autism101 , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

Being autistic and ADHD is challenging. Every day you feel your brain pulling you in different directions, from routines to chaos.

What are the biggest challenges for you?


img: u/GorillaS0up

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  • ymasumac , avatar

    @autism101 @actuallyautistic hyper-productive followed by hyper-crash

    moz , avatar

    @autism101 @actuallyautistic faffing about randomly for an indefinite time then locking onto a task and doing it until I fall apart.

    I have a fixed routine for workday mornings but it broke when I took a couple of months off and I'm struggling to reestablish it.

    I really need to make another attempt to get the ADHD drugs.

    AnAutieAtUni , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Question for autistics: What did you do to celebrate or mark the occasion when you found out you’re autistic?

    Many people find the discovery that they’re autistic is very helpful for them, even liberating, as they can now learn more about themselves and their needs, etc. Feelings toward it are usually quite complex, not simple, but lots of people have said they celebrated when they discovered they’re autistic because overall, it is a positive thing. Some autistic people mark the anniversary and have a mini celebration in their own way each year.

    My answer to the question:
    Although cakes are popular, I decided to do something longer lasting and more special to me. There is an artist who paints nature scenes with animals and I saw a beautiful limited edition print by her up for sale. I rarely ever buy pictures like this as I simply don’t have the spare cash, but the picture reminds me of myself and my love of nature and animals, and reminds me of the parts of myself I kept hidden for so long. It now hangs on my wall at home for me to see every day. I may not be openly autistic (yet) but I do want to be openly myself in other ways like being open about what brings me joy - and this painting keeps reminding me of that.

    @actuallyautistic :neuro:

    Zumbador , avatar

    @AnAutieAtUni @actuallyautistic

    That's such a lovely, and fitting celebration!

    My self realisation happened relatively quickly, but still over several weeks, so I don't have a definite date that I can celebrate. "More or less in August /September" is the closest I can get.

    But I like the idea of finding a way to express this particular joy.

    Autisticaurochs , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Any tips for making lots of small tasks easier for a monotrophic mind? Much of my work consists of long term projects which need a little bit of attention periodically, often in the form of follow-up emails. I currently alternate between replying to what's come in and reviewing my calendar to check what's coming up, but there's very little job satisfaction. Turning off email notifications and dealing with them all at once isn't enough. What else could I try? @actuallyautistic

    AutisticDoctorStruggles , avatar

    @Autisticaurochs @actuallyautistic visualizing progress in a way that gives more satisfaction. Putting every tiny small thing on a to do list to be crossed off would be my instinct.

    dzwiedziu , avatar

    @bananamangodog I had a similar thought when toying around with my Vikunja installation and just clicked on the Gantt chart.
    I'm also trying to fire up PM software for my home use (Redmine), but I'm having trouble due to exec-impariment (and a lot of tasks backed up (as in “clogged”, not “backup” .) in Taskwarrior.
    @Autisticaurochs @actuallyautistic

    autism101 , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Do you have any clothing routines? I own eight gray plain t-shirts with no tags which I love. I often will just wear them over and over again.


    moz , avatar

    @DoctorDisco @autism101 @actuallyautistic I am someone who can rarely even use soap and smell fine. Others not so much. Apparently it's your skin bacteria.

    Had a gf who was stunned to discover that, and when she performed the experiment it turned out that a couple of days later she developed a sharp, not entirely pleasant, scent. She went back to soap+deodorant at that point.

    That was educational for both of us. In the "people like Moz really exist" sense.

    octonion , avatar

    @nddev @hlangeveld @moz @Zumbador @autism101 @actuallyautistic Ewwww. I've never used fabric softener just on the basis that the fewer chemicals touching my skin the better but I had no idea they were this awful. Thanks for the info!

    autism101 , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Anxiety…how often does it affect you?


    RoseThorndyke ,

    @autism101 @actuallyautistic I have no idea what a life without anxiety feels like and at this point it wouldn't feel human or real

    chevalier26 , avatar

    @RoseThorndyke @autism101 @actuallyautistic There have been maybe 2 or 3 times total in my life where I have had absolutely zero anxiety and they felt surreal. It felt like an out of body experience to have so much joy.

    DivergentDumpsterPhoenix , to autisticadvocacy group avatar

    The following is a survey asking for the language preferences of Autistic and non-Autistic people regarding autism.

    It is open to Autistic and non-Autistic people for the benefit of comparison.

    I will also be using the preference results of Autistic people on the "neurodiversity: the basics" page of my website.

    Please do fill this out and RT it, I would like to get at least 1000 responses.


    @neurodiversity @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy

    DivergentDumpsterPhoenix OP , avatar

    @JEkis @neurodiversity @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy I will keep this in mind for the future!

    DivergentDumpsterPhoenix OP , avatar
    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    The deficit model of autism in DSM-5 dehumanizes us by focusing on external traits rather than internal experiences. It's also based in Nazi race science.

    How can we push for more relevant diagnostic criteria?

    Do we even need it?


    Zumbador , avatar


    Sean, well said.
    I would like everyone to have the benefits of knowing whether or not they are autistic, without autism being medicalised and pathologised.

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

    seanwithwords , avatar

    @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach right? But I’d never suggest screening until we completely change our (their) entire view of it. It would need to be positive, affirming, and strengths-based. Our systems can’t do that 😢

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    How do my comrades KNOW when they’re dysregulated?


    aspiedan , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic my wife tells me I am pacing around (when I am not waiting for someone, as I do that then too) or clenching my hands really right

    lilbatscholar , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic I notice I'm having thoughts like, I shouldn't be here, and discounting them

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    How do my comrades react to their things being misplaced or moved?


    benetnasch , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic "Don't touch my shit."

    MikeImBack , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic ya same as everyone else. I keep things were they are most efficient and I absolutely hate it when they get taken and not put back, to the point I have to get doubles of things and hide one of everything

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Media stereotypes about humans need correcting.


    Which one bothers you most?


    Lipidolith , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

    • that we have no empathy
    • that we don't feel
    • that we all have to have special interests and special talents ("thanks Rainman")
    • that we have to act and to behave in a certain way to "be autistic" (and what way would that be?🤔)
    • after more than 50 years of intensive training and thanks to being gifted, I've almost perfected my "manual for humans". So now I am able to react appropriately in almost every situation. But that does not make me less autistic.
    JustPassingThrough , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic The suppressed empathy thing is pure, unadulterated 💩.

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    What’s the biggest myth about autism that my comrades have come across in the course of their self-advocacy?


    Tooden , avatar

    @farah How have you gone with this? Has he got a better understanding, now? He probably thought it was 'treatable' like ADHD (ha ha🙄). @roknrol @TheBreadmonkey @n69n @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

    punishmenthurts , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
    that any sort of brain damage by any sort of agent should be called, "Autism," by whoever is testing whatever bloody drug and who can't bloody know their mice are "Autistic," and they probably don't know what Autism is themselves - it just SOUNDS smarter that "brain damage."
    This cheap editor's trick is very bad news. 😈

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    What do my comrades do to practice self-care when there is no way whatsoever to have your needs met or triggers removed?


    punishmenthurts , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
    self medication. Sorry, sort of.

    SearingTruth , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

    "They say I have a disease.

    Because the cure is the end of suffering and death."

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    We often run into miscommunication issues, not just with allistics, but also other comrades.

    What barriers do you face in communications?


    roknrol , avatar

    @hanscees @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic I'm disabled/retired now, so it's not really a problem for me at this point.

    Now if I'm dealing with a manager it's because I paid money to bitch 😆

    calofost , avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic I cannot read minds...

    theautisticcoach , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    Autistic humans challenge societal norms not just by existing, but by redefining them.

    How has your journey and Neurodiversity influenced your view on what “normal” means?


    E_Briannica , avatar

    @actuallyautistic @theautisticcoach I can look normal or I can be functional. I have finite energy, can’t choose both. For now, I need to ignore normal expectations and figure out what my actual pace and rhythm are to be functional on a daily and long-term basis. Then I can bring back in what still serves me in the looking normal category. Thanks for asking.

    sebwhatever , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    @actuallyautistic tell me you are without telling me you are autistic.

    Mux , avatar

    Also that's quite ambiguous and nonsensical. Can you be more explicit and straightforward?
    @sebwhatever @actuallyautistic

    pa , avatar

    @sebwhatever @actuallyautistic "I have a bit of a long to-do list before I can leave the house this morning, I'll text you when I'm done. Hopefully it doesn't get any longer before it gets shorter."

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