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kashifshah OP , (edited )

After using the trial for a month and reaching the limit, i decided to pay for the $108/yr unlimited searches.

Kagi did statistical analysis before assigning pricing (it was a long process that they would update us on while they gave us leniency on the quotas). They found that 300 per month was the sweet spot for a lot of regular people that might only search a few times a week or others that might only occasionally do deep dives.

edit: fixed an error, but also adding: no, i exclusively use kagi now on all my devices. give it a test run, it is dramatically different from ddg and googhell

kashifshah OP ,

Indeed, similarly it is fine to ignore the downvotes in this post lol.

asklemmy isn’t news.ycombinator, afterall.

kashifshah OP ,

Awesome, that’s exactly the type of feedback from a professional that I was looking for - I feel almost exactly the same.

Other than I feel a little bit fanboy-ish now lol.

kashifshah OP ,

Wrong, retired software engineer here.

Some people use search for more than finding recipes and google has been sucking at professional search for a while now, as has been repeatedly reported at Hacker News

kashifshah OP , (edited )

Well, it’s only $108/yr for unlimited searches.

And I used to use search engines professionally for work (think potentially hundereds of searches per day, sometimes), so it’s easy for me to justify paying for quality.

But according the data, most regular folk won’t search more than 300 times per month. Some days you might search more, some you might search less, you know?

kashifshah OP , (edited )

It’s only $108/yr for unlimited searches, if you actually need that many. I’m a retired software engineer and search all the time, so I just went with the unlimited plan, but most people don’t actually search more than 300 times a month.

“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product”


edt: also, you do get what you pay for. the search results are dramatically different - it’s easy to do a test search and compare the results.

kashifshah OP ,

We appreciate you, ignore those downvotes lol, you’re still getting upvotes.

kashifshah OP ,

heh, you should see it now - they’ve expanded the features.

i’ll take a look at the controversy, thanks.

edit: skimmed it, looks like contrived controversy to me - a rather unprofessional software reviewer that isn’t willing to engage with their subject? no thanks… but to each their own.

kashifshah OP ,

“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product”


kashifshah OP ,


kashifshah ,

T would benefit from reaching out for mental/behavioral health assistance above and beyond just seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist. He needs additional supportive services that may be called something like “skills training”.

With that in place, and a demonstrated record of showing signs of improvement, and a lawyer, he ought to be able to get custody back.

Might be worth seeing if the administration can come to an agreement that he gets further supportive services before they reduce custody.

kashifshah ,

Mental health services here are criminally underfunded

Par for the course in the USA.

He has been seeking that help, but it was only after being annoying for years that he got a doctor to agree to prescribing Adderall.

Also, par for the course in the USA. Recently, Adderral has been undergoing a DEA mandated supply shortage and since the 00s doctors really have been averse to prescribing it, in particular. There are now non-stimulant alternatives with less side effects.

What I am saying though, is that he needs a social worker to be spending an hour every week with him. If he is on Medicaid, due to his financial and medical situation, then he should be readily approved for the “skills training” side of mental/behavioral health care, which often comes from a social worker.

kashifshah ,

Ah, well, then none of my advice likely applies, unfortunately. It would help to know what country you need the advice for. Some western countries might follow a similar style of treatment, where you need to get the help of a “social worker” for “skills of daily living”

kashifshah , (edited )

Well, I spent a little bit of time digging, because I was curious, but the language barrier is making it a little slower.

My best advice for you would be for you to reach out to the Minesterio de Sanidad. Tell them that you are reaching out in concern for a friend, explain the basics of his situation, with an emphasis on his struggles with keeping a clean house, etc., and that you want to find out what services the Sistema Nacional de Salud offers on an outpatient basis for assistance with daily living skills or rehabilitation.

They ought to be prepared to handle a request like that without too much routing around. The goal is to find out what they can do to help your friend satisfy the courts requirements for a child rearing environment.

edit: oh, also, check out https://sid-inico.usal.es - in Spain, what you need is one of the publicos “Centros de Dia” services, or maybe privados con plazas concertadas, but T sounds like he would belong to the Asistidos category of needs

edit 2: https://sid-inico.usal.es/otros-centros/

kashifshah ,

Well, in that case, advise him to the pressure on the centros de dia o centros de salud to get him the help with cleaning house like he did with the doctor and Adderall.

As an aside, indeed, in the US, if you have a problem with paying your taxes, you have to talk to the IRS. Same with healthcare, you have to engage with the social services system to get the right services.

But again, don’t lose sight of my main point - leverage social services assistance for custody purposes in the long run.

Peace and out, before I further annoy you.

kashifshah ,

Interestingly, some of the research that I’ve read has been pulling at that thread - there are possible evolutionary advantages to ADHD and specific situations in which people with ADHD (innattentive type, myself) actually excel over neurotypical people.

kashifshah ,

So I think someone with ADHS alone would have a big evolutionary problem, but in a group of people they can jump into action whenever the right circumstances occur and then solve whatever it is quicker than anyone else.

Interesting insight - presumably any evolutionary advantage to ADHS would be due to an improved ability to procreate (jumping into action, making the opposite sex… happy… by saving the day) or to stay alive (jumping into action and staying alive to procreate another day).

I think, however, that still only works out under the right circumstances and might only be an advantage in the statistical median

I definitely agree on both counts. I’ll have to go looking for some recent studies to see what’s going on these days in the research.

The statistical significance is always key. But effect size is important.

There’s the concept of correlation, as well - there could be a statistically significant correlation, but it could still be either a weak correlation or a strong correlation.

Again, definitely piqued my interest for digging into some psychology research again! Thank youfor that.

kashifshah , (edited )

haha yes you did lmao

fwiw, my hyperfocus, coupled with an autistic interest in how the mind works, enabled me to get a degree in mathematics and degree in psychology.

i have other co-occuring disorders that compounded things though such that i can’t really work or do anything economically productive with those degrees, sadly

but your message just put a smile on my face, so thank you :D

edit: such that I can’t YET really work or do anything economically productive with those degrees

kashifshah OP ,

Ok, thanks!

I’m using Memmy, so I’ll try to login on the web someday and get that server instance blocked. (Presuming we are running v19+, not sure)

kashifshah OP ,

Thanks All!

kashifshah OP ,

Bwaha, thank you fellow human!

kashifshah OP ,

Ahh, what an emotional rollercoaster - ok, so noted.

Memmy seems relatively decent, only missing maybe one or two features that I’ve noticed in my few weeks on lemmy.

kashifshah OP ,

I almost did because of hexbear.net.

I swear, we need instance tagging so that people can tag their instances as “right-leaning”, “left-leaning”, or “moderate” and let users just pre-emptively block wide swaths of the fediverse for themselves.

kashifshah OP ,

Cool, I will check these out - thanks for the suggestions!

kashifshah OP ,

That was a breath of fresh air to see a cross-platform client - have downloaded it and will check it out as soon as i can.

Gotta limit my social media intake otherwise I get bad headaches these days.

kashifshah OP ,

One of the best things that you can do for your mental health is to excise negative influences in your life. I’m a fence sitter, so not much blocking to do on our side.

If you don’t want an echo chamber, maybe you should start chatting with homeless or mentally ill people on the streets instead of living high-and-mighty on the internet.

kashifshah OP ,

I am in the same boat - Lemmy is like filtering down /all, which is nice for discovering new things, but in Reddit it is pretty nice to just accumulate things as you discover them and be spared the sometimes painful noise.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • kashifshah ,

    40% less genocide, yay

    kashifshah ,

    How many orphans? How many families destroyed? How much oral history lost? How much more will we ignore the UN?

    People keep telling me that Nuon is probably the most obscure video game platform ever created. Oh, they've not heard how the greybeards entertain themselves. ( lemmy.world )

    When I read the sentence, I was like "Wh... w... how? WHY? ...and OF COURSE it was distributed via FTP, I mean, what else do you use for entertainment in AIX. Or business, for that matter."...

    kashifshah ,

    lol we still play some old UNIX games at SDF every now and then, but we’re not all graybeards either

    kashifshah ,

    trek, if we are talking about classics (i’m still not good at it), but I grew up with MUDs, so those are my favorites. i got to play a little zork in the BBS days, and Legend of the Red Dragon.

    Hmm, LORD might have been my favorite of all time, if I had to pick one terminal-ish game.

    edit: i’ll have to check out atc, btw, i havent played it yet

    kashifshah ,

    yeah ;) i have a sweet spot for it because of the graphics for the map, heh

    kashifshah ,

    “The high–spatial resolution phase image of Fig. 2A is borne out by quantitative analysis. In real space, the Pr–Pr dumbbells with a separation of only 59 pm are resolved with a contrast of 63% (Fig. 2B), which is better than the 73% contrast for two point objects separated at the Rayleigh criterion. Therefore, the Rayleigh resolution of the image is much better than 59 pm. Nevertheless, the exact resolution can be determined only after considering the finite atomic size instead of assuming point objects (28). We can also resolve the O–Sc–O triple atom projections, even though the light O atoms are only 63 pm (26) from the heavier Sc atoms “

    They are looking at a crystal lattice of PrScO3

    kashifshah ,

    It helps those that know how to read the text… It clearly states that those are Pr-Pr dumbbells in the PrScO3 lattice that you are seeing. Also, you should be seeing some O-Sc-O triplets, but I didn’t look for them.

    This is a picture of a crystal of a molecule made up of three different types of atoms.

    I’m too tired to help you more, right now, sorry.

    kashifshah ,

    I gave the OP the benefit of the doubt that it didnt know where to look in the article for the description of the image.

    Will stop trying to help, sorry.

    kashifshah ,

    Thank you for that

    kashifshah ,

    I will definitely wait until i see that there are actually 0 replies after a day before I reply to anything science related.

    I dont feel welcome here and good bye.

    Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious

    Hello, i was looking for a wysiwyg html editors i could use for my personal website, perferrably just as a simple open source desktop program on linux (though anything else is fine). i DID find something called KompoZer but i was wondering if there's any other ones, thanks

    kashifshah ,

    Check out this listing - BlueGriffon might be up your alley, for ease of use, but kompozer used to be the classic replica of Dreamweaver from Windows. Not sure about NetBeans, but it might be good, and can’t speak to the rest.


    kashifshah ,

    lol that’s what I get for linking to slashdot.

    kashifshah ,

    I second the idea of finding a way to make your website using markdown and a template, that’s what I do for https://kashifshah.sdf.org

    kashifshah ,

    The regret and heartache is reasonable to feel for a little while - for individuals like him, they often need to do work on themselves on the scale of decades, not months or years. It would be a major lifestyle choice to be the committed, supportive partner/caretaker to someone like that. And it takes major emotional labor and can potentially be dangerous. Scars highly likely.

    Feel good about doing what you can to help the person along in their journey while maintaining your own healthy boundaries.

    And remember to be compassionate to yourself.

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