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potate ,

As a middle-aged, cis, hetero, mostly neuro-typical guy living in Calgary - I see you, I value you, and I care about you. I can't pretend to understand what your life is like - but you deserve every bit as much happiness and support as anyone else.

potate ,

My hope is that this will give the Liberal party the courage to look for new leadership. Trudeau was great when he started, but a decade in the spotlight has worn him down and tainted his brand (fairly or unfairly).

The Liberals under Trudeau are trying to get elected on a platform of 'more of the same' when a lot of Canadians are unhappy. A new leader, with a new vision and a solid platform could have a fighting chance against PP. But under Trudeau the party feels like they've given up.

potate ,

Totally agree.

Moderating models for safety is a problematic idea. Prusa then bears liability in the event that a model fails. 3D printing works only because it's the person who physically makes the print who has the ultimate responsibility to determine if it is safe and fit for purpose.

If you don't like the competitions, don't take part. Personally I view them as a nice way to encourage the community to share ideas.

potate , (edited ) powdercoating is one of my favourite things about steel frames. I can get a frame sand blasted and powdercoated for $150CAD. I ride my bike until the paint is damaged and I'm starting to get a bit of rust in spots- then pick a wild new colour, get some decals made and just like that I have a brand new looking bike.

potate ,

Thanks! I was going for a vintage Yeti vibe.

potate ,

I think this case snuck under a lot of people's radar. Police officers used their powers to stalk an elected official because they didn't like her position on a topic. The subsequent oversight investigation recommended charges and the Crown elected not to proceed.

How are these officers still employed? They repeatedly breached the trust and responsibility endowed upon them by the public.

'We are at risk of running out': Calgarians asked to use 25% less water than yesterday ( )

After a major feeder water main break plunged Calgary's water supply into a critical state, city officials are now asking Calgarians to use 25 per cent less than they did yesterday, sounding the alarm that the city is at risk of running out....

potate ,

So this is actually happening about 100m from my house, my partner is currently staying with a friend so she can watch their kid because that friend works for the Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) and is working night shift doing analysis and mapping. I also used to work as a pipeline integrity engineer (but being a dirty hippy I took a catastrophic pay cut to move into sustainability consulting a few years ago). What I'm trying to say is that I am up close and personal with this in a way few people are.

Calgary and Edmonton are less conservative than you think - the cities mostly vote NDP and the UCP gets elected by the farmers and oil field workers. The mayors of both cities are at constant war with the provincial government who just introduced new rules to keep the cities from being able to work with the feds without permission. Alberta is still way more conservative than I like, but so are a lot of provinces.

Now - the break. This is the largest section of the main artery of the municipal water system. It's made from rebar reinforced concrete, is 2m in diameter, and was built in 1975. With steel pipe there's lots of very cool and sophisticated tools you can use for inspection. You can run 'Smart Pigs' down steel pipe which can use ultrasonic sensors to check for internal and external pitting and you can use magnetic flux leakage to inspect for cracks. Concrete is brutal to inspect. The city recently installed acoustic monitoring in this area; these are basically microphones that are trying to listen for cracking or debonding of the concrete from the rebar. This pipe is next to/under the Trans Canada Highway. So you are trying to listen for micro-cracking in the middle of a speed-metal concert and most of the damage that caused this would have accumulated over decades - there'd be little to no warning.

Integrity engineering is about risk and risk is a combination of how likely an outcome is and the consequences of that outcome. With potable water, the consequence is normally pretty low. Water distribution systems normally leak like crazy because the money required to make them perfectly water tight is way better spent on social services. This particular site was always going to be catastrophic if it failed, and the city was doing everything they could to try and manage the risk. Simultaneously, they are trying to manage it without shutting down one of the key road arteries, without spending millions of dollars unnecessarily, and without the risk to people and infrastructure that come with major earthworks in congested areas (look at what's happening with UBCO's construction in Kelowna).

Calgary actually has a lower loss rate in our water distribution system than the majority of major cities.

I would love to call the water department incompetent since I currently have a lake next to my house, haven't had a shower, done laundry, or washed dishes in three days - but having gone to technical presentations by the city's water system integrity team, and having some expertise in the field, I have mad respect for the people who manage our water system.

potate ,

Aww, thanks!

For location, it's balancing competing interests again, spiced with the excitement of trying to see 50 years into the future.

A 2m pipe takes up a lot of room and very rarely gets dug up. Roads are the easy place to put them. Otherwise they tend to end up under buildings as development goes on. Alternatively, you would need massive setbacks from the road to businesses and homes. People also like to do things like build basements which are generally deeper than water and sewer lines. Water and sewer are generally 2.5m down to minimize freezing issues in winter. My basement goes down 3m and there's a sump below that. Bigger buildings with multi-story parkades can go seriously deep. As a result, a lot of utilities, which should rarely need excavation, go under the road.

Subways often run along roads for similar reasons. Vancouver is expanding their subway (sky train), and it mostly follows roads because its cheaper and easier to dig down and burry it than to bore tunnels (see Toronto's nightmare with stuck boring equipment).

potate ,

Please let it not be horrible, please let it not be horrible, please let it not be horrible....

potate ,

Ahhhh nuts... I didn't notice the stickers...

potate ,

Fildebrandt is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I start to forget he exists, something absurd like this rears its head...

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot ( )

As a general rule, I hate opinion pieces as I feel that they are a major contributor to our slide towards 'facts don't matter' US style political rhetoric. That said, I thought this was an interesting and fact driven piece that if anything was too easy on the RCMP. Sharing a journalist's request for information with the union,...

potate OP ,

Yea, but that's the slippery line between factual reporting and rhetoric laced opinion. I agree 100% that the RCMP basically saying 'no' to direction from their minister is absurd - but that's my opinion.

I thought the article did a good job of laying out the points but then letting the reader draw their own conclusions.

potate ,

I've got a soft spot for Kona - I've owned at least 5 that I can think of including my very first mountain bike which got me addicted to the sport. That bike now hangs on the wall of my office.

I hope the brand gets back on track and building fun, high value, unpretentious, tough as nails bikes.

Black man who borrowed father's BMW questioned, forcibly arrested outside home ( )

tl;dr - Black man driving his dad's BMW is detained for being suspicious because he doesn't look like the sort of person who drives that car. He is subject to a rough arrest as his mother watches. Gatineau police insist there was no racial profiling.

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