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Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, it's the kind of rhetoric bad bosses love to use to guilt employees into going above and beyond with nothing concrete in return.

Viking_Hippie OP ,

I only discovered this song a couple hours ago and haven't heard any other of their songs, so I can't really speak to their overall oeuvre.

I'll agree that the rapper retracts from the experience overall, but nowhere near enough to overshadow how great the other vocalist makes the song IMO ❤️

Viking_Hippie ,

This same thing, amongst other excellent recent pro-consumer rulings?

Viking_Hippie ,

Fair enough lol

Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” ( )

I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

Viking_Hippie ,

Something something dancers apparently aren't humans (according to The Killers)

Viking_Hippie ,

a change of government at the 2023 election from a center-left ruling bloc to a center-right one

National is a right-libertarian party that campaigned on tearing down large portions of the government without adding anything.

The only way they could possibly be considered center right is if you move the scale so far right that Javier "Captain Ancap" Mileil (current president and demolisher of Argentina) is suddenly considered just your standard right winger rather than a completely unhinged fanatic.

Viking_Hippie ,

The latter. Like fucking children acting out.

Viking_Hippie ,

Why pigs? I thought by far the biggest offender were ruminants

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the focus is on pigs rather than cows simply because we have a lot more of them. By a larger margin than the difference in emissions per animal.

Viking_Hippie ,

Protectionism is a valid reason to deny it

No it isn't. Protectionism is jingoist bullshit. Always has been, always will be.

I wonder if denying Chinese tech under the guise of national security a last ditch attempt from big oil lobbyists?

Definitely. The leadership of both major US parties are pretty much owned by the fossil fuel industries.

Even progressives advocating for the Green New Deal won't say the part about gradually eliminating fossil fuel use out loud out of fear of fossil fuel industry lobbyists and the politicians they own doing an AIPAC.

Or is that too far fetched

Not at all.

Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case ( )

"Until sentence is imposed, all individuals covered by Paragraph (b)" -- referring to members of the court staff, the district attorney's staff and their families -- "must continue to perform their lawful duties free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm," Merchan wrote in the ruling....

Viking_Hippie ,

They're not done being in potential danger when a deranged cult leader demonizes them on national TV, though.

Viking_Hippie ,

That feature is the one thing I miss after switching to Voyager 🫤

Viking_Hippie ,

Boost or the web client, probably.

Sync has the feature too, but I wouldn't recommend that since it has ads and also just doesn't have a very nice feel like Voyager, Boost, Thunder, and Connect do..

Viking_Hippie ,

You're lying again. Period.

Viking_Hippie ,

Oh yeah? Why doesn't Gaza import whatever they want through its airport or waterport?

What fucking airport or "waterport"?? Israel have complete control over the borders of Gaza and thus full control over all imports and exports.

Why doesn't Gaza have a seat in the UN?

Because it's a part of Palestine, not a separate country.

Why doesn't Gaza have access to international banking systems?

Because it isn't allowed to by the Israeli occupation forces

Nah buddy. You are living in Fantasyland

Says the genocide apologist apparently arguing based on the delusional belief that Gaza is an independent country with no restrictions not placed by Hamas 🤦

Did you hear about the Middle East for the first time on October 7th or are you just extremely susceptible to even the most obvious propaganda?

Viking_Hippie ,

I support Israel against aggression

Yes, tens of thousands of children are attacking Israel's bombs and bullets with their bodies 🙄

Viking_Hippie ,

Nothing except for deflection of blame for the many war crimes of the fascist apartheid regime of Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.

Viking_Hippie ,

Which in turn ignores the fact that only Biden is CURRENTLY the president and accountable for his own actions (which include material aid and political cover to the point that the US in general and the executive branch in particular is an active PARTICIPANT in the genocide rather than just a biased bystander) and that he's acting against the wishes of not just the vast majority of the people who voted for him, but also the majority of the population in general.

I don't like the use of the term either, as it makes legitimate criticism seem disingenuous if not downright Trumpian, but that doesn't mean that it's inaccurate.

Viking_Hippie ,

It does for the genocide denying Zionists whose ONLY goal is to convince people that the actions of the Israeli government are justified. I suspect that the one you originally addressed was one of them, if not just a thoroughly gaslighted useful idiot 🤷

Viking_Hippie ,

I get what you're saying, but I strenuously disagree with your central assertion that there's no point in legitimate criticism of a sitting president as long as there isn't currently a better president available.

You don't just get a free pass to commit crimes against humanity because there's nobody lined up who wouldn't.

That's lumping the US president in with the likes of Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, Benyamin Netanyahu, and other presidents whose subjects aren't allowed to criticize their worst actions.

Viking_Hippie ,

up to 10 percent of its global annual revenue

Should a DMA violation be repeated, fines can reach up to 20 percent of global annual revenue.

That's over a thousand dollars!

Throughout the past several months, Apple has made a number of changes to comply with bypass the DMA

Fixed that for them

We are confident our plan complies with the law,

It most likely doesn't.

and estimate more than 99 percent of developers would pay the same or less in fees to Apple under the new business terms we created.

Translation: current fleecing levels will remain

All developers doing business in the EU on the App Store have the opportunity to utilize the capabilities that we have introduced, including the ability to direct app users to the web to complete purchases at a very competitive rate.

You're still free to pay us for using the cheaper services provided by others.

As we have done routinely, we will continue to listen and engage with the European Commission.”

We're paying close attention to find out how best to bypass the law without paying the fines

delaying the rollout of Apple Intelligence — the company's name for a suite of generative AI features that will debut in iOS 18 — and some other features in the EU. “We are concerned that the interoperability requirements of the DMA could force us to compromise the integrity of our products in ways that risk user privacy and data security,” the company told Bloomberg.

Translation: they won't let us monetize every tiny bit of data with no compensation or even notice

Fuck Apple. Fuck their walled garden profiteering bullshit. FUCK their blatant lies about it.

Viking_Hippie ,

I know, I was just being silly for the sake of being silly on that one heh.

Fining Apple tens of billions of dollars is genuinely a great start towards making it not financially viable for them to break the law, so I'm all for it!

Viking_Hippie ,

No no, they'll provide FANS to serve as butlers. Fetch the odd cool drink, ice cream or condoms. That sort of thing

Viking_Hippie ,
Viking_Hippie ,

Who tf is massacring kids?

The IDF is and you fucking know it. Stop with the lies, please.

This is your fantasy, not reality.

It isn't. Over 20,000 and counting.

Kids die in wars.

It's not a war. A war implies two opposing militaries. This is not that. It's a genocide of civilians being perpetrated by one of the most powerful militaries in the history of the world.

Nobody is targeting kids.

The fuck they aren't. Please stop lying already.

Hamas is putting kids in harm's way

The IDF is doing that. Everything you genocide apologists accuse Hamas of, IDF is doing or at least doing more than Hamas do it.

their disgusting culture of "proud martyrdom."

You have them confused with other terrorist groups. Hamas' main method isn't suicide bombings and hasn't been for DECADES.

Hamas doesn't get to dictate how the war it started gets faught fought

Again, not a war. Also not started by Hamas.

because the news makes you so sad.

Yeah, I'm actually not overjoyed about news of daily war crimes including ethnic cleansing; deliberate targeting of aid workers, health care workers, journalists, and yes, children, being committed against innocent civilians under false pretenses by "the most moral army". I'm wacky like that.

Israel doesn't get to dictate what is or isn't crimes against humanity just because your favorite fascist apartheid regime finally getting called out for committing countless atrocities makes you sad.

Viking_Hippie ,

I started to respond, but after 5 gross distortions if reality, 4 outright lies, 2 cases of undue weight, 5 whataboutisms and 3 cases of rank hypocrisy in just the first three paragraphs, I finally had enough of refuting your absolute derangement.

Cluelessly cheerleading zealots like you are why genocides are allowed to happen. Have the day you deserve.

Viking_Hippie ,

Nah, you're thinking of a coupe.

A coup is a liquid meal, sometimes useful for art if you're weird enough.

Viking_Hippie ,

Government official affirms that fascist war criminal isn't arbitrarily exempt from international law. Zionist genocide deniers flip out. Film at eleven.

Viking_Hippie ,


It was since removed, though.

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

As bad as Trump is, he isn't championing and encouraging extrajudicial killings (at least not yet) like Duterte

He IS praising Duterte for it, though. As you implied yourself, Trump getting back in the white house will guarantee extrajudicial killings. Probably as a matter of stated policy rather than just something cops aren't discouraged from.

That is however something your average Filipino voters were drawn to and supported with thunderous applause.

The country fell for the rhetoric of a demagogue. The US, Russia, Hungary, India, Israel, Belarus, and Japan all elected a fascist demagogue as their leader within the last 10 years.

I'm sure you consider some of those shithole countries but would you say that they all are, or do you admit that a country's demagogue leader isn't 1/1 indicative of the country as a whole?

Viking_Hippie OP ,

Char is totally judging your choice in games and movies. totally.

In my defense, most of the movies are from a box of DVDs a family member wanted to get rid of, rather than anything I've actively chosen lol.

That being said, all of the games except the first Guitar Hero (came with the Wii), a few of the movies and all of the burned discs under Gandhi are all me 😄

Viking_Hippie OP ,

Since I have one of each, Torties and Calicos are my joint favorites 😁

Viking_Hippie OP ,

Thanks! Yeah, they probably do, the way I spoil them 😁🥰

Viking_Hippie OP ,

I'm not actually in Raleigh, just headline shopping 😁

It was like the 12th article about the same thing, selected because the group rules say that the title of the post should match the headline and the national and international outlets all spelled it out too much like Politico, or AP

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