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Skua ,

Never mind the depths I was already on edge when I met the fucking crashfish

Skua ,

Concrete is something like a tenth of humanity's total CO2 emissions, so if this is something that lets us use less concrete then that's actually great

Skua ,

The process of making it involves cooking limestone until the carbon dioxide comes out, basically. Limestone is CaCO3 (one calcium, one carbon, three oxygen). Cement requires lime, which is CaO (one calcium, one oxygen). That leaves a C and two O, which stick together on the way out

Skua ,

I suspect that this might be a tactic intended for the domestic audience. The current government is extremely unlikely to be in power a week from now, and might be doing this just to force the next government to either follow through or retract it

Skua ,

Depends on what's on offer in the steam sale! Although I did pick up the Myst remaster, so I might just be having a crack at that

Skua ,

The Korean War had over a million NATO troops and also tens of thousands of Soviet troops and, somehow, remained a proxy war. A particularly bloody one, but there was still no actual open full-scale warfare between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Even China and America remained officially at peace, despite making up the majority of the forces on each side

Skua ,

Apologies, I was using "NATO troops" as a shorthand for the large number of countries involved rather than the specific command structure. You are right to bring that up

Skua ,

There are versions of PR that mitigate this issue. Mixed-member PR sacrifices a little bit of precision in the proportionality, but limits the seats assigned to party lists to only some additional ones used to balance out the un-proportionality of the results. Most of the elected body is not from party lists.

Skua ,

I've not heard of that one before, but I can see the reasoning behind it. Is there a name for the system that I can look up?

Skua ,

Nah that's clearly the same cat, one is just closer to the camera

Skua ,

The IAU's list of requirements to be a planet is:

  • Orbit a star
  • Be big enough that it becomes round
  • Clear the neighbourhood (meaning you're way bigger than anything else in your orbit)

The last one is the one that disqualifies Pluto. For comparison, Pluto is roughly 8% of the mass of the other stuff in its orbit (not including Neptune, given that their orbits cross), whereas Neptune is thousands of times more than the rest of its orbit. The closest non-planet to meeting this criterion is Ceres, which is roughly one third of the rest of its orbit (in the asteroid belt).

Based on this list, I think Jupiter's four biggest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) would make the cut.

Skua , (edited )

The sun and Jupiter are pretty close in terms of density, and Jupiter would need to get at least an order of magnitude heavier to start fusion. I think it's just a coincidence that the outward pressure of the sun's fusion makes these numbers roughly line up.

Thirteen Jupiters seems to be a commonly-given lower limit for fusion, so let's go with that. To increase mass by thirteen times while maintaining density (and assuming the whole thing is a perfect sphere, which it obviously isn't), Jupiter needs to increase its radius by a factor of about 2.35. This increases its equatorial radius to about 168,000 km, which does swallow up the three innermost moons, but leaves the four big ones alone

Skua ,

Oh, good call, I didn't think of that! Assuming I did my sums right, the Roche limit probably destroys the fourth innermost moon, but it still leaves the big four (which are the fifth through to ninth in ascending order of size of orbit). They're quite substantially farther out than the prior four

There are also like eighty smaller moons even farther out, but they don't meet the roundness criterion to be a planet because they are too small

Skua ,

Well you're a robot, it makes sense that you'd have no taste

Skua ,

The British monarchy does have a relatively unique position in having been atop one of the world's biggest economies for far longer uninterrupted than any other extant royal family. You'd expect them to have amassed more than other royals solely because they've had access to far more opportunities to do so. That doesn't necessarily mean that they'll have outpaced every other rich family in the UK, but I can see where the person above is coming from

Skua ,

Hey, that looks like a successful session to me! They saw and interacted with most of what was prepared and there were even a few RP-driven decisions

Skua ,

Also that. But I'd say that wewbull's point stands that there are more and less authoritarian flavours of that too

Skua ,

Get drunk before having it, but if you're coming here you were probably going to do that anyway

Skua ,

There's something stupid-sounding about this sentence, though I can't quite pinpoint it.

I think it's "our brain", as if we all share one brain. "What do our brains really think of these mimicry attempts" works better to me

Skua ,

I'm more or less defaulting to now. It's a shame to see the original fall apart, but the idea and foundation are being carried on. I hope Ernest is doing alright

Skua ,

Oddly enough, "starbuck" has nothing to do with stars. It comes from some Old Norse meaning "sedge river". This became the place name Starbeck, a town in northern England. People then took that as a surname, and the spelling changed to Starbuck at some point. Herman Melville then gives a character in Moby Dick the surname Starbuck, and eventually the founders of the coffee chain picked it for no particular reason other than that they liked the sound of it

So the "buck" part is, I guess, "river". Or "brook", to pick the more closely-related English term. This doesn't change anything you said, of course, as nobody actually thinks of it like that, I just found the winding path it took kinda interesting

Chinese military harassed Dutch warship enforcing UN sanctions on North Korea, Netherlands says ( )

A Dutch warship was harassed by Chinese military aircraft in the East China Sea on Friday, the Netherlands said, becoming the latest country to accuse Beijing’s forces of initiating potentially unsafe encounters in international waters....

Skua ,

If China doesn't agree with these sanctions then maybe China should stop voting for them in the UNSC. It did so at least four times in 2017 alone.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections ( )

Finland's results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

Skua ,

Is it not Swedish, rather than Norwegian?

Prove you're not a Warforged ( )

Both of the guards have a handle. If the guard that always lies pulls his handle, then the minecart will divert to the second track. If both guards pull their handle, the prisoners will be released. One of the handles is covered by a wooden box, where half of the wooden planks of the original box have been replaced by new ones...

Skua , (edited )

Unless he absolutely does know which way is west because he has, like, gone outside at least once. Or owns a compass.

Skua ,

Guardian portraits, because whoever wrote the "ordinary-looking furniture with counterspell" statblock was presumably really fed up of their sorcerer player

Skua ,

Well, they want to be two separate countries. Other than a couple of small German-speaking areas, Belgium is split into a Dutch-speaking north and a French-speaking south. When they broke free of the Netherlands in 1830 they were united by religion, but obviously that's not as big a deal nowadays. Wanting those two distinct groups to govern themselves without interference from the other isn't in itself a ridiculous thing for a member of one of those groups to want, and the internal political borders within the country do already reflect it to a degree. However, as with most things, I would definitely be wary of it when it's the far-right wanting to do it

Skua ,

It's quite a busy postage stamp

But, uh, yeah, that's Europe for you. The fact that the EU works at all is a stunning historical upset. Long may it continue

Skua ,

He wrote a lot of Skyrim-centred stuff. There are a bunch of references to it in the game of the same name, and a good few other things clearly influenced, but his vision of Skyrim was pretty wild. Same goes for the stuff he wrote for Cyrodiil. Knights of the Nine was him

Skua ,

If you read c0da and then put yourself in the shoes of someone trying to turn that into a game, it makes a lot of sense to have Todd in charge

Skua ,

Are there particular pros and cons to the scale of each individual turbine? I think this is the first time I've seen that figure reported as opposed to the capacity of the wind farm as a whole

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