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todd_bonzalez ,

Sacre Bleu!

[Something hateful about Muslims]

Hon! Hon! Hon!

'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling ( )

“(With) today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all practical purposes, there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. It’s a fundamentally new principle and it’s a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law...

todd_bonzalez ,

Imagine expanding the court by 4 seats, 4 months before the election and thinking that Republicans in Congress are going to let a single one squeak by before January 6, 2025.

Those seats would be filled by Trump.

todd_bonzalez ,

yup I'm totally saying let's do nothing about this. You people are brilliant.

What should we do then? The default assumption is nothing, give us something to actually work with or the assumption is true.

todd_bonzalez ,

Republicans have spent the past 50 years screaming that guns exist to thwart a tyrannical government. Not that they bring tyranny to our doorstep, I'm not writing off the one thing they've admitted could stop them.

The current brand of right wing fascism taking over in this country will kill millions if left unchecked. I'm not encumbered by the trolley problem here, the people who want to bring fascism to America should die if that's what it takes to stop them.

todd_bonzalez ,

I don't intend to start it, I intend to finish it.

todd_bonzalez ,

I don't see any evidence that this product line is intended only for rich people. Things are generally more expensive in the early adopter stage, and Apple doesn't make anything that they don't want to see widely adopted.

The original iPod held 5GB and cost $400 ($700 in 2024 dollars).

The original iPhone came in a 4GB and an 8GB model that cost $500-600 ($700-800 in 2024).

The iPod is gone, replaced by the ubiquity of the iPhone that it evolved into. The cheapest iPhone today is the SE at $430 and it wildly outperforms the original hardware.

If you want an MP3 player with as close to the specs to the original iPod as you can find, you can get one for about $20, and it still outperforms the original iPod.

If the Apple Vision line is successful, I expect to see $20 generic VR headsets that blow everything we currently have out of the water by 2040.

todd_bonzalez ,

You mean buying the only actually functional ARM-based laptop built with a level of quality and support that I can expect to continue working with a bloat-free UNIX-based OS for the next decade before I switch it to Linux for probably a decade more? And it starts at $1,100?

What are those people thinking? It's not even Copilot+ ready! /s

todd_bonzalez ,

My brother in Christ, Batman is a billionaire CEO.

todd_bonzalez ,

So I can pirate as many movies as I want as long as I'm only watching them?

Let these rich guys keep talking for a sec. I can get behind this somewhat.

todd_bonzalez ,

Copyright is a mental illness

Well, I happen to have a great deal of respect for and routinely offer my support to those who suffer from mental illnesses, so maybe find a better way to say this that doesn't denigrate disabled people.

todd_bonzalez ,

My take is that you can train AI on whatever you want for research purposes, but if you brazenly distribute models trained on other people's content, you should be liable for theft, especially if you are profiting off of it.

Just because AI has so much potential doesn't mean we should be reckless and abusive with it. Just because we can build a plagiarism machine capable of reproducing facsimiles of humanity doesn't mean that how we are building that is ethical or legal.

todd_bonzalez ,

Copyright infringement becomes theft when you make money off of someone else's work, which is the goal of every one of these AI companies. I 100% mean theft.

todd_bonzalez ,

The headline rambles a little bit, and by the time I got to ", died", I thought the toddler was dead.

todd_bonzalez ,

I'd say it is a bit more complicated than that for car doors.

Car doors work fine on every car but a Tesla. They aren't some new technology invented by Tesla where design flaws like this are understandable. Tesla just does things so badly that they invent brand new dangers that only exist with their vehicles.

You don't want it to fail and come open

That isn't what "fail open" means. It doesn't mean that the moment the battery dies all the doors fly open. It means that when the battery dies the doors aren't latched shut like a bank safe.

At a minimum, the key should offer a way to open the car from the outside when the battery is dead. It's completely asinine to put the only emergency latch on the inside of the car where you can't use it, especially since it is hidden so deep most people can't find it without the manual.

What's controversial or unpopular about what I said?

You're giving Elon Musk's awful cars the benefit of a doubt by pretending that this isn't a completely reckless design flaw that should never have existed in the first place, and you are deliberately misinterpreting what "fail open" means to make it sound like a ridiculous solution instead of the industry safety best practice that it actually is.

Also, you're complaining about downvotes, so expect even more now I guess.

todd_bonzalez ,

Are you suggesting that this war should be taught in schools as it is happening?

There's absolutely no responsible way to do that. The fog of war keeps us from being able to report on this from a historical perspective because there's little to no way to verify anything as fact.

Encouraging kids to pay attention to current events, and teaching them relevant lessons from the past is important, but we can't risk misinforming a whole generation because we couldn't wait for the smoke to clear before we started committing what we think we know to the history books.

As for teaching about this conflict in the future, you're never going to escape the reality that people will feel disconnected the further away they are from the actual event they are learning about.

You're either too early to teach verifiable truths, or you're too late for the truth to feel real.

todd_bonzalez ,

It's never too late to take up shitposting on LinkedIn.

todd_bonzalez ,

So obvious in fact that nobody was under any other impression, making this comment essentially a "the sky is blue" kind of thing.

todd_bonzalez ,

I don't know if traveling from Washington, D.C. to Clinton, Maryland is considered "tourism", but yes, it's good that she recognized this piece as an artifact that belongs with the people whose history it represents.

todd_bonzalez ,

Dozier took an interest in the pottery because she had worked with Indigenous communities in Mexico


Dozier then traveled to Mexico City in January on a work trip

Only if you don't know what a Tourist is.

todd_bonzalez ,

RIP to the only VPN that reliably let you watch streaming services overseas.

Here's to enabling the OpenVPN / Wireguard feature on your router.

todd_bonzalez ,

Funny how they argue that they are content neutral every time someone calls them out for having Nazi customers, but they are more than happy to censor for capitalists.

todd_bonzalez ,

Honestly pretty funny to call the site "Jetflix" and advertise it as nothing but aviation videos. Nobody would know what you're up to until they pay you.

How much you wanna bet a aerospace nut subscribed to this because they love Jets, and immediately reported this site to the authorities because he got the avengers movies rather than Airbus maintenance videos or something...

Pretty stupid though to run this site out of the USA. Terrible opsec. They really just seemed to trust that nobody who cares would ever figure out what they were doing. Plenty of similar sites out there that don't even need to hide what they are because they are well outside of American jurisdiction.

Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

todd_bonzalez ,

I mean, they accomplished the first part mostly because they are cheap connected speakers, but I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't absolutely loath their home assistants. Got rid of mine (Both Google and Amazon) not just because they are a privacy nightmare, but because they are completely fucking infuriating to work with.

The exact same phrase is never guaranteed to have the same results. The assistant hardly ever answers a question right. It routinely takes repeated attempts to get it to control any of my connected lights. It responds to people that weren't talking to it. I could keep going...

If they tried charging me for it before I rage quit them, I would have just rage quit sooner.

todd_bonzalez ,

I think they're also sacrificing the image of climate change activism.

todd_bonzalez ,

I mean, the actual answer is that this is just another "trigger the libs" exercise, and they are choosing the AR-15 because it is the favorite of mass-shooters.

They don't want to celebrate guns, obviously, or they would choose something native to Michigan like you say. They want to celebrate whatever the left opposes, even if it means celebrating the weapon of choice for mass murderers.

todd_bonzalez ,

I have some bad news for you.

An AR-15 is really only good for wartime scenarios (and mass-murder). If your goal is self defense, you have chosen a terrible gun that limits your mobility and cannot protect you at close range. A handgun is vastly superior for the purpose of self-defense.

Not that your choice of gun matters here. The choice to have a gun at all actually increases your risk of being victim of a violent crime, and that's just the odds for you. Having a gun in your house at all greatly increases the risk that you or someone in your home will die accidentally, or by suicide. Those odds are greater than those of any violent lunatic breaking into your home and murdering anyone in it.

If you want a gun because you expect to be at war with tyrants, more power to you. If your goal is to minimize the risk of harm to you and your family, unless you have some actual enemies you expect to have to deal with, you are better of without a gun in your home, or at least not one that is easy to access.

todd_bonzalez ,

Yes, it's a torrent site. Yes, it's called Torrent Galaxy.

Is it related to the real Torrent Galaxy? Probably not.

todd_bonzalez ,

But Conservatism is nothing more than a series of economic and political ideals. Nothing more.

Uh huh, and what do those policies look like?

  • No right to vote. (See: Kansas Supreme Court)
  • Government decides who you get to marry. (No gay marriage)
  • Government-enforced dress codes. (No Drag or "Transgenderism")
  • Book Bans. (Criminalizing LGBTQ+ literature or writings by non-white authors)
  • Expanding the Death Penalty to include non-violent criminals. (Currently targeted at sex offenders, but with a clear aim to target LGBTQ+ people)
  • Expanding the justice system to include torture and other deliberate forms of cruelty. (Currently targeted at sex offenders, but with a clear aim to target LGBTQ+ people)
  • Right Wing Dictatorship. (Crush "Wokeness" and make the Democratic party illegal)
  • Genocide. (Calls to "exterminate" trans people at CPAC)
  • Genocide. (Calls to completely wipe out Palestine)
  • Genocide. (Openly celebrate police killing PoC)
  • Genocide. (Lots of literal Neo-Nazis, including in elected party positions)
  • Genocide. (Happy to let poor people die from lack of access to health care)
  • Genocide. (Regularly calling for Nuclear War, especially against Arab/Muslim nations)
  • Genocide. (Regularly calling for Civil War because they want to wipe out their political enemies)
  • Murder. (Calling for citizens to engage in vigilante justice, such as running people over in the street or throwing them off of bridges)
  • Murder. (Celebrating killers like Kyle Rittenhouse and calling them "heroes" for killing democrats/leftists.)

So yeah, "Nothing more" than some perfectly normal "political ideals". Nothing to see here. /s

todd_bonzalez ,

I don't think I've ever been to one before. I assume that it's basically a Red Robin with different branding.

todd_bonzalez ,

Look, I just did Revision over Easter weekend. This world still exists.

todd_bonzalez ,

Somewhat amused that the guy things "UW" universally means "University of Wisconsin". There are lots of UWs out there, and the AI at least chose the largest (University of Washington), though it did claim that William Taft was class of 2000.

todd_bonzalez ,

...UW Laramie, UW Seattle...

Oh wait.

todd_bonzalez ,

He's calling it a gigafactory? He already has a gigafactory, and it's actually a factory.

Just call it a datacenter, because that's what you're building.

todd_bonzalez ,

TeraFLOPs? We're already up to ExaFLOPs!

todd_bonzalez ,

This is not true. All forms of antisemitic speech are prohibited in Germany, and it is enforced.

Yes, German authorities have been silencing pro-Palestine protesters, and falsely imply that they are being antisemitic. It's an assault against free speech and human rights.

No, this does not mean that whatever hyperbolic thing you say about Germany in response must be true.

todd_bonzalez ,

The AI overview has told me so many lies. You thought Facebook made people stupid? Buckle in!

todd_bonzalez ,

Yeah, that's definitely the #1 thing wrong with Nazism: the inconsistency.

todd_bonzalez ,

I guess if you're just using your phone for a few tiny things, the lack of an SD card should be no problem. What good is tons of storage if you're just "texting and doing a few internet tasks like casual games"?

And dedicated headphone port or not, you can always plug wired headphones in with an adapter. The port is still there, it's just a modern port, not one from the 50's.

Still waiting on a real answer to why these dated features matter so much. Sure, my flagship phone may be more powerful than anything you need, but that doesn't fit the narrative that these phones are missing critical features that you apparently need, especially not in terms of storage capacity or accessory compatibility.

todd_bonzalez ,

These are all great rebuttals to arguments I never made. Top tier strawmanning 🏆.

Anyway, there's a headphone port built into your USB-C port. Use any headphones you want.

todd_bonzalez ,

I feel like everyone keeps arguing with me about "Wired vs. Bluetooth", but that has not been my argument.

My argument is "what's the big deal about using a USB-C to 3.5mm adapter?"

You still get wired headphones. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and use my Sennheisers on them. I do not understand the problem. The feature isn't missing, and the adapter is like $5 and has no downsides. For a couple extra bucks I got a Power+Aux adapter, and now I can plug it into my sound system at home and play it wired while it charges.

todd_bonzalez ,

What a baffling response...

They have seen an opportunity and have migrated here themselves. If Italy offered an opportunity, then they would probably migrate there, as well.

We were talking about Vatican City, not Italy. They are different countries (regardless of what you may think). Italy is 116,631 square miles. Vatican City is 0.17 square miles (686,064x smaller).

These migrants are so destitute that they are fighting malnutrition and exhaustion to trek on foot across Central America and Mexico to the US southern border. You really think they're apt to buy plane tickets to Europe? What are you fucking smoking?

America has laws against illegal immigration, but no one respects the laws in America.

Seeking asylum isn't illegal immigration. Turning asylum seekers away is against international law.

Everyone picks and chooses which laws they want to demand be enforced and they want herd immunity for the ones they break.

No clue what you mean by "herd immunity" (a medical term), but "choosing which laws are enforced" has a name: it's called "Democracy". It's pretty cool, you should read about it sometime.

Migrants could cross the boarder (sic) with a passport and ask for asylum. That wouldn’t be illegal immigration. 

That is literally what they are doing, maybe minus the passport part, but you don't need one to seek asylum. Requiring one, as mentioned before, would be a violation of international law.

Honestly, you really need to better understand what you are talking about before speaking further on any of this. You don't seem to know the difference between immigration and asylum seeking, and you characterize these migrants as being "Mexican", when the vast majority are from Central America. You don't know the difference between the European countries you think should help us shoulder the burden of helping refugees from countries that WE DESTABILIZED! Fuck, you can't even spell the word "border" (a common trait amongst racist anti-immigration folks - ignorance was never a big fan of proper spelling).

You just seem to have a hateful opinion of the Latin American refugees that ask us for help, and want to brainstorm ways to keep them out of the country...

todd_bonzalez ,

taking his anger out on me for having an opinion

You did a lot more than "have an opinion", you spewed xenophobic ignorance and can't handle being corrected on the many, many ways that you are wrong. Don't stoop to the right wing "my right to an opinion" bullshit. Your opinion is hateful and ignorant, and nobody owes you any respect for holding it.

I happen to know quite a bit about asylum seeking.

You very clearly do not. Allow me to illustrate that for you.

I have sought asylum in Ireland in the past. Doing so required a passport.

No, it did not. Source:

Relevant quote from source article: "Ireland’s legal obligation to process asylum applications includes those made by people who arrive with no passport."

It also requires being fingerprinted because you ARE technically breaking the law.

Seeking asylum is not a crime.

Source (IE):

Relevant quote from source article (IE): "In Ireland, the asylum process is a legal system which decides who qualifies as a refugee and who is then entitled to remain in Ireland and under its protection."

Source (USA):

Relevant quote from source article (USA): "Yes, seeking asylum is legal. Asylum seekers must be in the U.S. or at a port of entry (an airport or an official land crossing) to request the opportunity to apply for asylum."

When Americans are upset over UNDOCUMENTED migrants, they are referring to people who are crossing the border illegally, without a passport. Entering the United States as a non-citizen, without a passport IS a crime.

No. See previous two rebuttals.

how are you going to handle a group of migrants who can’t write the English language.

Ah, there's the racism I've been expecting. I knew it was in you somewhere, just waiting to ooze out.

It's funny how google pretends the music on YouTube isn't straight up piracy and everyone just goes along with it

Most people have extremely weird ideas of what's considered piracy and what isn't. Downloading a video game rom is piracy, but if you pay money to some Chinese retailer for an SD card containing the roms, that's somehow not piracy. Exploiting the free trial on a streaming site by using prepaid visa cards is somehow not piracy...

todd_bonzalez ,

Well, the gigantic pile of low-end audio I ripped using yt-dlp begs to differ. Half a million tracks so far. Perfect for my OpenSwim headphones. Tiny mp3s to maximize my 4GB of storage, and shit quality to match what I'm getting from bone conductors (which are, for no compelling reason, compatible with FLAC).

I swim a lot, and have a lot of free disk space, so I promise this makes sense.

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