@halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar


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  • halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    This, plus just how egregious was it?

    No one is wanting to read these messages like they're 50 Shades of Grey or anything like that. Well, there's probably somebody but that's not why most want to see it. Clearly it was not bad enough to get the police involved at the time, so we're talking less than To Catch A Predator.

    Ignoring the age difference for a second, because that part is not relevant to my specific point here... What some people consider flirty, others consider creepy. On a similar note, the same comment coming from a person someone considers attractive and from someone they find ugly often has a completely different reaction.

    Doc says that it crossed a line, that's not under debate by anyone at this point. He says there were no pictures, etc. exchanged, just messages and there was no intent to meet up or anything like that. On the other side one of the original tweets claimed they were sexting. Peoples definitions of sexting can vary dramatically as well.

    So clearly the messages went over the line of being inappropriate, no argument there from anyone paying attention, but how far over that line was it? Were they truly explicit messages, or just inappropriate within the context of a 35 year old talking to a minor?

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Thank you.

    At this point I'm more angry at article writers that don't include screenshots of the things they're writing articles about than I am at the issues they're writing about.

    A decent amount of the time once the issue is in a bit of context, my reaction is vastly different than what the writer was trying to get me to feel.

    I wish there was a way to easily mark or denote articles written by certain authors when loading a page (especially across sites since many of these people write for multiple places) so I don't waste my time reading things from people I've found to have irresponsible or questionable reporting.

    Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( www.xda-developers.com )

    There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    It's an officially recognized spec, so Apple will ignore it as long as they can. Until they can find a way to make money from it or spin marketing as if it's some miraculous new invention of theirs, for something that should just be how it's done.

    Jeffco Sheriff: Man shoplifts bolt cutters from Walmart to steal kid’s e-bike locked up in front of store ( www.denver7.com )

    The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help identifying an alleged bike thief who, on Wednesday, shoplifted bolt cutters to steal a boy’s e-bike.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Walmart doesn't actually care much about theft. It's a small percentage of their revenue, despite what they and the media want you to think. An industry lobbying group has recently said shrink is up to 2-3% last year, up from 0.7-1% pre-pandemic. Being a lobbying group, I'm sure those numbers are inflated to further their agenda. Do we really think that an extra 1% shrink is something Walmart is actually going to make massive changes over? No, they'd clearly rather install self checkouts that make it easier to steal so they can fire cashiers instead.

    Those cameras are actually to monitor for Union activity.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    You seem to think that Walmart gives a single thought to how their customers feel. Have you ever been to a Walmart? Not exactly the high end of the retail experience.

    About the only store lower on the "this place has a nice feeling" is a Dollar Tree, and even then I've been in some Dollar Trees that were nicer than the nearby Walmart.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Number 3 in many states is legally not rape. In many states rape is legally defined as someone inserting a penis into a vagina. As fucked as that is, often people suggesting changes to the laws to make them more accurate to reality, end up getting vilified as some sort of apologist or predator themselves.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    So the only products that met the budget actually approved by management.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    The British Museum should take notice. Even a random US tourist knows that historical items should be returned to the country they are taken/stolen from.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean, Lemmy.World doesn't make enough money from their donations to cover much more than operating costs currently. Operating a site this size is not cheap. Would you prefer to see a ton of advertising and monetization like reddit?

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Their only concern is making stock price go up over a short timeframe

    To be fair, that's why the Board of Directors is hiring them. Everything else is secondary to line go up.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    In the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 244, the Enterprise-J is identified as a Universe-class starship. The same reference book additionally described the ship as having an overall length of 3219 meters.

    I can't find a reference for the Breen Dreadnaught size though, not enough beta canon material for something so new. I can't find a good source for Fed HQ size to compare either, just that it is actually a Pax class starship, but no size for those.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    You're making a new account either way. Whether you login with a gmail or other email address makes no difference to it being a Google account. Making a gmail you ALSO get another email, which you can promptly ignore until some possible point in the future where it may be useful.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    My Pixel 6 only has an issue with one finger. Unfortunately it's my right thumb. The finger I want it to work with the most.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    That's exactly the title I've wanted since seeing the first movie.

    And you know that plot is great. It is infinitely better than whatever Hollywood dogshit we're going to get.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Sort of. It's there if you already had it. Otherwise it's gone on new vehicles.

    My model 3 still has it listed.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    That left. And far as I remember it wasn't a situation of being pushed out, he left on his own. Probably because he disagreed with everyone else about something.

    Ironically with all the hubbub about Sam Altman, it seems like he somehow might have not been the clear worst of the bunch. Somehow.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    The title is very specific, and doesn't claim the movie is based on the novel despite that clearly being what they're trying to really claim.

    The order was screenplay > book > movie, but the writing was screenplay > book and screenplay > movie. The book and movie aren't actually related, other than the underlying screenplay they both use. The Fandom wiki page linked literally says:

    It adapts the film of the same name, and it was based on the screenplay by Lucas.

    "which means Star Wars hype is technically literary-based in nature"

    With this logic, all movies are literary-based since all movies are created from screenplays.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    I'm sure there are some people that saw the book first. The back cover literally said it was being made into a motion picture, so clearly the publication was meant to at least partially hype the movie.

    George Lucas had a true stroke of brilliance to embrace the merchandise aspects of what Star Wars could make. The thought of merchandising movies wasn't really a thing at the time, and it's one of the main reasons he made so much money from Star Wars, he wanted the "worthless" merchandising rights that the studios were willing to give up easily. A ghostwritten novel listing him as the writer based on his screenplay releasing a year ahead of the movie could have been the very first thing he did with that merchandising right.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    They've had this ability for years, to remove copromosed apps from devices, they're just giving it to users now.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    The fact he kept the use of an LLM, which are known to provide false information, a secret should be grounds for an immediate removal from office.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Google runs passive A/B testing all the time.

    If you're using a Google service there's a 99% chance you're part of some sort of internal test of changes.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Once they expire, the name is available for someone else to fill it with new content, not to get access to your existing content.

    While they may not directly get access to content after a domain has been recycled... nothing would really stop someone from registering your domain, and setting up your same email address again. Which would then give them access to basically all of your old accounts just by clicking on forgot password links.

    Now is that likely to happen to a random person? Not likely, but there's not really anything to prevent it. Most services don't prune old unused accounts very often, or ever really.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Regardless of the naming, because everyone gets so stuck on fucking names and seems to ignore everything else because that makes for a quick comment with a ton of votes and feel good bullshit.

    It is sold as a work in progress piece of software that is constantly being updated and still needs to be supervised. It has a ton of warnings about it's capabilities, and lack thereof when activating it. There is no question when actually setting up FSD in the vehicle that it is something still in testing and not to be treated as a full replacement for paying attention. It constantly watches you and will warn you if you aren't paying active attention for too long. If you ignore those warnings enough it will deactivate itself, forcing you to drive, and with enough deactivation will remove the capability entirely.

    Image of the activation screen.

    Image of the free trial page for those that have not purchased it, thereby avoiding notes on the standard sales pages

    They've even updated the setting in the vehicle to be more specific, showing it as "Full Self-Driving (Supervised)"...

    All of these reported situations are from people actively ignoring numerous safety and attention warnings, yet no one seems to ever put any blame on the driver in comments or articles. It's always about blaming everything on Tesla when they're actively telling every driver that it needs to be supervised because it will make mistakes.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    So tired of the same arguments. They don't mean anything in the real world. Complain all you want about what the shit is called, it makes no real world difference.

    Legally, the driver is responsible for the fucking vehicle and these articles and comments like yours just give the impression you think they shouldn't be responsible because of what it's called. You're giving shitty drivers a pass because they're actively being stupid and you don't like what Tesla names the software. That is the stupidest take in the world.

    Go ahead in a court of law and claim you are not responsible for an accident that happens while FSD is activated and let's see whether the name matters for your liability.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Merit to continue just means it's not clearly a bullshit lawsuit that should be thrown out to avoid wasting court time. Your linked lawsuit also is not about whether someone is legally responsible for a vehicle driving itself, it is again about the marketing.

    I don't give a shit whether their marketing is a lie. Marketing is not the issue at hand, as much as you all want it to be for whatever reason instead of actually blaming the shitty drivers. It has no bearing on whether someone is responsible for the vehicle they are in the driver seat of hitting something or someone.

    Why do you not want to put any blame on these drivers? Drivers that ignore the warning when they turned on the function in the first place and that warns them every time they turn it on to still pay attention. Why are you so insistent that the blame should be on Tesla because of what they call it?

    Makes me start to think you're that type of driver and trying to justify your belief that you shouldn't be responsible for the actions of a 2 ton murder machine traveling at high speed that you are in control of.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Actually, it said Full Self Driving (BETA) until it was updated to (Supervised) recently.

    If anything, the beta qualifier is actually better than just saying supervised since that term means not complete and still being developed.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    From my understanding as a general citizen, who owns several firearms but purchased them all from stores, and has done some research but not a lot...

    A license is not required for most firearms and many/most states don't require registering firearms at all. Unless you're getting into things that require special federal licenses.

    Gun shows are a massive loophole in existing background check requirements for purchasing from stores, because sales there are instead classified as private sales. Even if you're purchasing from a business at the show. And private sales aren't required to run background checks. No expectation for an individual selling a firearm to have to pay to run a check on who they are selling to, so no requirement for private sales.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    This is also something you want to look for in a microwave.

    It is something that is not very well documented for products either. The cheap ones without variable power obviously won't advertise it but many of the ones that do have the capability also don't advertise it well, or even at all for whatever reason. It makes a huge difference when trying to cook anything on any setting other than high.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Ah yes, this is exactly what Republicans wanted. A bunch of forced "anchor babies".

    Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Only because they restored from a separate backup with a different provider, not Google restoring a backup.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    You assume it gets off the ground. Starliner is 4 years behind, hasn't had a flawless automated launch yet, and still hasn't launched a manned crew, while the SpaceX Dragon 2 has made 30+ trips to the ISS on a fraction of the development budget.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    SpaceX doesn't have Elon to deal with.

    What are you talking about? Elon is all over SpaceX constantly. It's easily one of the biggest critic complaints, just like every other Elon company.

    The difference however, is that SpaceX has Gwynne Shotwell, and she is able to keep things on track, even with Elon. That is something none of Elon's other companies have an equivalent.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    No worries. SpaceX IMO is basically proof that Elon being involved is fine as long as he's not actually the one in charge on a daily basis.

    There needs to be a Gwynne at every Elon company. But it seems that none of the other company Boards realize that.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    You obviously don't live or drive in a semi-rural area at night with larger wildlife that tends to dart across the road in front of cars. All it takes is hitting a deer or javelina hard and going into a ditch.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    EV conversions are definitely a thing. And the Golf platform seems to actually be one of the most popular.

    After a quick Google, it looks like there are even some premade kits for the Golf specifically, even with installation available. Although I can only find UK/EU links quickly. May be more built-it yourself in the US.

    EXCLUSIVE: “You Have Been Warned”: Republican Senators Threaten the ICC Prosecutor over Possible Israel Arrest Warrants ( zeteo.com )

    A group of influential Republican senators has sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, warning him not to issue international arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and threatening him with “severe sanctions” if he does so....

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    There's an additional aspect. An interpretation of the end-times prophecy. Some believe (primarily evangelicals) that God promised the Holy Land to the Jewish people, and that reestablishing Israel's political boundaries will begin the end times. So as much as they may hate the Jews, they must be in power in Israel.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Phone numbers aren't exactly unique. It's really not much different than being assigned a static IP address from your ISP. They're assigned and if a line is cancelled or you change your number, it goes to a dormant state for a while then is reassigned to someone else.

    Your phone's IMEI on the other hand is a unique number, similar to a MAC address for network devices. Unlike a MAC though, it is illegal to spoof or clone an IMEI. Infrastructure however wasn't designed to use the IMEI or MAC as the publicly accessible address, it was designed with a middle translation layer in mind.

    Not 100% sure, my early history is lacking a bit, but I think that was simply because the fundamental network design underlying everything we use predates unique identifiers like MAC addresses existing.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    My gay uncle is a Log Cabin, Reagan Republican who has almost fully embraced MAGA.

    Including saying Ukraine was asking for Russia to come... and that Finland is actively provoking Russia so they should deal with that... while our family literally has Finnish friends, in Finland. Like we literally have first hand real world knowledge from Finnish citizens, not filtered through any news media, and he just ignores it in favor of the MAGA shit.

    It really is remarkable.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Hydroelectric Dams are a gravity based battery. Crudely, water falling spins the turbine generating electricity. One of the few power generating methods that doesn't involve first turning water to steam to spin the turbine.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    I am so sick and tired of this belief because it's clear people have no idea what Autopilot on a plane actually does. They always seem to assume it flies the plane and the pilot doesn't do anything apparently. Autopilot alone does not fly the damned plane by itself.

    "Autopilot" in a plane keeps the wings level at a set heading, altitude, and speed. It's literally the same as cruise control with lane-centering, since there's an altitude issue on a road.

    There are more advanced systems available on the market that can be installed on smaller planes and in use on larger jets that can do things like auto takeoff, auto land, following waypoints, etc. without pilot input, but basic plain old autopilot doesn't do any of that.

    That expanded capability is similar to how things like "Enhanced Autopilot" on a Tesla can do extra things like change lanes, follow highway exits on a navigated route, etc. Or how "Full Self-Driving" is supposed to follow road signs and lights, etc. but those are additional functions, not part of "Autopilot" and differentiated with their own name.

    Autopilot, either on a plane or a Tesla, alone doesn't do any of that extra shit. It is a very basic system.

    The average person misunderstanding what a word means doesn't make it an incorrect name or description.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    Because they trust McDonald's and Starbucks wifi even less.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    SpaceX will be colonizing Mars before Artemis launches at the rate of all these delays.

    halcyoncmdr ,
    @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

    VR has been explored though, from Google Cardboard to the PSV2 to animating/painting... All of them failing to gain traction or be widely adopted.

    That's only because the cost for a good experience is still out of the realm for most people to justify to even try. Until we are looking at $150 or so for a good experience that doesn't give people headaches or motion sickness issues it will never take off.

    The cheap VR systems still give plenty of people issues, and the expensive ones are out of the reach of a normal person living their life day to day.

    And for businesses, VR simply has not proven to have a cost benefit worth even the initial capital investment, without even taking into account ongoing IT costs due to damaged equipment.

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