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Varyk ,

Hell yeah, vote joe.

Varyk ,

That doesn't slide either way.

If they're thinking that rationally about "he's old and therefore unfit", they're also aware enough to realize that a treasonous, lying rapist and convicted felon is the worse choice.

They'll also be aware enough to know that debates are silly primping displays that have nothing to do with being the president.

This debate is a wash at worst for confirmed voters(Donald Trump's obvious lies arent tolerated like they were 8 or 4 years ago) and dumps is obviously the worst imaginable choice for undecided voters.

Plus he's half a billion dollars in the bag right now for his campaign.

Go vote.

Varyk ,

Freaks me out if there was a little plaque explaining it before I went into the building, but if it works, no one's going to blink an eye.

Sounds like the right kind of retrofuture tech to me.

Varyk ,

A great point in dire need of a better title.

Varyk ,

Digital IDs that Protect Privacy.

Protection From Digital ID Corruption.

Anything concise that conveys a couple core points

Varyk ,

I don't think I know anybody who doesn't take up new hobbies like this.

Varyk ,

Charlie Sheen, the neurotypical standard.

Varyk ,

Still on my borderlands one playthrough, level 25, it's fun, I'm excited to see where it goes.

I keep hearing borderlands 2 is where it's at, but I wanted to start at the beginning.

Varyk ,

Oh cool, I could totally play that again.

Varyk ,

Holy cow, I burst out laughing like six times. So funny.

Varyk ,

Three courses? Do they mean that the bread and then the drinks are the other two courses?

Varyk ,

Oh. That ain't such a bad price then.


Varyk ,

Beatles albums then, rain sounds now

Varyk ,

Awesome, enjoy.

Looks cool, I will snag

Varyk ,

I can tell you that it's illegal in China to park e-bikes inside anymore after entire buildings went up in flames because everyone piled their e-bikes next to each other and when one caught on fire they all caught on fire.

When you walk into most Chinese apartment buildings, there's a flyer or placard with a picture of a apartment building on fire and a public notice not to bring your ebike or ebike battery inside under penalty of prosecution.

I would also wager that the lacking BMS has quite a bit to do with it.

Varyk ,

There are many problems with this post and this study:

  1. This study did not conclude that there are no health benefits from taking multivitamins, that's a false equivalence made by the poster.

  2. This study has no parameters for the quality or types of vitamins taken other than "multivitamin"

  3. This study exclusively reports the correlation between mortality and multivitamins, which is an inconsequential and useless statistic without any parameters.

  4. This study does not take into account any variables apart from a lack of long-term health disorders among multivitamin takers.

This is relevant as many people take vitamins specifically to rectify long-term health disorders.

Then again, seeing as how their only metric was mortality and not efficacy on health, that wouldn't have mattered in this study.

  1. Objectively, a large percentage of the multivitamin market are older people, who are more likely to die.

This could be one of the explanations for the 4% higher mortality rate in multivitamin takers. I'm sure there are others, since no variables are parameters were taken into account or structured into the study.

This "study" is the sum function on an Excel sheet that counted the number of deaths connected to the number of people who reported taking multivitamins, which is a useless number without controlled parameters or variables taken into account.

The study means nothing.

Varyk , (edited )

The study begins by adding up how many people self-reported taking multivitamins in some reports, then they added up the dead humans.

Pretty simple.

I thought I said there were no relevant variables and parameters? I'll check.

Yes, I said relevant in point four.

I guess I could have used it in two and three also, although I think it makes sense in context.

I stand by my earlier comment and don't see the need to edit it to add in the word "relevant" to further dunk on an irrelevant paper.

Here: There are no relevant controlling variables or parameters that make this study useful.

It's not even a curio because any number of factors could influence the conclusions of their addition.

Varyk ,

Do it. Few hours on a plane, affordable healthcare.

Easy peasy.

Varyk ,

And the bed of that playtruck is empty and has never been used

Varyk , (edited )

I think a correlation here is also the fact that it's video game music, which tends to be very repetitive but engaging.

So you might want to explore other popular retro video game soundtracks, because a lot of them will have a similar feel as the track you posted.

Varyk , (edited )

It's not profitable or it's risky.

It costs money to produce, archive and distribute older or more obscure media in the current sales infrastructure, and you'd have to get the rights from whoever owns the rights, so it's just a big hassle that costs them too much money that they don't know they're going to make back.

Or they do know that they'll definitely not make it back.

Whereas they know if they sell Frozen five they're going to make money on it.

Varyk , (edited )

Update: thank you for pointing out to me which community this was posted on.

I'm going to leave this post up as a cautionary tale for people like me who don't pay enough attention!

But Linux is cool cuz it's so fast and it doesn't break.

Long as I've been using it anyway.

So now linux is going to be much slower, going to break and be more susceptible to security breaches?

I'm not a programmer, is the upside supposed to be that with so many more programmers able to work on the kernel, those issues will be able to be fixed by the extra programmers?

It's not like there's anything wrong with Linux right now.

Varyk ,

Pppffbbbthhh haha thanks.

Guess I'll just sit in this, I guess.

Varyk ,

That does seem really dangerous, in terms of people who aren't expecting a he cars they're to stop. Or then our expecting their cars to stop and their cars don't stop. And how bad we know Teslas are at stopping.

On the other hand, if it is implemented, people will be driving super carefully.

adding this kind of a feature seems like it'll make cars more difficult to drive, and people are already so bad at driving.

Varyk ,

What about malfunction or misidentifications?

Errors in any machine are common, and errors in automatic driving systems are ubiquitous and constant.

Varyk , (edited )

It's very common for Teslas to drive into things, like cop cars, parked cars, people and trees and off cliffs.

Sensors and software aren't reliable yet for high-speed driving or auto braking.

It might still be worth it. I'd rather have Auto sensors in every car and have them all brake all the time and maybe have people stop using cars so much because they're irritating.

Especially for those giant stupid American SUVs and trucks.

I like the idea, I just I hope they focus solely on make sure the car stops instead of getting distracted so that the sensors aren't good enough, because that's just going to cause more accidents

Varyk ,

Aw man that sucks. Don't vandalize books.

Varyk ,

It's like when you go to the toilet but then the water splashes back in.

It's like that.

Varyk ,

I'm very confused.

Does anyone still use handwriting in university?

I thought handwriting was done with, honestly.

Also my handwriting is dogshit and I got 2 degrees ral quick.

Obviously one of them in literature.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Varyk ,

Oh, okay. Well practice makes perfect.

If you're really concerned about it, just set aside 30 minutes a day and get one of those exercise books they give out in elementary school.

It'll still work.

Varyk ,

Probably a good idea and a necessity at this point.


Varyk ,

Hahaha, amazing. Haven't read this before.

What a coup

Varyk ,

Sorry, is the joke that you spelled coupe wrong?

Varyk ,

That was the joke?


That is a weird joke.

Thanks, snuggums.

Why can I see some communities while logged out, but not while logged in?

This seems to be random. These are communities on the instance I'm logged into. AFAICT I'm not being blocked in these communities. I'm not even sure if mods *can *block someone from seeing a community. I'm guessing this has been asked before, but I couldn't find a thread on it.

Varyk ,

Have you blocked them? You won't see them while you're logged in if you block them.

Varyk ,

Weird. Are you using a client?

Does that happen on the actual site?

Oh it's not NSFW and you're blocking NSFW stuff is it?

TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it ( )

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to...

Varyk ,

I just learned about the game yesterday. So me lost too.

Varyk ,

Sounds like updated techChristianity.

Glory of God and hell and all that

Varyk ,

Cloverleaf apartments?

Coin it, it's yours.

Varyk ,

So if you rewind another 50 years or so, you'll understand the statement I made a little better.

The israeli conquest of Palestinian land started quite a ways before 2005.

Varyk ,

You might want to care, since your false claims are entirely based on a woefully inaccurate and incomplete historical understanding of the conflict.

Varyk ,

You claimed:

"I literally don't care".

Sure doesn't seem to jive with your histrionics.

Also, the history of Israel and Palestine is incredibly well documented. Going back 75 years.

You could literally search on any engine and find it instantly. You don't even need a particular source to figure out how old this conflict is.

Which is probably where you should start.

Varyk , (edited )

Paraphrased: "After decades of colonization, why would Israel publicly state that they were ending all illegal ongoing colonization?"

  1. Because Israel already took most of the land(see picture) and didn't have to give any back.

  2. Because there was a lot of complaints about them colonizing Palestine, especially as the internet became more popular and people became more aware of the illegal Israeli colonization of Palestinian land.

  3. By publicly stating that Israel would no longer annex Palestinian land, they didn't have to give up any of the land they already colonized over the past half century, civilians could continue to colonize Palestinian land because it wasn't official government or military colonization, and people would be mollified.

And it worked.

You apparently aren't aware that Israelis are still colonizing Palestine because 19 years ago they put out a press release that said "no backsies, but some of us will stop officially colonizing this country after 60 years".

The civilians are still settling Palestinian land(they never stopped) that has been now evacuated because, you know, they're killing all the Palestinians.

Varyk ,

Thanks, it's fine.

I have a lot of free time and it's fun to respond to mindless bad faith with diametric sincerity.

They always get boggled.

Varyk , (edited )

Wow, what a miss you took.

I hope that didn't take you a long time.

Then again, it's much funnier if you did.

Your argument against the Israeli colonization of Palestine is that the Palestinian settlements are even smaller than they appear to be on the map.

Yes, that is the a problem. That is the point of the maps, to show how little land Palestinians have left.

Your argument is that people only own the land of the country they're standing directly upon. Amazing.

You should go argue that to literally any country in the world where that is not correct.

Go look up the term "national boundaries"


Your incorrect understanding of borders is exactly what the Israeli government is arguing as the reason it's okay for them to continue to illegally colonize Palestine and execute the civilians there.

It's also not true, but you don't seem very concerned with the truth.

As for pretending to read the article incorrectly so that you can argue against it, that's just you arguing against yourself.

Not super relevant.

Your arguments:

  1. Irrelevant to the amount of land that Israel has illegally annexed from Palestine.

  2. You complain that colors are propaganda! Doubtful, since so many of these maps use different colors, and it is not relevant to the amount of land that Israel has illegally annexed from Palestine for the past 70 years

  3. Nope, the first map details the settlement area of the Palestinian people. Again, you can look at border maps for many countries, but steal yourself! You'll be shocked that people are not standing on every square inch of their country. Your argument here also is not relevant to the amount of land that Israel has illegally annexed from Palestine for the past 70 years.

  4. Colors(you already did this) are not relevant to the amount of land that Israel has illegally annex from Palestine for the past 70 years.

  5. "It's not stealing land because fewer countries recognized Palestine as a country then."

I mean...Taiwan...

Actually I'll explain this because it doesn't seem like you understand much about national politics. Or geography. Or colonization.

145 countries recognize Palestine as a country.

A dozen (12, for you) countries recognize Taiwan as a country

If Taiwan gets annexed by China, it's still going to be a country being annexed(land being stolen) by China, even if not everybody is willing to recognize Taiwan as a country yet.

Also, pretty irrelevant to the amount of land that Israel has illegally annexed from Palestine for the past 70 years.

  1. Is this "argument" also a basic misunderstanding by you of politics and geography? No! It's a tacit statement of approval by you for Israel annexing a bunch of land.


All you're doing here is arguing that Russia annexing Crimea and trying to annex Ukraine is cool because... Russia wants land that belongs to others.

  1. Your complaint here is that Palestinians didn't lose as much land in some decades as they did in other decades, so none of the annexation counts!

Not a great argument.

Kind of missing the point of how Violet is to steal land from people after you kill the civilians on it.

And 8. Your most bizarre criticism. There's no source for this map?

Like, how do you get such s basic thing incorrect? Do you even know how search engines work?

Here's a bunch of sources for that map, even with different colors for your weird color fetish.

You'll have to come up with all new reasons why these different colors scare you.

Here's one on your side, they used different colors and swear that the map is wrong;

Unfortunately, their "correct" maps begin and end in the exact same place and still highlight disappearing Palestinian territory, and they don't even include the illegal settlements by Israeli civilians.

My answer completely and credibly answers your question:

Israel made that disingenuous 2005 statement because they knew they didn't have to give any land back to Palestine, because they knew that Israeli civilian settlers would continue to annex Palestine, and because it would make people like you believe that they stopped colonizing Palestine, contrary to all of the evidence of continued Israeli settlement of Palestinian land in the ensuing years.

Including right now.

Where they are colonizing Palestine and putting up residential neighborhoods.

That's in the sources from my previous comment that you seem a bit wary to mention.

Here's the BBC reporting on the continued illegal Israeli settlement of Palestine.

Here's the times of Israel, proudly declaring their intent to illegally settle Palestinian land, sanctioned by the defense ministry.

Here's PBS, describing Israel planning to illegally annex and colonize Palestine:

Here's Reuters describing The ongoing illegal annexation and settlement of Palestine by Israel:

Go ahead, please try to explain how all of these sources, including Israel and their ministry of defense stating that they are going to annex Palestine, are just kidding about the illegal annexation of Palestine.

Your argument that the colors are wrong has nothing to do with the number of times Israel has invaded, razed, annexed and colonized Palestine, nor with the amount of civilians it's executed or with schools, hospitals it's bombed.

That was a pretty fun victory lap for me.

Keep swinging though, I like dancing on laurels

Varyk ,

I understand you're afraid of revealing your ignorance.

That ship has sailed.

I'm very directly telling you to ask for help.

Nothing disingenuous.

Varyk ,

Oh, nice. I have done the song thing before, but never a recipe. Good idea.

I don't play sports ball much though so a lot of the advantages of your second suggestion might go over my head.

Watching a Kung Fu movie on repeat is a lot more my style haha

Varyk ,

Yea, good idea.

Sorry, I was referring to this other thing I mentioned in a different thread.

I'll take a movie dodgeball, any movie where the actors speak clearly is fine, and I watch that once a day for 4 to 6 weeks.

It boosts my comprehension like crazy, because I'm not just learning new words but my brain's getting used to recognizing the rhythm and syntax instinctually, but obviously you have to be pretty disciplined to go through with it because it gets to be boring!

Effective, and pretty rapid learning, but it's a real jog through molasses for a while there.

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