@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social cover
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar


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Kobolds with a keyboard.

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KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

If I went and shot someone in the name of Gaza awareness, and painted these messages on the sidewalk using their blood, that would be getting talked about, too. Point being, there's effective forms of protest that we still shouldn't be using.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I'm responding to your implication that actions in protest that get people talking about the issue are inherently valuable and worth taking. To make the point that that is not the case, I am using an extreme example to demonstrate a scenario where your statement is (I hope) objectively false.

I think I clearly stated my counter-point, which is that just because we're talking about it doesn't mean it is an effective or worthwhile form of protest to be engaged in.

I'm not really sure where you're confused here.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Alternately, maybe it's the case that doing something bad to bring attention to another bad thing isn't okay just because the thing you're trying to bring attention to is worse.

I actually support the protests where they're throwing soup on paintings or whatever. Those paintings don't really matter, but some people sure think they do, and it's effective to get a dialog going. Libraries are a public good, one of the few we really have left. It's like ransacking a food bank to draw attention to starving people in Gaza; it's not helping the cause they ostensibly care about, but it is hurting others.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

It won’t stop as long as American voters care much more about gas prices than about human rights. American politicians are willing to sponsor genocide to have some control on oil prices in order to win elections.

Who should we vote for to stop what's going on? Please, enlighten me.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I don’t think you really have a lot of choices to be honest.

Therein lies the problem. We don't have a lot of choices. Voting for new, progressive candidates feels great and it's nice to pat ourselves on the back and think we're making a difference, but the fact of the matter is that voting for a candidate who has no realistic path to winning is only even a realistic option when the candidate with the 'D' next to their name is all but guaranteed to win. And yeah, I'd really love to be able to make a statement by splitting the leftist vote between the democratic candidate and a progressive one; I'd really love to tell the democrats to get fucked and vote for a progressive third-party for every seat, but right now is far from the time for that, especially in states where those races are actually close. The last thing we need is to pack the House and Senate with republicans who win something like 40/30/30 because we couldn't unify behind someone who actually had a chance of winning.

Not to mention, we only get to vote in 1 state's elections, and often times there aren't even any progressive down-ballot candidates on the ballot to vote for.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I am 100% confident that American policy on Israel will also shift thanks to progressive voices. And it will not require a progressive majority.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't believe this will happen while Biden is president. Not to say I'm not going to vote for him - I'm not that stupid, but he's made it pretty clear that he will stand with Israel more or less no matter what they do.

I do worry that he's upsetting a lot of people to the point that they won't vote for him, though, and that's scary to me. He comes across as very weak when he capitulates to Israel this hard. He's repeatedly said, "This is the line, don't cross it!", then when they do, he moves the line. If he loses to Trump in November, I'll have a hard time not blaming Israel and his policies in dealing with them for that loss.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I can't help but feel that Dwight would be a much better friend to have than Jim.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

This doesn't seem that different from paying for usenet. It's not like they're making DVDs of pirated movies and selling them on the street corner; they were basically just aggregating content and the service they were providing was making it easily searchable and accessible, not doing the actual pirating, from the sound of it, unless I'm misunderstanding the situation.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Yeah, I suppose I should clarify - that was in response to the objection to paying for pirated content; it's different from the service provider's point of view, but from the end user's point of view, they're paying for pirated content either way.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

“During World War II, Churchill told the United States, ‘give us the tools, we'll do the job.’ And I say, give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster,” Netanyahu said in the video.

Yeah, that's what we're afraid of, and exactly why we don't want to give you the weapons.

How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker...

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I'd consider one, but it'd have to pay considerably more. Like, 50% or more above what I'd otherwise expect for a fully remote position, and it would have to be an easy commute.

In most cases it's adding 20-30% to the length of the work day when the commute is included, plus costs of transportation itself. Plus the general inconvenience and the fact that it's almost always going to mean a more toxic culture. But if the pay and benefits were absolutely fantastic, I'd consider it, at least short-term.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I'm just mad I didn't think of it first. I would love to market shit like this. If these people are going to pay an idiot tax, they might as well be paying it to me.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

We had one pandemic, yes...

But what about second pandemic?

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Yes, I, too, feel very real emotions like a desire to run water over my human skin. I definitely do not require microcontrollers to instruct me on when it is time to do so! Just like all completely normal humans. Of which I am one.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

This is the first I've seen of this game, but... this is definitely not what I expected from a game titled 'Perfect Dark'. Maybe I just don't remember the N64 game well enough, but this seems pretty far-removed, from a plot perspective.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Wasn't the original Perfect Dark hard sci-fi with aliens and spaceships and things? It's possible I just don't remember it well. Either way, this doesn't look like a bad game at all. Just not what I'd have expected.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Plus as an added bonus we can have the 'gif' pronunciation disagreement!

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Just like the good old Jraphics Interchange Format!

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

"Hey, can you recommend a good free photoshop alternative?"


KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Assuming you're making the change in your browser's default search settings, and not editing the URL every time you do a search, it takes a minute or two once, and it's done forever. No harder than adding an adblock rule and it also removes a lot of other bullshit, too (since it's just defaulting you to a 'web only' search).

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

While this is a nice thought in theory, it breaks down as soon as you start actually thinking of it in practical terms.

  • Some rural road that gets a few cars a day at best does not really need sidewalks and certainly does not need bike lanes.
  • A road with potholes is more dangerous to pedestrians and bikers due to the potential for cars to lose control, or for drivers to swerve to miss a pothole and potentially endanger other travelers.
  • Adding bike lanes and sidewalks is just impractical in a lot of areas. Where is that space coming from, when private property extends to the road edge currently? Are we just declaring eminent domain and taking 3-6 feet of everyone's property frontage for this initiative? I'm sure that will be a very unpopular initiative. What about areas where buildings are too close to the street to allow for this? There's just too many areas where it's not practical or possible to do.

I'm all for phasing out cars in areas where it's reasonable to do so, but your proposal just isn't compatible with reality.

Does the USA have any open market cellular options that are legitimate pay-as-you-go and only for what you use options like Europe yet?

I've lived under a rock for 10 years. I did Metro ages ago while most were still on contracts. Surely we've reached true capitalist open market freedom by now. Is it still total closed market, noncompetitive, privateering corruption?

KoboldCoterie , (edited )
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

It was easier before every random website wanted to send you a text with an OTP just to log in and order a pizza or whatever.

That said, if it was $10 / mo for unlimited, or $0.02 per text, I'd take the per-text charge. I don't use texts much and I'd probably save $8 / mo or more.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Do you not? I really don't know, I don't use texts much and we've had unlimited texts for like, 15+ years. I always see 'normal carrier fees apply' on OTP notifications, so I just assumed they counted against limited plans.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I get the sense that you aren't familiar with 'Bad Dragon', maybe Google can help you. ;)

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I know, right? Fuckin' wild! So, tell us which one you decide to get!

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Seriously, this has to violate fire codes if nothing else. There's only one point of egress, from the sound of it.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

This seems to vary by state. For example, a quick google search revealed the following regulation for Texas:

  • Every room or space greater than 250 ft2 (23.2 m2) and used for classroom or other educational purposes or normally subject to student occupancy shall have not less than one outside window for emergency rescue that complies with all of the following, unless otherwise permitted by [Which would not apply in this case]
KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

It's based on how it's pronounced, not written, so it's "an R-T-S", or "a real-time strategy game".

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

His family feared he had been among an estimated 200,000 killed, or as many as 20,000 kidnapped, during the unrest.

It seems they were correct...

I Just Don’t See Trans Women As Women

I just can’t wrap my head around it. They want to be called and seen woman, but they have to get bottom surgery. Take hormone pills, all these excessive stuff to be a woman. They don’t have menstrual cycles nor can they carry a child. Why can’t they just be happy being a male and just wear feminine clothes? Like a femboy...

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Having to be OK with them going into our bathrooms, not knowing if they could be a predator or not

Let me ask you something. You just outlined how much time, money and effort someone has to put into trying to transition. Hormone pills (and all of the problems that come with that), a change of wardrobe, a change in how they're asking people to view and refer to them... Dealing with people like you, who look down on them for trying it... Hate from far right groups, persecution from some governments... General social stigma...

Do you really think someone is going to go through all of that, and more that you haven't even covered here, just so they can walk into a women's room to... do whatever it is you're afraid they're doing? Really? I think the chances are better that any random woman you run into in the bathroom is a predator, honestly.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

That's not what I asked you, though.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I can't think of anything I would want to download enough to use this interface.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

That said, I did make about an 800% return by investing (a small amount) in Dogecoin immediately after he tweeted that it was his favorite cryptocurrency that one time. Figured his fan club would pump it, and boy did they. I got it at about $0.05 and sold out at $0.40, believe it peaked at $0.58 or so. Wish I'd wagered more than the $250 I did on it.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Hey, that's rad. I also have aphantasia, and found out about it from a post on Lemmy, of all places. Legitimately thought I was being pranked until I started asking some real life friends about their mental images. It was like being told that actually, the TV I think I'm watching is just a radio broadcast, and everyone else's is much cooler.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Article version (from video description) for folks (like me) who are interested but who don't want to watch a video.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I have been watching the Prince of Persia game, but I would absolutely have glazed right over its release while entranced by Hades II, so yes, I agree with you, it's a very smart decision on their part.

(Also, can I just say, holy shit is Hades II some good value. It's basically two games worth of content in one. More than twice the size of Hades I. Utter insanity.)

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Oh, no! I only have 7 hours until I have to get up! I'll be too tired tomorrow and have an awful day! I really hope I don't have trouble falling asleep because I'm stressed about that, then wake up every hour in a cold sweat because I'm dreaming I missed the appointment!

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I work at a company whose entire business model is providing QA to other companies. I work directly with some very large, public companies, and some smaller ones. Almost all of them have some form of dedicated in-house QA, which we supplement.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I don't know exactly when 196 became an unofficial furry hotspot, but I'm here for it.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

The percentage of furries that are queer is definitely higher than the total population average; I wonder if the percentage of queer folk who are furries is also similarly higher.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

And here I thought there was some cultural context I was missing, like French people only getting haircuts once a year.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I find this just so completely impossible to understand. At least with crimes like murder or burglary, I can understand where the motivation came from, but this? What could they possibly gain by doing this, other than the thrill of destroying something beautiful, or the knowledge that they're making other people sad? How is that at all fulfilling?

I honestly feel that people who get their kicks from this sort of thing just have no place in modern society.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

I'd take that 100% of the time over many of the other things our tax dollars pay for. Plus, it's just a website with resources for fathers in general, not a whole site dedicated to dad jokes.

KoboldCoterie ,
@KoboldCoterie@pawb.social avatar

Plot twist: All of the "bot accounts" were actually a huge influx of Reddit users who were lurking. By removing the accounts / defederating with their instances, we've sent them all back to Reddit, ensuring Reddit can pull through the mass exodus.

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