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Xanis ,

I embarrassed the COO of a large organization once in front of approximately half of that organization's management. Managed to get away with it. So yes, I can say with some certainty that being able to stand up and freely express yourself is character building and, frankly, fucking awesome.

Xanis , (edited )

I think, probably....spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.

For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.

I noticed a white hue on the top of the screen and ONLY on the homescreen. I thought it was a Fairphone 5 issue, but now i noticed it on my Nothing Phone 2a (photo)as well. What is it? ( )

After i got my Fairphone back from the repaircenter (they thought there was something wrong with it), they told me it was an intended design. However, i see other people mention they don't have it.

Xanis ,

Having worked in tech, though not as familiar with phones, I want to ask a question no one else has, which may be silly of me:

It's not a background, is it?

Xanis ,

Alright... you'd be surprised how often a power button isn't pressed, or tower/monitor is not plugged in. Sometimes the fix is the simplest possible solution.

Xanis ,

@PixelOrange got it mostly right from my research, though their backgrounds will still have that bar. If you use a black, or near black, background, especially one not at your native resolution, that gradient will be most noticeable. Using other backgrounds that do not have a black strip along the top you might still be able to see it if you squint.

For those of you curious: Change your background to a solid black from the background menu in settings, or grab something similar elsewhere. Then crank your brightness up. Chances are it'll be there for you too if you're not running a third party launcher.

I haven't found a way to turn it off in native yet.

Xanis ,

In your opinion: What should be done?

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Xanis ,

Statistically I shouldn't fail a 99% roll 7 times during a single mission in XCOM and yet here we are.

Xanis ,

I mean have them and have working "them" are entirely different monsters.

Xanis ,

Varies on where I'm at. One thing I can do no matter where I happen to be is allow my body to lose its tension. This is a learned skill. Focus your mind on preferably a major muscle to start, and just will it to begin relaxing. I like imagining I'm becoming more liquid and that the stress I'm holding is draining away. It's a lighter, though similar, feeling you get when your body is just exhausted and you lay down.

This is a part of a series of coping mechanisms I'll choose from when my anxiety begins to peak.

Xanis ,

After I unlocked the White Robe I used to go back into games and find people. Then I'd just chill with them chirping, giving subtle hints on where things were, and being patient while floating around levels. It remains one of my favorite games of all time.

Xanis ,

We, all of us, from all the places, need to get together and start our own county. I'd bring the liquor, though our friends from Germany may legitimately throw me out a window so I'll leave that to them.

In all seriousness, this is a situation where the minority are the loudest. Everywhere. In the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe and all the States within, we all want a better life. Do what those of us in the U.S. haven't been able to do and organize if you haven't. Despite the dumbasses over here flinging insults and threats, many of us are also hoping for the best across the old pond.

This situation with rising fascism is a world problem. It'd be awesome if we could, as a larger community, come together in stalwart support against something, and not just in support of each other.

Whatever you do just know we're fighting over here in the U.S. too. Many of us are so sick of being robbed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Anyway, this turned into a rant. I apologize.

Xanis , (edited )

Yeah, coffee specifically does shit for me. Literally. Pretty sure I'd lose weight at a rapid pace if I kept drinking it. Energy drinks on the other hand are...okay? More mood stabilization than energy improvements.

Unless you count sometimes getting more anxious as energy, in which case some days I may actually be able to vibrate through walls.

Course I don't have just adhd. I also deal with separate depression and anxiety with adhd as a sort of foundation, while also not being the primary reason for either. So fuck if I know.

Xanis ,

I'll say this: Grabbed a free month of Prime through Google Play. Went to cancel it before it charged me again and I had so much trouble figuring out how I decided that I couldn't be the only one and ended up Googling it.

You couldn't quit in the Google Play Store. It wasn't even listed.

It wasn't any form of subscription or listed as a membership on Amazon.

You couldn't end it by following QR codes or links supplied to you on Amazon itself.

It wasn't in your Amazon profile or Google profile.

The ONLY WAY to cancel it was by scanning the QR code, following the link, clicking on a "Contact Support" button, clicking on another button under "Help Topics" that said, "How to end your Prime Membership", and finally you were taken to a page where you could actually end it. Obfuscated like a motherfucker.

Xanis , (edited )

I don't know how it is in Germany, though I am convinced our methods in the U.S to educate and school kids and teens actively hurt critical thinking skills. They're not taught to make decisions. They're taught to follow set rules, ask for permission, and be ashamed if they fail. They're not taught to learn, they're taught to work.

Xanis ,

Sooo I can cause what honestly feels like a small and constant electrical current flow through any part of my body. If I center this feeling on my chest it is easily more prominent than anywhere else with my head being second. Extremities are dead last. If I am hooked up to a heart monitor I can make it freak out at will. Any location I focus it on tends to want to tense up.

I like to tell people this is the result of me grabbing onto a metal item when I was younger that was still hot. Couldn't let go for a solid 6-10 seconds, can't say exactly how long. What I am able to do feels very similar.

Xanis ,

@dogsnest Thanks for the heads up.

OP thanks for posting this.

Donated what little I could. Free access to information is absolutely one of the most important things we as a collective can support.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

Xanis , (edited )

Corps hate looking bad. Especially to shareholders. The thing is, and perhaps it doesn't matter, most of us actually respect the step back more than we do the silly business decisions for that quarterly .5% increase in a single dot on a graph. Of course, that respect doesn't really stop many of us from using services. Hell, I don't like Amazon but I'll say this: I still end up there when I need something, even if I try to not end up there in the first place. Though I do try to go to the website of the store instead of using Amazon when I can.

Xanis ,

There are times those of us who aren't total psychopaths are also a bit too lenient.

Xanis ,

Mine too comes from a place and person who does not have the power to deliver proper punishment, as an individual. Collectively, we do have a voice. We just have to use it correctly. Not just for this, for all things we view as evil. By speaking as one.

Xanis ,

Yup. People up in arms over this should be reminded that if you want to support SJ here that, in a worst case, you are directly supporting the privatization of vocalization. Like to goof around by talking in Morgan Freeman's voice? Be prepared to get slapped with a notice to stop. That voice is off limits, and oh also your natural voice sounds like this person.

Is this silly? Absolutely. But dammit we see what's happened to Youtube so be aware of the risk.

Xanis ,

Obviously there is a difference. However, I am very aware that if something can be monetized, someone will try to monetize and monopolize it. A few years ago, and possibly still today, the word Saga was trademarked. Disney has attempted to trademark common phrases and such in some cultures. Sony has made attempts. I'm certain Apple has tried. The Pokemon Company. Nintendo. A tiny Youtube creator uses their own music and one chord sounds vaguely like some song and they get demolished.

Don't think for a second that companies haven't sat in meetings and gone, "Do we think we can trademark the sound of a voice? Can we OWN that likeness?" These fuckers would privatize air if they thought they could get away with it. Sound pissed all you want, the reality is we've very likely dodged this bullet once or twice already, so we should be aware.

Xanis ,

Okay, fair enough. I did say worst case, though how you explain it makes sense. I don't trust that they won't try eventually, you're probably right that they won't do so without outcry. I appreciate the down to earth reaction and explanation!

Xanis ,

Animals are still animals. It isn't dishonest to say that we should respect them and their space through understanding and recognizing their behavior. Don't allow your love for an animal cloud the basic judgment that every animal may have its moment. Don't be afraid, just be aware.

Xanis ,

I think people are angry less because of the desire to adopt to fit their personalities and lifestyle and more the whole go back to the same place their dog is at, say hi, and then wander off with Rufus v2.

Probably strikes right in the center of the Homeward Bound in all of us.

Xanis ,

Whoaaa hey hold on, I agree with this completely. The U.S. Government does use religion to coerce and convince millions that their way is the correct way.

It just doesn't involve aliens...yet. does, just not the type we're talking about. Cause if you're Right, you're right apparently.

Xanis ,

Look man, the problem with arguing with these people is that they are hard stuck. Biden could tell us exactly what the issue is, take his entire staff to Gaza, put on an apron, and begin filling bowls with soup, and people will be like, "HE ISN'T GRABBING A GUN AND FIGHTING BACK"

It'd be funny if it wasn't so tiring and sad.

Xanis ,

For those of you lacking caffeine today:

Translated: Yo' brain be doing a figure out.

First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza transmitted from cow to human confirmed ( )

In March a farm worker who reported no contact with sick or dead birds, but who was in contact with dairy cattle, began showing symptoms in the eye and samples were collected by the regional health department to test for potential influenza A. Experts have now confirmed the first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza...

Xanis ,

There's a difference here.

  1. We have a vaccine.

  2. We eventually had a vaccine.

Xanis ,

And that's fine. What we need to do is not collectively be pushovers and call them out on their bullshit this time around. While not universal, many of us averted our eyes and ignored their behavior and I honestly feel it's costing us.

Though hopefully there is no "this time".

Black man who borrowed father's BMW questioned, forcibly arrested outside home ( )

tl;dr - Black man driving his dad's BMW is detained for being suspicious because he doesn't look like the sort of person who drives that car. He is subject to a rough arrest as his mother watches. Gatineau police insist there was no racial profiling.

Xanis ,

What needs to happen? Apart from a slow burn towards better policing in general, or doing away with the system and rebuilding, I'd imagine at this point likely actual confrontation, deaths that catch the eye of the world, and strong leaders who step up to speak for everyone.

But hey, I'm up for ideas.

Xanis ,

This is the situation we're in, even if you don't like it. Yes, communities can take care of a lot. Yet for so many people the creation process and love of a product is why they create, not the money. I cannot blame the devs for wanting their game to reach as many people as possible. Nor can I blame Sony for wanting to make money, without that desire we wouldn't have as many opportunities to play amazing titles as we do, though we can absolutely blame the way that money is made.

So perhaps you may have gone a different route. Maybe it would have worked, maybe not. Maybe many of us only recognize John Deere, and maybe people in the industry know of alternatives. Point is, I am hesitant to blame devs for nearly anything nowadays. Because this isn't 1999, these titles aren't for the PS1, Dreamcast, or even PS2 or original Xbox. It's 2024 my dude and they had to make a choice: Get the resources, finagle some barely working alternative, or get help. I think many of us would have done the same.

Go shit on the big companies who are almost always the problem. Everyone else, man... they're just making the shit they want because many of them love the process. We're lucky we see so many projects reach the light of day, especially when for every successfully finished one I'd bet there are a 100 which are scrapped part way through.

Xanis ,

First time seeing this.

Don't make the same mistake Reddit did. Not all of us are degens on here 24/7.

Xanis ,

Whoever wins one of these is going to forget they won it, be surprised when it shows up, and place it somewhere they'll "definitely remember", lose it, forget again, and then find and read the entire thing in one sitting right in the middle of attempting to clean.

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