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taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Been using some extensions to get this done.

Currently using Sidebar Tabs. I have gotten used to grouped tabs, which is something I don't want to give up. I've mapped Ctrl+Space to open and close it, which is super satisfying.

I switched from Sideberry, which was cool since it is so configurable, and that it can store and recall entire lists of links. I think this is a nice alternative to bookmarks, because it gives you a sort of link manifest, that you can even export.

Mozilla's attempt seems... lackluster in comparison, but it's still under development. So eh. Thinking of going Librefox, Waterfox or even Floorp - though that would be like going ESR.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

..I get a "Forbidden" error on all those tags ^^; Apparently they are not publicly available.

BUT COOL! I'll be giving Floorp a spin then :)

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

The sponsor of this war is VODKA! Here in Russia, we feed it to babies, to make new orcs!

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Splosh splosh with the oil money bag, now with newly discovered rare metals to boot. Sovereign wealth fund go brrr.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

TL;Dr you're a dog whistling fool.

I challenge you to go live in Gaza and pretend you're Palestinian...

See how stupid that sounds? Though you're probably so delusional, you think you'd be fine, running around safe and protected areas within Israel screaming "WHERE'S THE APARTHEID?!?!!' Not only that, but your ignorance of geopolitics needs to be broken down as well.

"basically every Muslim country"... oh, you mean the middle east? That place that keeps getting invaded and overthrown? Why did we invade Afghanistan... again and again? Thank you the three stooges of western geopolitics , the US, France and Britain - the tag team of degenerates in fancy suits. Why was the democratically elected government of Iran overthrown? Oh right, the only thing worse than liberalism, SOCIALISM. Let's help install a a very socially conservative Ayatollah instead... also, let's destroy Iraq and install yesmen - y'know, for oil. Surely that's not a bad idea... it's like Yosemiti Sam shooting and being pushed back over, and over, and over again, as western society takes another geo-political black eye.

And you wonder why they go against western ideals? It's that problem where sovereignty doesn't mean shit the second you step over the border, and after DECADES of meddling and destroying economies, literally colonizing a place, the entire region becomes authoritarian nationalist, and you go "lol Muslims"?

Bro, go back to school. Stop being retarded with your smooth brain. Learn what the word "precedent" means in a social historical context. Unless, y'know, you ignore it for a specific purpose...

"Uh, but they are authoritarian nationalist based on religion, but not the authoritarian nationalism based on religion that I want". I bet there is no LGBTQ persecution in Israel by nationalist, orthodox Jews... right... right? Or here in the west? No? "No, it's the mozlems".

To conclude: either everyone is free, or no one is free. Any exception is some authoritarian mental gymnastics bullshit by smooth brained westerners who got skullfucked by instituonal parties - and then, and then having the balls to pretend they are fighting against authoritarianism...

Stfu, bro. You can shove your ignorance, fear mongering, dehumanization and dog whistling straight up your hypocritical, delusional ass. We got healing to do, and you are against that movement - mostly because you won't seek therapy instead of doing stupid hot takes online.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Those of us who know how to write cursive will run thungst, mostly because nobody would be able to read what we write lol

The world would be run by doctors, is what I'm saying.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Here's a kind reminder that the Russian state is not the Russian people and there are plenty of examples throughout history of people being complacent. There are very few examples of a state so corrupt as Russia, where politicians, oligarchs and literal mafia have a hidden understanding and the system of law is just a dog and pony show.

That being said, empower Russians in diaspora, here in Europe and in the US, that seek to depose Putin, that seek to inform the Russian people. I'm saying Russia needs it's own IRA and certain buildings need to go boom, not because Ukraine, but because of Russians.

Be their ally, and for God's sake, don't use fucking Telegram to communicate with them.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

No! Now take this slave labour cobalt and partake in the market place of ideas... I said partake! *shakes fist*

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Hvor mye vil du vedde på at den mellomvaren er sånn 80% åpen kildekode og 20% kode fra selve firmaene? Samtidig har dem sikkert donert null og niks til disse prosjektene.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Faen meg på tide.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Det er sikkert en del neo- og klassisk liberale boomers som sitter å tenker "are we the baddies? " akkurat no. Håper dem når en god konklusjon.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Skulle trodd politikerne var klar over regel 34.

Velkommen til internettet, boomers.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

With a name like Senator, you know it needs to be bomb proof...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

If Mozilla implementing "AI" (or machine learning) to localise language models and translations, then I'm all for it.

If Mozilla moves closer to SaaS, I'm jumping ship to another browser, preferably one that's not based on WebKit or Blink.

However, despite the loud cries of cynics, the jaded and haters alike (or the "realists"), I'm still optimistic about the future.

If this restructuring means Mozilla more quickly qualify for funding because they localise training models and open source it all, then I'd say Mozilla is a threat to the likes of Microsoft - and that's a good thing.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

With each passing day that is less and less true. Ask any Hong Kong patriot. Even though China technically hasn't annexed them, the Hong Kong leadership leans closer towards Beijing every day. I wouldn't put it past Hong Kong intelligence "doing favours" for Beijing.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

An economist, ey? Running low on shells? Need to nip, tuck a few budgets? Well...

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

You'll have to install it onto your soul, once again revolutionising the video game industry - and the world at large.

Gosh darn it, Newell. It's too much winning. So much good faith. Leave some for the rest of us! Look at Elon! He's dying over there!

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Why not? Because they've done this before and it's getting ridiculous. The process goes thusly.

  1. Isreal announces a ceasefire plan they are sure Palestinians will reject
  2. Palestinian officials accepts the ceasefire
  3. Isreal goes "Well screw it then, now I don't want to do it" and continues their genocidal ways.

And so on, and so forth.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

It's an ancient political tactic of "I was just defending myself". What was it the Nazis said about Jews? Oh right, they were just "defending themselves".

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

You mean liberals are crooked... so both the democrats and republicans... one is neo, the other classical... both imperialistic :D Yeeeey Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raegen were liberals...

So yeah, definitely corrupt. Vote third party, or vote for electoral reform. If not? Stop complaining.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I've been waiting for this. Been using Kate on Windows and Linux, which is great, but running Zed is just so lightweight. It's like a truly open source Sublime Text.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I don't trust it... y'know, unless it's a bear, at least then I know women in the area are safe.

Thanks, bears.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

On a side note, since GDPR was established, services have arrived in Europe later than it would in the US or some other places. But I'm guessing the coming regulation will just be more of the same, like local hosting, only for GPU and NPU processing this time around, but who knows.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

We need to start c/MNN (or the "Meme News Network")... complete with intros, outros and lower third templates.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

*I'm on the ground floor, Brenda, and Netenyahu just took both the seats of the Palestinian delegates and ran off with them."

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

"Your mistletoe is no match for my TOW missile!"

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Because they were taught that what's going on in Gaza is a bad thing throughout their lives, only for parents and politicians to say "it's complicated" when footage reveals the simple, brutal, horrible reality.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Shout out to people who remember when they first got disillusioned.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

"But I have unplugged it... yes, several times... I'll try again... oh, it works now... now to my real problem, Windows now asks me for a 64 character code..."

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I think we have to step back once in a while to get a wider perspective.

Both GNOME and Plasma are not just simply desktops. Oh no. They are entire stacks, complete with SDKs, for the user and desktop applications to use. They are orchestrated collections of libraries, services and apps, that together combine to make huge projects.

All of this requires contributions, all of this requires developer time. And in this economy? Open source is taking a kick to the pants.

You also got feature creep and tech debt galore, as well as needing to replace various bits and pieces when things become outdated, deprecated and unmaintainable.

Let's put it plainly though: there's a reason GNOME is reorganising, and why it's all about the money, dum-dum-didi-dum-dum. I think that it would be great if GNOME managed to restructure to facilitate more developer time, because the lofty goals they have set means having to put some elbow grease in it. The same goes for KDE.

Yes, it's the funding issue again. It's all about prioritization. With the economy being what it is, money doesn't stretch that far anymore either.

With all this in mind, I think we should all show some appreciation for the good work of the folks who make GNOME and Plasma. We are given two great options, with each their approaches, that show us what true competition looks like, and they are really giving it their all - despite what some people may be saying.

We should do better to remind ourselves this

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Also known as operation "stop hitting yourself".

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

I think both the KGB and the CIA competed for who could do political subversion the best.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Seeing that user Flatpaks are installed in the home folder, I see this as an interesting strategy. EXT4 still beats BTRFS in certain read/write benchmarks. My only problem being that you lose provisioning.

I don't see a lot of people talking about this here, but BTRFS subvolume provisioning is probably the best reason to use BTRFS - and BCacheFS - not just CoW or snapshotting.

The old way, of having a set beginning and end of a partition, is like caveman technology to me now. Subvolumes are here to stay and I am happy about that.

If I need to do a little distrohop now, even though I wouldn't (rpm-ostree rebase go brrrr), all I'd do is delete an recreate the "@" subvolume (or the root subvolume) without touching another partition or subvolume. All storage space is shared between subvolumes, basically, removing that boundary distinction between them, so I get to keep the files, permissions and meta data in my "@home" and my "@var" subvolumes, even though I get rid of the old "@" to replace it with a new one.

Therefore the idea of having storage that is reliant upon partitioning, ordering sectors one after another, having to defragment and keep strict separations between them is absolutely archaic to me. I'll gladly take a slight performance hit just for the convenience of avoiding all that.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Show this to someone who believes in the honour system and self regulation... see how they react.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Don't blame the Americans. They don't see that we have our own slow crawl in a race to the bottom. The EU has recognised it and pays lip service, but that organ-grinder gotta spin, spin, spin...

...but yeah, regulation wise Europeans get a ton more representation. In the US representation means which talking mouthpiece is going to serve the instituons today, and then they go do a lil insider trading - as a treat.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

Of course Apostrophe is on top of the list, especially with 3.0. The new preview mode is awesome for actual markdown work, but for me Apostrophe is just the best non-distractive text editor for the GNOME desktop - if not for the entire Linux desktop.

Great for stream of thought creative writing.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

This is what people misunderstand. The question is what effect will it have regarding to how certain governments, organizations and companies deal with ICC law. It's not a question of getting Netenyahu arrested, but adding more precedent on file to continue pushing divestment.

If the verdict is passed, it's up to anyone who can use it to weaken the Isreali government and strengthen the Palestinian government, by adding it to the pile of legitimate reasons to cut funding.

So yeah, it's up to government and people in general - as per usual.

taanegl ,
@taanegl@beehaw.org avatar

But the elusive hobo homeowner manages to hide in plain sight.

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