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SeaJ ,

What sort of crack are they on that they think unauthorized use of an entire work for commercial gain is fair use? I think copywrite laws are ridiculous but that is a pretty low bar they are trying to set.

They should have to pay for their usage or retrain the model without it. Going to guess they would prefer to pay up.

SeaJ ,

I could forgive VW if they actually did something to rectify the bullshit they pulled. Instead, the EV charging network they were forced to build out, Electrify America, is absolutely the worst of the bunch and frequently has at least a third of the chargers not operational. If I had to pick least favorite car companies, it would be between them and Hyundai/Kia. Hyundai/Kia would probably take it because they were the only brand who was dumb enough to not have immobilizer in their cars which has led to high theft and the other bigger reason would be them frequently being caught using child labor.

SeaJ ,

By "controlled lending system," do you mean the library? If so, it is ridiculously expensive for them to offer ebooks and audiobooks. One ebook costs $60-100 and they can only lend the licensed copy for two years. You would think audiobooks would be more expensive to do but publishers charge roughly the same.

SeaJ ,

RISC-V still has a ways to go before it usable for much.

Was this community banned on I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on what happend?

SeaJ ,

When you do not have much of a bank account and you could easily be starting at tens of thousands in legal fees, it's pretty easy to be unable to find them.

Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?

Hiya, so am looking to buy more storage and while browsing am seeing some external harddisks, such as Western Digital My Book and Seagate Expansion Desktop for cheaper than the internal harddisks themselves. Have seen this one video from KTZ Systems where he bought up multiple of these external ones just to open them up and use...

SeaJ ,

Not specifically, no. When I did change to building my own NAS, I cracked open my older 4TB backup drive to use as a spare.

SeaJ ,

I was wondering why I couldn't get to it yesterday.

SeaJ ,

I'm lost with what I'd need to do to access my server from outside my local network, and terrified of doing something wrong and leaving a hole open so any hacker can access my server. I'd like to do it some day, but I'd rather have a safe local network than screw and get my data stolen or deleted.

Setup a VPN via Wireguard or Tailscale. I personally have not done that but I have VPN setup through OpenVPN which I did not find that hard and people say that is significantly harder than Wireguard.

The other (less safe) option would be to setup a DMZ on your network for stuff you want to self host. That is a bit more involved though. I went through it for fun and setup a public Nextcloud instance along with DDNS and a reverse proxy. I was just messing around though and shut it down after testing performance.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

SeaJ ,

Then how would they compete with the other big search engine pushing AI that nobody wants? /s

SeaJ ,

Jesus. I didn't even think of that. I could totally see that being a big part of why it is giving garbage answers.

SeaJ ,

Reminds me of the time Microsoft unleashed their AI Twitter account and it turned into a Nazi after a couple hours. Whatever straight out of business school idiot who thought scraping the comments of the armpit of the internet was a good idea should be banned from any management position. At least it is a step up from scraping 4chan, I guess.

SeaJ OP ,

Most gas stations do not even really make much money on the gas. They more operate as convenience stores but offer gas too. The need for convenience stores won't change much around freeway exits. You will still need to charge going long distances and stop for a toilet break and snacks. But a good amount will close in cities. Over half the people will not need to be going to a charging station 99.5% of the time. People in apartments will likely still need to do fast charging for a while until apartment complexes are properly incentivized to install chargers.

SeaJ OP ,

I feel like people overestimate how much they actually drive most days and think that a simple level 1 charger could not possibly work for them. The average person drives a little over 30 miles per day. I know there are a myriad of people who will say they totally drive way more than that and their commute is more than that. K. A level 1 charger will charge a car 3-5 miles of range per hour it is plugged in. Overnight that is likely around 30-50 miles of range. That is kind of the idea behind this and the creator even said he made this because he lost a bet (almost certainly a lie but it gets the point across) where he was bet that he could easily go 6 months charging on a level 1 charger without having to visit a fast charge station (ignoring long weekend outings). The vast priory of people would only need to visit a fast charger once in a blue moon.

Sure, if you are the 1% of people having some crazy commute of 50+ miles, invest in a level two charger. And then with the money you are saving by not spending so much on gas, move closer to your work. But damn near everyone will be perfectly fine with simple level 1 charging. No need to spend a couple thousand to get a 240v line run. Plug it into an exterior outlet and call it a day. If you're in an apartment, send your landlord information on this. And in the meantime, charge up at fast charge stations once every few weeks.

SeaJ ,

That always happens with tariffs unless they are small. You ship the unfinished product somewhere else to be assembled. Sometimes it even makes more sense to ship a finalized product somewhere to then disassemble it and reassemble it in the same factory.

SeaJ OP ,

I have to imagine there will at least be a lawsuit here. It will probably amount to a rounding error on the size of the fund though.

SeaJ OP ,

I'm wondering how much this will help the handheld scene. N64 emulation is pretty notoriously shitty on many handhelds.

SeaJ OP ,

Yes, that was kind of my point. N64 emulation on handhelds often sucks. So being able to have games recompiled to be better optimized on something like the Miyoo Mini would be great. While it is cool for the PC because it can allow for enhancements much more easily, just getting games up and running at a minimum is not an issue for any PC made in the last decade or two.

SeaJ OP ,

I was actually going to pay for NSO solely to be able to play OoT on the Switch. Then I saw that it was a pile of emulated muddied crap.

SeaJ OP ,

It would also be great at something above 20 fps.

SeaJ ,

Cliff's notes: Belgian King Leopold II convinced countries that he would take Congo for humanitarian purposes and also implement free trade. He focuses on rubber production and forced local populations to meet production quotas. If you did not meet your quota, they took your hand. If you didn't meet it again, they'd either take another body part or take a body part (heads were not unheard if) of one of your children. Millions were murdered. But King Leopold II and Belgium got a lot of money so it was all worth it in the end, right? /s

‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms ( )

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah....

SeaJ ,

Sounds like they don't need any help. Good to hear. Now maybe we can stop providing billions in support each year.

SeaJ ,

If you got it over antenna, it most definitely was not cable.

SeaJ ,

Mine ends in July. There are definitely some decent shows on Prime but I'm not going to spend an extra 25% to get the same shit and I'm not going to watch their ads. Products on Amazon are near worthless so there is not much value there.

SeaJ ,

Cue DeSantis banning this for being woke.

SeaJ ,

Plus the new president seems pretty decent.

Where do the rural homeless near you live?

This seems to be something people don't always give second thought to. When people talk about the homeless, the first things thought about are images of people on busy city streets in rusty clothes waiting around near allies. In there, the answer is quite static, because it can be I guess. But if that's the case, change the...

SeaJ ,

You don't know what you are talking about. There are absolutely homeless people in rural areas. While you might not see people begging on the street downtown, there are absolutely people living in their car, camping, or sleeping under a bridge.

I grew up in a very small rural town of 2500 nowhere near a city. There were absolutely homeless people. You seem to have a view of homeless people that only exists in the movies.

SeaJ ,

Surprisingly, they have a correct headline:

The comment section is filled with Russian bots running on copium.

SeaJ ,

That was a good episode but it is also very outdated at this point since it is over 7 months old now. The reason nobody was buying it was indeed because the government had set a rate that was completely out of whack with its actual value and they implemented exchange controls to stem the outflow of foreign exchange reserves to put up the appearance of legitimacy. Milei removed the capital controls though and floated the currency. It was expected to free fall and it has. Milei is a far right nutjob but a pegged currency to encourage investment followed by exchange controls has never worked out for Argentina.

SeaJ ,

The plan for stealing the Stone of Scone was hatched where all good plans come about: a pub.

SeaJ ,

I never discovered Tom Scott until his announcement that he was taking a break which many other channels made videos on. Looking through them, as well as seeing the suggestions, I can kind of get the gist of the channel. Suggestions I haven't seen yet:

Climate Town - climate and environment related

Rebecca Watson - science and critical thinking

ContraPoints - philosophy related

Adam Conover - Currently more politically oriented but Adam Ruins Everything was more general

SeaJ OP ,

Just what I want from a platform designed for networking and job seeking: games.

SeaJ OP ,

Boss: Why are you on LinkedIn?

Me: I'm just checking up on my Farmville.

Boss: Oh okay. Carry on.

SeaJ OP ,

Pop up a solar farm and you are good to go, baby!

SeaJ ,

You can usually find HPs for cheaper although they are pretty picky on what they work with. For some reason, HP decided that it will work with stuff they have not certified but the fans will constantly be at 100%.

SeaJ ,

That was my immediate thought. No suggestion other than NOT BetterHelp.

SeaJ ,

I don't think I'd ever complain directly to the maintainer. I often do find instructions that are essentially The Rest of the Fucking Owl but you go to the community for help and then give up when 90% of them act like you are an idiot for even asking.

SeaJ ,

Did you have an innie before 21 or was it detachable and you finally found it?

Warner Bros. is now erasing games as it plans to delist Adult Swim-published titles ( )

Warner Bros. Discovery is telling developers it plans to start “retiring” games published by its Adult Swim Games label, game makers who worked with the publisher tell Polygon. At least three games are under threat of being removed from Steam and other digital stores, with the fate of other games published by Adult Swim...

SeaJ ,

At least the developer for Small Radios Big Televisions is handing it out for free now. Looks like a pretty decent game.

SeaJ ,

Illegal via the UN like Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

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