living 24/7 in fully consuming fear that people find out he's just a frightened child (which of course, everyone already knows)

Snapz ,

Can you please give an example of a well reasoned argument that's relevant here?

I'm not sure of the relationship of reason to people that aggressively disregard objective fact and fluidly move the goalpost of their burden of proof.

Snapz , (edited )

IME this just leads to "yeah, but ours will be different/better!" type responses like...

"Politicians suck, but ours are good"

"Stop giving out all these services with our tax dollars but don't touch our Medicare"

"Gay marriage shouldn't be legal, but my gay daughter is fine."

"Immigrants are evil, except for the waiter at my favorite Mexican restaurant, he is one of the good ones"

I/Me/Mine is ALWAYS the exception to every rule for them.

So the NEW mainstream, MY mainstream, will be different and tell the REAL truth.

Snapz ,

Not just suggested, confidently asserted from an authority position.

Snapz ,

Don't use Nova, didn't you hear?

Snapz ,

Honest question: What makes you think you are qualified to know if they've "done anything"? Nova was bought by an analytics(data) company, the danger wasn't in them aesthetically changing nova or its core functionality, the danger was in them keeping you thinking nothing has changed but aggressively/unethically selling all the data about you so others can exploit and manipulate you.

Simple example is, making a predictive model of when you're most likely sad based on context clues and general device usage and then kleenex buys that data, in aggregate. They then use it to predict when they can raise the price of tissues for surge pricing in your area when you're most vulnerable and least price sensitive. This is a slightly silly example work "big Kleenex" as the bad guy, but hopefully you get the idea.

Add to it if you use any of nova middle layer services (e.g. A nova search widget instead of browser search, sesame shortcuts, etc). That's all increased fidelity they get on a data profile of who you are at any given time so that they can sell it to others to target and harass you. That is what the new nova is, quietly. You won't get a knock on your door to ask you if you approve, it has just happened already.

More hypothetical examples:

  • We detect increasing frequency of you launching the travelocity app, means you're getting more desperate to book, prices go up on your app, increasing more and more between today and the departure date you've been searching.

  • You downloaded two pregnancy tracker apps in a week, means that several companies can now invest in spamming you with predatory social and direct mail advertising and you're employer can consider finding alternative cause to fire you to not absorb the upcoming costs of delivery/care and parental leave.

  • You not having any Christian/bible material or apps on your phone means there's a high percentage that you aren't a practicing Christian (or conversely, you having a Quran app downloaded). Your house gets a big red X on a map for an app funded by dark money Christo-fascist, Christian nationalists quietly creating a directory of "good" people and "bad" people that your neighbors with red hats and flags on their raised trucks can eventually download and access freely to "keep an eye out".

That last one is NUTS! You're crazy! That's ridiculous! and then...

Snapz ,

Cool whataboutism, bro...

Yes, both are problems, dipshit.

Meaningfully, Google is under a much larger microscope and with an aggressive FTC. Nova is smaller relatively and that has its own under the radar dangers

Snapz ,

KIIS launcher and some others floating, I think Pear launcher maybe for some? Different FOSS options that are decent

Snapz , (edited )

People want phones that don't cost $1000+, lack basic features and constantly prey on their personal data. That's what they want. Some express that by saying they want "dumb phones", but the first part is the larger driver here.

Snapz ,

So I assume that ted cruz flees to ski somewhere this time? And does he still blame his daughters, or does that change as well?

Snapz ,

That gum you like is going to come back into style.

Do companies store facial and voice recognition data from the thousands of hours of zoom/teams calls that their employees use?

I heard a person call into a show the other day, voice only, and talk about some poor working conditions at a factory. Made me think about how it would probably be so easy for nefarious bosses to be able to identify that person through voice recognition SW with all of the data that comes from us looking directly into cameras and...

Snapz OP ,

Sorry, wasn't suggesting perpetual info capture, this could be a brief view every 3 to 6 months, just enough to update a voice/facial profile in a system.

Snapz ,

"You boys better not have no n95s under them hoods?"

Snapz ,

When people of note, long since past their prime,

Find out that the charges, are for serious crime,

The gop wiggles and wriggles and screams,

Because a new friend, has now joined their team!

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