ConstantPain ,

It's easy to say the owners are shit, but if they are willing to adopt another dog, maybe this dog has a particularity they are not prepared to handle.

Sometimes it is better for the dog to go with people that can deal with their needs.

HauntedCupcake ,

Yeah, we once adopted an Australian Kelpie that was misidentified as a Doberman, and I was a dumb fuck and didn't know better.

Australian Kelpies are nutcases at the best of times, and are capable of jumping garden fences. Our rescue had some extra issues on top of that.

He really need a huge farm to run around on. He was a darling, but had too much energy for us to handle

buzz86us ,

Dog parks are a thing that exists

HauntedCupcake ,

Okay, thanks 👍

Mirshe ,

Not in all areas.

Xanis ,

I think people are angry less because of the desire to adopt to fit their personalities and lifestyle and more the whole go back to the same place their dog is at, say hi, and then wander off with Rufus v2.

Probably strikes right in the center of the Homeward Bound in all of us.

Raykin ,

Now imagine how much shittier Kristi Noem is.

Dkarma ,

Shelter should reject their new adoption

MacNCheezus OP , avatar


don ,

You don’t slap Inside Edition over the internet, you slap them in person.

Eheran ,

So if they notice they can not handle the dog they should be forced to keep it?

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Isn't this just ragebait?

MacNCheezus OP , avatar

That was not my intention (hence the attempt at humor in the title)

foggy ,

Yeah, the kinda shit clickfarms would post to Facebook to get the boomers talking. This is like modern chainmail. Send this to 5 people or you'll be cursed!

BossDj ,

Thank goodness they added Brando's take on the situation so I knew how to feel about it.

don ,

that’s how u no its legit, when our boy brando go off he low key cool

PrinceWith999Enemies ,

I have never seen a chain letter referred to as “chainmail” and I don’t know how to feel about it.

Viking_Hippie ,

Personally, I'm opposed to it.

edgemaster72 , avatar

Yeah I was a bit confused at first, I was thinking like, wouldn't a kevlar vest be modern chainmail? (aside from the fact that people still can and do make chainmail)

Kolanaki , avatar

"Wear this chainmail with 5 of your closest friends or be forever cursed to be without rizz."

Delphia ,

Seriously, half of Lemmy needs to learn what a fucking meme is.

Honestly its been 12 months and I'm thinking of installing the Reddit app because sometimes I just want to look at dumb funny shit because the world is depressing. I open lemmy and the memes community is full of political cartoons about Gaza and all the shit I'm trying to take a break from for 10 minutes.

PatMustard ,

It's the same as it ever was: some communities you go for good discussion, others you should just avoid the comments because you know they'll only rile you up

Delphia ,

Like... the Memes community should be for memes?

StaticFalconar ,

Meme has a certain format to it. This format is just ragebait fake news.

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

I think that's what he's saying, we're in the meme community and this clearly isn't a meme

blubton ,

For me, !superbowl is basically the only active community that I really love on Lemmy and the main reason why I keep coming back here. Other places can be fun too, but Superbowl is just different. There are so many funny owl pictures in them as well as so many informative posts (mainly the Owl-natomy Posts). Also, it is a very positive place. I highly recommend checking it out!

mojofrododojo ,

Honestly its been 12 months and I’m thinking of installing the Reddit app because sometimes

have you not seen the further enshittification? eeyugh. Lemmy isn't perfect but in my experience it's already better than Reddit was before the API exodus. You do you, but wow...

mojofrododojo ,

fucking hope so because I don't have a high regard for this species when it comes to taking care of their dogs, and this shit.... goddamn...

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