@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world cover
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

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LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Can't forget Squonk. The gross pig thing that is so ugly it cries constantly. It can dissolve itself with its tears at will.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Gotta give it to humanity, though. We're damn good at ruining everything we touch.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I'd be down for any pattern if it came with bioluminescence.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Idek chess but I'm feeling pumped anyway lol.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Oh fuck I forgot about Kirby Air Ride. That game was amazing. My mom and I would get insanely competitive over it.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Gonna be playing a character straight from Lovecraft lore in a ttrpg my friend is developing. Totally gotta give her an accent

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I stopped using the site in 2014. Used to post regularly but got sick of all the porn. I stopped posting art online for a long time. Then I stopped drawing for a while. Now I'm trying to get back into it. Posted on the artshare community a while back and the feedback was nice.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Mountain dew sucks. Nuggies are okay but only if they're dino shaped. Rn, I'm really digging fresh mozzarella with pesto.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

So you're saying that I need to travel to where olives are made?

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Olive oil is fine. It's just olives themselves I don't like. Idk if I just don't have access to good olives or what. I've tried so goddamn hard to like them. I've tried so many. I just don't like them. I also live in a poverty-stricken part of the US, which may explain the lack of quality food around.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not a super picky eater, tbh. I've been exploring a lot with food recently, even. I just don't like olives despite trying my best to. Olive oil is fine. But olives themselves are nasty to me.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I'm totally fine with olive oil.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I know I've never had fresh olives. Nobody has forced me to eat them. My one friend and I argue (in a joke way) about things we have opposite opinions of lmao. We have different opinions on olives

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

How are they prepared where you're from? Maybe I'd like them that way lol

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Same tho.

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for the recommendations! I might see if the super fancy grocery store by my work has those olives. If they don't, then I'll try to find a middle eastern grocer. I don't mind taking a minor road trip to find legit olives. I wanna know if I just don't like the ones I've been exposed to.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Me to my coworkers. I love how a few of them explain things. It's much more entertaining and makes more sense than whatever Google spits out

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I use my grabby arm thing constantly because bending over kills my back. Sometimes I'll dual wield the things lol

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I dream every night. My dreams are vivid and weird as hell. Idk if it's the result of one of my medications or my epilepsy or what, but my dreams have always been strange. Most of them have some reoccurring elements such as:

Being trapped in an enclosed aquarium of cold, dark water with a hungry orca

Being chased by the Amish while my little sister (who does not know how to drive) drives the car through the woods. She crashes into a tree every time.

Being in the passenger or back seat of my car while it's moving and scrambling to get back to the driver's seat.

Being back in high school, but knowing that I'm not supposed to be there.

Getting a horse (something I've desperately wanted for years. Had them growing up and loved it)


LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Actually being there and staying involved is important. My biodad was a complete POS until last year. My mom was essentially a single mother my whole life because my biodad was never around. He was a really good father for the first two years of my life, then he just kinda stopped giving a shit. I recommend that you don't do that. He used to manipulate tf out of me emotionally and would make so many false promises. His mental health was fucked and he was an alcoholic for a long time.

I cut ties entirely with him and a few years after that, he reached out to my mom to see if we could talk. He had finally gotten his shit together. He's on his meds and doesn't drink like he used to. I don't see the man as a father, however. I see him as a friend. We text almost daily, but he knows that I don't consider him a father-figure and acknowledges it and all of his wrongdoings. He was only 21 years too late, but that's better than never.

He is part of the reason I have a very hard time trusting people. He had let me down countless times in my life and each time just broke me. I just couldn't not get my hopes up at his false promises. He was so good at sounding genuine. Now that he's sober and on his meds, I've learned that his truly genuine tone and words are far different than the ones he used when he was still a drunk.

Anyway, I highly recommend you don't do any of the shit my biodad did. Being hella bitter about your relationship with your father sucks.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I expect to have to go back into the closet again. It is especially painful emotionally because I realized I'm gay only 4 years ago and haven't gotten to experience anything in regards to relationships with other women.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I pay for a Spotify family plan and my mom, sister, cousin, and I all use it daily. It's worth it imo.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Windows 11 sucks ass, but I really get tired of people saying you are forced to use an account. There are multiple ways to make a local account in 11 when doing initial setup. It just sucks that it makes most people think that they have to use an account

LaunchesKayaks OP ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Coconut milk is fuckin great, too. But it doesn't quench ya like coconut water does

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar


Haven't met anyone yet who hasn't loved that film.

how should I tell my new trashy neighbors to keep their puppy off my property

They let their new puppy outside without a leash and it just comes over to my property and gets into my things that aren't confined to my fence and scares my ducks. This puppy is a pit and is going to get huge. I'm afraid it'll get to my birds or dogs....

What's your Patient Gamer's Unpopular Opinion?

Share your unfiltered, unpopular gaming opinions and let's dive into some real discussions. If you come across a view you disagree with, feel free to (respectfully) defend your perspective. I don't want to see anyone say stuff like "we're all entitled to our own opinions." Let's pretend like gaming is a science and we are all...

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of people I talk to think that PC is the best platform. I agree that it is versatile and has the most options. I can't stand playing games on my PC at this point, though. I spend all day fixing computers at work. I don't even want to look at a computer after clocking out. To be able to play games for PC, but not use a computer, I've decided to get a Steamdeck.

LaunchesKayaks ,
@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

I don't like using computers after work because it feels like work just turning it on. Idk why.

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