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dumbass , avatar

Screw limewire, soulseek is the way, an endless sea of perfectly organised music libraries, you'll find what you want and stuff you didn't know you needed.

dumbass , avatar

it hasn't made her look worse.

Hell I'd argue that she looks better in that painting!

She looks like she might have a soul in it.

dumbass , avatar

I wonder what was so interesting that caught that dudes attention.

dumbass , avatar

Being married to Harrison Ford and doing all the cool shit that comes along with that.

dumbass , avatar

I was terrified of this baby as a kid! Fucking creepy ass baby with that creepy ass intro to hooked on a feeling.

dumbass , avatar

Is it just nudes or is it all old photos?

dumbass , avatar

Scream "I NEED AN ADULT!" and run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

That's saved me for my entire life.

dumbass , avatar

You know what? That took waaaayyyy longer than I thought it would to happen.

dumbass , avatar

Man the AI translations of all those calming tracks are gonna be wild, were gonna hear some sweet old whale gossip.

dumbass , avatar

Journalist: So, how was it?

Lotito: Still better than English food!

UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter ( )

The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The move drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to...

dumbass , avatar

*Does 5 minute long surrealist interpretive dance wile forcing and maintaining direct eye contact*

Me: And your answer is?

If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter)....

dumbass , avatar

Look I'd like to go on a killing spree, but someone just uploaded an 8 hour synopsis of a kids cartoon I haven't seen decades and I must watch it.

dumbass , avatar

Look when a Chinese zoo actually has the animals there and not just dyed dogs, then that will be news worthy, like at least twice a year a Chinese zoo gets called out for using dogs instead of the proper animals.

dumbass , avatar

Yeah but they're lazers, totally different.

dumbass , avatar

Yeah in saw someone else using this instance and knew in had to join it.

dumbass , avatar

Yeah that was the first one I signed up with, purely because of the name.

dumbass , (edited ) avatar

Look, the rewards outweigh the risks so its work it.

dumbass , avatar

I believe a more correct way is to ban the practices tik tok does

But then they have to ban their own data mining spyware social media platforms.

dumbass , avatar

Yeah, but I cut it down to a bite sized shitty joke lol.

dumbass , avatar

Translation: Alaskans wearing shorts, Texans wearing jackets.

dumbass , avatar

Well that's a way to keep the honeymoon period going!

Hours After Aussie Gov’t Greenlights Online Age Verification Pilot, Breach Of Mandated Verification Database For Bars Is Revealed ( )

It’s almost laughable that these two stories happened so close to one another. The Australian government has just announced a pilot program to test an online age verification system...

dumbass , avatar

Working late were you? Well according to this leaked record you were at the pub from 4 pm till 9 pm every week day, 10 am on Thursday!

dumbass , avatar

Johnson, I'm gonna need that report on my desk by 9am Monday morning, in triplicate and properly color coded this time... Not having a repeat of last month.

dumbass , avatar

Yeah, but not on fucking paper like an idiot!
You keep that list stored in your mind palace's secret vault.

dumbass , avatar

Could you imagine the skips that rock would make!

dumbass , avatar

Nothing worse than getting that perfect angle to slice through the water and it just goes "Blop" and it's gone.

dumbass , avatar

Because that damn Keiser stole your word twenty?

dumbass , avatar

Billy, did you forget to take your pills again?

Torrenting exposes your public IP. In a country where government doesn't care, does that pose a risk?

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?

dumbass , avatar

They do pirate the most extreme and the most prolific pirates, however.

Wait, so the cops pirate the pirates?

So the pirated pirates, pirate the pirates stuff the pirates pirated from other pirates who could possibly be pirated pirates posing as pirates?

dumbass , avatar


dumbass , avatar

Get some thick over sized glasses that are that transparent brown colour on the rims, grow a thin but dirty moustache, only wear faded pastel tops and short stained shorts that are 1 or 2 sizes to small, ALWAYS show your belly, make sure to be overly friendly but never blink when making eye contact, sooner or later they'll all leave your house alone.

Tunak Tunak Tun (Mid 2000s) ( )

Daler Mehndi's 1998 music video, in which the singer performs with 4 "clones" of himself. "Mehndi claims his music was often criticized for only being popular due to the abundance of beautiful, dancing women in his videos The singer responded by creating a video that featured nobody but himself." Apparently he wasn't wrong and...

dumbass , avatar

I really shouldn't have read that last paragraph, I was enjoying that weird man.

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

dumbass , avatar

I learnt from my grandpa how to pirate, I have my mum using cloud stream with some repos, my entire family are media pirates. My first copy of windows 3.1 on floppy disk was pirated, so of course I'm going to hand down my family tradition.

dumbass OP , avatar

That one's open to your interpretation.

dumbass OP , avatar

Its inspired by the lead singer of Mayhem, who huffs a bag with a dead crow in it.

dumbass OP , avatar

PSA I'm not a metal head, this was based off of everything my metal head mate has taught me over the years so I may be way off sorry, I did choose my username for a reason.

Edit: just checked the wiki and yeah Dead carried a dead crow around in a plastic bag and would huff it before shows sometimes.

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