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MossyFeathers ,

but you should be able to sideload from apkmirror and get it to run with some limitations depending on your phone hardware.

S22 ultra here, app runs but none of the cameras work.

MossyFeathers ,

I used the nodpi version on apkmirror. It's not that the app doesn't run, it launches just fine. It's that it doesn't appear to be able to access the cameras, it's just a black screen and if I try to record then it crashes.

Also, I just tested it with the apkm via SAI from f-droid to make sure it wasn't an issue with the nodpi version; and I got the same result. The UI and everything loads fine, there just isn't a camera preview and it crashes if I press the record button.

MossyFeathers ,

I gave it all the permissions it said it needed.

MossyFeathers ,

I dunno, didn't work for me.

MossyFeathers ,

Nope, CPU-Z says it's a Snapdragon 8. It's a factory-unlocked US model on verizon, and I doubt a EU/ROW phone would support Verizon frequencies (it used to be that phones in the US had to be made for carrier-specific bands, but that might have changed with LTE), but I used CPU-Z just to double check.

MossyFeathers , (edited )

I don't drink and that sounds amazing.

Edit: in case anyone's curious, I'm don't tend to drink because I don't really like the taste of alcohol, and cocktails are too tasty. I need something that tastes good, but not so good that I feel tempted to become an alcoholic. I'd bet that the French toast brew is tasty enough for me to enjoy the flavor, but not so tasty that I'd want to drink it every day. That said, I have had people tell me, "oh this beer is amazing you have to try it" and then it tastes like shit, so it who knows.

MossyFeathers ,

Probably icbm tech or something, it's pretty much all they have left.

MossyFeathers , (edited )

I like Not Deer. Weird Birds are in a similar vein. I doubt they're established well enough to be considered a cryptid, but they're kinda similar.

MossyFeathers ,

Like father, like son.

Not flesh, nor fish nor bone,

A red rag hangs from an open mouth.

Alive at both ends but a little dead in the middle...

MossyFeathers ,

Big-hair combatpunk. It's a form of punk that celebrates the military industrial complex (but only ironically) by donning aggressive-styled leather attire. The main identifier, however, is their big, brightly colored hairdos which are meant to signal that you shouldn't take their MIC worship seriously.

They can be separated from the recent "fashair combatpunk" offshoot movement by looking at the color of their hair. If their hair is colored in red and black or sports the colors of their native flag, they're likely fascists and should be avoided at all costs.

MossyFeathers ,

In a written statement, the ADL said the decision by Wikipedia was the result of a ”campaign to delegitimize the ADL” and that editors opposing the ban “provided point by point refutations, grounded in factual citations, to every claim made, but apparently facts no longer matter.

You of all groups should know that the last part of your statement is a common right-wing dog whistle that gets used when someone doubles down after their "facts" get rejected for bigotry and/or inaccuracy. By using that phrase, you've automatically cast doubt on the legitimacy of your actions and statements. At best you're ignorant of a common dog whistle, which is embarrassing for an organization who should be well-versed in this kind of thing; at worst you've signaled to everyone that you're potentially peddling "alternative facts", which casts doubt on everything you've done in the past. Either way, you're ultimately hurting the Jewish people by making that kind of statement.

Mira Sucharov, a professor of political science at Carleton University, said Wikipedia’s decision represents a major opportunity to reflect on why the ADL is facing scrutiny and rethink communal approaches for fighting antisemitism.

“This is a sign that the Jewish community needs better institutions,” she said.

They really do, and I feel bad for them. The places that should be defending them seem more than happy to ignore them or even throw them under the bus in the name of Zionism.

Like, okay, personal beliefs on Zionism aside, if your organization is tasked with defending a group of people, you should ensure your actions aren't going to endanger, delegitimize or otherwise encourage bigotry against said group. That means that even if you're a Zionist Jewish organization, if your task is to fight against bigotry towards Jews, you shouldn't be ignoring non-Zionist Jews nor should you be dismissing their views. Instead, you should be listening to what they have to say, condensing it and releasing it in an manner easy for non-jews to understand (which means providing political, historical and religious context, because many people, myself included, don't understand as much as they think they do about Judaism).

In the current context, you should be giving people statements from Zionist and non-Zionist Jews about Palestine, and attempt to include non-biased historical, religious and political backgrounds for events that are occurring.

I think ethnically Jewish people could make an honest argument that they should have some portion of Palestine based on historical origins (I think it's a weak arguement, but I think you could argue for it). However, that doesn't excuse the way that the IDF and Israeli government have treated Gaza and the West Bank.

You can criticize the Israeli government while also believing that ethnically Jewish people should be able to have a country they have control over. Other countries do this all the time (get criticized for poor treatment of the "outside" ethnic group(s)), why is this somehow different for Israel? Why aren't we allowed to criticize Israel? I can talk about how France, a white, French ethnostate, is mistreating Muslims without being a racist bigot; I should be able to talk about Israel the same way.

MossyFeathers ,

My biggest complaint about Sims-likes is that the visual style always looks too serious. It gives me the feeling that whatever I'm going to do with my not-Sims, it's gonna be something that makes me regret my real life.

You wanna know what I did the last time I played the Sims 2 though? I repeatedly held parties at my Sim's house and then lured the guests into a room they couldn't get out of. I also used the moveobjects cheat to collect police cars whenever a cop showed up to shut the party down. By the time I was done I had amassed around 70 urns, many hysterical immortal Sims (Sims with households can't die while visiting someone's house in the Sims 2), 4 Police cars and a fire truck.

The Sims has a mischievous air to it that tickles the devil on your shoulder and begs you to listen to them. None of the Sims-likes I'm aware of seem to have the same air.

Edit: now I want to play the Sims again.

MossyFeathers ,

It is copyrighted lol. That's why you don't see that specific design much anymore. I was sure I read somewhere that the design was in copyright hell, which is why it isn't used anymore. Looks like I'm wrong.

Edit: actually, after looking more into this guy, the design is public domain. He made a whopping $45 off the design while others have made millions.

MossyFeathers ,

One of the longest-ranged kills in history was performed by Carlos Hathcock with a Browning M2, so putting a scope on one doesn't seem totally out of place if you're trying to hit single targets at long-range. That said, Ukraine claimed the #1 spot last year, so I doubt anyones gonna set a new record with a Browning. I'm sure he can try tho!

MossyFeathers , (edited )

The comic made me chuckle; but why has introversion become synonymous with being anti-social or asocial? My understanding is that it's entirely possible to be highly social and introverted, because being introverted just means you gain energy from being alone. It doesn't mean you hate social gatherings or don't like having friends; it just means you discharge when socializing and recharge during alone time (and the opposite is usually true for extroverted people).

I wanted to point that out as I seem to be a social introvert. I like socializing and love being invited to things (even if I'm not available or it's something I don't like doing, because it means someone remembered that I exist), but my battery wears out fairly quickly when doing so. Strangely, I used to be very extraverted, but at some point I swapped to being introverted.

Edit: I guess I will say that the thing the comic gets right is that usually I won't hold it against someone for cancelling. However, I don't get excited about it, and might even be disappointed if it was something I was looking forward to, but I usually am okay with it.

Edit 2: made a small edition in bold.

MossyFeathers , (edited )

Maybe? I guess when I think of asocial vs anti-social, I think of someone who is apathetic towards social interaction vs someone who doesn't like socializing and only does it because it tends to be a mandatory part of society. As such, I'd think someone who's asocial would be indifferent to a host cancelling, while someone who's antisocial would be happy or excited by it.

Edit: I am aware that anti-social tends to have different connotations when used generally, but in a social setting I tend to think of antisocial being opposed to socializing.

MossyFeathers ,

Oh, is that what they're trying to say, that OP is making fun of the middle class? I thought they were being unhinged and saying that these were things that upper-class white people have and use to view themselves as "superior".

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • MossyFeathers ,

    Is it possible to diy a headlamp? I've always thought it'd be kinda cool and silly to have an obscenely bright flashlight, but I prefer headlamps because it leaves my hands free (and it's automatically pointing at whatever I'm looking at, for better or for worse).

    MossyFeathers ,

    and the plugin dev is also using the clicks to make money via affiliate

    That's actually kinda brilliant and I'm jealous. I might actually install it just to reward his intelligence. I can't blame him for doing it, I'd do it too if I was in his shoes; I wish I'd thought of it first.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Google might not care, but if enough people install it, their advertisers sure will.

    MossyFeathers ,

    puts on tinfoil hat

    The asymmetrical internet speeds are intended to keep hobbyists and small businesses from self-hosting, thereby driving traffic to larger companies. I wonder if ISPs get any kind of kickback from large companies like AWS, cloudflare, or digital ocean. Like, reduced hosting costs for their websites and internal cloud services.

    Takes tinfoil hat off

    The reality is that it's probably a lot cheaper for ISPs to make connections asymmetrical because it effectively lets them pump up their download speed numbers for free. However, ISPs really should give customers the option to custom allocate bandwidth. Instead of saying X upload, Y download, you get X Mbps maximum and can choose the upload/download split.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Ah, well. Still pretty smart, though I'm a bit less interested now.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Are there any benefits to having a static IP, aside from self-hosting purposes? Is it somehow faster or more responsive? I'd think dynamic IPs would be better (ignoring self-hosting) because at the very least, they'd allow you to dodge (d)dos attacks (which can happen with games, people sometimes get salty enough to attack other players IPs if their IP is exposed).

    MossyFeathers ,

    I have a cracked version installed on my steam deck via proton and it worked just fine the last time I tried it.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Someone else already mentioned, so here's something else:

    I have no fucking clue what this site is. I feel like it's a catalog for some Eldritch business, and that I could order literally anything I wanted from it if I could just figure out how to use it.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Keep going, keep going. I wanna see how far you can go before people stop defending you. I wanna see how much you can get away with and where the line is. I wanna see how much bigotry society is willing to tolerate for the sake of Harry Potter. I want to watch you (metaphorically) hang yourself with your own rope. I want the chaos, I want the spectacle, and I want your followers to wake up and see you for who you really are, or else for you to drag them down with you.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Eurovision: we want to expand into North America and get US broadcasters in on the event so that we have a larger viewer base and make more money.

    Also Eurovision: geoblocks Eurovision in the US so Americans can't watch, meaning Eurovision has a non-existent viewer base in the US and isn't financially viable for American broadcasters to invest in.

    Seriously, my biggest complaint about Eurovision, besides all the bullshit that went on this year, is that they've made it nearly impossible for Americans to show interest in it; despite the fact they've expressed the interest in expanding into the US.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Damn, sun. You're really trying to cause problems for us, huh?

    MossyFeathers ,

    Seriously. Even my dad who has a seemingly near-religious belief in capitalism (hello from 'murica) thinks that nationalizing food production wouldn't be unreasonable.

    (I don't think my dad is as much of a capitalist as he thinks he is, but don't even think about using the scary S word around him. He'll try to find any excuse to say that capitalism is better than socialism. I don't think he really understands what socialism is, but he's not really interested in learning either so I just avoid using the term when talking to him. *shrug*).

    MossyFeathers ,

    “I’m sure that Gov. Noem doesn’t mind a focus on tensions with the Native Americans in South Dakota because if we’re not talking about that, we’re talking about her shooting the dog,” Jillson said.

    Ha! Jokes on you, we can do both. Watch:

    Kristi Noem was expecting for the tribes to learn how to behave from Republicans. Now she's mad because they're obviously untrainable and out of control and she can't legally put them down like she could with her dog.

    USA Lemmies: Where do you live?

    I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:...

    MossyFeathers ,


    It's okay. I don't blame people for hating our legislature, just try to remember that not all Texans are shitty people.

    MossyFeathers ,

    They said the outage was caused by a misconfiguration that resulted in UniSuper’s cloud account being deleted, something that had never happened to Google Cloud before.

    Bullshit. I've heard of people having their Google accounts randomly banned or even deleted before. Remember when the Terraria devs cancelled the Stadia port of Terraria because Google randomly banned their account and then took weeks to acknowledge it? The only reason why Google responded so quickly to this is because the super fund manages over $100b and could sue the absolute fuck out of Google.

    MossyFeathers ,

    What about it? It's a big solar flare, but my understanding is that it's still not big enough to do any real damage.

    MossyFeathers ,

    Yes pls. Lemme in!

    (You should include T H E S O U R C E because the artist's work is cool)

    MossyFeathers ,

    After reading the article, this might be an exception.

    MossyFeathers ,

    I already do. Is this some weird thing only britoids or Australians understand?

    MossyFeathers ,

    Ah, I failed to notice your instance which I why I asked about aussies.

    MossyFeathers ,

    A typing game like Mario Teaches Typing or Typing of the Dead except all the sentences are ad slogans or brand names.

    Emergency phone lines have ads at the beginning of the call to help pay for emergency services (because the government won't pay for them).

    Revoke regulation that requires disclaimers on paid endorsements (in other words, you have no idea if someone is endorsing a product because they like it, or because they were paid to talk about it).

    Digital piracy is now a felony on par with drug felonies.

    Ad blocking is now digital piracy.

    Copyright is now indefinite, applied retroactively. An agency is formed to pursue copyright infringement on behalf of deceased rights holders and defunct companies.

    Criticism is no longer considered free speech if it leads to direct or indirect economic damage ("your rights end where mine begin!")

    Referencing or speaking about a copy-protected work in-depth constitutes copyright infringement. However, enforcement is up to the rights holder except in the case of deceased individuals or defunct companies.

    The last three may seem tangential, but together it means companies can take action against you for talking negatively about their advertisements and products, regardless of how old they are. Now companies like Disney can use copyright to permanently erase things like The Song of the South or Walt Disney's Nazi boner.

    Advertising is allowed on voter ballots (the voting process can be expensive after all).

    Politicians must publicly endorse companies which endorse them (it's only fair). Failing to do so is considered a form of ad blocking.

    Public schools may include advertisements in their curriculum to augment teacher salaries. There are no restrictions on how many advertisements are presented, how they are presented, or the extent of their presentation. Choosing not to present an advertisement that is part of the curriculum is considered a form of ad blocking. "You have to pay teachers somehow, and I'll be damned if it comes out of my pocket".

    I could probably come up with more, but this is making me depressed.

    After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

    When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

    MossyFeathers ,

    I thought that was Qobuz. At least I can actually buy music through Qobuz I guess.

    MossyFeathers OP ,

    A troodontid! A type of theropod and a very smart bird.

    MossyFeathers OP ,

    Yes, please! Let me in!

    MossyFeathers OP ,

    I literally said that it's a troodontid, lol.

    MossyFeathers OP , (edited )

    It's actually not, the person who made it used practical effects (they made a dinosaur mask)

    Edit: here's a picture of the mask under normal lighting

    I found out about Archesuchus' "Weird Birds" series last night and I'm kinda obsessed.

    MossyFeathers OP ,

    Yes, just a funny owl.

    MossyFeathers OP ,

    They are warm and share their heat, even when they don't want to! They are very kind creatures.

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